Archive for July 12, 2012

I was just nominated for this awesome award by fellow blogger Ella Medler. If you have not met her yet, you can find her on her blog . She has so many fun topics and discussions.

Thank you Ella!

I believe I am supposed to nominate 7 bloggers and tell you 7 things about myself.  I will try to make it entertaining.

1. I love cheesy B-movies. The lamer the better. I like to tear them apart.

2. This may seem weird, but I like the way my dog Quigley’s feet smell. They smell of the earth.

3. I am letting the gray show in my hair. There are so many now!

4. I can not cook on a grill. The food is either not cooked enough or burnt to a crisp.

5. I was in love with John Wayne. Had a dream where we were married.

6. I collect ink pens. It seems like I have thousands now.

7. I love to go to resale stores. I find amazing things there and some really great books too.

That is embarrassing:) I really revealed myself.

My nominees are:

Roberta :

Onisha :

Ginny :

Carlie :

Emaginette :

Emily :

Grace :

Enjoy my sisters!

Posted: July 12, 2012 in Uncategorized