Movies I’ll be watching this Christmas!

Posted: November 22, 2012 in movies, Videos
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I love Christmas movies! Here are just a few of my favorites I’ll be watching.

next up




and of course these!

and Jim Carrey

and last but not least!

What are you going to be watching this Christmas?

  1. Kelan says:

    All winners. Love Actually – top of my list!

  2. Erik Smith says:

    A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, Scrooged…

    I have never seen Love Actually, but I would like to.

  3. ellamedler says:

    Here, in the UK, there’s no way you can get away from the Sound of Music, like it or not. And there’s probably going to be some Harry potter, and maybe Home Alone – probably several of those. I must admit I will not usually go out to get a DVD to watch. People have to drag me to a movie.
    This Christmas, I’ll probably spend with my laptop on my knees, as ever, experimenting with a new genre.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I love The Sound of Music! Always will!
      I catch a lot of movies on Netflix. I love being able to watch instantly and of course all my favorites are on my DVD shelf!
      Next post of movies are scary Christmas movies. I had a lot of fun with it!

  4. Janna Shay says:

    Love your choices. I will be watching all of the above, all three The Santa Clause movies, Miracle on 34th Street, and any other Christmas movie that’s on TV this season. I’m a Christmas movie junkie.

  5. Oh i love these! Especially Love Actually! The Muppet’s Christmas Carol is my all time favourite Christmas movie though, I always get a ‘little something in my eye’ while watching it! We put on the songs from it when decorating the tree. 😀

  6. Emma says:

    I watch Love Actually every Christmas night. I adore it. Brilliant ensemble cast and has a sense of realism to it. Not everyone has a merry Christmas in this film, just like in real life.

  7. Elisabeth says:

    My brother and I memorized the entire script for RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER one Christmas then drove our mother crazy with it. We can still finish the characters’ sentences. =)

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Too funny. I come from a large family and each year our parents would put names of characters on our presents so we wouldn’t know who’s was who’s! One year they did Santa’s reindeer. Christmas morning the list with who was which reindeer would be taped to the table. It was such fun!

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