Welcome to my Monday Minis Reviews.
For today I bring you:
by Gordon A. Kessler

My Review
He figured he’d die of old age. Not with his throat in the mouth of his beloved Jezebel, his beautiful coal-black Great Dane.
Jezebel lover her master. Until she didn’t. And now she’s loose in the streets, in the dark.
Something is wrong with the dogs. They are turning on their masters, ripping and tearing, no trace of man’s best friend left in them.
We think we’ve tamed the long ago wolf that crawled out of the dark to share man’s fire. But it’s still in there, and now it’s at the fore. The sweet dog you cuddle with could rip off your face.
What could be the cause?
It’s up to Animal Control Officer Tony Parker to get to the bottom of it as more people are savaged and more die.
As a dog lover, I was worried about this story. I knew that the dogs would have to be stopped, that some would have to be destroyed, and that’s a bitter pill to swallow. But the author knew what he was doing. He put you right in the character’s shoes as they fought to survive. There could be no tender feelings, only kill or be killed.
And the animal control officer, Parker, was still humane, he still didn’t want to kill any dogs he didn’t have to.
The cause of all this was very interesting. You won’t be able to guess until the author gives you enough clues. It’s really quite creative and adds it own terror to the tale.
Imagine it. Every other house has at least one dog. We feed them, love them, trust them. What if they turned? What if that pet became a killing machine? And what if they travelled in packs? No one would be safe.
This book puts you there. There’s no mercy from the dogs. They will not stop. Many die. Add in a few sub plots and it gets disturbing on many levels. A tough story, written so you can handle it.
I love my horror and this book had plenty of it. But. I still I prefer my dogs thus:
Sleep lightly tonight…A madman has come to town seeking a diabolical revenge and large dogs begin attacking their masters for no apparent reason and with heinous results. Animal Control Director Tony Parker must find out why and stop the murderous attacks. Meanwhile, Jezebel, a huge black Great Dane has killed her master and is loose, terrorizing the city and stalking Parker and his family. Parker and Sarah Hill, his beautiful and seductive young assistant, attempt to unravel the mystery and stop the terrible carnage while dealing with their own demons and lusty desires. The attacks must be stopped. Jezebel must be found-and soon, you see–there is one other complication. Parker seems to have come down with an annoying little virus. No, it’s not one of those irritating summer colds. It’s certain death. She’s a murderess, huge and black as a hell-bound night. Beware. Jezebel is on the loose!
Author Gordon A. Kessler

Gordon Kessler is a thriller novelist living in the Kansas City metro area with his golden retriever, Jazmin (Jazzy Brass). He’s taught novel writing for several community colleges, worked over twenty years for the BNSF Railway, and is a former US Marine Recon Scout, Super Squad team leader, parachutist and troop handler. He enjoys SCUBA, sailing, snow skiing and sharing time with his kids and grandkids.
His thriller novels Jezebel, Dead Reckoning, and Brainstorm are all in both paper and eBook. His latest men’s action/adventure thriller series, “The E Z Knight Reports,” include the novels Knight’s Big Easy, Knight’s Late Train and Knight’s Ransom. Four or five more in the series are scheduled for release yet this year. These novels are about half the size of his big thrillers and are fast, fun reads.
Gordon’s also published two short story eBooks: a humorous piece called “Toothpick for Two” and a nostalgic romance called “Jack Baron”. Please check them out.
As a consultant and editor on numerous book and eBook projects over the past twenty years, Gordon has published three books for writers. Novel Writing Made Simple is a great primer for beginners and an excellent refresher for the experienced wordsmith. EBook Writing Made Simple focuses on the actual writing of eBook novels and how they can be crafted more effectively for the eBook novel reader rather than as a work written for the traditional publishing industry. How to Write a Novel–Storytelling, the Writer and the EBook Novel is his latest work, published especially with the beginning eBook novelist in mind.
Gordon is a founder and past president of the Kansas Writers Association, a seventeen-year-old organization of some very special people, and a current member of the Kansas Authors Club as well as a past president of their District Two. Last year, he started a group to help support independent authors called the Indie Writers Alliance–another group of great people.
Go HERE for more about Gordon and his books.

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Ha super cute doggy collection you have there! 🙂 and this book sounds really unique. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book based around dogs, either!
These poor dogs are under attack too.
Yep, I prefer my dogs cute and cuddly:)
Love the premise! Love dogs! What’s not to like? Gotta read! Lots of love, Emily
You might not look at dogs the same way after this one Emily!
LOVE that cover. I didn’t read your review, because I am going to read this very soon. I’m really looking forward to it!
sherry @ fundinmental
You’ll love it. You are kicking ass with your reviews. Makes me feel I need to put more oomph in some of mine.LOL
Um considering I have like six little dogs living in my house…this would not be good for me..lol. Sounds really interesting. 🙂
You have to watch out for the little ones! And if they are a pack, you are in deep doo doo! LOL