If you haven’t yet heard about these wonderful books by Author Lauren Baratz-Logsted, be sure to check out all the details below.
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courtesy of Month9Books.
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Title: THE
Author: Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Pub. Date: February 21, 2017
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 150
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | TBD | Kobo | Google Play Books | Indiebound
The Adventures of Sherlock Bones turns snooping on its floppy ear when
one day, Dr. Jane Catson, a surgeon injured in the Cat Wars has an afternoon
nap interrupted by a most unusual occurrence.
On the front lawn of her home, rather loud footsteps disturb her peace as
Sherlock Bones, a Great Dane in a deerstalker claiming to be the greatest
detective in the world arrives.
After a quick critical examination of the intrusive dog whose enormous
body blocks the entire sun from view, Catson has her doubts. But that’s not
all. The monstrously-sized creature makes an even more astonishing claim. He
has come to live with her!
Before Catson can collect her thoughts into an intelligent rebuttal,
Sherlock Bones has made himself quite at home, inventing things like a jetpack
for her Castilian housekeeper-cook, a turtle named Mr. Javier and placing his
gigantic food and water dishes next to hers.
But there’s no time for protest. The great detective and Dr. Catson have
caught themselves their first case: A suspiciously dead human in a nearby
abandoned building. Can Sherlock Bones and Dr. Catson crack the case before the
killer strikes again? Or will their differences get in the way of solving Case
File No. 1? One thing’s for sure, that would be a doggone shame.
Title: THE
Author: Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Pub. Date: February 21, 2017
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 150
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | TBD | Kobo | Google Play Books | Indiebound
After being introduced to Sherlock Bones, the Greatest Detective in the
World, in Case File #1: Dogged to Death, Dr. Jane Catson – surgeon and veteran
of the Cat Wars – is back to share an all-new mystery adventure with readers.
Despite all of Jane’s resistance, Bones is now living with her and her
housekeeper/chef, the turtle with a jetpack, Mr. Javier. This time out, the
mismatched duo’s investigations lead them to a case involving murder, of
course, and – wait for it! – Utah. If there’s one thing readers can be certain
of it’s that in this world, the animals are always smarter than the humans.
Also, did we mention…Utah?
Enjoy the Excerpt:
“You can’t be serious!” I practically shouted, outraged.
If a murder really had been committed, I couldn’t believe he wasn’t going
to do anything about it. I also couldn’t believe that I was arguing with him
about this. I’d never wanted to get involved with him and all his craziness in
the first place.
“Oh, but I am, my dear Catson.”
My dear … Who did this dog think he was?
“And why is that, Bones?” I demanded, determined not to let my right eye
“Because I am tired of not getting credit.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Here’s how this kind of case always goes: a crime, usually murder,
occurs. The professional, public detectives—the so-called ‘experts’—are called
in. They fail to solve the case. Then I am called in. I solve the case, but
they take all the credit. End of story.”
As he spoke, his eyes shifted sadly from me to the floor to studying his
I found myself, for the first time, starting to feel sorry for him. Then:
“Wait,” I said, this time letting my right eye go ahead and twitch.
“You’re not going to investigate, you’re going to let a murderer run
free—because your feelings are hurt? Because you feel you don’t get enough
“Well,” he said, now looking slightly embarrassed, “yes, that is exactly
what I plan to do. Or rather, not do.”
“You can’t be serious! If you think you can help, it is your duty to do
“I suppose … ” His eyes met mine. “Do you want to come with?”
“Come with where?”
He eagerly un-crumpled the crumpled piece of paper.
“There,” he said, pointing to an address.
I thought of my lunch, which was still sitting on the table. I thought
longingly of the cushion in front of the bay window, my nap long overdue. And
then I thought of the adventure of potentially aiding to solve a murder. I must
confess: I was curious. It also occurred to me that perhaps since returning
home from the Cat Wars, my life had been a little dull.
“Fine,” I said, mildly exasperated with myself.
“Great,” he said, all smiles once more. “I’ll go get my hat.”
About Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Lauren Baratz-Logsted is the author of over 25 books for adults, teens
and kids, including The Sisters 8 series for young readers which she created
with her husband and daughter. She lives in Danbury, CT, with that husband and daughter as well as their marvelous cat, Yoyo.

Bag of Wellness Brand Dog or Cat treats, US Only.
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I want these on cover and titles alone, but they also sound like fun reads. 🙂
Me too, Stormi. You know who I thought of when I spotted these? LOL
Probably me since I already added them to my wishlist after seeing them here!
Yep, it’s you. I immediately thought of you when I saw these.Aren’t they cute!
Sounds like a good read.
Love the cover. Sounds good.
These sounds so fun and the covers and really cute.
Sherlock Bones makes me think of a fave doggie of mine, Scooby Dooooooo.
sherry @ fundinmental
I thought of Scooby and Marmaduke!