Happy 4th of July Everybody!

Posted: July 4, 2012 in Uncategorized

I just wanted to tell ya’ll to have a safe and fun 4th of July!

Eat, Drink and be Merry!

And enjoy the awesome Light Show!

  1. emaginette says:

    Oh, how I do love fireworks. Happy Independence Day! And watch those ants. 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      We have fire ants here, so always watching for them. And our cow ants, you should see how big they are! Raining right now, so we are moved inside. I hope it quits in time for fireworks tonight. Thamks to this rain, we won’t have to worry about fires now.

  2. Nicole M says:

    for tomorrow we die!

    Are you a Dave fan Laura?

  3. fuonlyknew says:

    Not sure. Who’s Dave? My question probably means I am not. But maybe I am? Or I could be.

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