Archive for August, 2012

Bizarro Press is offering Editorial by Arthur Graham free through next weekend. For your copy just click on the cover image.

Follow the editor and his client into the infinite ring of Ouroboros, the self-devouring, in this episodic novella by Arthur Graham. A story told through concentric circles of narrative, each adding a layer of truth while further smothering all notions of certainty, Editorial will leave readers wondering just how many times the same tale can be swallowed.

If you know me, you know I am always looking for something different, something other than the norm, to read.  From the synopsis above I can see how clever the cover design is. Looks like I have something different to delve into!

About Arthur Graham

Hailing from the north woods of Michigan, Arthur Graham currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and her cat. He writes his books alone in the dark, usually nude, surrounded by empty bottles and loaded guns.

His style is one that willingly loses itself in the false dichotomy between “genre” and “literary” fiction, with much of it cleaving towards satire and surrealism. His work has been called “clever”, “tacky”, and even “a bit obscene”. One reviewer was kind enough to label it “Burroughs-lite”.

His novella, Editorial, was recently picked up by Bizarro Press

One day, he hopes to sell enough books to supplement his drinking habit, but not so many that he’s forced to claim the income on his taxes.

I have some great news. Delta Legend is free to download from on August 22nd and 23rd! Details are below.

Not too long ago I had the opportunity to read and review Delta Legend by Kelan O’Connell and also to host a giveaway, which was awesome. To read more about Delta Legend and Kelan go here: .

Check out this cover art! Is it not beautiful?

My rating: Surpassed the Stars!

What is inside the book is fantastic also.

So here’s the details straight from Kelan!

As summer winds down and cooler weather, back-to-school, and back to wearing more clothes, looms just around the corner, I thought this would be the perfect time to hold my first ever Free Promo Days. Here’s the link to Delta Legend on  .

What better way to celebrate and savor the Dog Days of Summer than with a book that takes place in summer and is chock full of the things we love about this time of year: fishing, boating, water sports, outdoor parties, summer romance, s’mores, and of course, carnage.

There’s just something about summer carnage that tastes sweeter.

Thank you Kelan.

Be sure to visit Kelan/s blog:

and the Delta Legend website:

A great read any time of the year, tuck it in your picnic basket. Be careful not to get too caught up or the ants will steal your lunch!

As part of the giveaway for Tiger Paw by Charles A. Cornell, the author decided to do a contest within the giveaway for more chances to win.

Charles offered three more e-books to the three people to first answer this riddle:

What is one thing tigers CAN’T do that other big cats can do?

Here were the clues:

1) Tigers can do this when they are little, but as they get older they get too heavy!

2) They can do this in one direction but have trouble in the other!

3) In cases of danger, like flooding, they will do this to save themselves, but normally they are reluctant to do it.

The answer is….climb trees!

Tigers will climb trees up to the age of sixteen months but after this age, they’re too heavy for the branches! In the monsoon season in India and Bangladesh, they will climb a tree to escape flooding, but as the video below shows, they can get up the tree but have difficulty getting down. They can’t figure out that they need to descend backwards!

Congratulations to the winners of the riddle!


DH Nevins


I have emailed you about your prizes.

More Chances!

There’s still time to enter the contest as Charles is giving away three more copies of Tiger Paw.

Click on this link to be taken to the giveaway:

And for another chance to win, click on this link to Sherry’s blog, fundinmental,  for another chance to win:

I just found out my sister is having a giveaway of Dark Passage: Chosen #1 by ML Woolley.

Details to enter are below.

I love the new cover art. Isn’t it pretty?

A while ago I did a review of Dark Passage. I fell in love with this book. Expecting a haunted house story , I was surprised to discover something very different. If you want to see what I felt about this book just click on this link and read my review: .

My Rating was a resounding 5 STARS

If you want to get to know ML Woolley just click on this link and read our interview: .

Now for Sherry’s giveaway!

  She is giving away 5 e-books and one paperback of Dark Passage over on her blog. Her giveaways are always easy to enter.

Just click on this link and go have some fun! . Good Luck!

I have been anxiously waiting for the final trailer for Wormwood.

If you read my review and interview, you know how much I loved this book.  If you haven’t YET go here and check it out: .

Please enjoy this special treat!


I try not to use the book blurbs in my reviews. I prefer to tell you about the synopsis in my own words and emotions. I am going to post it here, because I want you to see how well the trailer represents the story.

Book Blurb

Against a devastated landscape, a legion of one hundred fierce half-angels is hell-bent on purging the Earth of all humans. But one of them, the tormented Tiamat, struggles against his mission, and when he rescues a beautiful woman named Kali, he finds the attraction as troubling as it is miraculous. Can Kali trust the one creature who could be responsible for her ultimate demise?

Beautifully written and excitingly told, Wormwood creates a world that is as strange as it is compelling.  Filled with brilliantly executed twists and turns on every page that are guaranteed to keep you guessing, Wormwood is one of the most exciting debuts of the year.

Great blurb, eh? Well, the book is filled with so much more. If you want to experience this adventure for yourself, just click on the image below to get your own copy. You are in for an absorbing, tumultuous story.

Even better, there will be two more books in this series. Book Two takes place exactly where Wormwood left off.

D. H. Nevins is writing as fast as she can! I am happy to wait, as I know from her writing, it will be worth the wait.

My rating for Wormwood: Beyond 5 STARS I am still feeling the story.

For more about D.H. Nevins and her writing:





It is always sad for me at the end of a giveaway. I enjoy all of the comments and the interaction with my readers and new friends.

The good news is, I know I’ll hear from ya’ll again, especially when I get my greedy little hands on the next book in this series! Oh yeah, in case you didn’t know, there is more to come! The Hidden Element II.

A Hidden Element  is an amazing debut novel by Donna Galanti. I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to read this book and Donna was generous and offered three e-books for this giveaway. To read my review and discover why I loved this book so much go here: .

My Rating: 5 STARS  Can’t wait for more!

Now it is time to announce the winners!




Congratulations! I will be emailing you and sending your information to the author.

Thanks so much to everyone for entering and for your comments.

A huge Thank You to Donna for allowing me to host this giveaway!

If you would like to purchase A Hidden Element, just click on the image below to get your own copy.

I have winners! I want to thank everyone who entered and visited my blog.

I also want to thank Kevin for being so generous and for sitting down to chat with me.

Okay, I’m getting to it!

Just had to take a detour around these zombies. I don’t think they can catch a horse and buggy!

The Winner of the signed paperback is: Alene

The Winners of the two e-books are:

Carrie  and  Jujuwiz!       


I will be emailing each of you and will send your contact information to Kevin. He will get in touch with you about your prize.

This just in from Charles A. Cornell!!!

We’ve already had one winner of my Tiger Paw riddle! But it turns out the answer I was looking for isn’t as “absolute” as I thought. And it seems that tigers may do things in captivity that tigers in the wild wouldn’t normally do. (Well, if we were caged up, I’m sure we would do strange things too!)

So here’s some clues to answer this riddle and I will take the first TWO correct answers and send them an e-book copy of Tiger Paw!

What is one thing tigers can’t do that other big cats can do?


Now this should make it a little easier to figure out:

1) Tigers can do this when they are little, but as they get older they get too heavy!

2) They can do this in one direction but have trouble in the other!

3) In cases of danger, like flooding, they will do this to save themselves, but normally they are reluctant to do it.

“A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” Winston Churchill.

Head on over to my link:

Leave your answer to the riddle for another chance to win Tiger Paw. Join the fun!

We have a winner!

Charles asked this question: What is something tigers can’t do that other big cats can do?

Janna replied: Tigers can’t purr while inhaling. They don’t purr, they chuff. Also, tigers can eat putrified meat and other big cats can’t.

Congratulations JANNA! You are our first winner.

I have emailed Charles with your contact information.

But Wait!

Since Charles did not know this about tigers and Janna’s answer was a great surprise, Charles is offering another book.

Hop on over to for not one but three chances to win.

Posted: August 16, 2012 in Uncategorized

And the crowd goes wild!