Chosen, The Amish Bloodsuckers Trilogy – Book One is free for everyone on Amazon from November 21st – 23rd! You can go here to get your copy.
I just recently did a review and giveaway of Chosen, read it here .
Right now I’m having a giveaway for Shunned, Book Two in this great series. It’s really heating up! Go here to read my review and enter.
You can get Chosen for free and start this series now.

With tongue firmly in cheek and genuine Amish-made stakes at hand, Jael the vampire slayer is ready to kick some serious bloodsucker butt. Seriously.
Move over Buffy – there’s a new slayer in town! Raised in the desert of Nevada, and destined for the Minnesota Loon Lake Amish Community, Jael Shetler is the Chosen One.
Trained by her uncle and father in twenty-one different forms of hand-to-hand combat – she also throws a knife with the speed of a bullet, and is accurate to within two centimeters of a cold, dead heart with her crossbow – she is a bloodsucker’s worst nightmare.
Her parents, forced to leave their plain and simple upbringing to escape the clutches of the new Bishop – an ancient and powerful vampire with plans to use the Amish Community as his own personal Jamba Juice – raise and train their daughter to continue the fight begun thousands of years earlier by another Jael, and to fulfill the prophecy in the Book of the Shunned.
Soon Jael is turning sweet sixteen and then … all hell will break loose.

In Shunned, Jael leaves Nevada and her close friends, Brianna and Shadow, behind. She travels to the Loon Lake Amish community in Minnesota where she moves in with grandparents she’s never met and learns to live the plain and simple life… at least as plain and simple as she can handle. She may learn to milk a goat, but she is definitely NOT giving up her cell phone or crossbow!
While finishing out the school year at Loon Lake Public High School, she meets the guy of her dreams…someone to keep her company when she goes out staking vampires at night.
Her true purpose is to destroy the Bishop, the oldest and most powerful vampire of all. But first she must find out just what his diabolical plans are for the teenagers of the community, and put a stop to him and his undead followers before it’s too late.
I’m tellin ya, this series is great! I’m thrilled to be hosting The Amish Bloodsuckers Trilogy on fuonlyknew.
Reckoning, Book Three is set to be released on December 1st. Not long to wait now.