Freakin Fridays!

Freakin Fridays is my own little meme. I’ll be posting about books, movies, and all things scary.
Feel free to join in and do your own Freakin Fridays posts!
Tune in every Friday. Get your scare on!
Let’s have some fun!
I signed up to read and review this book through my Goodreads group.
I haven’t done that in a while, and after reading Mortality, I’m wondering what other wonderful books I could be missing.
This cover art is awesome.
Once you read the book, you’ll see how it ties into the story.

The zombie apocalypse has already happened. People are now living in small groups, struggling to survive. They have not one, but two kinds of zombies to fear.
You have your typical, shambling, mindless, rotting dead and then you have the living ones. Victims of a supposed vaccine, the Hitchhiker Strain.
If you’ve been given the vaccine, it’s supposed to protect you if bitten. Instead, once bitten you don’t die, but you do develop an uncontrollable urge to munch on anyone near you.
One town has gathered its survivors and taken refuge in the highschool. The adults do the supply runs and clear out any zombies that get too close, while the children and teens are restricted to the school.
Savannah chafes to do something, anything besides sitting and waiting, feeling useless. When given a chance to take some friends and go for more medical supplies, she’s all for it.
What should have been an easy task causes consequences and when they get back, the school has been overrun and those still living have fled.
Now Savannah wishes for those days of boredom.
Mortality is actually about two young women and two separate stories.
Savannah and her friends are now without a safe shelter and on their own, trying to find the rest of their people.
Zarah has seen her parents killed right before her eyes. She’s finally found her aunt, but loses her when she’s attacked and bitten.
Savvy and Zarah’s personalities are as different as night and day, but as you read their stories, you’ll see them become more and more alike as they both try to stay alive and protect the ones they love.
When their stories finally do come together, it won’t be the way you expect.
With each zombie story I read, I wonder how the author will hold my interest, will make me want to keep on reading a plot that has been written so many times.
The main characters may be younger people, but the author wizens them up fast, taking you with them as they are forced to make intelligent decisions. No more brash moves.
They stumble now and then, doing the wrong things, unsure of themselves and scared.
That’s what kept me reading, kept me wanting to know more. I became attached to these characters and feared what was going to happen to them.
And the ending! What an ending. I was so deep into it that I really didn’t see it coming.
Do yourself a favor and try Mortality. I’d love to see your face at the end. The author doesn’t disappoint.
4 Stars and ready for more.
I hear Duality, the next book in this continuing story is expected to be released later this year!
I’ll be waiting.
About Kellie Sheridan

I have been in love with stories in all of their forms for as long as I can remember. Admittedly, sometimes that means falling into places like Stars Hollow and Sunnydale, but books have always been my true love. In early 2011 I began writing a book blog in order to share my favorite reads with book lovers. From there, the bookish community encouraged me to stop sitting on my own stories and share them instead. Since then I’ve been madly devouring everything I can about digital publishing.
For the past two years I have been mainly obsessed with young adult books, but my favorite stories still come from the adult fantasy genre. As far as I’m concerned, Briggs, Bishop, Vincent and Vaughn are all must reads.
I spent part of my twenties living in Galway, Ireland and swooning after various lilting accents but am now back home in Ontario, Canada. My family includes two Glen of Imaal Terriers and a Green Cheek Conure.
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