Archive for July 28, 2013

Woo Hoo! I’m in the 1%

Posted: July 28, 2013 in Awards, reviews
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This week, Goodreads ran a database query to figure out whose reviews received the most likes and attention.  They took that result and emailed the Top 1% to inform them that they are now Lords and Masters of Goodreads. Check out what Cuddlebuggery has to say about it HERE.


I wouldn’t have made it if not for the wonderful books, awesome authors, and friends I have discovered. So I have an award for all of you word lovers: readers, writers, bloggers, tweeters, etc…

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Who Loves Ya?!

On behalf of the Goodreads team, I want to say thank you. You’re in the top 1% of reviewers on Goodreads! Your many thoughtful book reviews help make us a vibrant place for book lovers.

And our community has been growing! We now number more than 20 million members on Goodreads.

Every day readers from all over the world are connecting over a love of books. And our 25 million reviews – including yours – are a big part of that conversation.

Thank you for your support of Goodreads, and keep reading! I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of your next book!

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Who woulda thunk it!

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Hop on over to My Goodreads and see what I’ve been up to.

I am always looking for new friends:)

Browse my pages for fun memes, free books, and giveaways. Links are at the top of my blog!