Tag Team Giveaway and Review ~ The Twelfth Child by Bette Lee Crosby

Posted: August 30, 2013 in Contemporary Romance, giveaways, Humor, reviews
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A funny thing happened while I was reading The Twelfth Child. I became so engrossed in the story, I forgot to take notes for my review. I always keep pens and scraps of paper handy wherever I am when reading.

I was so into Bette’s story, I plum forgot my notes. So. smiling happily, I dove right back in and read the complete story again.

All of Bette’s books are laced with her southern prose, making me feel at home, looking for an old rocking chair to sit in while I read, with a glass of iced tea handy, the condensation dripping down the sides.

Come up on my porch, pull up a chair and get comfortable.

I have many things to say about The Twelfth Child and a really great giveaway too!

The Twelfth Child


Abigail Anne Lannigan couldn’t marry a boy she didn’t love. She ran away to escape and it broke her heart, knowing her father would never forgive her.

Seventy years later, Abigail is in her twilight years but still going strong. A chance meeting with Destiny, the young lady who moved in across the street, is the beginning of a lasting friendship.

Destiny is young and determined to make it on her own. She just moved in, has little money and not much to start a home with. As her friendship deepens with Abigail, she accepts her gifts of unused furniture, but insists on working for it.

What started as just a helping hand here or there, becomes more nurturing as Abigail’s health begins to fail.

About this time, a young man named Elliott enters the picture. He claims to be a distant cousin from Abigail’s long lost family. He wastes no time in making life difficult for Destiny.

He knows the old woman has a million dollars stashed away and being a money hound, he figures Destiny is trying to steal it.

He accuses Destiny of absconding with the million dollars and she’s hard pressed to prove otherwise, hiring a dashing lawyer to defend her.

Only Abigail knows what really happened to the million dollars and she’s not in a position to tell.

One thing I always enjoy about Bette’s writing is her ability to take you into the past and flash you forward to the present in her stories without a glitch and as always, her characters are authentic, they live and breathe.

Abigail’s early years were fascinating and her brave young heart was still the same so many years later. Some of the things she said, the words she used had me cracking up. I just wanted to hug her. If I had a friend like Abigail I would be so lucky.

Destiny is happy-go-lucky. You could say she has a rosy personality, always seeing the best in people. She’s sweet and funny, a joy to be around.

I was scared for her when Elliott accused her of stealing Abigail’s money.

She is loyal, nurturing and honest. A tender soul facing a horrible accusation.

And every story needs a bad guy. Someone to loath. Elliott is just that guy. A real stinker.

Elliott is greedy, selfish, manipulative, and a big fake. I wanted so bad to give him a swift kick in the you know what, hard!

I always feel welcome and at home in Bette’s stories and become so attached to the characters that I share their emotions. I care what happens to them, laugh with them, cry with them, and fall in love with them.

Bette added just a little bit of the supernatural to this story, making it that much more fun.

5 Stars


Winner of The National League of American Pen Women Award for Fiction


About Bette Lee Crosby

Bette Lee CrosbyBette Lee Crosby’s work was first recognized in 2006, when she won the National League of American Pen Women Award for unpublished fiction with What Matters Most. Her novel, Cracks in the Sidewalk, received the 2009 Royal Palm Literary Award and then went on to win the 2011 FPA President’s Book Award Gold Medal. In 2011 Spare Change received the Reviewer’s Choice Awards and it garnered a second Royal Palm Literary Award. Her books have earned numerous five-star ratings with readers acclaiming them as heartwarming and captivating.

Most recently, Bette completed a memoir written for Lani Deauville, a woman the Guinness Book of Records lists as The World’s Longest Living Quadriplegic.





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Bette is giving away one signed copy of The Twelfth Child (US Only)

And one e-book (International)

***When entering, please specify if entering for the signed copy or ebook and answer this question:***

“Have you ever had a friend you were so close to you would call them family?

This is a Tag Team Event hosted by myself and Sherry at fundinmental. You can visit Sherry’s blog for another chance to win and see what she thinks about The Twelfth Child HERE.

Giveaway ends September, Friday the 13th!





You can find all of Bettes books HERE.


Winner of Five Literary Awards,BookBundlz Finalist, Voted Goodreads Best Unknown Fiction, FPA President’s Book Award Silver Medal




Winner of a Royal Palm Literary Award for Women’s Fiction




Winner of the Royal Palm Literary Award and FPA President’s Book Award Gold Medal

Reviewing Soon



Reviewing Soon



Reviewing Soon


And keep an eye out for her newest release coming soon!


Reading as soon as I get my hungry hands on it!!


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways go HERE.

  1. I bet we both think of the same person – Maria? One of the best and kindest hearted people I have ever known. She was taken from us too soon. I miss her and think of her often. I loved your opening. Great review too.

  2. Tiffany Tosh says:

    I would like to win the ebook, please.

  3. Tiffany Tosh says:

    Yes. My dearest friend, Cindy. We went to school together from 1st grade to college. I think of her as a sister. She even sat with me when I was in the hospital, although I don’t remember it.

  4. I grew up on such a tight block that we called both our next door neighbors “aunts” and “uncles.” I’d be thrilled to win a signed copy. Great weekend to you, Laura!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      We did too. It was a small dead end street and everybody took care of everybody! Neighborhoods aren’t like that anymore. You can live next to someone for years and never really get to know them. So sad.

  5. dalene65 says:

    I would like to win signed copy and yes, I had a friend so close I called her my sister and her daughters all called me their aunt.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Isn’t it great to have a friend so close. Unfortunately I live far away from my best friend and we’ve lost touch. Maybe I’ll find a new one like yours!

  6. maryellenpallow says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of Bette Lee Crosby’s book, THE TWELFTH CHILD! Yes~~I have a best friend that I consider a sister. So much so do we consider ourselves family that her young daughter was confused as to which branch of the family tree she should write my name. Love my best friend!

  7. Denise Z says:

    I think The Twelfth Child looks like a wonderful read and I cannot wait to do so. I have several friends that are like family and would even venture to say closer than family. It is wonderful to connect even after months and feel like it was just yesterday and at the same time know they would be there for me, as I would them.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’ve just recently found my best friend again but we have trouble connecting. Seems like it is always through voice mail! will keep trying. I really miss finishing each others sentences.

  8. Print book, and yes I’ve had several really great friends in my life!

  9. Andrea Stam says:

    My bestie Audrey x

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I miss my best friend but am working on getting back in touch with her. She’s moved several times and so have I and I just found her under her maiden name on Facebook!

  10. […] Tag Team Giveaway and Review ~ The Twelfth Child by Bette Lee Crosby […]

  11. […] and two E-Books for Giveaway, so hurry over and enter. Start at Fundinmental and continue on to FUOnlyKnew to enter a second […]

  12. Signed copy 🙂

    Definitely have friends who are my family 🙂 I also consider all of my students family because they are all my kids 🙂 even when they have their booger days 🙂

  13. bbshepherd says:

    The book sounds intrigueing, Signed copy please. 😀

    I consider my best friend family, and her mother too. She was like a second mother to me. I’ve known them since I was eleven years old! I have a couple. married, who were like brother and sister to me, but we seem to have grown apart. I still hope we’ll become close again one day. 🙂

  14. Kathy Geiser says:

    The Twelfth Child sounds like and amazing book. All though I would love the ebook, I would be honored to win either paperback or ebook. Thank you for the Chance to win.

  15. Georgiann Hennelly says:

    twelfth child sounds like a fun read yes i have a best friend i consider a sister part of the family. pb plz.

  16. I did have a friend like that, growing up, but time, distance and a boy (who neither of us married) separated us! eBook/Kindle friendly version!
    Beautiful review!

  17. I would absolutely love to win an autographed copy of Bettes’ book! I would also be willing to take an ebook for my nook. I have one of the best friends in the world, my Mom. She passed away several years ago, but I always feel her with me, I could always talk to her about anything. I do have a very good friend who used to live next door, but had to move a few towns away to help her Mom who has Alzheimers, I get that. but I miss being able to walk out my back door and there she is. We always talk and get together a few times a month for lunch and of course , shopping!!! Miss you Mom!!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m sorry to hear about your Mom. My mom is my best friend also. I think butterflies and angels when thinking of her. She;s coming to stay with me for several months. Will be here in two weeks. I can’t wait to see her again!

  18. HazelG says:

    I was fortunate enough to have three best friends growing up that WERE my family. We were called the badass-four! lol.. One is my best gal pal who I still talk to often and share everything with even though we are miles and miles apart. One we lost to an accident when we were teenagers.. but I’ve never forgotten him and I have some very wonderful memories of that time in our lives. And the other got messed up in drugs and we have no idea where he ended up. Its sad but its life. Great review and great giveaway! I’d be happy with the ecopy in epub format 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I had a pack of friends like that. We were the Men are pigs gang. We’d all go out once a week and just be together. No men allowed! I lost touch when I got married and pregnant. Seems sometimes your friends change when your lifestyle does.

  19. This books sounds great. I have Bette’s SPARE CHANGE, though I haven’t yet read it. I’d love to win a copy, whether it’s paperback or ebook (I have a Kindle, if that format is an option).

    I had a best friend during those important, formative years of 10-15 who was absolutely like family. Her mom called me a daughter and my mom called her a daughter. Unfortunately, since both of our fathers were in the Air Force, we only had those four years together, but we continued to visit even after moving apart from each other, until around college time. We still keep in touch, and I still consider her like family, even though there’s so very much we don’t know about each other anymore. I sure do miss her!!

  20. snoopyvet says:

    My best friend called my parents Mom & Dad and stil does
    I would take either but love signed books for my collection so going with that choice
    Sounds like a great story

  21. Annette Mardis says:

    I have a few friends like that, fortunately, but unfortunately I lost one of them in June 2012 after an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant. She was one of the most selfless people I’ve ever known, and she was an absolute hoot. She suffered bravely through four cancer-related illnesses. Despite that and other challenges, she embraced life and, when given a chance to go somewhere for a fun outing, she lived in the moment and thoroughly enjoyed herself. She “got her money’s worth,” as my husband used to say.

    I tried to capture her spirit through one of the lead fictional characters in a novella I wrote and recently published as an e-book. It’s called “Getting Her Money’s Worth.”

    I would love to win a copy of Bette’s book. Either paper copy or e-book is fine. But given that the paper option is for U.S. entrants only , I’ll choose that one and leave the e-book option open to international readers who don’t have a shot at the paper copy. Thank you for offering the giveaway.

  22. Signed Copy. This book actually looks interesting and great review. I haven’t had one of those friends in quite sometime, probably same as the psoter above, 11-15..and that friend turned crappy as soon as she moved out of state, unfortunately.

  23. Kim Griffin says:

    I would love the signed copy of this book 🙂

    In answer to your question, yes, I was best friends with a boy from the time we were babies and I considered him a brother.

  24. feltenk says:

    I’d love a signed copy!
    My friend Chera and I have been friends for 15 years- she was my maid of honor- and she attends a lot of my family functions b/c my family thinks of her as one of us. I’ve never had a sister and she isn’t close to her’s, so we call each other sisters.

  25. Little J says:

    I very much would enjoy the signed copy.

    >> Have you ever had a friend you were so close to you would call them family?

    Yes! I read a book in college called “The Families We Choose” by Kath Weston and it was the first to introduce me to the concept that though we are born into one type of family, it is our duty to select friends who are as close to use as blood family and as good for us – if not better – than blood family. My first best friend from age four, on, was my sister-by-another-bloodline. My current best friend, from age thirteen on to :: cough :: thirties, is another close-as-blood-should-be-sister. We’ve had our fights, but much like real blood relations, we are there for each other through thick and thin.

  26. Michelle Hofacker says:

    My husband and I both have a friend that we knew at different times that we both considered to be our family, and we ourselves were not friends yet, just people from the same neighborhood. Our friend moved away and when he came back to our town, we were married with kids. It was hilarious to find out we were still connected so closely. My side of the family still treat him like a brother and the kids call him Uncle and my husband and he act like brothers. Our kids know that Uncle Nelson will always be part of the family. It’s amazing how people can bind 8)
    I would love to win a signed copy of The Twelfth Child.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  27. LittleBeamer says:

    Hmmm… Yeah, i have one. She was
    my classmate in high school. We are really close that I consider her as a sister 🙂
    I’d like to win the ebook one 🙂 thanks for giveaway xD

  28. LittleBeamer says:

    Yeah, i have a friend from high school that I really consider family. I haven’t seen her in a while but i know that we are still best friends and that she’s like a sister to me
    Also, i’d like to win the ebook copy 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!

  29. […] and two E-Books for Giveaway, so hurry over and enter. Start at Fundinmental and continue on to FUOnlyKnew to enter a second […]

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