I’m back to tell you about the next horrific episode in Edward Lorn’s Serial, Cruelty.
Boy, does this guy know how to scare the pants off ya.
You can click on the links at the bottom of the post for my reviews of Cruelty: Episodes 1 & 2.
Be sure to stop back by tomorrow for my Review of Cruelty: Episode 4 and on Wednesday, June 11th for my review of Cruelty: Episode 5!
Episode Three
by Edward Lorn
Genre: Horror
Since the first two episodes in this serial were not too long, I decided to go back and reread them so I’d be fresh for this third episode.
It’s funny how much more you get each time you reread a story.
I got more chills and thrills and was thus primed for the third episode. So here we go.
Just like the blurb for this book, you jump all over the place, following this motley crew of characters. I think this is the first story I’ve followed where there are so many unlikables. And one 600 lb. lumbering mess of insanity donning a baby doll mask.
This is where the author’s wicked magic shines. He actually makes me care what happens to these scum buckets. Okay, I didn’t care what happened to them, I was just dreading how bad it would be. Don’t ever relax your guard. Edward delivers bloody violence with gleeful abandon.
I’m a huge fan or horror, whether it be wild creatures trying to eat me, serial killers, supernatural, or paranormal. So, since I’ve already read a bunch of this authors stories and the first couple of episodes of Cruelty, I figured I was well armed, prepared for whatever came out of this authors twisted imagination. And…. I was NOT.
So be warned. Cruelty is for the dedicated horror fans. It’s raw, mind-numbing, and written so visually you want to close your eyes. And I can’t wait for more.
5 Shuddering Stars
Book Description:
CRUELTY is a serial novel in ten parts.
Episode Three.
The corpse in the cooler of Bob’s Bait and Fuel might not be the innocent victim everyone first assumed.
William Longmire is released from police custody only to find out his buddy Kirk is in the hospital.
Innis Blake is stuck between two worlds. Will she find her way out before Cruelty has his way?
Regret is born.
Other Episodes
Cruelty: Episode 1
Click on the cover to read my review.
CRUELTY is a serial novel in ten parts.
Episode One.
On a lonely stretch of deserted Texas highway, Will Longmire breaks down. But he’s not alone.
In the dead of night, Innis Blake hits someone, or something, with her car. The figure shouldn’t be getting up. But it is.
An unstoppable force now stalks Will and Innis. And before the night is over, both strangers will know the face of Cruelty.
Forgiveness is only a few miles down the road, but safety is nowhere in sight.
Cruelty: Episode 2
Click on the cover to read my review.
CRUELTY is a serial novel in ten parts.
Episode Two.
Turtle is all alone. Jennifer never came home. The ants are marching.
While Sheriff Randy Miser sifts through the pieces of one chaotic night, Will Longmire deals with his failures.
Innis Blake is trapped in a nightmare. But what waits for her in the waking world is far more terrifying.
This is only the beginning.
Stop by again tomorrow for my review of
Cruelty: Episode 4
Book Description:
CRUELTY is a serial novel in ten parts.
Episode Four.
Tom Morgan is out of surgery, but far from out of the woods.
With Kirk for bait, Twon and Ollie go fishing.
State Investigator Markum seeks out clues concerning the murder of John Landover.
Merlo the Cowardly Dog and Sheriff Randy Miser meet for the first time in a desperate struggle to save each other’s lives.
Momma’s not happy.
And on Wednesday, June 11th for my review of
Cruelty: Episode 5
CRUELTY is a serial novel in ten parts.
Episode Five.
Nell Morgan, Trooper Natalie Holden, and State Investigator Markum find the fragile thread of reality unspooling.
Things go real bad, real quick as it becomes painfully obvious to Twon and Ollie that escaping Kerr County Medical Center unscathed will be a task far more difficult than they could have imagined.
Still reeling from his run-in with Forgiveness, Sheriff Randy Miser is called to a situation in progress. Can this day get any worse?
With Forgiveness out about town, temptation draws Cruelty out of hiding.
So many playthings. So little time.

Edward Lorn is an American horror author presently residing in the southeast United States. He enjoys storytelling, reading, and writing biographies in the third person. Once upon a time, during a session of show and tell, a seven-year-old Edward Lorn shared with his class that his baby brother had died over the weekend. His classmates, the teacher included, wept while he recounted the painful tragedy of having lost a sibling. Edward went home that day and found an irate mother waiting for him. Edward’s teacher had called to express her condolences. This was unfortunate, as Edward had never had a baby brother. With advice given to her by a frustrated teacher, Edward’s mother made him start writing all of his lies down. The rest, as they say, is history. Edward Lorn and his wife are raising two children, along with a handful of outside cats and a beagle named Dot. He remains a liar to this day. The only difference is, now he’s a useful one.
For more about Edward Lorn and his books:
Website / Twitter / Goodreads / Amazon
Edward’s page on RAP: http://redadeptpublishing.com/edward-lorn/
Edward’s blog: http://edwardlorn.wordpress.com/
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A Review of Cruelty: Episode Three from fuonlyknew.com!
Thanks, Laura!
I should be thanking you. Your mind is a scary thing E!
Edward definitely write some twisted stories and I love them. LOL
So do I. Must be something wrong with us, eh? LOL
Nothing wrong with you. You’re my favorite kind of people. 🙂
Why, thanks so much sir! The feeling is mutual:)
Just sent you an email about Wednesday.
And I just replied. 😉