Archive for October 30, 2015


Life After The Undead by Pembroke Sinclair
Published by: Booktrope Publishing
Publication date: October 27th 2015
Genres: Post-Apocalyptic, Young Adult, Zombies
lifeafter cover
My Review
I’ve become fascinated by zombies and apocalyptic stories. I love The Walking Dead and the show has helped me to visualize lots of scenes. From funny to gruesome.
The author yanks you right into the apocalypse. Barely time to breath before they are everywhere.
While I love the zombies, what really grabbed me in this story was the group dynamics. Ever seen the movie The Postman with Kevin Costner?
Similar to the movie, you have opposite sides on the apocalypse. Those who want to help others and those who want to use others to save themselves. It comes as no surprise that some people choose to force their will on others, even to the point of killing.
Krista lost her parents to the zombies and was out there alone. When she does find a safe haven, she feels lucky, even though she’s assigned a job as a maid to one of the top governing families. Anything is better than being out there, right? And the zombies don’t like the humidity and heat of the south, so there aren’t many around.
She can’t believe her luck when she finds she has a living relative. He’s an officer in the military, if you can call it that anymore, and she jumps at a chance to go with him and fight for her new world.
This is where the dynamics come in. Either place might have been safe for a while. But with leaders who are looking out for themselves first, trying to lord it over everyone else, and practically relegating them to slaves, there’s bound to be some discontent. And sooner or later something has to give.
There’s plenty of zombie action and intrigue to keep the story moving quickly. Genuine characters that you’ll like or loath. And a satisfying ending. Not that it’s really the end. The author wraps up this chapter, but from the conclusion, I figure there will be more stories to come. I sure hope so.
4 Stars

Seventeen-year-old Krista must quickly figure out how she’s going to survive in the zombie-destroyed world. The one advantage humans have is that the zombies hate humid environments, so they’re migrating west to escape its deteriorating effects. The survivors plan to construct a wall at North Platte to keep the undead out, and Krista has come to Nebraska to start a new life.

Zombies aren’t the only creatures she has to be cautious of—the other survivors have a dark side. Krista must fight not only to live but also to defend everything she holds dear—her country, her freedom, and ultimately, those she loves.

Join Krista in her quest to survive in this thrilling apocalyptic novel by Pembroke Sinclair.

Purchase: Amazon
Lifeafter Teaser one
About The Author
lifeafter Pembroke

Jessica Robinson is an editor by day and a zombie-killer by night (at least in her books). Since the first time she watched Night of the Living Dead, she has been obsessed with zombies and often thinks of ways to survive the uprising. In addition to her nonfiction book, under the pen name Pembroke Sinclair, she has written YA novels about zombies and the tough teens who survive the apocalyptic world. She has also written nonfiction stories for Serial Killer Magazine and published a book about slasher films called Life Lessons from Slasher Films.

You can learn more about Pembroke Sinclair by visiting her at:



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 There are two giveaways.

The First Giveaway

Win an eBook copy of Life After The Undead.

To enter, please leave your email address so I can contact you if you win and answer this question:

“Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse?”

The Second Giveaway

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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The Rise of the River Man Banner 851 x 315

I’ve featured other books by this author on my blog and the title for this book had me curious. I was imaging something like a serial killer in the bayous.

Well, when I caught a glimpse of the cover, I had to rethink that.

Wait until you get a look! So cool! Let me know what you think?

Please enjoy the authors guest post.

Check out the excerpt.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway.


Enjoy the author’s guest post. L.S. O’Dea shares her advice for new authors.

There is actually quite a bit of advice that I’d give to a new author. First, I’d tell them to write. Don’t worry about getting it right or perfect, just get it down. You can go back and revise later. Just push through and get the entire story down because some of those sections that you are slaving over, the sections that just won’t come out right, are going to get tossed anyway.

The second piece of advice I’d give to a new author is to learn proper grammar. It is very expensive to hire someone to line edit your work and most authors don’t have that kind of cash. They already have to pay someone to design the cover and if they want anyone to read their story, they will have to throw loads of money at marketing the book. I see a lot of stories out there that have potential but the grammar is horrible. If there are a lot of grammatical mistakes, no one will read your book – no matter how brilliant it is.

The third suggestion I have is for them to grow a thick skin. Someone somewhere is not going to like their story and they need to accept that. There is no revenge allowed. It only causes the author trouble. Plus, everyone is entitled to have and voice his/her opinion.

The last piece of advice I have is to have patience. Getting your book out there and noticed is not an overnight occurrence. There is no guarantee that you will make money on your book or even break even from advertising. The lucky few who have made it big did not do so overnight. It may have seemed fast to those of us, but most of them had years of writing under their belts before the money truck pulled up to their door.


The Rise of the River Man

Conguise Chronicles

Book 1

Author – L.S. O’Dea



Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Publisher: LSODea

Date of Publication: 10/30/2015

ISBN: 978-1-942706-04-5 / ASIN: B014I7M82I

Number of pages: 108 pages / Word Count: approx. 27,700

Cover Artist: Vincent OCampo


Obedient monsters are hard to create.

Mutter was sure that his pending execution at the Guards’ Shelter was the worst thing that could happen to him, but that was before he met Professor Conguise.

Now, he is living in a laboratory and the Almightys are giving him shots. He fears that they are attempting to mutate him into some kind of monster like those in the other cages. The creatures in the other cages are unnatural. Things that he can’t believe exist. Things that shouldn’t exist and if he doesn’t escape, soon he will become one of them.

Available at Amazon


MUTTER WAS IN TROUBLE. No one wanted a Guard like him. He was too big and too strong and too ugly. He stretched out on the concrete floor and winced. He definitely had some broken ribs, but he’d fought and won with broken bones in the past. He started coughing. It was this sickness that had cost him the match. He sat up; the coughing subsided. He’d pleaded with Vickers, his Almighty master, not to make him fight but the money had already switched hands. He leaned his head against the bars of the cage. He’d lost the fight and now he’d lose his life. Vickers did not give second chances.

The door opened and a male Almighty around thirty years old with blond hair entered the room followed by Satcha, the House Servant who ran this establishment. The Guards’ Shelter didn’t allow visiting at this hour but Almightys did whatever they wanted. He didn’t even bother to stand up. No one wanted him. It was a bit embarrassing, but he’d tried to find a new home his first few days here. He’d even trimmed his beard, but it had done no good. Every time that he’d run to the front of the cage and had smiled at the Almightys, he’d smelled the fear on them as they’d passed. Most tried not to look at him, but he was big and scarred and hard to ignore.

They stopped in front of his cage.

“Ableson, this is the one I told you about,” said Satcha. “Looks like he was a fighter, so he should be used to obeying. He does have a bad cough, but I thought he might work for you.”

The Almighty remained quiet, his blue eyes sizing Mutter up.

“Come here,” said Satcha.

Mutter wanted to stay where he was to annoy the Servant but Guards like him didn’t get many chances for a home. He slowly stood, letting the Almighty get used to his size and appearance.

“How old are you?” asked Ableson.

“Not sure. Been around for a while but not too old.” That was the safe answer. He had counted nineteen winters but that might be too old or too young. He never could tell what an Almighty wanted.

“By his teeth and body we estimate around twenty-five to thirty years,” said Satcha.

Ableson twirled his finger. Mutter understood that signal. Before the fights started, when the betting happened, he was often sized up by the gamblers. He turned in a circle, slowly, giving the Almighty time to study him.

“I’m strong and healthy.” That was a lie but he would be healthy again. He just needed a little time and food.

“Does have that cough, that I mentioned.” Satcha sent him a glare.

“Just a little. From this damp, rotten place.” He hated Servants. They didn’t know when to keep their big mouths shut.

“I need an obedient Guard.” The Almighty’s eyes roamed up and down his frame.

“Won’t find one more obedient than me.”

“Let’s see if that’s true.” Ableson walked down the aisle. “Is there another Guard who he’s close to?”

“Him?” Satcha laughed, following the Almighty. “He’s so big and ugly even the other Guards stay away from him.”

Ableson stopped in the hallway. “Take this one out.”

The Servant opened the cage and slipped a rope over a young Guard’s neck. Mutter’s chest pinched. Typical. The Almighty’s always chose the young ones. His only chance was gone. They would walk out and soon he’d be executed. He started to sit back down, when the three of them stopped in front of his cage.

“Put her in with him,” said Ableson.

“Ah, we keep the younger ones separate from the older ones, especially the older males,” said Satcha.

The Almighty didn’t say a word, but his look was enough. The Servant muttered an apology and opened the door shoving the young Guard into Mutter’s cage.

He glanced at the little Guard who stood as far away from him as possible. She couldn’t have been older than nine. She had russet hair and large, frightened, brown eyes.

“Hit her,” said Ableson, his tone conversational.

“Wait,” said Satcha. “That one’s young and attractive. I can find a home for her. Let me get—”

“I’ll pay for both.” The Almighty’s eyes never left Mutter.

Mutter kept his face a mask but his stomach clenched. He didn’t want to do this. He’d fought females before but they were all older, experienced fighters. This wouldn’t even be a fight.

“I need an obedient Guard,” reminded Ableson.

The girl trembled in the corner, tears streaming down her soft, round cheeks. “Please, don’t hurt me.”

Pleading didn’t do any good. It didn’t change anyone’s mind. He knew the game and it would be her or him. He stared into the girl’s scared brown eyes. “Bruised, broken or dead?”

“Just hit her. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

Mutter stepped forward. The girl curled in a ball on the floor, pleading and crying. He grabbed her by the shirt. She weighed next to nothing, all skin and bones. He punched her in the gut, making the blow look harder than it was, but the girl was so small she gasped and coughed. He hesitated, waiting for the Almighty to stop this, but no words came. He hit her again. She yelped in pain. He shifted his stance, stalling again and praying for the words that would allow him to quit, but the only sounds were the yells of the other Guards in the nearby cages. Most screamed for him to stop but some cheered him on. If the Almighty wouldn’t end this, he would. His next punch caught her upside the head, knocking her out. He let her slide to the floor.

He walked toward the Almighty.

“I didn’t say stop.” Ableson’s blue eyes challenged him.

He stared at the girl on the floor. Only in the roughest fights, those to the end, did they hit opponents when they were down.

“Forget it. He won’t work.” Ableson turned and headed for the door.

His only chance was leaving. He’d be dead tomorrow if that Almighty walked out the door. The girl’s tiny frame was about the size of his arm. She was still breathing. “Wait.”

Ableson walked back to the cage, a smug smile on his face. “Obey or I leave. This is your one warning.”

He nodded. His heart thudded as each footstep moved him closer to the little female. The other Guards had fallen silent. He grasped her by the back of the shirt. Her head lolled to the side, her eyes closed. His supper churned in his stomach. He stared at the tears on her cheeks as he punched her over and over, trying to hit non-vital parts but it was difficult. She was tiny and his fits were big.

“Enough,” called the Almighty.

He lowered her to the floor. Her breath was ragged as blood trickled from her lips. His eyes burned, but no wetness came. He hadn’t cried since he’d lost his mother. It didn’t do any good. He wiped the girl’s blood on his shirt as he faced the Almighty.

Ableson smiled at him and handed an envelope to the Servant. “I’ll take him.”

Satcha looked in the envelope. “Ah, the price for the girl…”

Ableson frowned at the Servant but dug in his pocket and handed Satcha a few more bills. The Servant stuck them in his pocket and opened the cage door, putting a rope around Mutter’s neck. He fisted his hands, fighting the urge to kill both of them, but he’d never make it out of the shelter if he did that.

“Come.” Ableson yanked on the rope.

“What about her?” asked Satcha.

“Do what you want with her.”

“But…you already paid….”

“If she lives, sell her again, or kill her. I don’t care.” Ableson walked toward the door.

Mutter refused to look back at the girl, the sacrifice for his freedom.


About the Author L.S. O’Dea

L.S. O’Dea sees things a bit differently than most people. This is probably a bi-product of being the youngest of seven children in a time when TV was only worth watching in the evenings or Saturday mornings and there were no computers. Back then, kids had to amuse themselves and being five years younger than her closest sibling she was often the unwilling entertainment.

Since she was so much younger than her siblings, it was only reasonable that they knew how to do many things that she could not, such as read and write. One day, before she started kindergarten, she really wanted to learn how to spell her name. Her mother was busy cooking or cleaning (she had seven children to care for), so her brothers were instructed to help their baby sister.

After she learned how to spell her first and middle name (Linda Sue), she raced into the kitchen to share this new knowledge with her mother. She was so proud, standing tall and reciting the letters of her name. L-E-M-O-N H-E-A-D.

Her mother was not happy with her brothers and stopped what she was doing to teach Linda the correct way to spell her name. L. S. still receives a box of Lemonhead candy every year for Christmas.

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads


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Welcome to The Friday 56 hosted by Freda’s Voice.


This is a really fun meme!

The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader and find a sentence or a few (no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.

Then go over to Freda’s Voice and leave your link so we can visit your 56!

My 56 for this week is from

 Soul Screamers

Volume One

by Rachel Vincent



My 56 is a little different this week. I’m choosing a quote from each book as all three are in this volume. I’ve approximated where page 56 would be for the second and third stories.

From My Soul To Lose

Lydia’s  fingers shook in mine, and I opened my eyes to find her shuddering all over. I tried to pull my hand away, but she slapped her other palm over it, holding me tight even as her teeth began to chatter. “K-keep your eyes cl-closed,” she stuttered. “No m-matter what.”


From My Soul To Take

“She’s just trying to piss you off.”

“She says she’s been in your backseat.” I couldn’t keep suspicion from my tone.


From My Soul To Save

“Kaylee, you have no business in the Netherworld.”

Let’s hope your right.

“I know.” I smiled to set her at ease.

Read on if you want to know more.


It starts with a scream….

New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent’s compelling Soul Screamers series keeps getting better—here, for the first time, the original stories are compiled into one special volume….

My Soul to Lose
—The prequel: never before in print!—

Kaylee is just your average girl shopping at the mall with friends—until a terrified scream bursts from her that cannot be stopped. Taken to a hospital ward, will she be able to save her mind—and her life?

My Soul to Take

She’s always felt different, but now Kaylee discovers why. The screams that cannot be denied mean that someone near her will die—and she can never save them. Because saving one life means taking another….

My Soul to Save

Going on dates with her boyfriend is still new to Kaylee. But when the singer of the band they’re seeing dies onstage and Kaylee doesn’t scream, she knows something crazy is going on. Soon she discovers souls can indeed be sold….


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

Leave your link and I’ll drop by your 56.