What’s New On My Bookshelf #142 and The Sunday Post

Posted: January 10, 2016 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by

Sunday Post

Kimberly the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.


Some chit chat.

One of my goals for this year was to read all of those books that have been sitting on my TBR for far too long. I’m going to whittle away at that pile and enjoy some books I’ve been wanting to read.

Here’s the thing. I want to read some of them without thinking about the review I’ll write for it. Yet, I feel guilty not leaving a review. I’m wondering if I should at least rate them when I mark them read on my shelves.

Do you review every book you read? Do you find it refreshing to read a book knowing you won’t be reviewing it and don’t need to highlight passages or take notes? And do you rate books without reviewing them?

I’ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday posts so be sure to leave me your link!


New books on my shelf.

I picked this up free on Amazon. It sounds fascinating!



And here are some freebies for ya!

Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.

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I hope ya’ll realize I don’t grab all of the free books I show on my posts! LOL


Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers for my reviews.

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Books I’ll be reviewing next week.


I have several other reviews ready to go. Just deciding which ones to do first.


Other Posts on my blog this week.

Protector by Vivian Lane ~ A Urban Fantasy ~ Excerpt and Giveaway

Teaser Tuesdays #141 ~ I Am Number Four

Death Goes To The County Fair ~ A Cozy Review and Giveaway

A Beginner’s Guide To Invading Earth ~ Review and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #91 ~ Treasure ~ Seed Savers #1

Home of the sweetest and hottest ~ Sweet Pepper Hero ~ Cozy Review and Giveaway


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For a list of my reviews go HERE

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

horseshoe photo: Horseshoe horseshoe.jpg



So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

  1. Oh… all the books, Laura! They look gorgeous!
    If I don’t feel like writing a full review, I’ll just write a sentence on Goodreads and leave that with my rating. That way, I know a little bit about what I thought of the book if someone asks me about it.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

  2. Love all the books! As usual this post is dangerous! I review most of the books that I read though for TBR books I don’t necessarily publish them immediately but hold on to them as gap fillers when I need them. There are a few that I just haven’t had much to say about even if I enjoyed the book so I don’t force myself to review if I find myself just staring at a blank screen. I’m not a big passage highlighter but I can imagine just reading without worrying about that would be a nice treat at times. Good luck working on your TBR! Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      LOL I did only grab one of the freebies. Must confess, I already had a couple of them!
      And I’ve read about 20 books recently and I didn’t take notes for a lot of them. Many were books I’d had for a while. Might add mini reviews on sites but not on my blog.

  3. I actually want to not review every book I read this year. It’s nice to just read without expectation of a review. I hope you enjoy all your new books and have a great week!!

  4. I too have promised to read books I have on my TBR or already sitting on my kindle! I do post at least a little review on Goodreads for every book I read. Honestly though, I do it more for me! I forget books I have read before (If it wasn’t for amazon reminding me, I would have bought many books I already had!). But, you’re right, sometimes posting a full review on the blog is just so time consuming.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The second suggestion to add a small review on Goodreads. It would help remind me about how I felt and whether I’d read that book in a series.

  5. As always, loving your new books. πŸ™‚

    No, I don’t review every book I read, but any book I read is fair game to be reviewed. If I read a book for fun and really enjoyed it, I’ll leave a review on goodreads, sometimes I’ll review it on the blog. I do rate them on goodreads but you need to do whatever works for you.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I always feel I need to also post a review on my blog. I think that’s where I get overwhelmed:) It would be easier to just post on Goodreads and such.

  6. Greg Hill says:

    I usually like to review everything I read, but there were some books last year I didn’t review because they were disappointing or I just didn’t feel like it. So yeah- I think as a blogger it’s hard now sometimes to NOT think in reviewing – but you should do whatever works. I think a short blrb on Goodreads like Lexie suggested- good idea.

    That’s the nice thing about blogging- we can do it however we want for the most part. πŸ™‚

  7. Conquring our respective shelves is a bookworm’s equivalent to hitting the gym. Good luck to all of us in accomplishing that this year. Hehehe

  8. I review all of the books I finish, but some are just mini-reviews like my coffee pot reviews. I do not review DNF’s..just post on Goodreads the reasons why I stopped reading.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I do a Monday Minis but I’ve gotten away from it. Now that I’m changing how I blog this year, it would be a good thing to bring back and help with my reviewing.

  9. I pretty much do review every book I read, so that I can continue to have content scheduled in advance. However, there have been books I’ve read with my intervention students at school and a couple audiobooks I did not review last year. I have decided to do mini-reviews of them together all in one post. I still rated them on Goodreads, so this might be a viable solution for you.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I do save some reviews to fill in gaps on my blog. I just read so many books it’s hard to find time to review all of them. I think short reviews might be just the thing.

  10. Joann Downie says:

    Death goes to the County Fair looks interesting!! I had a real good week for books.

  11. I have on occasion read a book and not reviewed it but even if it’s not a review book I tend to still review them…lol. I don’t know it’s just a habit. I think you can leave a one to two sentence review on goodreads and tell how you liked or didn’t like it and give it a star rating and be done if your not in the mood to review it. πŸ™‚

    I picked up a couple freebies as always. πŸ™‚

    My blog is down right now which is really bumming me out so I hope you will stop by later. I hope they get it fixed soon it’s a hosting problem so nothing I can do. πŸ™

    Friday Memes

    • fuonlyknew says:

      So many are saying to leave short reviews that I’ll probably go with that. I don’t know if I can “not” review a book. LOL

  12. Lola says:

    I review every book I read, not because I fele like I should, but because I want to. It doesn’t feel like I really finished a book until I wrote a review. It’s part of the reading process for me, then again I only read 2 books a week max, so I can imagine that if you read more the reviews might be daunting and more work per week.
    Even if you dont review I think rating them is a good idea, so others can still get a feel for how much you enjoyed a book. Or you can do short reviews and add them in one post, I’ve seen some other bloggers do that. I think you should do what works best for you πŸ™‚
    Have a great week!

  13. Deborah says:

    As you know from my blog I read some books over Xmas I wasn’t planning to review. I did however leave overall comments in Goodreads. I didn’t get into specifics about the writing etc but just my overall thoughts.

  14. I’ve rated a book and not left a review, but that was before blogging. Now I leave a review for each book, but I only read maybe three books a week.
    Happy reading and have a great week!

  15. katarguelles says:

    I also plan to read books on my TBR and I won’t be writing blog reviews for all of them. I do rate the books on Goodreads and write a few comments. But you shouldn’t feel guilty about not writing a review. When I’m shopping for new books I’m fine with just seeing someone’s rating without any comments. It does feel good knowing you are reading a book for enjoyment and not because you have a deadline to meet. Happy reading and have a great week!

  16. Christy LoveOfBooks says:

    I don’t review every book I read, but I usually at least rate. Sometime just add a line or two. Nice haul, lots of great looking books.

  17. atothewr says:

    I only review books that I believe artists need a review from. If I read a Stephen King book I might rate it, but I rarely leave a review for it. Why bother when there are thousands. However, an Independent Artist with one or two I go out of my way to post something about it. Figure he or she needs it good or bad.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have tons of books I didn’t review. Most are from well established authors like King and Koontz and such. I do like to spread the word for independent authors and ones with a smaller reach.
      Some of them went on to have movies made from their books. That’s always exciting:)

  18. Sara says:

    I don’t write traditional reviews at all anymore (nor do I give books ratings). I like sharing my (brief) thoughts about what I read, but to me writing formal reviews is too much like being in school, and that ship has long since sailed lol. Definitely don’t feel guilty if you don’t want to write a review for every book you’ve read-remember this is supposed to be fun, and not a job πŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I started blogging because I enjoyed sharing my thoughts. I’m looking to make it more fun again and not so stressful:)

  19. Heidi says:

    I didn’t know the sequel to the Alchemist was out. I will have to look that up. I think almost all of us seasoned bloggers are aiming to read books in our pile and not so many ARCS. I usually try and review all the books I read, and then stockpile the reviews for when I need backup. However, there are a few times when I don’t write the reviews, and then I go ahead and just rate it.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The second book is just as fun as the first one! With so many saying they stockpile reviews, I’ll probably keep doing that and also leave some short ones on Goodreads and Amazon. I don’t have to review everything on my blog.

  20. I have a print copy of My Fairly Dangerous Godmother and need to read it! Great haul! Have a fabulous week!

    My Weekly Update

  21. Ya do what feels right to ya. πŸ™‚

    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes</a

  22. Melissa (My World...in words and pages) says:

    I do write a review for about every book I read. I just can’t seem to bring myself to read for fun. Though, I do have a few books that I read about a year ago that I didn’t review yet. I have to write them and some are still sitting in my blogger browser written waiting for the day to go live. I never seem to have enough time for all of them. *sigh*

    Have a great week!

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