This is a Tag Team Event hosted by myself and Sherry.
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After reading my review, head on over to Sherry’s blog at fundinmental for more and check out her review. Two chances to win!
I’m With You
by Taylor Dean
My Review
The author reveals at the beginning that this book deals with the sensitive issues of baby loss grief. I’m very sensitive on this topic so it took me some time to read it.
I’ve enjoyed all of Taylor’s books, and I knew she’d take me down a hard path, sometimes dark, sometimes light.
Taylor Dean writes from her heart. You will feel all of the emotions; sadness, loss, hope, love. It’s always smart to have some tissues handy.
That being said, I loved this book. As I mentioned, it’s about love. Love for a tiny being yet to enter the world. Love for and from family and friends.
A couple are elated when they find they’ll soon have a baby to share their lives.
It’s about understanding. Understanding the all consuming grief over the loss of a child.
They are told the baby will not survive. It tests and breaks their bond.
It’s about consoling. How do you console someone who’s gone through such a life altering tragedy. What do you say. I’ve often struggled over what words to use when trying to comfort someone. If I’m very close to them, I often am just there. There when they need a shoulder to cry on. There just to be a comforting presence so they don’t feel alone.
A woman is lost in grief. Drowning in it.
It’s also about love. Love for a child. The most powerful feeling I’ve ever felt, for sure.
She’ll never forget her child. Even if she never gets to see him grow up. Share his life.
With the grief, comes the rage. Rage at others who couldn’t possibly understand. Jealousy of others who have what you lost.
What do you say to someone who’s suffered such a loss? How long before they should stop grieving?
So many stages of grief. But there’s another stage too. A light that begins to flicker, to grow stronger, brighter. That’s hope.
Life does go on, even when you don’t want it too. Someday, you will breathe again. Smile again.
I don’t want you to think that’s all this book focuses on. There’s a love story here. A journey to finding oneself.
While the author’s story is written from true events in her family’s life, the character’s and much of the story are fictional. I was torn between what I thought should happen and what I wanted to happen.
The characters are genuine. They hurt. They rejoice. You’ll want to gather them close. Grieve with them. Laugh with them. Celebrate life with them.
A story that tears at your heart but fills it too. I hope you read it.
5 Stars
Can three little words irrevocably change your life?
When the doctors inform Chloe Brennan that her pregnancy is “incompatible with life,” her subsequent choices will change her path forever.
She becomes one of the quiet, unsung heroes of this world, incredibly strong, yet somehow wrongly looked upon as damaged.
Three people will pierce Chloe’s existence: her husband, a stranger, and a precious baby.
One will say goodbye, one will say hello, and one will say both at the same time.
I’m With You is a novel about selfless love and the sacredness of life.
Please note: While this book is a romance novel, it also deals with the sensitive issue of baby loss grief.
The emotions are real, and sometimes dark.
If you are sensitive to this issue, this may not be the book for you.
About Taylor Dean
Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense—you’ll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up.
To find out what Taylor Dean is up to, follow the links below:

Giveaway will run from 3/29/6 – 4/11/16.
This is a Tag Team Event hosted by myself and Sherry at fundinmental.
Now hop on over to fundinmental, check out Sherry’s review, and enter for another chance to win HERE.
Books by Taylor Dean
Click on the covers to see on Amazon.
And click on the links below to see my reviews.
5 Stars for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle
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Why yes, a book has made me cry. I was in the 6 grade, and our teacher made us read “Lassie Come Home”.
Oh, I loved that book. Old Yeller had me sobbing. Did you read it?
I think the first book that ever made me SOB was Danielle Steel’s “Kaleidoscope.” Then I pronounced how good it was and my hubby was baffled!!
Not sure it’s one for me but I am glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
I loved it, Stormi! I’ve enjoyed all of Taylor’s stories.
No worries. It’s not for everyone. I kept the romance upbeat so the book wouldn’t be too dark.
Oh yes!
I second that!
I third that!
Many captivating and profound novels which are emotional and unforgettable have made me cry.
And if you smile through those tears, it’s an even deeper experience.
I love when an author can evoke that kind of emotion from me. It does make the book unforgettable.
Not that I can recall. I do cry fairly often for a man my age but I can’t remember it ever being brought on by a book. Thanks.
It’s healing to cry now and then. My problem is, it often hurts physically when I do. Guess I’m always trying not to cry.
My hubby doesn’t cry at books either, Carl. Nothing wrong with that!!
Yes, a book has made me cry. I have read I’m With You and I loved it. Taylor Dean is a wonderful author and I would recommend her books to anyone who enjoys a great story.
Thank you, Rita!
Forgot my email.
Thank you, Laura, for writing such a beautiful review. This book is so very personal to me and it means so much to me when readers enjoy it. Thank you. I should probably add that the reason I put the warning on the book is due to my daughter. She said if she picked up the book, not knowing what it was about, and started reading it, it would’ve been a trigger and caused overwhelming emotions. So, that being said, the warning is really intended for people who are sensitive to the issue due to experiencing it. I feel that most readers can read this book and gain an understanding of the complicated issue of grief and baby loss. And I think the book could greatly benefit mothers who have lost a child–at least when they feel ready to read about it. Perhaps it will help them feel not so alone and validate their emotions.. At any rate, those are my thoughts concerning the matter.
Thank you so much for featuring I’m With You!
Sorry it took me a while to read it, Taylor. After my sister passed away, I just couldn’t face such an emotional experience as you and your family experienced. Bless you and your daughter for being brave enough to share with us.I hope your story finds it into many hands, female and male.
No worries. Many of the emotions are similar when it comes to loss. I understand how it would be hard to read under the circumstances. I’m so sorry about your sister.
Yes, I have read a book or two that have made me cry. Some were tears of sadness and some of joy. Your book sounds like it deals with a sensitive subject in a understanding way.
I often smile through the tears too:)
Thanks, Dianne. Since I experienced the subject matter (as a grandma), it definitely made for a richer, deeper experience while writing. It also helped me to understand my daughter’s complicated emotions.
Yes, I have read many book that made me cry. Thanks for having the giveaway
It’s funny how we love to cry when it’s because of a wonderful book:)
You’re welcome, Anita! Good luck!
Fabulous review Laura. Yes, I have read many books that have made me cry. I find it easy to get lost in fictional worlds and let the author lead me where they may. Taylor has a way with words that always leaving me happy to have read the story she has written.
sherry @ fundinmental
I feel the same way Sherry:)
Thank you, Sherry, and thank you, Laura!
Definitely! I actually LOVE books that make me cry-I feel more emotionally connected with the characters, and by default, the author.
I love books–and movies–that make me cry too, Sara. It makes me feel as though I experience the human condition through another person’s eyes.
Me — a big, bad, former Marine? Cry over a book?! Ssh, don’t let this get out . . . yes, and more than once. So there.
Real men cry. And women love it. So there.
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Really? Never? Actually, I think my husband can say the same, so you’re not the only one. Thanks for stopping by, BN!
Oh yes a few books have made me cry!
Yes, me too. Several in fact. Good luck, Wendy!
Yes many have made me cry….
Good luck in the giveaway, Sheri!
Yes. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. Little Women is the first book I can remember making me cry.
Oh, I loved that book, Caitlin.
I can’t even count the number of books that have made me cry. Early on, Old Yeller had me sobbing, every time I read it. The ending never changed, no matter how much I wanted it to. Then I had an LP of it, the movie version on a record (you young folks can Google that) I would listen to that and cry, over and over.
I’ve read a few. Old Yeller is one I’ve mentioned before too! Funny how we love to cry over good stories:)
:Flowers in the attic ” when i was 12 yrs old. I felt so bad when the twin died.
I cried at that scene too!
Sounds like a really good book. I love a book that moves me, whether it’s to laugh, cry, etc. I just read one called Angel’s Wings – written as fiction but a true story. Very heart wrenching but good too. That’s what I love about books, the journey they take you on. 🙂
So do I, Maggie. After reading your comment I went back and checked. I’ve read several books that were fiction from true events and I gave them high ratings:)
Absolutely! Pretty much any Steinbeck novel will make me cry. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle made me cry.
Oh yes. Steinbeck can do it to you. I’ve been crying over books for so many years. LOL
Absolutely! The Nightingale, Leaving Time, and My Sister’s Keeper all made me cry.
So many wonderful books to cry with:)
Yes actually a book has made me cry and the book i read was about a death of a horse. Since I’m a animal lover, it makes me cry everytime i read about animals dying. It breaks my heart and the thought of people in books go far to kill animals for revenge makes me sick. Other than that, the book was a beautiful romance between sidney and scott.
I have such a hard time with that too. Many books and movies have made me cry because of the animals. Even some children’s ones.
I have read a few that made me cry. It’s a really good writer who can evoke such feelings in a reader.
Yes it is. Taylor is one of them:)