Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB at Books And A Beat.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read.
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser for this week is from
Fear Of The Scarecrow
by Anthony Renfro

Genre: Horror

My Teaser
He read these words out loud.
“By the light of the moon!” “Avenge Me!”
Tommy looked from the moon to the scarecrow, who was now alive.
My Review
They say that vengeance comes at a price. One man sure learns that the hard way when he calls something up from hell to to his bidding. And so do his targets.
This would be the perfect campfire tale. The author sets the tone. Gives you the plot. Then scares the crap out of ya.
As this is a short story, there’s not a lot of character development. Not much is needed. You get the picture pretty quick. It’s all over in about 15 minutes. If you like small bites of good old fashioned horror, you”ll enjoy this one.
5 Stars
This short story is about a desperate man hungry for revenge seeking justice. Sometimes justice comes with a price.
There’s also a bonus short story included in the eBook.
Gluten Free
My Teaser
What’s that? I hear a car pulling up outside, footsteps on the gravel parking lot, footsteps on the concrete stoop in front of the door, a knock, my death rattle. Okay, folks, let me answer the door.
“You order the pizza?”
My Review
I love cheese. Macaroni & cheese. Lasagna. Tacos. All cheesy good. But, best of all….Pizza! I could eat pizza every day. Imagine not being able to eat your favorite food. Not being able to eat anything with gluten in it. Talk about being miserable.
One man has taken all he can take. He’s denied himself all of his favorite foods for more years than he cares to remember. He wants his pizza. And he’s gonna have it. Will it kill him? Yes. Does he still want it? Yes.
Anthony sucked me in right from the beginning. He chose a fascinating way to tell this story. I was squirming in no time. It’s a hard one to swallow. A really good horror story that chews you up and spits you out.
5 Stars
Suicide by Gluten? In this short story one man opts out in a most unusual way.
And one more Bonus short story included in this eBook.
A Haunted House Tale
My Teaser
“Do you think we should go up there? I mean, it looks unsafe and super spooky. What if the stories about this place are true?”
My Review
They must have seen the movies, read the books. Yet these five friends think it won’t happen to them.
Clearly something will and does.
The legend is, if you survive the night, you receive untold riches.
The temptation lures them in.
There’s safety in numbers, right?
Then it all goes south and everyone is scrambling to get out.
I never get tired of these stories. I was thinking of Scream, the movie, where they go over all of the rules of what not to do.
If these characters had any sense, they’d know not to go in that house, but then I wouldn’t have had such fun reading what happens to them.
3 Stars
This short story is about five students on Halloween night who discover the secrets and terrors of the town’s most infamous haunted house. Will they live to see the morning?
How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

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