What’s New On My Bookshelf #182 and The Sunday Post

Posted: November 20, 2016 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by

Sunday Post

Kimberly the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.


Some chit chat.

Finally, the weather has shifted and it feels more like fall. And that got me in the mood for some holiday movies. In my QUE are White Christmas, The Grinch, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Love Actually, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and A Christmas Story. Just to name some of the movies I plan to watch.

On the dark side, I have Krampus and Gremlins.

Gotta love those gremlins! I used to be a bartender and by the end of the night and a whole lot of drinks, it almost felt like this. LOL

How about you. Any favorites you watch every year when the holiday draws near? Any suggestions for me?!

I’ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday Posts so be sure to leave me your link.


New books on my shelf. Some I won, some are for review, and some I just had to have.

Β  Prehistoric Beasts And Where To Fight Them by [Navikov, Hugo]Β  Mercury Retrograde: A Dark Alchemy Novel by [Bickle, Laura]

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And I’m finally getting started on some audibles.


And here are some freebies for ya!

Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.

Happy New Year by [Fleet, Robert C.]Β  Death by the Mistletoe by [MacVicar, Angus]Β  Love on a Plate by [Willis, Susan]

The Dream Diaries by [Smith, Becca C.]Β  Seabound (Seabound Chronicles Book 1) by [Rivet, Jordan]Β  Ocean's Justice (Turbulence and Triumph Book 1) by [Carlton, Demelza]

BlueBuried Muffins (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 1) by [Cole, Lyndsey]Β  Color Me Crazy: A Cozy Mystery (An Annie Addison Cozy Mystery Book 1) by [Dox, Molly]Β  Dead Man's Diamonds: A Piece of Cake Mystery (Piece of Cake Mysteries Book 1) by [Winters, A.R.]

Daddy Soda (A New Hampshire Mystery Book 1) by [Gibson, Mira]Β  Rock Spider (A New Hampshire Mystery Book 2) by [Gibson, Mira]Β  Tar Heart (A New Hampshire Mystery Book 3) by [Gibson, Mira]

Seven Sisters (Seven Sisters Series Book 1) by [Bullock, M.L.]Β  Moonlight Falls on Seven Sisters (Seven Sisters Series Book 2) by [Bullock, M.L.]Β  The Shadow Chronicles, Part 1 (Two-Book Collection: Shadow Lurker, Dark Works) by [Cunningham, Jason]


Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read my reviews.

bloodrealms-book-2Β  bloodmoon-book-3Β  five-dog-voodoo

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Books up for review next week.

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Other posts on my blog this week.

Jack Templar and the Last Battle ~ Excerpt & Giveaway

Book Tour & Giveaway ~ Boots and Bedlam

Teaser Tuesday #180 ~ One by Jane Blythe

The Lizard’s Tale ~ Guest Post & Giveaway

An Urban Fantasy Giveaway ~ Dispelled

Boy Meets Witch ~ Free Book & Giveaway

The Bloodmark Saga ~ Review of Bloodrealm #2 and Giveaway

Review & Giveaway ~ Killer In The Band

The Friday 56 #120 ~ Better Off Thread

The Bloodmark Saga ~ Review of Bloodmoon #3 and Giveaway

Five Dog Voodoo ~ Review & Giveaway

Saturday Screams #20 ~ Twofer reviews


For a list of my reviews go HERE

For a list of free eBooks go HERE

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

horseshoe photo: Horseshoe horseshoe.jpg


So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

  1. Greg Hill says:

    I love Gremlins any time of year but especially at Christmas time! And I love that bar scene! All your movies sound good, and I love White Christmas. Another holiday favorite and I look forward to watching it soon!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m definitely in the mood now. LOL I’m sure I’ll come across plenty of holiday movies as the holiday draws closer too.

  2. Deborah says:

    I actually found an old little stuffed Gremlin the other day! I think I bought it when the movie came out (decades and decades ago) but am not even sure where it got to. I had to explain what it was to my friend’s 5yr old but – although I can’t remember much about the movie (other than not feeding them after midnight) – she agreed he was WAY too young to watch it yet!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have him too. LOL He’s such a little cutie. Hard to believe those nasty things come from him.And yeah, it’s a bit dark for one that young.

  3. I never watch Christmas films at any time of the year-not a comedy kind of person really. With just the two of us, my dad and I don’t do anything for the festive season. It’s like any other day for us except I cook a Christmas dinner. We don’t do anything else. I like the Mira Gibson covers…haven’t heard of her before so might investigate further. Enjoy your books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It was a pleasant surprise to come across the Gibson books. I had to grab them. They sound like my kind of stories.

  4. A Christmas Story is a tradition in our house! My dad and I loved watching it when I was a kid and it has continued on now that I am an adult! White Christmas was my college roommates favorite and she got me hooked!
    Hope you have a great week!

  5. sjhigbee says:

    Oh, the film I always love to watch at Christmas is 101 Dalmations – not the Disney one, the really GOOD one with Glen Close as Cruella de Ville and Hugh Laurie as a bumbling villain. Brilliant slapstick fun all the way… As for your book haul, you have some interesting ones, there – though my eye was caught by Prehistoric Beasts and Where to Fight Them… cheeky adaption of a certain title, I thought:). Hope you have a good week, Laura, and look forward to keeping in touch throughout.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I can’t believe I forgot that one! Close plays the perfect Cruella. Prehistoric Beasts sounds good and reminds of Alten’s Meg series. Recommended to me by Hunter Shea and I enjoy his creature books too.

  6. All right, Laura. You got me. No way could I resist those Mira Gibson covers. Grabbed all three. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  7. You got me with those same books too! I also added those two creature books to my wishlist as I am money tight right now so my wishlist is ever growing…lol.

    I am been watching the Christmas movies on Hallmark and Hallmark Movies and Mystery channel as some of my favs are on there. I also like to watch White Christmas and the cartoon of The Grinch oh and Holiday Inn (It’s not just a Christmas movie but it has all the holidays and was actually the first movie that Bing did White Christmas in which is my favorite rendition!) It also stars Fred Astaire so it’s like two greats in one…lol.

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Loch Ness revenge was a fast and furious book. I enjoy Hunter Shea’s books and he has a new one coming soon. He recommended the Prehistoric Beasts one and I had to grab it. I do have that other Hallmark Channel you told me about and have several of the movies set to record!

  8. B.B. Toady says:

    Oh, Better Off Thread reminds me that I have to get back in the game of reading the Embroidery series. I have only read the first few.
    Thanks for the list of freebies. I will check those out.
    Loved the White Christmas video. Every bit of holiday cheer is helpful.

  9. Great movie choices. I love A Christmas Story, Christmas with the Kranks, Scrooged, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Holiday, Trading Places, I could go on! LOL I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! ~Aleen


  10. I have been watching Hallmark Christmas movies every day. I can’t seem to stop. I do want to watch While you were sleeping, not a christmas movie but it is based on the holiday.

    You got a lot of interesting books, I need to check out πŸ™‚

    Have a great week, Laura! Happy Reading! ox

  11. We haven’t watched Gremlins in so long! We need to add it to the list. We watch: A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, Rudolph, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, The Year Without Santa, Polar Express, Home Alone, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail (no idea why, we just do lol). This week we’ll watch Scrooged. πŸ˜€

  12. You’re definitely starting the Christmas movies early Laura! I hope you enjoy all of your books and happy reading.

  13. Whitney says:

    I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never see White Christmas although I’ve always liked the music and actors who are in it. Maybe I’ll get to it this year. Have fun with your holiday movie marathon!

  14. Emma says:

    Haha, had to laugh at the Gremlins comment. I was a bartender all through college and yes, the end of the night felt like that. πŸ™‚
    The book cover for Struck is striking.

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