What’s New On My Bookshelf #198 and The Sunday Post

Posted: March 12, 2017 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Iā€™m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Sunday Post

Some chit chat.

Guess what I spotted yesterday. The first green buds on my Pecan trees.

budding trees photo: IMG_2759.jpg

You know what that means? Spring is here on the Gulf Coast!

It’s time to break out the real summer clothes. I have tons of shorts and tees and I love to finally get to wear them again.

Let’s not forget those shoes. I have a ton of flip flops. It’s important to have the right color for every outfit. I have blue, orange, pink, green, yellow, purple, etc… and in several shades,Ā  including pastels and neon bright ones. It’s so fun being a girl!

flip flops photo: flip flops circleofflip-flops.jpg

And best of all is going nude. Not my bod, just my feet! I love being barefoot and usually do so year round in the house. I also have to have toenail polish to match my outfits and there are so many shades of every color. I even have a basic black. LOL

And I can accessorize my bare feet. There are some cool toe rings and ankle bracelets and barefoot bling. Sometimes I’m torn between what to wear. I’ll put something on. Nope. Take it off and try something else. And so on….. It’s tough being a girl. LOL

barefoot photo: Barefoot Sandals Barefootsandals1.gif

I often think that guys have it made. They just throw on some board shorts and voila! Instant yum.

Back to the buds on my Pecan trees. What is your first sign that spring is here?


My new books this week.

Snow Blood: Season 1 (A Vampire Mystery Thiller) by [McKibben, Carol]Ā  13640644



And here are some freebies for ya. Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure theyā€™re still free before you hit that buy button.

Goofy Newfies by [Omasta, Ann]Ā  Love and Rumors: A Beach Reads Movie Star Billionaire Contemporary Romance (Book Club Edition) (The Summer Sisters Tame the Billionaires 1) by [Oram, Jean]Ā  Miss Spelled (The Kitchen Witch Book 1): Witch Cozy Mystery Series by [Best, Morgana]

Ninth Cycle Antarctica: A Thriller (A Rossler Foundation Mystery Book 2) by [Ryan, JC]Ā  Winter Wind by [Rain, J.R.]Ā  Lost And Found (The September Day Series Book 1) by [Shojai, Amy]

You Are Dead. (Sign Here Please) by [Stanek, Andrew]Ā  Sundown on Top of the World (A Hunter Rayne Highway Mystery Book 4) by [Donald, R.E.]Ā  Pineapple Lies: A Pineapple Port Mystery: Book One (Pineapple Port Mysteries 1) by [Vansant, Amy]


Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read my reviews.


19090359Ā  18949199

33145741Ā  The Night of the Beasts by [Brown, Eric S. ]


Other posts on my blog this week.

My Monday Minis Reviews #54 ~ Sweet Lake

Dreaming Sophia ~ Spotlight and Giveaway

Teaser Tuesday #194 ~ House Of Seven Days

Loved By A Killer ~ Spotlight and Giveaway

The Kid’s Korner #6 ~ Billy The Coral Snake and Joe Joe The Sea Turtle

A Ghostly Mortality by Tonya Kappes ~ Review and Giveaway

A YA Urban Fantasy ~ The Monster Upstairs ~ Excerpt and Giveaway

Freakin Fridays #47 ~ Boggy Creek and The Night Of The Beasts

The Friday 56 #142 ~ The Roanoke Girls

A Supernatural Thriller Series ~ The Nate Temple Chronicles ~ Showcase and Giveaway


Leave your link and Iā€™ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

  1. Greg Hill says:

    Stuff is budding out here too. Us guys do have it made lol… and yeah I’m a flip flop guy, I’d wear em year round if I could. Unfortunately Michigan doesn’t cooperate w/ that lol.

    Snow Blood (love that title!) and Wormholes look awesome, and Winter Wind too. I’m curious about that one. šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I don’t know what happened. I woke up this morning and it’s chilly outside. LOL Go figure! I have a thing about flip flops. LOL There’s something about books set in winter that always speaks to me. And I spotted Wormholes on a blog I enjoy and their recommendation sold me.

  2. First signs of spring here are usually buds, too, but also crocus and snowdrops sprouting, and certain migratory bird songs. I think that will be awhile because it is supposed to be -15Ā° F today. I love barefeet! I don’t wear flip flops, though. I can’t stand anything between my toes. Ha ha. Have a wonderful week.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I forgot to talk about the birds. I have a small parrot and it goes crazy this time of year. Tries to mimic the migratory birds outside. The last 2 mornings my trees have been full of blackbirds and he goes nuts. LOL I don’t recall having blackbirds pass here before. I do like the sounds they make, but it gets loud when the trees fill up with them and stuff falls on the roof from their take offs and landings. LOL I’m barefoot right now, even though the weather did its thing again its kind of chilly outside.

  3. Your spring picture looks far more attractive than mine this week! I will be reading the Roanoke Girls at some point, can’t miss out on the book that seems to be taking the world by storm!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The Roanoke Girls did not disappoint me. I’m already finished and working on my review. I love to watch the trees bud. One day they are all bleak. The next you swear you see a hint of green. Then they explode in color! This time of year is a tribute to Mother Nature. So many shades of green!

  4. I’m not a fashion kind of girl. I own three pairs of proper shoes-trainers and two pairs of boots plus my slippers and one pair of slip on plastic shoes I use for going out to the bin when it rains. I don’t buy anything except TShirts and trousers and I don’t colour coordinate! I don’t do makeup, jewellery or bags either! I hate clothes shopping!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You and my sister would get along great. LOL I used to not set foot outside the house without being fully accessorized and painted. I don’t do make up much anymore and my jewelry usually remains in the box. My job is physical and can’t wear the stuff. I do enjoy going someplace and going through the motions once in a while. Thus, flip flops in all colors for when I don’t. LOL

  5. Emma says:

    I have read great things about the Roanoke girls, one I’m really keen to read. Have a good week,

  6. sjhigbee says:

    I love your shot of the leaves budding:). As for flip-flops – nope. Hardly ever. Even during the summer, my feet rarely see the light of day… It’s got to be HOT for me to shed my thermal tights under my trousers:). I love the different colours you have, though… Hope the weather goes on getting better for you!
    My Sunday Post – https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2017/03/12/sunday-post-12th-march-2017/

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I spoke too soon, Sarah! I woke up this morning to drizzling rain and cool temps. Won’t last long though. Supposed to be beautiful this coming week. My toes are used to being intruded upon so flip flops feel natural to me. And I forgot to add that I also accessorize my flip flops with some bling now and then. LOL

  7. Well, yesterday was 38 degrees so I don’t think Spring is here yet even if some of our trees are budding cause it’s been warm so can’t really go by that here. We have had a foot of snow on the first day of spring before…lol. So I guess spring is here when it decides to stay warm and have no more cold days and that could be anywhere from now to beginning of April. šŸ™

    I am not a girly girl cause I don’t have that many cloths to choose from, I hate flip flops and I have like two pairs of shoes and don’t think much about matching cloths to shoes…lol. I was a tomboy and it never grew out of me. I hate shopping I just do it when I have too out of necessity. šŸ™‚

    Enjoy those books!! šŸ™‚

    Week in Review

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Some of that cool weather slipped in here while I was sleeping. But the week ahead looks like back to warm and sunny. It’s funny that I was a tom girl growing up and then I changed. I think that could be attributed to boys and the work place. LOL I’m not near as dedicated to it as I was though. You sound a lot like Sherry, Stormi! LOL

  8. How do I know its spring? My allergies! But, I did notice a tree budding last week and some of my flowers are starting to pop up. Although, since its now below freezing, everything will probably die. Stupid Ohio weather.
    Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Don’t get me started on allergies. I never used to have them. This year I have medication and eye drops in quantities. LOL My poor eyes drive me crazy! Everything is budding and flowering here. It’s a tapestry of bright colors and greens. Glorious:)

  9. Christina T says:

    Love the flip flops! I usually prefer slide sandals because I have a tendency to trip when I wear flip flops šŸ™‚ Can’t wait for sandal season though it’s going to be a while yet for me. I could badly do with a pedicure.

    I cannot wait to see the flowering trees. That is always my favorite sign of spring.

    I have seen The Roanoke Girls on a lot of blogs lately and while it isn’t for me I do want to read Sweet Lake. Love the cover too.

    Hope you have a great week and enjoy the warmer weather šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have plenty of sandals too! They are usually more flashy and sparkly than my flip flops and I only use them when I won’t be walking much. They tend to not give much support and rub on m skin. What’s fun every year is to see what surprised sprout up outside. The birds poop everywhere while passing through and strange things grow. LOL Sweet Lake was a wonderful read. I don’t read enough of the genre.

  10. We have a lot of blossoms on my street, and here and there, too. In the countryside, we have the Blossom Trail, which is great…unless you are allergic to everything like I am!

    But I take my meds and enjoy the blooms.

    I also loved Sweet Lake…hope you have another great week.

    Those flip-flops are so colorful and cute…and I can’t wear them! The strap between my toes drives me crazy.

    Thanks for sharing…and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    • fuonlyknew says:

      We have Bellengrath Gardens here. I probably wouldn’t be able to pry my eyes open after I visited this year. LOL For some reason allergies have really got me recently. I’ve worn flip flops for so long they feel quite at home on my happy feet:)

  11. Yay for your pecan trees! I’m waiting for my peach trees to wake up. We actually had peaches last year! It’s hit or miss, really.

    Do you get a lot of pecans from your trees?

    Hope you have a great week!~Aleen

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It wasn’t a good year last year. We usually have a bad year and then a couple of bountiful ones. One year I sold about $4000 worth of pecans. It’s a lot of work because I also remove the skins. Usually do it while watching TV. LOL

  12. We are beginning to see signs of spring. I am anxious to bring out my flip-flops. Loving your haul. Happy reading my friend.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I plan to go out this week and add new flip flops to my supply. They have some cute designs this year. LOL

  13. I cannot wait for warm weather but unfortunately a blizzard may hit us this tuesday:( oh well…. enjoy your week ahead!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I was surprised to wake up this morning and it was rainy and chilly. It’s warmed up now though and should be a lovely week.

  14. charliegirl says:

    Spring is around the corner! Some of the trees and bushes are sporting some green. The neighbors trees have come back and aren’t barren anymore. I’m gearing up to plant some new stuff!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I picked up some bedding soil and mulch. Now it’s time to choose the miniature fruit trees and a couple of yard plants. That’s the fun part.

  15. I’ve been wearing flip flops all winter, so that’s not something that will change for me, haha. I have numerous different colors too, but 99% of the time I just wear my black ones lol. I also love being barefoot, but unfortunately my feet get super cold all the time so I almost always have to wear slippers around the house, even in summer :-/

    Yay for the green buds! I don’t have any first signs of spring, but your tree looks nice šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I wear then in winter too. Have a pair by the front door and the back door and go barefoot in the house. LOL It’s funny about the buds on the pecan trees. I watch for them but they always sneak up on me.

  16. Spring is coming… though you couldn’t prove it by our current temperatures. I think it’s only around 42Ā° here, and it’s been dipping down below freezing at night. In Virginia! Where in February, we nearly hit 80Ā° on several days. Mother Nature’s got her signals crossed, I think.

    Enjoy your new books, and your flipflops. What fun to have all those colors! And the barefoot pearl sandal is pretty, too. I wish I could do things like that, but I need more support for my poor feet.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      We have a couple of nights that will dip into the 40s this week, but once the sun clears the trees in the morning it usually warms up fast. I used to wear flip flops at work but need better support now or I’d be limping. LOL

  17. It’s lovely to see signs of spring arriving, isn’t it? I love how the days are getting longer too. It looks like you got some great books this week, I hope you enjoy them all. šŸ™‚
    Here’s my post: https://rathertoofondofbooks.com/2017/03/12/weekly-wrap-up-12-march/

  18. Angelized1st says:

    I can’t wait for barefoot / flip flop weather either. The longer I live in Cali, the harder it is for me to wear socks and shoes. There’s something about nude feet that makes me feel free. Love the colors you have!

  19. Glad spring is showing up where you live. Love the cover of Snow Blood.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I thought it would never get here, yet here it finally is:) I couldn’t resist that cover. Plan to start reading it this week.

  20. jpschaper says:

    Thanks for posting the freebies. I picked up two of them.

    I’m looking forward to reading the Tonya Kappes book, but I have one before it that I need to read first.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Shopping for freebies is one of my favorite parts for the post. I try to mix up the genres so there will be something for everyone. I love Tonya’s series. I’m just starting her new book, Southern Fried. It’s a fun one too. She has so many books!

  21. I love fashion! And those coloured flip-flops look so awesome šŸ™‚
    Happy reading, that’s a lot of books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I do too. I used to keep up with the new trends. Now that I’m older, they don’t all suit me as much. LOL

  22. atothewr says:

    I started noticing the buds on the trees starting to sprout. It was late February, but still that was my first signs spring was coming.

  23. I love the sounds of Through the Woods and may have to pick that one up. I love flip flops and going barefoot as well. It’s colder here this week than it’s been all month but at least we aren’t getting the snow a lot of the east coast is getting – they say 2 inches tonight at the max for my area. I MISS flip flops and sandals so bring on spring!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Through The Woods is interesting. I’m reviewing it along with the book Claws, another cats gone crazy book, for my Saturday Screams this week. LOL

  24. buffywnabe says:

    You are so right about how guys have it easy! We’ve started getting buds on the trees here in Missouri, but we are getting freezing weather again, so that is not good. I am going to Orlando next week and really need to get my feet prettied up for sandals. šŸ™‚ You got some great books there that I need to check out. Thanks for visiting my Sunday Post on Lisa Loves Literature earlier!

  25. fuonlyknew says:

    Yeah, they do. LOL Wave as you pass by on your way to Orlando!

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