What’s New On My Bookshelf #203 and The Sunday Post

Posted: April 16, 2017 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Iā€™m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Sunday Post

Some chit chat.

Happy Easter everyone!

Been a weird, quiet week for me. Other than work I’ve been very lazy and it feels so good. LOL

I watched this wild video on the news about a horse attacking an alligator.


I felt sorry for the poor thing, but I’m sure the horse was just protecting it’s herd. Who knows what had happened in that long grass. And it almost got a bite of the stallion.

Been binging a new show I found on Netflix called The Doctor Blake Mysteries. It’s an Australian murder mystery series with some great casting and intriguing plots. Totally hooked!

Other than that, been reading, reading, reading…..I’ve been lax on writing reviews the past week but have some good ones coming up next week. Be sure to drop by as some of them have giveaways included.

Now on to the books!


My new books this week.

Print books.

30268355Ā  33325056Ā  33368727

26019431Ā  30242500Ā  29939198


Time Burrito by [Frale, Aaron]Ā  28818070Ā  Fragile Cord: A gripping psychological thriller (DS Coupland Book 1) by [Salisbury, Emma]


And here are some freebies for ya. Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure theyā€™re still free before you hit that buy button.

Greensmith Girls (Lainswich Witches Series Book 1) by [Snow, Raven]Ā  Romancing the Null (The Outlier Prophecies Book 1) by [Gower, Tina]Ā  Sensation: A Superhero Novel by [Hardman, Kevin]

The Sweetest Kill by [Lee, Amber]Ā  Death Rains Down (Detective Ray Logue Book 1) by [McManus, Kevin]Ā  The Shallows by [Bird, Nigel]

More than a Werewolf (Shifty Book 1) by [Summers, Sara]Ā  BED, BREAKFAST, and BONES: A Ravenwood Cove Cozy Mystery by [Dean, Carolyn L.]Ā  A Psychic Couldn't See It by [Johns, Zanna]

Maggie's Way (Montana Bound Series Book 1) by [Bradley, Linda]Ā  Big Bunny Bump Off (Zoe Donovan Mystery Book 5) by [Daley, Kathi]Ā  Friends Like These by [Ellis, Hannah]


Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read my reviews.

29102879Ā  30689335



Other posts on my blog this week.

My Monday Minis Reviews #56 ~ Beautiful Broken Girls and The Roanoke Girls

Teaser Tuesday #199 ~ Thirteen by Anya Allyn

Cuteness to share with your little ones! Mystery At Manatee Key

The Fixer: The Killing Kind ~ Review and Giveaway

A Real Life Fairytale ~ Blast and Giveaway

Southern Fried by Tonya Kappes ~ Review and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #147 ~ Grim Tidings

A Blitz and Giveaway ~ Seduction In Scarlet


Leave your link and Iā€™ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

  1. Greg Hill says:

    Whoa Nelly hold the phone on that horse vs alligator! Yikes- that horse almost got a nasty bite in that last go- round. amazing video. I think those people got more than they bargained for! šŸ™‚

    I need a new show on Netflix so maybe I’ll check out that Dr. Blake Mysteries.

    Time Burrito??!? šŸ™‚

    Happy Easter!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah. Our gators aren’t to be messed with! I finished the first 3 seasons of Dr. Blake. Now I have to see where it airs and if more is coming soon. I really got hooked in it. I couldn’t resist Time Burrito. LOL That tilel, blurb, and cover!

  2. That’s a nice big book haul to keep you going for a while! Time Burrito is certainly an intriguing name and nice cover. I haven’t read as much this week as I hoped so I need a big effort this week. Enjoy your books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah. The book fairy was generous this week. LOL I couldn’t resist Time Burrito. You can bet I’ll be starting it this week.

  3. Yikes, that video is a crazy!

    I love the covers for the Hannah Fielding books and Game of Shadows!

    I hope you have a great week and keep enjoying the Netflix! šŸ˜‰

    • fuonlyknew says:

      That horse sure meant business! I just hope the gator was okay. Looks like it. I got some really good new reads and excited to get started on them.

  4. sjhigbee says:

    Oh my goodness! The stallion clearly felt it was worth chasing the alligator off – but what a dramatic, risky encounter… Another great reading and blogging week for you, Laura:). Have a great holiday week-end and hope next week is a good one. My Sunday Post –

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I watched it a couple of times. Even though I spotted no foals, it looked like he was protecting the herd. Enjoy your holiday weekend too, Sarah.

  5. Christina T says:

    I enjoy mystery series so I will have to look for Dr. Blake. I didn’t watch the video but that sounds frightening. I’d be worried for the horse.

    I am behind on writing reviews. Maybe I’ll get caught up this afternoon šŸ™‚

    Hope you have a great week! Looks like you have some interesting new mysteries to read.

  6. Oh I am going to have to check out your review of The roanoke girls…. I have the audio of that book but haven’t gotten to it yet!
    Have a great week!
    Samantha The Book Disciple

  7. Love the book haul! Happy Easter!

  8. That is one brave horse! I don’t usually think of alligators and horses in the same place, but I guess they can be.

    I hope you have a terrific week!

  9. Time burrito šŸ˜€ that… is an interesting cover for sure šŸ˜€

    I’ll be checking out your review for the Roanoke girls. An intersting title.

  10. The Hannah Fielding books look good. I got goosebumps watching that horse chase that alligator away. Hope you have a lovely reading week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m looking forward to reading her series. A new author for me. And that horse meant business. LOL

  11. I am binge watching The Doctor Blake Mysteries too!!! It’s so good, totally hooked I am on season two. šŸ™‚

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  12. Who would ever imagine a horse attacking an alligator? So crazy! Hope you have a great week!

  13. Awesome haul. I had to go grab Time Burrito. I mean, who could pass up a book with that title!

  14. Hmmm….that little video kind of sums of my last few weeks. Sometimes I’ve been the alligator, other times I’ve been the horse! šŸ˜‰

  15. Southern Fried is on my TBR list. Your book haul looks great!

    Hope you have a good week. šŸ™‚ ~Aleen

  16. I’ve been very lax in writing reviews. When I finally sit down to start I’ll have at least 12. Ugh. That video is wild! I hope you had a great Easter and have a fantastic week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I do really good at writing reviews for a while, then I get distracted by more books or the telly and have to push myself to sit down and write. LOL

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