What’s New On My Bookshelf #215 and The Sunday Post

Posted: July 16, 2017 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Iā€™m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Sunday Post

Some chit chat.

Whew, it’s been one of those weeks. So busy at work. I don’t know if I’ve shared what I do before. I do extreme details to the inside of automobiles. It’s hard work but very rewarding. When I get a car, truck, or van that’s been trashed by kids, pets, and busy adults, it’s daunting and can take hours to get clean to my satisfaction. I do the interior from the roof to the carpet. Everything gets done. I use many different chemicals to clean and lots of different tools. My three best friends are my shop vac, my carpet shampooer and lots of toothbrushes. Yep, those toothbrushes get in all the cracks and crannies. Living in the south, I detail year round. No closing in the winter, even though sometimes I have to wait for the sun to warm enough so the chemicals don’t freeze. Summers are brutal. The heat waves shimmer off the asphalt and the humidity is so thick I’m sweating before I even get started. But, like I said, it’s rewarding when I finish a vehicle, step back and take a good look.

I’m sure you understand how exhausting this can be. I just couldn’t get my head around writing reviews and had a slow week with them.Ā  I also had a hard time staying awake to read. I hate when that happens. LOL

So, here’s my books this week. Got lots of freebies for you to check out.

And I’ll be around to visit your posts. Happy Sunday!


My new books this week.

Puppy Dog Tales by [Ho, Liwen]Ā  28674479Ā  33921282

22238184Ā  26114493Ā  31702803

34802356Ā  34858858


And here are some freebies for ya. Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure theyā€™re still free before you hit that buy button.

Chasing Fireflies (Power of the Matchmaker) by [Dean, Taylor]Ā  Entropy (The Countenance Trilogy Book 3) by [Moore, Addison]Ā  Crossing In Time: An Edgy Sci-Fi Love Story (Between Two Evils Book 1) by [Orton, D. L.]

The Thoroughbred Conspiracy (The Kentucky Chronicles Book 1) by [Monahan, Robert]Ā  The Box of Bones (Skye Cree, Book 3) by [McKeehan, Vickie]Ā  Tipping Point: Arctic Terrorism Thriller by [Rosser, Simon]

Better Watch Out by [Rose, Willow]Ā  Run, Run, as Fast as You Can (Emma Frost Book 3) by [Rose, Willow]Ā  Icy Stares (Guess The Killer #1) A Serial Killer Mystery Thriller by [Winters, Cyrus]

Railgun: Earth Under Siege by [Robles, Luis]Ā  The Colony (Rasper Book 1) by [Groger, Kathleen]Ā  Mercury Ice-The Seventh Coordinate (Book One) by [Morrow, Michael]

Rescue Dogs, Firefighting Heroes and Science Facts by [Flory, Susy, Hanscome, Jeanette, Cantrell, Julie, Schuknecht, Troy, Elliot, Annie]


Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read my reviews.

35434633Ā  Tales from Harborsmouth Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective Urban Fantasy Collection


Other posts on my blog this week.

It was anything but….Harmless ~ Review and Giveaway

The 2017 RITA Best First Book Finalists ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Teaser Tuesday #212 ~ The House On Devil’s Bar

Moondance by Linda K. Hopkins ~ Blast and Giveaway

The Year I Dated The Internet ~ Sale and Giveaway

What A Blast! Tales From Harborsmouth ~ Review and Giveaway

From The Prospero Chronicles ~ Sliver ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Survival Instinct by Janie Crouch ~ Tour and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #159 ~ A School For Unusual Girls

Royal Replicas ~ A YA Dystopian Blitz and Giveaway


Leave your link and Iā€™ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

  1. Greg Hill says:

    Ooh I bet you do get hot in the summer doing that! I remember my first job was washing cars at a vette shop and sometimes I’d hang out with the guys in the garage or paint shop, and it got pretty sweltering in there w/ paint fumes and everything else.

    Looks like you have the School for Unusual Girls books all teed up. Hope you like ’em. And Icy Stares looks freaky!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I had to grab Icy Stares. I like freaky. LOL It is hot but I’m used to it. Doesn’t usually bother me until I stop.

  2. Wow! Lots of great books you got there and it sounds hard to work on your car!

    Hereā€™s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this weekā€™s Book Photo Sundays!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I sure did get some good books this week. Seems like I’ll have a slow week and then they all arrive at once. LOL

  3. Anastasia says:

    People are horrible to their cars and I don’t really get it. Harmless looks really interesting I mean that it has really creepy covers. I’ll give it a try šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I swear, the pricier the car, the dirtier. LOl Their dogs just destroy the leather. Nothing I can about those scratches. Harmless was a surprise twist on the Wendigo and I’m really curious after the ending I got.

  4. Wish you lived closer, I would have you do my car šŸ™‚ Ours is a mess from the kids and my husband. I try to keep it clean but totally gave up. I really just need a new one.

    Loving some of those covers! Need to head back up to take a look.

    Have a great week, Laura! Happy Reading! ox

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s rare that I get a clean car. LOL People live in them now, especially with after school activities their kids are involved in. They eat on the run. LOL

  5. Berls says:

    Yikes! I hate cleaning my car so much – I love the satisfaction when it’s done, though, so I do get that. However, I don’t come close to a detail and could really use one. I need to bring Tauri (that’s my car’s name) to you! No wonder you’re exhausted though, doing that in the heat is no fun, I’m sure!

    I want to read A School For Unusual Girls – have had my eye on it for a while. I hope you enjoy!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’d rather clean cars over my own house though. LOL Plus I get paid okay for doing them:) I was lucky to get A School For Unusual Girls and the next two books. Should be fun poolside reading:)

  6. Wow, Laura, that does sound exhausting, especially in the South’s heat and humidity! I’m terrible about keeping the inside of my car clean. I mean, I keep it reasonably tidy, barring the odd umbrella or shopping bag, but as for detailing… well, I wish I could have it worked on by someone who cares as much about getting it right as you do.

    Like Berls, I’ve got A School for Unusual Girls on my want-to-read list. I know my library has it; I guess I should put in a hold request one of these days. šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s funny that I clean cars as an occupation but don’t do mine that often. I don’t keep much in it though and no kids or dogs.

  7. I didn’t know you detailed cars! Thats cool. But man that has to be so hot in the summer. Yikes! That cover on Harmless is freaky looking!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Harmless is an interesting story and I’m excited for the next book. Hope I don’t have to wait too long. Yeah, busy weeks just exhaust me and I’m usually bursting with energy.

  8. sjhigbee says:

    I am full of admiration – that’s a hard job! Not only fiddley – it is physically gruelling with all the bending and crunching to get yourself into those hard-to-clean corners – and that’s not even taking into consideration the insane temperatures you have to deal with… Do you listen to audio books when working? Hope you have a better week and don’t feel quite so wiped out. My Sunday Post – https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2017/07/16/sunday-post-16th-july-2017/

    • fuonlyknew says:

      And having to take seats out. flip them up and down, fold them into the floors. LOL But it is rewarding and sure keeps me in shape! I tried listening to audibles but my equipment is too noisy. I do blast some tunes though and sing along. Poor people who hear me. LOL

  9. That’s very interesting to know what you do for work šŸ™‚ it sounds like hard work!
    Your big photo at the start of the post doesn’t seem to load for me though. Maybe it’s just me.
    Anyway, have a great reading week šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Huh, I wonder why it doesn’t load. I’ll check on it. Yep, it’s a dirty job. Hey, maybe I can get on that TV show! LOL

  10. jeneaw40 says:

    That is a great book haul! Enjoy them…

    Jenea’s Book Obsession Sunday Post

  11. What you do does sound very rewarding. My grandfather restores classic cars and my father used to do custom paint jobs (airbrushing, etc) on cars and big rigs. It truly is an art and I have spent my whole life appreciating a fine vehicle. Wish I lived closer because both of our vehicles could definitely use your attention.

    I have many Willow Rose books but have yet to read one. Seem to always be popping up on Kindle grabs. I had to go grab Puppy Dog Tales – surprise surprise!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’d have those babies as close to new as I could get them. It’s extreme detailing and takes all day to do inside and out. I just focus on interiors. Willow Rose has so many awesome books and always offering different ones as freebies. I plan to share reviews of her books on my Freakin Fridays and Saturday Screams post.

  12. Yvonne says:

    Just reading your post made me tired šŸ™‚ But, it does sound like a rewarding job. All those books…I just picked up a couple of Willow Rose books too. They look good. Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      LOl I was literally dragging when I finally got home. Even my hair hurt! All better now as I spent the weekend lazing because of rain. You’ll have fun with Willow’s books. Keep checking on her as she’s always listing different ones as free.

  13. Wow that does sound like hard work, especially during the heat of the summer! I don’t blame you for not always having the energy to write reviews!

  14. Taylor Dean says:

    Your job sounds like the type of job that only someone who really cares about their work could do. Kudos to you for that. Making something old and messed up look like brand new again must be highly satisfying. What an interesting job.
    Thanks so much for sharing Chasing Fireflies and helping my free book promotion be successful.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’ve been doing it for 13 years and still get satisfaction from it. Just getting harder to do as this body gets older. LOL I was happy to share Chasing Fireflies. Sherry and I will be in touch about Tag Teaming it. Better do that before your new books come out!

  15. That sounds like hard work! I’m sorry that it was such a busy week. Hopefully this week will be less hectic. Have a good week, and happy reading! šŸ™‚

  16. I had no idea what you did! Detailing sounds daunting! I hate having to get down into the crevices, that’s where I suck. My car stays fairly clean since I’m pretty much the only one in it these days. I’m sure all your customers love their new shiny cars when you’re done! I’ve been writing reviews all week and it has worn me out. I’m ready to dive back into a book. I hope you get some rest and have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have all kinds of tools and brushes for the hard to reach places. Sometimes we have to even take everything out and pull the carpet out too. It’s hard work and my hours are flexible. When the cars are done, I’m done for the day.

  17. You must melt in the heat! Remind me to never complain about not having air conditioning! I love toothbrushes for cleaning too. I buy those big six for a dollar packs. Gosh, I hope with working that hard you can at least retire early.

    I see you got A School For Unusual Girls and the next two books. I am still on the fence about buying it. The more Greg raves about them the closer I come to buying it when I see the ebook.on sale.

    I’ll be dropping back around for some of your other posts from last week. I hope you have a slower and less tiring week this week. šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I did melt a few pounds off. LOL And it keeps me strong too.

      I was happy that Greg loved the series. It’s not what I usually go for but the first book is a nice surprise so far.

  18. S. J. Pajonas (spajonas) says:

    Wow. Yes. Detailing cars is A LOT of work. But I do love when I clean something super thoroughly step back, and let out a deep breath. It feels great to see your accomplishment like that. You got some great looking books this week! I hope you get some time to read them. šŸ™‚

    Have a great week!

  19. Dratted life getting in the way!
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  20. I bet the car detailing really is rewarding. Plus, it’s like instant gratification – seeing results right away. Not like working on a long-term project. That’s mighty hot work in the summer, though! Hope you find some time to read indoors in the AC this week! šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It is nice to step back and see what I’ve accomplished. And heat doesn’t really get to me until I stop moving. LOL

  21. I have the RL Blalock books on my tbr as I liked the prequel. It looks like a promising series! Eek you’ve had a tiring week! I’m tired too-binge watching Game of Thrones really takes it out of a girl!

  22. Beth T. says:

    Happy reading this week! šŸ™‚

  23. I haven’t felt like writing any reviews either. I have two to do. The weather zaps it all out of me.

    Hope you enjoy your new books and stay cool out there!

  24. I would imagine that summer would be a tough time to have your job. Glad that you get a lot of satisfaction out of it, though!

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