This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.
I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Some chit chat.
Well, my staycation is over and I sure enjoyed it. Spent lots of time outdoors, reading and swimming. The weather cooperated and there was plenty of sunshine. I used to wonder what I would do with my time when I retired. Now I know! I could definitely get used to it.
Since I hid out at home most of the week, I don’t have much new to share so I’ll get right to my book news.
Have a fabulous Sunday!
My new books this week.
And here are some FREEBIES for ya.
Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.
My reviews this week. Click on the covers to view them.
Other posts on my blog this week.
My Monday Minis #45 ~ Safari, Anyone?
Excerpt and Giveaway ~ In The Grip Of It by Sheena Kamal
Teaser Tuesday #240 ~ Celebrity Chef Zombie Apocalypse
John William And The Bandits Of Basswood ~ Blast and Giveaway
Summer Snoops And Cozy Crimes ~ Review and Giveaway
Monsterland Reanimated by Michael Okon ~ Review and Giveaway
The Battle is O’er by Laura Vosika ~ Grand Finale Blitz and Giveaway
Leave your link and I’ll come visit you.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE.
Glad you had a good staycation. Sometimes those are the best. I like staying home sometimes for vacation- it seems like the week doesn’t go by as fast, at least for me. Well, sometimes lol.
Jurassic Florida and Fearful Fathoms look awesome!
I acted like I wasn’t home. No phone calls or work of any kind. LOL
The older I get the more I love staycations, ha ha. Happy you enjoyed yours. 🌴
I will be hopping over to your Monsterland review. 👹
I hope your good weather holds up. Have a wonderful week. 🌞
I spend time and money making my home fun and comfortable so I never have to go anywhere! LOL
Staycations are sometimes the best! I am overdo one I think! The Ghost Club looks interesting. I may have to look it up. Happy reading!
I sure enjoyed mine and want to do it again as soon as possible. LOL
Glad you enjoyed your staycation! Hope you enjoy all your reads!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!
Thanks. It was wonderful!
Behind Our Walls has been on my ereader for what feels like an eternity! I will get round to reading it eventually. Naturally I am waiting for Jurassic Florida!
Jurassic Florida was Hunter Shea madness and fun. LOL I’m looking forward to Rattus New Yorkus next.
So glad your staycation went well – I want one too, but life is a bit too hectic even for a staycation! Enjoy your reading!
My staycation wasn’t planned. The place I work at closed for a long weekend and I got lucky. LOL
Glad you had a good staycation. You got some good reads this week! Hope you enjoy Jurassic Florida, it was pretty fun. My review goes up this week.
Have a great week!
Week in Review
I loved my time off, Stormi! My review goes up this week too. Are you reading his next one yet?
Your staycation sounds great! Your new books look really good too. I went a got a couple of the freebie books. 😀 Have a great week.
I had the best time off! I also grabbed a couple of those freebies:)
I’m also having a staycation this year – and thoroughly looking forward to it! So much more relaxing – and as we live in a lovely part of the world, why wouldn’t I stay at home to enjoy the weather at its very best? I’m glad that yours went so well, Laura and hope you got to read some stormingly good books:)
My home is my haven. I agree, why go someplace else, fighting traffic and spending a whole lot of money. LOL
Glad you enjoyed your staycation!
Thanks. It was the best!
I love staycations, especially ones that involve reading and swimming! Thanks for sharing the links to those free books. I’ve picked up Seraphina’s Awakening.
I did a lot of swimming and reading. Still want to do more too! I hope you enjoy the freebie:)
Hahaha who wouldn’t get used to a staycation 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it!
I wish I was still on it!
I can really enjoy a staycation. If you don’t actually have to do anything like med appts or get called into work since someone got sick. Yes, that happened to me last week. My dad used to say he was so much busier when he retired than when he worked. And he worked a LOT of hours when he worked. Lots of good looking books you have there. I hope you get to enjoy them soon. Anne – Books of My Heart
I had everything taken care of ahead of time so all I had to do was relax and enjoy:)
Your staycation sounds like heaven. I’m sorry it’s over, but maybe you’ll get another one before the summer is over 🙂
Your books, as always, look good. Once again we got many of the same freebies. Have a great week!
I think I’ll have another short one around the 4th of July! I noticed we shared some of the same books too. LOL
It’s always a plus when the weather cooperates with you. Glad you have some nice R&R. Hope it isn’t too painful returning to the daily grind.
The weather was perfect. Still is which makes me wish I was still off work. LOL It wasn’t too bad going back to work. Only for two days and then off that weekend.
I love staycations! I get to do all the bits I never have time to do as well as explore local places and enjoy some lazy me time. 🙂
I’m having some serious cover love with some of your books this week.
Mine was a stay at home one. It fell in between any local events so I was able to just relax and unplug:) I’m a sucker for a good cover. LOL
I did a staycation last year – it was the worst thing ever. Now this year I am in school for my BSN and won’t get a chance to go anywhere. Well, maybe the beach for the weekend. Glad you had a good staycation!
Mary my #Sunday Roundup #24!
Sorry yours wasn’t great. I was lucky and felt great plus had wonderful weather, along with no interruptions:) I love trips to the beach. Just don’t go in the ocean anymore. I know what lurks there. LOL
I could use a staycation or vacation or anything! LOL, I’m glad yours was fun. Have a great week!
It wasn’t planned and sometimes those are the best!
I love staycations too, especially if there were no one from the family around. I would use it all up to read!
I did a lot of reading. And I enjoyed my alone time:)
I just added Fearful Fathoms (Look tentacles!) and The Last Vampire to my wishlist. They both look and sound great. I already pre-ordered that mystery boxset. Of course you knew that would be the case right? Glad you enjoyed your staycation. Mine is coming up in a week.
I hope to start Fearful Fathoms soon. I enjoy his books. And just finished The Last Vampire. It was so good and very different. And yep, I knew you’d be all over that box set. LOL I’m still reading it.
I’m glad you enjoyed your staycation! We did one a few years ago and really made an effort to not get caught up in house stuff and ended up having a great time. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!
I made sure I had all things taken care of so the time was all mine!
I had to grab Rogue Wave. Glad you enjoyed your stacay.
sherry @ fundinmental
I thought of you when I spotted that book. LOL I see you were having fun this past week too. Great pics and hope you had fun golfing. Looked like a nice swing there!