What’s New On My Book Shelf #274 and The Sunday Post

Posted: August 19, 2018 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Iā€™m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

As I’m typing this the thunder is rumbling, the lightening is flashing and it’s pouring outside. This summer has been a wash out. I miss the sun. But, these rainy days have me getting my house cleaned and keeping me indoors where it’s nice and cool. And the couch and me are enjoying each other’s company. I’ve watched so much television and read so many books that my eyes are crossing. I think I’m going to go take a nap. I love to fall asleep to the sounds of a storm.

Have a fabulousĀ  Sunday and brand new week!


My new books this week.

This week was a lot quieter in my mailbox. Just got a couple of books, but they’re some good ones.

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And here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure theyā€™re still free before you hit that buy button.

Alibi Aficionado: A Funny Mystery Featuring Amateur Sleuth Edwin Burrows, CPA (Edwin Burrows Mystery Book 1) by [Church, Harvey]Ā  Crimes in Our Wake by [Minks, Jon R.]Ā  Enter The Dark by [Thomas, Chris]

Purrfect Murder (The Mysteries of Max Book 1) by [Saint, Nic]Ā  The Devil Died at Midnight by [Bradshaw, Cheryl]Ā  Mateguas Island: A Novel of Terror and Suspense by [Watkins, Linda]

The Deep Green by [Lyman, John]Ā  The Survivors Book I: Summer by [Dreyer, V. L. ]


Click on the covers to check out this weekā€™s reviews.

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Other posts on my blog this week.

A Girl Of White Winter ~ Tour and Giveaway

My Monday Minis #48 ~ Into The Mist and Manifest Recall

Teaser Tuesday #245 ~ The Book Of M

Children Of The Fifth Sun: Echelon ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Nobody Said Itā€™d Be Easy ~ Nerd Blast and Giveaway

The Kidā€™s Korner #35 ~ Aliceā€™s Magic Garden

Tour and Giveaway ~ Catch Him If You Can by Jennifer Shirk

Slashing Mona Lisa ~ Spotlight and Giveaway

Broken Arrow by Azaria M.J. Durant ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Saturday Screams #56 ~ My Halloween List Needs Some Help


Leave your link and Iā€™ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

  1. Greg says:

    Sleeping to a storm is the best! Although yeah sounds like you could use some sunshine! Hope it lightens up a little for you.

    The Strangers Outside looks freaky! Love the look of that one… perfect for a dark stormy night!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s just rain and more rain. The sun has managed to peek through here and there but not long enough to dry things out or give me any pool time. I enjoy Vanessa’s books. She usually has some surprise twists. LOL The Strangers Outside was made into a movie. Not sure where it was available though.

  2. Nicci Boyle says:

    We’re getting all the rain too… I shouldn’t have complained so hard about all the sun and heat! lol
    Have a good week. šŸ™‚

  3. I have The Survivors book one hiding somewhere on my ereader. I have no idea what else is lurking there!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I just started looking at all of my books. Even making a list of the ones I’ll definitely be reading. They haunt me so. LOL

  4. kozbisa says:

    Funny you talk about falling asleep to a storm, because that was the white noise I put on last night when I went to bed. It has been unbearable in NJ. Super humid and really rainy. They had to declare a state of emergency in several towns, because of flash flooding. I’ve been lucky there. Well, at least there is the silver lining that your house is clean.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I used to listen to storms to fall asleep too. Now nature does it just fine for me. LOL I’m getting a bit worried about how much rain we’re getting. At least I live uphill from most flood prone areas.

  5. Through the Storm was a good one. Nothing wrong with sleeping through a storm. They tend to wake me up. LOL

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I was so excited when Through The Storm arrived. My favorite in the series so far was the third one and have high hopes for this too. Then I’ll be trying another of her series. The only time a storm wakes me up is when the thunder rattles the house LOL

  6. Jenea says:

    We’ve gotten so much rain here too. Everything is soggy and smelly and there no end in sight either. Our yard is filled with leaves from the trees changing already too. I hope you enjoy the new books and the rest of you day too.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Everything is waterlogged here too. The sky really opened up again right now! I have to park my car away from the pecan trees as their branches are very weak and get so heavy from the rain. Don’t want the limbs to crush my car!

  7. Beware Of The Reader says:

    I love to fall asleep to the sound of storm too!!!! Happy Sunday and happy nap šŸ˜‰

  8. Stormi D Johnson says:

    It’s been raining here all week too…blah. We needed it though as we are really dry and about 11 inches of where we need to be though by now it’s probably more like 8 as we have got a lot of rain this week. Still more to come today and next week. I know we needed it but I prefer not getting it all in one setting. šŸ™

    Sleeping in storms is the best and so is reading. šŸ™‚

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  9. I love Katie Ruggle’s books so much!! Sorry this summer has been a washout but spending extra time with the couch isn’t such a bad way to live either! Hahaha!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I adore Katie’s books. After I listen to this I’m moving on to another of her series. It’s pouring here still this morning and the couch is very comfy. LOL

  10. As I complain about the heat, I am reminded that it could be worse. I like rain..a light rain, but I hate storms. I’m a baby during a storm.

    Enjoy that reading, though…and thanks for sharing. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I try hard to not complain about the weather. But i sure wish the sun would come out. I think I have the rainy day blues and that’s not like me. LOL

  11. As I’m reading your post the rain has started falling here. lol No thunder so far, but we had the grumblies yesterday followed by a bit of rain. I’ve been wishing for cooler weather and, I can’t believe I’m going to say this because the last umpteen summers have been so dry, but LESS rain would be so nice about now.

  12. Yvonne says:

    We had the same type of weather yesterday – thunder, lightening and rain. I’m really not like the summer weather this year. I have a few of those freebies too. They all look good. Have a great week!

  13. Jackie says:

    Rain also induces sleep. I hope your nap was wonderful. I love naps. I do think Calgary needs it right now due to the smoky air. I want to see clearly again! *cries

  14. I love storms. They water the plants for me. Enjoy your new books. The cover of The Strangers Outside is pretty creepy. Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah, the plants are getting plenty of water. They are huge this year! The Strangers Outside was as creepy as it’s cover.

  15. I like the rain and hate the storms. I was able to grab some of those freebies too. The Strangers Outside reminds me of the Strangers movies. Looks pretty good!

  16. northwoman says:

    I don’t mind storms and rain is great for sleeping as it cools things off and keeps it dark in the morning. I also got Through the Fire; I’ve enjoyed this series. I got a couple of the same freebies also. Enjoy your reading week! Anne – Books of My Heart

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Good thing I like storms too as we’re getting a lot of them. LOL Katie has another series that sounds just as fun and I’ll be trying those next.

  17. Liliana E. says:

    Girl, that is exactly what we need over here in WA! I live right in the smack center of the state and there are fires all around us! We’ve been surrounded by all this smoke for over a week! It looks like fog… like campfire scented fog. Lol. It’s insane! We need some rain!

  18. S. J. Pajonas (spajonas) says:

    We’ve had so much rain here! I like falling asleep to rain but the other night we had two hours of LOUD thunderstorms from 10pm to 12am! I couldn’t fall asleep because it was so booming. Lol.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      When the house rattles and rolls, I’m wide awake and peeking out the window to see if the world is still there. LOL

  19. ERK says:

    Sleeping in a stormy night is soothing for me! Lol, I know weird, right? Idk I love the song of the rain šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I can’t sleep with a tv or radio on but I do have a fan. Total silence is deafening. Do you know what I mean?

  20. herding cats says:

    We had a pretty dry summer overall but goodness we’ve been getting those big storms this week, too. I love it. So nice for naps and reading šŸ™‚ Hope you had a great weekend!

  21. We keep getting just enough rain and overcast skies to mess up the day but not enough for an actual rainy day. It’s driving me crazy! I really want to try the Katie Ruggle series. I’ve heard it’s so good! Hope you’re having a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Got our first day without rain on Wednesday. Woke up to sunny skies today too. I love Katie’s series. Going to try another one of hers next!

  22. I love the cover of Alice’s Magic Garden. šŸ’œ

    I had high hopes for this summer because it started out low 70s and low humidity, but that was short lived. Ha ha. I had visions of getting our storage room purged and reorganized while I was off work, but it was too hot and humid. I guess I’ll have to do it during winter break. ā›„

    I hope you are having a wonderful week and that you enjoyed your nap. šŸŒž

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Alice’s Magic Garden was fun and the illustrations were so well done! It’s been a rainy hot summer but I’ll take that over winter! LOL

  23. Rainy days are great for getting things done!! Hope you’re having a fantastic week!

  24. Lynn says:

    I miss the sunny days as well! I always feel happier although I get a lot more done on grey or rainy days. I’ve been watching a lot of Netflix lately instead of reading. Have a great week!

  25. The cover for The Strangers Outside looks creepy! I love thunderstorms. We don’t get enough of them. It’s been a very dry summer.

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