I’m enjoying a long weekend due to the Thanksgiving holiday and movies are on the agenda. I just finished watching Big Legend. Have you seen it yet?
I’m a big fan of Sasquatch. I love the big hairy guy and I had high hopes for this movie. It didn’t disappoint.
Kevin Makely gives a great performance as a damaged man out for revenge after something takes his fiancee while camping in the woods. When he returns a year later to find out what happened to her, it doesn’t take long for the answer to come calling. Todd A. Robinson plays a supporting role as Eli. He’s part comic relief and part the guy you’d want by your side in a fight. The cameo appearances of Adrienne Barbeau and Lance Henriksen were good too. As Tyler’s mother, I loved that she supported him and backed his play. I watched this with my son and it was right near the end that we realized Lance hadn’t made an appearance. We were talking about that and then there he was. Playing the mystery character we’d just been pondering. It wouldn’t be a good Sasquatch movie without him.
The ending was a bonus. Got me thinking of some audible books in the dark suburban horror category I’m listening to by Bill Schweigart. This movie felt very similar.
The scenery was gorgeous. The acting was strong. And I didn’t really see any scenes that felt forced or lame. Plus, the creature was pretty terrifying. I liked what they came up with. Being always on the lookout for the next good creature feature, I was glad to find this one. If you’re a fan of this kind of movie, I’m thinking you’ll enjoy Big Legend. Not saying you’ll love it as much as I did, but you never know. I’m giving this a big thumbs up.

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