What’s New On My Bookshelf #289 and The Sunday Post

Posted: December 2, 2018 in Freebies!, giveaways, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Iā€™m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

Nothing much new to report. Just work and home every day. . As I type this it is raining cats and dogs!Ā  It’s in the mid 70s and humid, but I’m not complaining. At least its not freezing and I have a good excuse to stay indoors and read some good books.

I’ve been catching up on The Blacklist on Netflix. Well into the fifth season and you’d think it would get old by now. But, NOPE! This season Elisabeth is different and I’m loving how she’s changed. Reddington had changed too. There are so many scenes where I was laughing, shaking my head at his shenanigans and loving how he pulled off each new gambit.Ā  And there was one episode that had me bawling my eyes out! Man, it was hard to watch. My dog actually came over to comfort me. LOL Such a big sweetie:)

And I’m apologizing once again if I missed commenting on some of your posts. I came down with the dreaded pink eye again and everything looks blurry and the light from my computer screen is painful to my tender eyes. I’m at a loss how I got it. One good thing, it’s been keeping me off the computer a lot and I’ve not been able to browse the book sites and spend too much money. LOL

Have a fabulousĀ  Sunday and brand new week!


My new books this week.

Dark Ocean Princess (The Cursed Seas Collection) by [Walker, Nina, Seas, Cursed, Legacy, Charmed]Ā  A Night at the Animal Shelter by [Asher, Mark J.]

Death and Damages: A Limited Edition Mystery and Thriller Boxed Set by [Loofbourrow, Patricia, Creeden, Pauline, Ling, John, Padgett, Alexa, London, Siera, Vedam, Shereen, Shlian, Deborah, Hashway, Kelly, Michaels, JB, Carpenter, Maggie, Laveen, Tiana , Sanders, Angela , Bryson, Karen M., Austin, Aime, Thomas, Lisa B., Quinn, Fiona, Donovan, Kerry J., Blythe, Jane, Wilson, Muffy , Raye, Dariel, Dixon, Jaā€™Nese, Keys, Terry, Hargenrader, Bill, Lucci, Judith, Swan, Maria Grazia]


And here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure theyā€™re still free before you hit that buy button.

All I Want For Christmas (A Sweet, Contemporary Romance) (Romance In The Lakes Book 1) by [Mayhew, Tracey]Ā  MISTLETOE, MOONLIGHT, and MURDER: A Ravenwood Cove Cozy Mystery by [Dean, Carolyn L.]

Witch Hearts: A Novella (Magic and Mage Series Book 1) by [Thompson Rees, Angharad]Ā  Under Ground (UNDER GROUND #1) by [Rachel, Alice]


Other posts on my blog this week.

The Cozy Corgy Series by Mildred Abbott ~ Doggone fun

Teaser Tuesday #249 ~ Oh, Holy Fright

Holiday Hijinks ~ A Cozy Romance Giveaway

The Night Before Christmas ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Dream Of Me This Christmas Eve ~ Blitz and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #193 ~ Holly In Hiding

The Dating Alternative ~ Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Days Of Fantasy For Christmas ~ Multiple Authors Giveaway

Miracles Are Golden ~ Grand Finale Giveaway


Leave your link and Iā€™ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

  1. Pink eye is awful. We have strep throat here. Its snowing here. Wanna trade? Lol Thanks for the prayers. When a loved one is in need it is so emotional exhausting. She needs all the prayers she can get. Hugs.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      This is the second time I’ve had it this year. Getting better now, thanks:) Sorry, but I’ll pass on the snow. LOL And I’m sending more prayers to you and your family, Kimberly.

  2. Greg says:

    It’s been raining here too, and we actually had thunder even with snow on the ground. Michigan you know. šŸ™‚ Sorry to hear about the pink eye- hope it goes away soon!

    I love the look of A Night at the Animal Shelter, and that rainy cover of Crossing Zero too!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I don’t miss the Michigan weather, and thunder? That’s weird. LOL The pink eye is getting better. Thanks. I couldn’t resist the cute cover for Animal Shelter. And darn it, I didn’t grab Crossing Zero while it was still free. Just checked and it isn’t so I removed it from the post.

  3. Ow.. I still have to get started on The Blacklist. I’ve been wanting to for ages.. but life just gets in the way. Well, and lots of other movies, books and series. LOL!.
    I hope the pink eye gets better soon.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I just finished season five and now I’ll be hunting another show to binge. I’m not crazy about how it looks like things will be going. Guess I’ll see when new episodes are available.

  4. I haven’t started watching The Blacklist yet but I have the released dvd box sets. I do intend to get more stuff watched next year as I’m way behind on films and TV!

  5. The second season of Blacklist was my fave. Oh pinkeye, no fun! Hope it clears up fast!

  6. sjhigbee says:

    Oh no! how very, very painful… I hope you soon recover from this miserable condition:(. Is your temperature normally so high at this time of year – we are still having freakily high temps – mid-50s – two days ago I was watching honey bees browsing on my flowering ivy… Have a better week, Laura.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m getting better. The light no longer hurts my eyes and I can fully open them. Thanks:) It’s a bit warmer than usual but we don’t get the real winter chill until later in January.

  7. It stormed here last night like crazy! Today its 60 which is pretty warm for us in December.
    Sorry about the pink eye! Thats terrible!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks:) The pink eye is clearing up. I’m sitting here listening to the thunder draw closer. Looks like more rain today.

  8. Stormi D Johnson says:

    Wish it was in the 70’s here! šŸ™‚ Hope your pink eye goes away soon!!

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  9. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Damn Laura sorry about your pink eye!!! But yes when you can’t really spend many hours on the computer it is great to read (a real book maybe I mean paper book) and do some shopping! I hope you’ll get better soon <3

  10. The Blacklist is the best! I loved it, I’m glad you are enjoying it and hope you enjoy the rest of it. Rainy days are nice if you’re staying indoors, but it can get old after a while too. Hoe you get better soon and have a good week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The show is too fun and twisted. I’m excited to see what season six has to offer. The sun is going to come out today but then the temps are going to get mighty cold for a couple days. Yikes!

  11. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan says:

    Pink eyes are the worst. I hope you get it done with soon. The rain might make it difficult. But it is good that you are still able to read. Take some rest.

  12. Anne says:

    I hope your eye is better. I just switch onto audio books for a bit if my eyes are bothering me (allergies) I watched the Blacklist the first 2-3 seasons when I watched more tv and it was the first thing I would watch when I had a minute. Then I got out of watching tv, pretty much everything. Maybe I’ll get back to it. Have a great week! Anne – Books of My Heart

    • fuonlyknew says:

      That’s what I did. I listened to two audibles and they were good ones! I usually don’t turn on the TV until early evening. Then it’s to catch up on shows and watch movies. I like the noise when working on my computer too.

  13. Oh, pinkeye is miserable! I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with it. I hope it clears up soon. Meanwhile, take it easy and don’t strain your eyes.

    It’s only in the mid-50s here, grey and sometimes rainy. Last week’s temps were almost wintry, down in the 40s during the day and 30s at night. What happened to fall? It came late and disappeared quickly!

    Have a better week, and enjoy your shows (and reading, once your eyes are up to it again)!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      My eyes are clear again! Thanks:) It was hot this weekend. Around 80. Now the skies are clearing and we’re in for some cold temps for a few days.

  14. kozbisa says:

    I poured her for almost two days. I don’t really care, because it’s better than snow. Oh, no, pink eye again. Ouch! Hope it clears up quickly

  15. Aww your dog sounds so sweet. Feel better!

  16. Carole says:

    I hope your pink eye is feeling better! I was really happy that it didn’t rain on Friday this week since I was outside a lot that day. I would love to see some temps in the 70s though šŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy all of your new reads!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It got up to 81 on Sunday with some clearing skies. Supposed to start turning cold Monday night and linger for a couple days.

  17. Yvonne says:

    I love The Blacklist. I’ve always been a fan of James Spader and that’s probably why. I hope you are feeling better. Have a great week!

  18. I’d take 70s and rainy over freezing any day! Enjoy your new reads! Dark Ocean Princess looks really good!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Dark Ocean Princess leaped right out at me. Can’t wait to read it. It’s warm here now but then a few days of wintry cold are moving in.

  19. Rachel @Waves of Fiction says:

    Oh gosh, pink eye is the worst! Hope you get over it soon! I really need to catch up on The Blacklist. I’ve only watched up to season 2 so, yeah, really behind.

  20. I went through a period of time where I had pink eye several times in a few months. It’s awful! Hope you are doing better. Glad Witch Hearts was still free – I was able to grab it. We had rain all day Saturday but yesterday it was almost 70!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I went back and checked. Had it three times this year and no idea how I got it. Weird. Your weather sounds similar to mine. Is the cold blast headed your way?

  21. Daniela Ark says:

    It has been raining tons here too! Hope your pink eye is getting better!

  22. Lilyn G says:

    I love that cover for Dark Ocean Princess. Holy crap. Can I just get a print of it for the wall?

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I know! Tentacles maybe???? There are some great covers I’d like hanging on my walls also! I do have two.

  23. S. J. Pajonas (spajonas) says:

    Ugh! I’m sorry to hear about the pink eye! That’s the worst. And I’m not familiar with The Blacklist, so I’m going to have to go check it out. šŸ™‚

  24. I hope you feel better soon! I love your Santa flamingos.

  25. Aren’t dogs just the best? Mine knows when I’m sad too, such a sweetie.

    I just one-clicked Witch Hearts. Sounded good. šŸ™‚

  26. Lola says:

    Some series stay good even in later seasons, it’s great when that happens. We’re watching Killjoys at the moment and it’s still good so far. I hope your pink eye is over again quickly, that sounds nasty. Dark Ocean Princess looks good! Have a great week!

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