Archive for June 17, 2020


Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Beyond The Surface organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Trisha Ridinger McKee will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter!

And be sure to click on the tour banner to see the other tours on the stop.

Beyond The Surface

by Trisha Ridinger McKee



Ella is a middle-aged woman with a stagnant career, an exasperated teenage daughter, and a husband that has left to make a new life with another woman. Her first attempt at dating is a disaster, and in an attempt to refocus her life and rediscover her joy, Ella goes fishing. It is here that she meets Dennis, the older, captivating man that ends up saving her life and stealing her heart. But Dennis has a history, and Ella might just be in for the biggest heartbreak of her life if she can not get her emotions under control and face the demons from her own past.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Ella noticed he kept a distance, his gaze flitting around the room. She felt huge and plain in a cotton dress that made it easy to move around the still, humid air.

“You okay?” He was close again, his lips near her cheek, and she stepped away, unable to keep it all straight.

“Forget it.”


“This was a stupid dress to wear!” she cried out.

Slowly, Dennis nodded. “Such a stupid dress to wear.” And he was right behind her, his hands drawing her against him. Leaning down, he whispered, “Because I can’t think straight seeing you in that dress. You look young and beautiful, the color brings out the green in your eyes. The fabric is thin enough that all I can think of is how very little is between us when I am against you like this. And when the sun hits you just right… the dress… El, the dress is a little see-through.”

She spun around, colliding into him, her large eyes seeking his in a panic. “What? Dennis, I was out running errands -”

“I know.” His lips teased the tip of her ear, stifling her words. “And I bet all the men that crossed your path are still trying to recover. So, when I suddenly get quiet and move away, it’s because I’m doing my best, El, to be a gentleman. Because something about you drives me crazy, and I forget myself. I forget how to be a civilized male, a proper adult.” His lips were suddenly on her neck, and her knees buckled.

About Author Trisha Ridinger McKee:

Trisha Ridinger McKee resides in a small town in Pennsylvania where there is not much to do … except write. When she is not twisting words into stories, she enjoys fishing, reading, binge-watching true crime or cheesy horror, hanging out with her bulldogs, and finding new hobbies. She shares her world with a patient hubby and an amazing daughter. She finally gained enough courage to send out her writing in April 2019. Since then, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in over 50 publications, including Tablet Magazine, The Oddville Press, Crab Fat Magazine, Kzine, Commuterlit, J.J. Outre Review, ParABnormal Magazine, 4Star Stories, Black Hare Press, Thirteen Press, and more. She won Story of the Month from 50-Word Stories. Her short story Where We Meet has been nominated for Best of the Net Anthology 2019. Her debut novel Beyond the Surface is now available on Amazon.

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