What’s New On My Book Shelf #385 and The Sunday Post

Posted: November 29, 2020 in Freebies!, giveaways, What's New on My Bookshelf
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Reading, Read, Peaceful, Woman, Dusk, Outside, Outdoors

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Sunday Post

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

This year has sped by so fast and yet also felt like it crawled. Weird, eh? Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas is on the way. Have you done your shopping or decorating yet? I’ve done a bit of both. And I managed to get by the library to grab a few books I’ve been wanting. I have a couple of days off next week and plan to finish my decorating and curl up with some of these beauties.

Stay safe and have a lovely Sunday!


Some of my new books.

Library haul.

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Purchased and received for review.

18655866Β  51204046. sx318 sy475 Β  52581895

Human Flesh by [Nick Clausen]Β  Here After by [Sean Costello]Β  Ferocious by [Jeff Strand]



Here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.

10:59 by [N R Baker]Β  The Plant by [Paul Sating]Β  The Little Town Creeps: Werewolves, Folklore and Fiends: Book 1 by [Courtneey J. Williams]

Detective School 101 (A Detective School Mystery Book 1) by [J.R. Ripley]Β  Murder in Saint-RΓ©my: A French Countryside Village Christmas Holiday Mystery (The Maggie Newberry Mystery Series Book 15) by [Susan Kiernan-Lewis]Β  The Princess Problem (Sexy Misadventures of Royals Book 1) by [Christi Barth]

Upended Life (Artemis University Book 1) by [Erin R Flynn]Β  Drowning Studies (Artemis University Book 2) by [Erin R Flynn]Β  Surviving Plagues (Artemis University Book 3) by [Erin R Flynn]

Blood Land: A Hard Boiled Murder Mystery (A James Pruett Mystery Book 1) by [R.S. Guthrie, Tanja Prokop, Russell Rowland]Β  King of Diamonds: A Dark Mafia Romance (Vegas Underground Book 1) by [Renee Rose]Β  Mafia Daddy: Dark Mafia Romance (Vegas Underground Book 2) by [Renee Rose]

Jack of Spades: A Dark Mafia Romance (Vegas Underground Book 3) by [Renee Rose]Β  Ace of Hearts: A Dark Mafia Romance (Vegas Underground Book 4) by [Renee Rose]Β  Joker's Wild: A Dark Mafia Romance (Vegas Underground Book 5) by [Renee Rose]

His Queen of Clubs: A Bratva / Dark Mafia Romance (Vegas Underground Book 6) by [Renee Rose]Β  Dead Man's Hand: A Dark Mafia Romance (Vegas Underground Book 7) by [Renee Rose]Β  Wild Card (Vegas Underground Book 8) by [Renee Rose]


Other posts on my blog this week.

The Light Catcher Murders by Jo Cassie McRae ~ Spotlight and Giveaway

Night Watch by Annie Anderson ~ Excerpt and Giveaway

Night Watch by Annie Anderson ~ Excerpt and Giveaway

The Dickens & Christie Mysteries by Kathy Manos Penn ~ Spotlight and Giveaway

Sommerville Holidays Too by Vicki Batman ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Falling Into Magic ~ A Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic Book by Elizabeth Pantley

Third Wheel ~ Haunts For Sale by Kat Green

Fishing For Trouble ~ An Alaskan Diner Mystery by Elizabeth Logan


Leave your link and I’ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

  1. Izabel Brekilien says:

    Just like your said, slow and fast year, crrepy year, we’ll be glad to be out of it ! You had quite a big book haul, enjoy and have fun decorating – so will we, this afternoon πŸ™‚

  2. Mareli Thalwitzer says:

    I still need t read Joe Hill. Haven’t read any yet! But I do have a few on my TBR.

    My Christmas tree was put up yesterday and I do hope it will stay nice and pretty until Christmas.

    Have a good week and happy reading!

    Elza Reads

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I enjoy Hill’s books. Remind me of the older Stephen King books and those are among my favorites. I got my tree up and the lights on and plan to get decorations done the next couple of days.

  3. Maureen Bakker says:

    I totally agree with you about this year. It’s definitely a crazy one.
    I plan on decorating our home for Christmas next weekend. I can’t wait πŸ˜€
    Stay safe and happy reading.

  4. Sam@WLABB says:

    Enjoy your time off. I hope all the books you read are great ones. I bought two Christmas gifts, but I only really get a few each year anyhow. The side effect of buying the pricier items.

  5. I spent an Amazon gift voucher that my dad gave me so a pile of new hardback, paperback and downloads are coming into my life! These are my last purchases until January and I should have them in a week. I found some tinsel in my room during the clearout so I might put a bit of it up to cheer the room up. We haven’t done Christmas in our house for six years though, other than the junk food so the tinsel makes a nice change!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I usually do a ton of decorating. This year there will be less done outside since the hurricane really tore up my house. Can’t decorate much because I’ll have to take it down when they come to put on the new roof and rebuild both front and year porches.

  6. sjhigbee says:

    Glad you have a few days off coming up, Laura – you work so hard! I hope you get a chance to curl up with your books, so have a lovely reading week:))

  7. It feel like a hundred years passed by in two days lol. My decorations are up and I have a bit of shopping left to do but have gotten a big chunk done.

    I hope you have a great week, Laura! Happy Reading! πŸ™‚

  8. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan says:

    I totally agree with your opinion. The year just flew, but it was not fast enough either. But I hope you had a good and safe Thanksgiving.

  9. Stormi says:

    I am a bit of a humbug so no decorating…lol. Well, might a bit in my room for booktube background but that is it.

    I only have to shop for my dad a gift so no not shopped yet. πŸ™‚

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  10. Thank you Laura – You stay safe too and I hope you enjoy getting in the festive mood and enjoying some of these books. 😊

    Here’s my Sunday Post: https://thebookwormchronicles.wordpress.com/2020/11/29/%f0%9f%99%8f-sunday-reflection-november-2020-wrap-up-%f0%9f%8d%82/ πŸ™‚

  11. Greg says:

    We’ve done a little decorating but not too much yet. Might put lights out today though since it’s relatively warm for Michigan! Glad that Christmas season is finally here!

    Hope you have a great week! πŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m happy it is here too! The weather took a turn and it’s windy and quite chilly. Feels like Christmas. LOL

  12. Tammy says:

    I agree, the year went by so fast, but I feel like it should have been slower. I’m ready to start fresh in 2021! Have a good week, Laura😁

  13. I’ve bought exactly one Christmas present so far, I really do need to get organised.
    Enjoy your time off!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  14. I’ve started Christmas shopping but haven’t gotten far. Hope you enjoy the holidays!

  15. I haven’t done any decorating but its on my to do list!

  16. We have done only a little shopping and no decorating yet. I’m so happy to hear you have some days off. Relax and enjoy some great reads!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  17. yvonne473 says:

    I really can’t believe how fast the second half of the year went. It just flew by. I hope you have a great week!

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