I am so excited that WHITE HARES AND MIDNIGHT DARES by Laura Strickland is available now and that I get to share the news!
If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.
This blitz also includes a giveaway for a finished copy of the book courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.
Author: Laura Strickland

Pub. Date: May 22, 2023
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 107
Find it: Goodreads, https://books2read.com/WHITE-HARES-AND-MIDNIGHT-DARES
Diana Gendarme has spent her life doing
for others, so when she moves into her dream cottage, she’s ready for some “me”
time. But the cottage is shabby and her new neighbors quite close. One of them
makes a din in his blacksmith’s forge all day long yet has the nerve to
complain about her beagle’s yodeling. He’s the last sort of man who should
attract Diana. So why can’t she resist the absurd dares he persists in issuing?
Reg Coltsfoot doesn’t plan on falling
for his neighbor. A lifelong charmer, he’s used to women falling for him
instead. There’s just something about Diana that has him longing to draw her
out of her staid life and into his. Maybe it’s the magic of spring, but Reg
will do all he can to persuade Diana she needs his laughter and his love to
light her days.
He had
assumed a wide, protective stance and he looked absolutely nothing like the
image of Mr. Coltsfoot lodged in Diana’s head. In fact, this could not be Mr.
Coltsfoot. He did not appear old enough. A caregiver, perhaps. Or Mr.
Coltsfoot’s son.
He had a
bared head of thick, dark hair tumbling in an unruly fashion over his brow, and
a face suffused with outrage. He wore a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck and
a pair of tan slacks, and he made Diana suck in a breath as if someone had
struck her in the gut.
sorry, is that your pet?” she called, seeing the creature nestled comfortably
in his arms. She didn’t know if he heard her over Amundsen’s baying, which
continued unabated.
snarled in response. Diana could take it for nothing but a snarl. He tossed
back his head and shouted, “I hope your dog is not going to be a problem.”
Diana did
not appreciate being shouted at, though she supposed under the circumstances he
had no other option.
He’s not
my dog. The words trembled on her lips but she did not speak them. To all
intents and purposes, Amundsen had become her responsibility.
He’d been
Dad’s dog, a loyal if ofttimes trouble-making companion. He could decimate an
unsecured kitchen garbage pail in mere seconds. He could open a refrigerator
door and select whatever appealed to him. He could chew up and destroy anything
not made of cast iron.
About Laura Strickland:
award-winning author Laura Strickland delights in time traveling to the past
and searching out settings for her books, be they Historical Romance, Steampunk
or something in between. Her first Scottish Historical hero, Devil Black,
battled his way onto the publishing scene in 2013, and the author never looked
back. Nor has she tapped the limits of her imagination. Venturing beyond
Historical and Contemporary Romance, she created a new world with her
ground-breaking Buffalo Steampunk Adventure series set in her native city, in
Western New York. Married and the parent of one grown daughter, Laura has also
been privileged to mother a number of very special rescue dogs, the latest of
whom is a little boy named Tinker, and is intensely interested in animal
welfare. Her love of dogs, and her lifelong interest in Celtic history, magic
and music, are all reflected in her writing. Laura’s mantra is Lore, Legend,
Love, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card, International.
Ends May 29th, midnight EST.
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