The Ghosts Of Rathalla by Matthew K. Perkins ~ Guest Post And Giveaway

Posted: June 3, 2024 in Fantasy, giveaways, Guest Post
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Book Details:

​Book Title:  The Ghosts of Rathalla by Matthew K. Perkins
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  200 pages
GenreEpic fantasy
PublisherResource Publications
Release date:  February 2024
Content Rating:  PG-13: Some swearing and violence. 

Book Description:

Set in a world that is dominated by a vast desert, two friends are caught in the middle of a civil war. She’s a warrior. He’s a musician. When they discover that the crux of the war is a prophesied newborn baby that one side will do anything to destroy, they become the only people capable of saving the child’s life—all that stands in their way is an active volcano, a barbarian army, and a cunning assassin with motives of his own.

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Guest Post From Author Matthew K. Perkins:

Here’s something I’ve been struggling with as a writer: I strongly prefer to write my novels linearly (from beginning to end) and, even when I have great ideas for later in the story, I like to make a few notes about the ideas (so that I don’t forget them) and then put them on the backburner until I’m writing that part of the book.

I would really like to stop doing this! My advice to myself, and to anybody reading this is: WRITE IT WHEN YOU GET THE IDEA.

  1. You’re going to write it best when it’s fresh on your mind and you’re most excited about the idea.
  2. If you write it, and it turns out really well, it acts as a motivator to get you to that point in the story (i.e. I’m halfway through writing my book and having some writer’s block, BUT I wrote that one scene near the end that is AWESOME, and I need to get the story there.)
  3. Just because you write it down now, doesn’t mean it’s written in stone. You can get the full idea down and still make changes later!
  4. Having different portions of your novel written at the same time can help solidify themes/motifs that you’re trying to carry throughout, and it can also improve your organization as a writer.

Happy writing to everybody out there!


Meet Author Matthew K. Perkins:

Matthew K. Perkins is a proud Wyoming native, where he completed an MA in English Literature from the state’s lone university. He currently lives in Denver, Colorado, with his wife, three sons, and two dogs. He is the author of two novels, ‘Saint in Vain’ (2018) and ‘The Ghosts of Rathalla’ (2024).
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THE GHOSTS OF RATHALLA by Matthew K. Perkins Book Tour Giveaway



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  1. Nancy P says:

    Sounds intriguing

  2. Nancy P says:

    Hope you enjoyed your tour.

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