Wishes, Lies, & Fireflies by Claire Yezbak Fadden ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Posted: July 14, 2024 in Cozy Mystery, Excerpt, giveaways
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A Sewing Circle Suspense 



Wishes, Lies, & Fireflies


A Sewing Circle Suspense Book 1


by Claire Yezbak Fadden


Genre: Cozy Mystery 



Addie Burhan never allowed the
choice she made eighteen years ago to control her life. A goal not
easily accomplished in 1940, when an unplanned pregnancy left women
with few options. But after hearing gossip about her former boyfriend
Barry Gallatin at the weekly Sewing Circle – codename for ladies’
poker night–Addie realizes everything she held sacred is about to
be crushed.

Barry and his family have returned to her
sleepy town in southwestern Pennsylvania. It’s bad enough that he
broke her heart to marry her then-friend, Nora, but now Addie’s
close-knit circle wants to welcome the two-faced woman back into
their group.

Within weeks, her teenage son meets the
Gallatins’ daughter. A romance blooms, swirling Addie into a panic.
She can’t let him fall in love with this girl. Her Lebanese
upbringing and strong faith have kept her from revealing her past.
And now that secret will destroy two families. But if she doesn’t
tell the truth–those same lives will be shattered.

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An hour later, Addie wandered around the women’s department shopping for a new slip—or perhaps a nightgown? She’d forgotten which she had told the Kresge’s salesgirl when she approached. Addie didn’t need either. She was stalling, merely wasting time, digging for the courage to drop a nickel into the payphone.

“Adele, is that you?” A tinny voice sounded behind her. “Why, of course it is. I’d recognize you anywhere. Honey, it’s Addie.”

She hated being called Adele, and that’s how she recognized the voice. Since her parents had died, only one person still called her Adele. Addie did her best to not let her mouth gape open as she turned to face Nora and Barry, hands full of what appeared to be towels and sheets.

“We just stopped in for a few things,” Nora explained. “Still trying to get the new place presentable for company.”

“Hi, Addie,” Barry said, standing a few inches behind his wife. “It’s good to see you.”

Nora grinned, swinging from side to side as though enjoying the moment with her girlhood friend. “Between you and me, I’m hoping to join your Sewing Circle,” she said with a wink.

“You don’t have to hide the truth,” Barry jested. “We all know it’s an excuse for you ladies to play poker. And that’s okay with me.”

“Honey, would you mind going to the register and paying for these?” Nora asked, shoving a stack of linens at her husband. “I need to catch up with Addie.”

“Sure. I’ll meet you at the car,” he said. Barry stood a few seconds too long, his stare trained on Addie. No one moved. His husky voice broke the silence. “It’s great to see you after such a long time.”

“It has been a while,” she agreed. Awash in the insincerity of his words, Addie wondered why he was putting on this performance. Was this the same man who wished her dead, or worse, the last time they had spoken?

“Would love to hear about you and the family when you have the time,” he continued. “Maybe you and Ahren can stop by the house for dinner.”

Nora clapped her hands. “That’s a marvelous idea, especially since our little Genna is starry-eyed for your Luke.”

Addie gulped. That’s what this friendly reception is all about. Dear God, they think this budding relationship is a good thing, our kids as a couple. Her timeline shrank as she contemplated their bright, welcoming faces aglow in grins, anticipating the grandchildren they might share with Addie and Ahren.

Her lungs tightened as though bricks pressed against them. Something must be said, and yesterday wouldn’t have been soon enough. Try as she might, she couldn’t form those words in front of Nora.




Claire Yezbak Fadden lives in Orange County, California with her
husband and two spoiled dogs. She spends her spare time playing with
her four grandchildren and immersing herself in the words of other



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  1. Mary Preston says:

    I love cozy mysteries. Love the title and cover too.

  2. Rita Wray says:

    I liked the excerpt.

  3. Nancy says:

    This sounds like a book with an interesting premise.

  4. Thanks for the great giveaway.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  5. Claire Yezbak Fadden says:

    Thank you for highlighting Wishes, Lies, & Fireflies on your blog. I hope your readers will enjoy meeting Addie, Beth and the rest of the Sewing Circle ladies.

  6. Cindy Merrill says:

    Oh dear me no, I see where this is going! Those poor kids are half brother & sister.

  7. marcymeyer says:

    I like the cover art. Looks great. Sounds like a book that I would enjoy reading.

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