Little Dog Diner by Emmie Lyn ~ Series Blitz And Giveaway

Posted: July 18, 2024 in Cozy Mystery, giveaways
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Murder wasn’t on the menu at the Little Dog Diner but that’s exactly

what we got served anyways!



Mixing Up Murder


Little Dog Diner Book 1


by Emmie Lyn


Genre: Cozy Mystery


Murder wasn’t supposed to be on the menu at the Little Dog
Diner, but that’s exactly what we got served anyway.


Hi, I’m Dani Mackenzie and I’m the unfortunate soul who owns said
diner. Looks like business is going to be slow for a little while as
the whole town scrambles to find whodunnit.

At first I just needed something to keep me busy while on my forced vacation,
but now as the clues stack up, I’m caught in the middle of this
crazy mixed-up murder. And I’ll do anything to get to the bottom of
what really happened and why it happened in my kitchen.

Too bad the only known witness to the crime is the victim’s terrier,
Pip, and no one believes she bludgeoned her owner to death. But if
not her… then who? And, perhaps more importantly, who’s next?

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Serving Up Suspects


Little Dog Diner Book 2


As it turns out quilting is the deadly new fad people are just dying to
try… And here I thought the annual quilt auction would be a boring
way to spend an evening!

One big murder in my tiny
hometown was more than I ever wanted to see, but now the death toll
has risen to two. Eek!

Hey, at least I’ve got my
favorite ten-pound bundle of mischief at my side for good. My Jack
Russell buddy, Pip, and I are experienced amateur detectives now and
we’re more than ready to put another tough case to bed.

The problem is that the murder
victim had no known enemies, which begs the question: Who would
actually want her dead? For this tricky catering gig, it looks like
we’ll be serving up suspects instead of dessert. Can we catch the
killer in time to save the fundraiser… and maybe even some lives
along the way?

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Dishing Up Deceit


Little Dog Diner Book 3


I always thought weddings were supposed to be about joining lives…Not ending them.


But when an unexpected guest shows up
dead on the beach and the groom seems to be hiding more than just
cold feet, I need to take my chef’s hat off and don my deerstalker
once again.

Who was this mysterious stranger that came to
town claiming to be a long lost relative, and why is she now dead?
Who is the groom really, and are his intentions for my friend

Deceit—like revenge—may be a dish best served
cold, but I’m not quite sure any of us have the stomach for it.
Wedding bells are ringing, but might they also be the death knell?
And is the killer really going to be satisfied with just one victim
when two could be twice as nice?

Oh, dear. Pip and I
certainly have our work cut out for us this time…

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Cooking Up Chaos


Little Dog Diner Book 4


 Autumn on the Maine coast is stunning, which brings the tourists out
in droves. My restaurant, the Little Dog Diner, is teeming with them,
thanks to the locally famous fall festival.


Usually that’s a great thing… this year, however, the discovery of a dead body
puts a damper on business awfully fast.

Add to that, the fact that the victim had a vendetta against almost every small
business owner in town, and now I’ve landed right in the middle of
the very long and tedious suspect list.

Looks like it’s time to toss my apron aside and don the detective hat once more.
Thankfully, Pip is more than ready to assist in this one, because if
I didn’t get to the bottom of this chaos quickly, it could be me
getting cooked!

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Crumbling Up Crooks


Little Dog Diner Book 5


Don’t get married on Christmas Eve, they said.

The holiday will overshadow your special day, they insisted.

Little did they know that a shockingly festive murder would put everything else on hold.

When all signs point to my sometimes friend, sometimes rival, Detective Crenshaw, I’ll need towork fast so that he’s not forced to spend his holiday in the  slammer. But in throwing myself feet first into the real crook’s crummy conspiracy, I could be risking so much more than a spoiled day… The future of my forthcoming marriage could very well be on the line too.

Oh, boy… Can Pip and I solve this one in record time so that my fiance’s and my perfect day can go
off without another major hitch?

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Dicing Up Disaster

Little Dog Diner Book 6

Another day, another murder. At least that’s what it’s
beginning to feel like in the small coastal town of Misty Harbor.

Who’d have ever guessed that
owning the Little Dog Diner would put me right in the middle of
deadly plot after deadly plot? No sooner had I put the last big
mystery to bed, then another shows up at the diner’s

Soaking wet and shaking with
fright, this peculiar stranger tells me she and her enormous
Newfoundland companion leapt overboard to escape a killer. Helping
her stay safe will put me directly in the line of fire, but it’s
also the right thing to do. Can my Jack Russell terrier, Pip, and I
save our two newest visitors from the already rolling wheels of fate
and manage to keep the diner afloat?

We’ve never failed before,
but then again we’ve never quite faced a case like this…

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**Coming Soon!**


Scooping Up Scandal

Little Dog Diner Book 7

in August – PreOrder Now!**



Emmie Lyn grew up in a small town in
New England, much like the towns where her female characters
live—scenic, quaint and filled with colorful characters. She loves
to create mysteries with twists and unexpected turns that draw
readers in and capture their imagination.


Emmie lives in rural Massachusetts with her husband, a rescue terrier, and
a black cat with a bad attitude. She shares twelve acres with a wide
variety of wildlife including deer, bunnies, turkeys, and many
songbirds. When she’s not busy thinking of ways to kill off a
character (for a book, of course!) she enjoys a cup of tea and
chocolate in her flower garden, hiking, or spending time near the


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

  1. lindaherold999 says:

    The cute book cover makes me want to read the book!

  2. Mary Preston says:

    I’m loving all of these covers.

  3. Rita Wray says:

    The books sound great.

  4. allibrarycefdb51301 says:

    This sounds like a new to me series that I will enjoy reading!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. Nancy P says:

    Adorable covers

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