The Secret Cottage by Kate Ellington ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Posted: July 24, 2024 in Excerpt, giveaways, historical romance
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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Secret Cottage organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Kate Ellingtom will award a $2o Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Secret Cottage

by Kate Ellington



Genre: Historical Romance


Isabel Tate yearns for the simple pleasures she took for granted before scandal rocked her family two years ago. On May Day, she’s determined to forget her troubles and enjoy herself at the Claremont family’s annual festival.

Meanwhile, Robert Claremont steels himself to begin courting the haughty heiress next door, but his bashfulness is only one obstacle to winning her hand. Despite a deep sense of family obligation, he dreams of choosing his own bride.

Captivated by each other from the moment they meet, Robert and Isabel are kept apart by a misunderstanding until a chance encounter leads to friendship and more.

With opposition on all sides, they must overcome inconceivable odds to claim happiness.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Isabel glanced around the hall, curious about the townsfolk who would be her neighbors for the summer. As she looked around the room she was startled to see a man staring intently at her. Their eyes met, and she had the sense he’d been watching her for some time.

She looked away before he did and leaned over to whisper in her aunt’s ear. “Who is that man?”

Verity followed her gaze. “That’s one of the sons of the house. Robert Claremont.”

“Indeed?” Isabel stole another glance at him.

“Yes, and the man beside him is Mr. Kensington. He’s lived with the Claremonts since he was a boy. He’s a friend of your uncle’s.”

“Did you not say there was another brother?”

“Yes, and there he is.William Claremont, Robert’s twin.”

“Twin?” asked Isabel, taken aback. “They look nothing alike.”

“It sometimes happens that way.”

Isabel watched the Claremont brothers and their friend cross the hall to the high table. Once they were seated Isabel was able to study the brothers more closely. They were both tall and had blue eyes. William was blonde and exceptionally handsome. He looked confident, even arrogant, and Isabel knew at once he would be popular with the ladies. From the way he surveyed the women in the room, William knew it, too.

The other brother, Robert, was striking in his own way, with wavy black hair and high cheekbones. His angular face suggested haughtiness, but there was a lightness underneath— as if he was thinking of a jest but trying not to laugh.


About Author Kate Ellington:

Kate grew up in a woodsy New England town where summer days at the lake seemed to last forever. She read her first historical romance at age eleven when a teacher challenged her to find a book in the library written by an author she’d never heard of. Thus began a life-long love of love stories.

After graduating from college with an art degree she settled in the Pacific Northwest, where she currently resides with her family.

Kate wrote her first romance when she was sixteen, then set her pen down for years until another story floated into her head out of the clear blue sky. She jotted it down, just for fun, but soon it took on a life of its own.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Goodreads / Instagram


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  1. Mary Preston says:

    A great cover and I like the sound of this.

  2. Thank you so much for featuring THE SECRET COTTAGE today.

  3. Marcy Meyer says:

    I enjoy historical romance. Sounds really good.

  4. allibrarycefdb51301 says:

    I think that the cover of your book is very attractive.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. lisasvance says:

    This sounds like a great read.

  6. Anne says:

    The Secret Cottage sounds captivating, memorable and beautiful. A historical which is a real treasure to enjoy.

  7. Rita Wray says:

    Sounds like a book I will enjoy.

  8. Ann Fantom says:

    This sounds like an interesting book and I also like the cover.

  9. Sherry says:

    This looks like an awesome read.

  10. sidlaw0425 says:

    This looks line a very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.

  11. David Hollingsworth says:

    Do you ever dream of doing something else than writing?

  12. Hope it does well!

  13. Nancy P says:

    Interesting synopsis

  14. allibrarycefdb51301 says:

    I like the story about your teacher’s library book new author challenge!

    allibrary (at) aol dot) com

  15. lisasvance says:

    What’s your favorite food?

  16. Cynthia Conley says:

    The synopsis is interesting. Thank you for sharing it.

  17. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    I enjoyed the excerpt for The Secret Cottage. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. David Hollingsworth says:

    This is a great giveaway!

  19. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    Do you write every day?

  20. lisasvance says:

    What are your hobbies besides writing?

  21. David Hollingsworth says:

    What’s your favorite kind of music?

  22. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    Have a fun weekend!

  23. lisasvance says:

    Happy Saturday!

  24. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    What are your plans for the upcoming week?

  25. lisasvance says:

    Did you go to college?

  26. David Hollingsworth says:

    Do you watch movies?

  27. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    What do you like to read?

  28. lisasvance says:

    Who influenced your writing the most?

  29. David Hollingsworth says:

    Hope you have a good week.

  30. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    We are having the hottest weather of the year. How about you?

  31. lisasvance says:

    Are you doing anything special this summer?

  32. Thanks for sharing

  33. David Hollingsworth says:

    A very nice giveaway.

  34. lisasvance says:

    What do you think about turning books into films?

  35. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    I’m running out of things to say.

  36. David Hollingsworth says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    What do you do for exercise?

  38. lisasvance says:

    Do you foresee a sequel?

  39. David Hollingsworth says:

    I’m running out of things to say.

  40. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    What sign of the Zodiac are you?

  41. David Hollingsworth says:

    Do you believe in ghosts?

  42. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    What do you think of the upcoming presidential election?

  43. lisasvance says:

    Happy Saturday! Have a great weekend.

  44. David Hollingsworth says:

    What is your favorite book you’ve written?

  45. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    How’s the weather by you?

  46. lisasvance says:

    What kind of music do you like to listen to?

  47. David Hollingsworth says:

    I don’t know what else to say.

  48. lisasvance says:

    What do you do when you aren’t writing?

  49. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    What’s your favorite fruit?

  50. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    Do you run or jog for exercise?

  51. lisasvance says:

    What is your favorite season? Why?

  52. David Hollingsworth says:

    How do you feel about the election?

  53. lisasvance says:

    What is your favorite snack?

  54. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    Do you like playing board games?

  55. David Hollingsworth says:

    How often do you have book ideas?

  56. alpacadad3770 says:

    The cover looks so nice.

  57. lisasvance says:

    How do you name your characters?

  58. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    Do you like to fish?

  59. Daniel M says:

    looks like a fun one

  60. David Hollingsworth says:

    Do you enjoy indie films

  61. judeanita47 says:

    The cover is amazing and love the book details.

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