Bumper City by Alan McGill ~ Guest Post And Giveaway

Posted: July 27, 2024 in giveaways, Guest Post

There is a darkness far worse than the night.



Bumper City


Detective Alton Cold Mystery Series Book 1


by Alan McGill


Genre: Futuristic Mystery Thriller


In the future, Las Vegas is nearly
destroyed. Rebuilt under a dark cloud that blocks all sunlight, Sin
City takes on a whole new meaning.


Beneath the neon, The
Pagliacci Serial Killers are on the loose and a new drug called
“Colors”, infused with nanotechnology, is killing thousands.
Violence erupts as the mutant population take to the streets to
protest working conditions and the disappearance of their loved


Big Tech, the wealthy elite, and corrupt politicians
attempt to cover it up. They can’t allow anything to interfere with
the elections, profits, or their plans.


Can hard-nosed detective
Alton Cold and his A.I. car Bessimer catch the killers, stop the
cabal, and expose the truth? Or will the appearance of a mysterious
woman cloud his judgement as the unnatural cloud darkens the sky?


To save the people he cares about, he’ll put everything on the line to
confront a darkness far worse than the night.


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What inspired you to write this book?

I grew up watching great private detectives like Magnum P.I. and Jim Rockford, Joe Mannix, and others. I lived that dream for a short while. I was a private detective for 10 years and even had my own license. When my father died, I was a bit lost. I was 26 years old and found myself writing this story based on my life experiences. The character of O’Dell in the book was originally supposed to be my father. In the original version, O’Dell would show up from time to time and give advice to the young detective. I had left it open for the reader to decide if O’Dell was real, an angel, or ghost. But as I said earlier, I wrote the story in 1994. I re-wrote it last year and changed quite a bit, including the character of O’Dell. He’s no longer based on my father. And a great many things in the book are things that happened to me, give or take an embellishment or two. Bessimer is loosely inspired by KITT of Knight Rider and there’s so much more, but I don’t want to give it all away.


What can we expect from you in the future?

I have several irons in the fire. I’m in the process of writing and designing a handbook about the technology in Bumper City. A little more backstory on the city, tech, and characters. It’ll be small but fun.

And I’m working on book three of A Cry in the Moon’s Light. No real title yet, but it picks up right after book two The Undead Wars. We’ll see how the many creatures that make up the Undead Army lay siege to Castle Parlimae. Alessandra and her quartet will have their hands full for sure.

I’m also in the process of writing a collection of short stories in the spirit of The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits. Spooky tales, about a mysterious pawn shop that shows up conveniently to assist a wary customer. But is the owner a friend or something else. It’s called Big Al’s Emporium of Curiosities, Oddities, and Strange Things.




My first Audiobook was A Cry in the Moon’s Light, book one of my werewolf saga. It actually started as a podcast. I learned podcasting in 2019 working with a non-profit. I created and hosted the show and was met with positive comments about my voice. CRY was not yet ready for print, so I decided to try it as a podcast premium. Unfortunately, the hosting platform changed their rules AFTER I had recorded all the chapters. I decided to turn it into an audio drama like old radio and publish it for free. The show had over 30k downloads in 10 months and was named Podbean’s Top 10 in fiction drama for 2021. After its popularity and great reviews, I decided to publish the book. I also decided I would produce all my books as audiobooks.




Alan McGill is an American author who lives in Northwestern
Pennsylvania with a clowder of cats. Alan was close to his
grandparents who grew up in the Great Depression. They were married
young and remained together until his grandmother’s passing. His
grandfather served in the Navy during WWII and was a gifted
storyteller who weaved humorous tales about tough events. Alan grew
up with these stories of right and wrong along with watching
fictional heroes such as The Lone Ranger, Adam West’s Batman and
Captain America. Heroes who stood up to bullies and protected those
who could not protect themselves. This made an impression on the
author to always do what was right in his own life and shaped his
love for storytelling. He is a multi-genre author with his debut
novel being A Cry in the Moon’s Light which is a horror romance and
mystery series. As with all his books, one of the primary themes
involves characters who strive to do the right thing regardless of
the adversity they face. The second theme present in all his books is
love. A pure and deep love that defeats all evil.


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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


$20 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner


audiobook of Bumper City – 20 winners!


a Rafflecopter giveaway





Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

  1. Mary Preston says:

    The cover has a GREAT futuristic look.

  2. allibrarycefdb51301 says:

    This sounds like an interesting story that will sweep readers away!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  3. sidlaw0425 says:

    This looks like a fantastic read. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.

  4. Nancy P says:

    Amazing cover

  5. marcymeyer says:

    The cover looks great. Sounds like an interesting story.

  6. This looks wicked good!

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