Archive for August 24, 2024


Breaking the Ice

by Whitney Dineen


(Love on Thin Ice, #1)
Publication date: August 22nd 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

What do an entitled billionaire and small-town ice-skating coach have in common?

My life is not turning out like I thought it would.

My mom’s arthritis has gotten so bad that I had to move in with her. I’m making ends meet by giving ice skating lessons at the arena in Maple Falls. I’d be in serious trouble had the Harts not given me that job.

Which makes it impossible to say no when they ask me to let Troy’s obnoxious billionaire brother stay in the cabin on my mom’s property during the charity hockey event they’re running.

First the tabloids call me out for being a cheapskate and then Yolanda Simms takes to national television to tell everyone what a vicious heartbreaker I am?

Yeah, my life has been better.

My brother thinks I can fix my bad press by coming to Maple Falls and donating big to his new charity endeavor. Too bad he didn’t mention the woman who owns the cottage I’ll be staying at hates me with a passion.

He also didn’t mention she’s everything I’ve ever looked for in a woman…

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Enjoy this peek inside:


I’ve learned a lot of things from being a billionaire in my thirties, but so far, the most essential is that you can’t have thin skin. Everyone wants a piece of you and when you’re not giving them the time or attention they think they deserve, they set out to tear you down. Case in point, Yolanda Simms, the entertainment reporter for KBIZ and the most annoyingly fame-seeking woman it has ever been my displeasure to know.

Yolanda and I went out three times, which is a record for me as I barely have a minute for myself. Given my busy schedule, you might be wondering why I would spend my precious free time with such a person. When I first asked her out, I didn’t see her for who she truly was. I may have also had a hidden agenda.

I’d recently been called out by a national tabloid for not putting my money where my mouth was. As in, they didn’t think I donated enough to charity. And while supposedly no press is bad press, I really don’t like people thinking of me the way I was being portrayed.

I figured if I wined and dined Yolanda—who had previously flirted with me outrageously every time she saw me—she might spread the word that I was a decent guy. Self-serving? Yes. But I’m not the villain the press would have you think I am, and I wanted a chance to prove it.

Unfortunately, Yolanda got ahead of herself regarding our friendship and decided to announce on air that she and I were in an exclusive and committed relationship. As we had never so much as kissed, I took exception to her declaration.

“Zachary!” my assistant Anabelle yells out. Before I can ask her what she wants, she says, “Your brother is on line three.”

I have five brothers, so I ask, “Which one?”

Instead of answering, I overhear her tell someone else, “Mr. Hart has no comment on Ms. Simms’ allegations.” Great, another day fending off the aftermath of Yolanda’s interview on The View. She told Whoopi Goldberg I was an egomaniacal alpha-male.

I hesitantly reach over to the landline on my desk. “This is Zach.”

“Hey, big bro,” my younger twin says. In my mind’s eye, I see his lopsided grin, which, even though we’re fraternal twins, is remarkably like my own. MacElroy, aka Mac, is four minutes younger than me and has four times the personality. “It’s starting to look like you’re wading through a herd of cows in a rainy field.”

“What does that even mean, Mac?” My brother recently bought a sustainable farm in Oregon and his metaphors have taken on a rural sort of charm.

“Where there are cows there are cow pies. Need I explain that a rainy field full of heifers is full of wet …”

“Manure. Got it.” Gross.

“Why don’t you set the world straight and tell them the majority of your charitable donations are given anonymously?” he wants to know. The man definitely cuts to the chase.

“You do know the definition of anonymous, don’t you?” I condescendingly inquire.

“Yes, Zach. What I don’t know is why you don’t just come clean about what a good guy you are.”

“Because if I bragged about doing good deeds, they wouldn’t feel like good deeds,” I tell him for the hundredth time.

Shifting in my chair, I stare out of my home office window onto Wilshire Boulevard below. You’d think all the short skirts and tanned legs would be one of the benefits of living in Southern California. Yet no matter how good the view is, wealthy Beverly Hills women are not my type. They’re simply too high maintenance, not to mention too self-involved.

“I’m just saying…”

“Let it go, Mac.” Removing my feet from the edge of my giant mahogany desk, I ask, “Did you call for any other reason than to bust my butt about Yolanda? Because if not, I have work to do.”

“What are you buying today?” he wants to know. “Another office building? A high-rise? Malibu?” While I like to have a diversified financial portfolio, as a real estate developer, I am obviously partial to buying property.

“I’m giving a speech at Pepperdine,” I tell him. Tongue in cheek, I add, “I call it ‘One House, New House, Big House, You House.’”

“Ah yes, a nod to your childhood love of Dr. Seuss.” Releasing an exaggerated yawn, he asks, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re becoming kind of boring?”

You tell me that at least twice a week,” I remind him. “Now, why are you calling?”

Instead of putting me out of my misery, he wants to know, “When was the last time you strapped on a pair of skates and played a game?”


About Author Whitney Dineen:

Whitney loves to laugh, play with her kids, bake, and eat french fries — not always in that order.

Whitney is a multi-award-winning author of romcoms, non-fiction humor, and middle reader fiction. Basically, she writes whatever the voices in her head tell her to.

She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jimmy, where they raise children, chickens, and organic vegetables.

Gold Medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2017.

Silver medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2015, 2016.

Finalist RONE Awards, 2016.

Finalist at the IRFA 2016, 2017.

Finalist at the Book Excellence Awards, 2017

Finalist Top Shelf Indie Book Awards, 2017

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Tide Together

by Melanie Summers


(Paradise Bay, #7)
Publication date: August 22nd 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

What happens when a stressed-out bridesmaid and a laidback pilot are stranded alone together on a sun-kissed Caribbean island?

Paige Chadwick is having the worst day of her life. Her tyrant boss has made her three days late for her sister’s destination wedding trip, and now she’s stuck on the wrong Caribbean island with the wedding just hours away.

Enter Mac Gamble, a brooding yet irresistibly attractive pilot, who reluctantly agrees to get her to the church on time.

When a fast-moving storm leaves them stranded on a deserted island, they’re forced to rely on each other to survive. As they navigate their new surroundings, tempers flare and an undeniable attraction grows.

Amidst the stunning sunsets and white sand beaches, Paige starts to see that underneath Mac’s gruff exterior is a heart of gold.

Can these two opposites find a love as deep as the ocean, or will their differences stir up a hurricane of heartbreak?

Tide Together is a STAND-ALONE hilarious and heartwarming, banter-filled tale of two complete opposites stranded together in a tropical paradise.

Opposites attract
Stranded together on a tropical island
Forced proximity/only one bed
Fish out of water
Deliciously witty banter
A whole lot of tension, plenty of steam, and a hint of spice

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Enjoy this peek inside:

I plunk myself on my suitcase and give in to despair. Sobs pour from my chest. I’m the worst sister of all time. Tiffany is never going to forgive me. It’s not as if this is the first time I’ve flaked on her. The truth is, since Guy offered me the job, I haven’t been there for her at all. I wouldn’t forgive me either.

I’m crying so hard, I don’t even register the sound of a plane until it lands in the water nearby. I watch as it slows and turns, then glides to the far side of the dock. It’s bright yellow and a little rickety. In my normal life, I’d never step foot on that thing, but it’s my only chance.

I stand, load up my arms, and drag my suitcase as I run toward the plane, waving my makeup case at the pilot while the propellers slow to a stop. The door opens, and a tall, built guy in jeans and a white t-shirt hops out.

“Hey! Hi, there!” I holler.

He ignores me in favor of locking the door.

“Hello, Mr. Pilot Man! I need your help!” Mr. Pilot Man? WTF, Paige?

His body stiffens, then he turns to me with an irritated look on his face. Even though he’s wearing aviators, his set jaw is making it clear that he’s annoyed. Why am I so annoying when I panic?

I stop right in front of him, panting. “Hi! Sorry. I need to get to Azure Island right away.” Pant. Pant. How embarrassing. Chadwicks don’t pant. Especially not in front of insanely hot men.

He sniffs, then says, “All done for the day. Check back with me tomorrow. Or better yet, check with someone else.” Looking me up and down, he adds, “You look high-maintenance. I don’t do high-maintenance.”

Wow. What a jerk. “First of all, the last thing I am is high-maintenance. And second, I’m not asking you to do me. I’m asking you to give me a ride.” Although, my lady bits wouldn’t mind negotiating the type of ride I’d be getting.

He grins down at me, and it’s not a particularly friendly grin at that. There’s something about it that causes a shiver to run down my spine. Pointing to my makeup kit, he says, “What’s in there?”

Lifting my chin, I say, “None of your business.”

“If I’m not mistaken, it’s filled with all sorts of creams and paints and powders you don’t need. Any woman with that much makeup is high-maintenance.”

Well, that was certainly rude. Except for the part about me not needing makeup. “That’s a pretty big assumption. What if there’s no makeup in here at all? Maybe I have a chronic illness and I need dozens of medications every day to keep me alive?”

“Do you?”

“Are you always this nosy?”

“You do realize you need something from me, and not the other way around, right?”

“Fine. It’s makeup,” I say. “But it’s for my job, not because I care about this kind of thing. And I work sixteen hours a day. I don’t have time to be high-maintenance.”

He pockets his keys and turns away from me, calling over his shoulder, “Where do you work? Inside a tanning booth?”

What a jackass! I stand, frozen in place while he strolls toward the parking lot. My brain seems to have seized up and I can’t quite think of a response. He’s arrogant, rude, know-it-all-y, and just plain awful. But he’s also my very last chance. So instead of running up behind him and pushing him into the ocean (which is super tempting at the moment), I leave my suitcase on the dock and follow him like a puppy. “Wait! It’s just a very short ride, I promise you! Are you familiar with Azure Island? It’s only five minutes away. You can still catch almost the whole soccer game!”

“It’s seventeen minutes from here, and I have no interest in football, but I still can’t help you out.” He continues striding toward one of the few remaining vehicles here—a shiny motorcycle.

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Take your pick. The result’s the same.” When he reaches the bike, he mounts it with one quick move, then starts it up. Well, that was ridiculously slick. Why on earth do I find this awful man so attractive? I mean, yes, he’s tall, he’s got thick chestnut brown hair that I want to run my fingers through, and he’s devilishly handsome. Sure, he’s built like a tank. All muscles on his muscles. But still. Rude.


About Author Melanie Summers:

Melanie Summers also writes steamy romance as MJ Summers.

Melanie made a name for herself with her debut novel, Break in Two, a contemporary romance that cracked the Top 10 Paid on Amazon in both the UK and Canada, and the top 50 Paid in the USA. Her highly acclaimed Full Hearts Series was picked up by both Piatkus Entice (a division of Hachette UK) and HarperCollins Canada. Her first three books have been translated into Czech and Slovak by EuroMedia. Since 2013, she has written and published three novellas, and eight novels (of which seven have been published). She has sold over a quarter of a million books around the globe.

In her previous life (i.e. before having children), Melanie got her Bachelor of Science from the University of Alberta, then went on to work in the soul-sucking customer service industry for a large cellular network provider that shall remain nameless (unless you write her personally – then she’ll dish). On her days off, she took courses and studied to become a Chartered Mediator. That designation landed her a job at the R.C.M.P. as the Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator for ‘K’ Division. Having had enough of mediating arguments between gun-toting police officers, she decided it was much safer to have children so she could continue her study of conflict in a weapon-free environment (and one which doesn’t require makeup and/or nylons).

Melanie resides in Edmonton with her husband, three young children, and their adorable but neurotic one-eyed dog. When she’s not writing novels, Melanie loves reading (obviously), snuggling up on the couch with her family for movie night (which would not be complete without lots of popcorn and milkshakes), and long walks in the woods near her house. She also spends a lot more time thinking about doing yoga than actually doing yoga, which is why most of her photos are taken ‘from above’. She also loves shutting down restaurants with her girlfriends. Well, not literally shutting them down, like calling the health inspector or something–more like just staying until they turn the lights off.

She is represented by Suzanne Brandreth of The Cooke Agency International.

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