How To Make A Sandwich by Lorena M. Proia ~ Review And Giveaway

Posted: September 11, 2024 in Children's books, giveaways, reviews
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Book Details:
  How to Make a Sandwich by Lorena M. Proia
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 32 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Lorena M. Proia
Release date:   December 2023
Content Rating:  G.  It’s appropriate for children

“A beautifully illustrated story that children and caregivers alike will savor.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

How to Make a Sandwich is a delightful celebration of the simple pleasures of childhood. Its themes of family, creativity, and perseverance, combined with the humorous, slice-of-life narrative, make this charming story sure to delight young readers and their caregivers alike.” — The Children’s Book Review

“Oh, my goodness! How to Make a Sandwich is Adorable. I love everything about this children’s book—the story, the message, and the charming illustrations!”  Cover Lover Book Review

Book Description:

Making a sandwich is fun and easy! And Rae knows just how to do it. The bread is like the parents, it keeps the sandwich safe and happy. The turkey is the love, the lettuce is the fun. But every time Rae adds an ingredient, it disappears, and she soon realizes there is a sandwich-stealing thief intent on eating her creation!

​Will Rae ever get to eat her lunch? Suddenly making a sandwich isn’t so easy after all!

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Lorena M. Proia
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Rae is many things on different days of the week. Today she’s a chef and she’s going to make the best sandwich. She gathers the ingredients and begins. She starts with the bread. Next is… What’s this? She only looked away for a moment but the ingredients keep disappearing.

How To Make A Sandwich is so fun. Rae is a sweet young girl. And the illustrations are as entertaining as the story. I read this and immediately read it again, wanting to see how the pictures connect with the content on each page. Whether reading this to your young one or reading it together, I see parents and children delighting in it as much as I did.


Interview with Author Lorena M. Proia:

**Where do you get inspiration for your stories?**

My stories are based on real-life events with my first dog, Phebe. She was incredibly smart and mischievous, making me laugh every day. I take something she did, like the time she stole the turkey from my sandwich without disturbing anything else, exactly as it happened, and then layer on other humorous elements. I adapt these stories to fit my character Rae’s world and how she would react to these events.

**What advice would you give budding writers?**

Persevere! Do it because you love it, and no matter how many times you get knocked down—and there will be many times—you have to get back up, dust yourself off, and keep going. I wrote and rewrote my story so many times that I lost count of the versions. There were numerous moments when I wondered, “Why don’t I just give up?” but I never had an answer that convinced me to stop. I had to keep going until I made it a reality.

**If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?**

I’m Rae. While she’s smarter, more outgoing, and likely more precocious than I ever was, her relationship with her dog mirrors my relationship with Phebe. Rae is a little piece of me—a better version, perhaps—but still, I know I’m in there. How could I not be?

**Any hobbies? Or name a quirky thing you like to do.**

I have too many hobbies! I love gardening, drawing, painting furniture, creating wall murals, and interior decorating—the list goes on. One of my quirkier passions is competing in dog agility with my Australian Shepherds. It’s a time-consuming sport, but it helps build a strong bond. With Australian Shepherds, it’s fantastic because they need a job to engage their minds, and they absolutely love it.

**Favorite travel spot?**

Italy. My mother’s family still lives there, and I love being in Italy. It soothes my soul and is incredibly beautiful. When I’m there, I feel a sense of spaciousness inside myself that I don’t experience anywhere else.

Meet Author Lorena M. Proia:

When Lorena graduated years ago with a BFA in Graphic Design and Painting, she never imagined she’d become an Information Architect in high-tech. She thought her creativity was lost until she was rescued by an Australian Shepherd named Phebe. Inspired by Phebe’s antics, Lorena started drawing again, leading to the creation of Phebe-n-Me, a t-shirt company that eventually blossomed into a children’s book!

connect with author: website facebook ~ instagram ~ pinterest ~ goodreads
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HOW TO MAKE A SANDWICH by Lorena M. Proia Book Tour Giveaway



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  1. squirreljovial29c0d7ae02 says:

    Ty for the chance to win. This looks sweet.

  2. Anne says:

    A delightful and beautiful book that is a real treasure to enjoy with the garndchildren.

  3. Sophia Rose says:

    So cute! When I taught preschool, I would have loved this for my classroom library.

  4. Thank you so much for reviewing my book! I had fun writing up the interview responses and I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Nancy P says:

    Such an adorable book

  6. Tammy says:

    This sounds so cute, and I love the art:-)

  7. Nancy P says:

    Congratulations on your beautiful book!

  8. lindaherold999 says:

    I would LOVE to win this!!!

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