Somewhere Along The Way by Anna Gomez ~ Book Blitz And Giveaway

Posted: September 25, 2024 in Contemporary Romance, giveaways
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Somewhere Along the Way

by Anna Gomez


Publication date: September 24th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Charlotte “Charlie” Hastings never missed her mother. But when Charlie’s late father visits her in a dream and reveals the letters her mother had written to him over the years, she begins yearning for a connection she never desired to make. Reeling from a mix of emotions, Charlie embarks on a soul-searching cross-country journey to California to find the mother she thought she never needed.

Along the way, she stumbles upon Graham Mead, a mysterious stranger with a secret identity, who becomes her unexpected travel companion. Each pit stop reveals new truths from her mother’s letters, unveiling a poignant love story and the reasons behind her departure. From state to state, Charlie and Graham unravel their pasts, confront their fears, and discover a love that goes beyond their personal journeys.

But as they reach their destination, they must face the harsh reality of their separate lives: Charlie needs to find her mother, and Graham needs to rebuild his life. Pulled in different directions, can they find each other in the right place and at the right time, twice?


SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY is a must-read for anyone who believes in the magic of unexpected encounters and the healing power of love.

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About Author Anna Gomez:

Anna Gomez is a hopeless romantic who writes about real life, flawed characters and the saving grace of unconditional love. Her experience of living and growing up in a foreign country plays a large part in her stories. Her full-time career and ability to travel extensively also add flair and individuality to the vividly written settings in her books. They transport the reader to faraway places and make them feel like they’ve been there before. Anna’s inspiration stems from the people she meets and the places that she’s seen. Her stories are realistic and honest, thought-provoking and impactful. Her love for poetry is evident in her writing style. Prior to writing this book, Anna wrote under the pen name Christine Brae, with six books which have won literary awards and ranked as bestsellers upon release.

Anna is Partner and Chief Financial Officer of one of the world’s largers global advertising agencies. She lives in Indiana with her husband and sheepadoodle, Izzy.

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  1. Mary Preston says:

    A fun cover. Very telling.

  2. Rita Wray says:

    Sounds like a book I will enjoy.

  3. allibrarycefdb51301 says:

    In which country did you spend your growing up years?

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  4. Anne says:

    A captivating, memorable and beautiful story that is a real treasure.

  5. traciemich says:

    When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

  6. Marisela Zuniga says:

    The cover looks really cute! This sounds like a book I would enjoy

  7. Nancy P says:

    Wonderful artwork

  8. David Hollingsworth says:

    Beautiful cover

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