31 Days Of Thrills And Chills #2 ~ Don’t Let The Forest In

Posted: October 2, 2024 in Fantasy, horror, reviews, YA
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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Don’t Let The Forest In

by C.G. Drews


Genre: Horror / Fantasy / YA/ LGBT / Gothic



So, I finished this amazing book. Then it was time to write my review. I thought about it before I fell asleep. It was the first thing I thought about when I woke up. When I was at work, all these thoughts rolled around in my head. When I got home I fired up my laptop and began typing. Before I knew it, I had a huge review written. Then, I began to read it. Oops, my review was full of spoilers and I’d basically related the entire story. Scrap that review. I started a new one. Same thing. Spoilers and too long.

Next attempt. I talked about the writing. Another long rambling review. I cut it down to this. When an author can write gruesome scenes that can make me cringe and then write scenes that make my heart hurt, I want others to read the book too. Experience it and tell me how it made them feel. That’s what made Don’t Let The Forest In a winner for me. So…. let the forest in. I’ll sum up my feelings about it with one word….





Once upon a time, Andrew had cut out his heart and given it to this boy, and he was very sure Thomas had no idea that Andrew would do anything for him.

Protect him. Lie for him. Kill for him.

High school senior Andrew Perrault finds refuge in the twisted fairytales that he writes for the only person who can ground him to reality—Thomas Rye, the boy with perpetually ink-stained hands and hair like autumn leaves. And with his twin sister, Dove, inexplicably keeping him at a cold distance upon their return to Wickwood Academy, Andrew finds himself leaning on his friend even more.

But something strange is going on with Thomas. His abusive parents have mysteriously vanished, and he arrives at school with blood on his sleeve. Thomas won’t say a word about it, and shuts down whenever Andrew tries to ask him questions. Stranger still, Thomas is haunted by something, and he seems to have lost interest in his artwork—whimsically macabre sketches of the monsters from Andrew’s wicked stories.

Desperate to figure out what’s wrong with his friend, Andrew follows Thomas into the off-limits forest one night and catches him fighting a nightmarish monster—Thomas’s drawings have come to life and are killing anyone close to him. To make sure no one else dies, the boys battle the monsters every night. But as their obsession with each other grows stronger, so do the monsters, and Andrew begins to fear that the only way to stop the creatures might be to destroy their creator…



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