31 Days Of Thrills And Chills #5 ~ Alligator by Shelley Katz

Posted: October 5, 2024 in horror, reviews
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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Shelley Katz


Genre: Horror



I love finding oldies like this when scouring the shelves at my favorite used book store. What a fun cover. Take a close look. It says $1.95.  You can’t purchase it anymore unless you’re lucky like I was.

The Everglades. An inhospitable swamp where it seems like everything wants to kill you. I love it when the location and nature are a character all their own. In the beginning… the author gives you carnage. A huge alligator is munching on people. Then you’re introduced to a bunch of characters. Some aren’t that important but some play a pivotal role in pushing the story forward. And forward it races like a bat out of…. you know what I mean.

Two men. The Everglades. Danger everywhere. And a giant crocodile hunting them. It’s them against nature. It’s man against man. And it’s freakin’ wild.




The Everglades – Florida’s Green Hell, a kingdom of infested swamps ruled by a hideous reptile king: ALLIGATOR!

The ‘gator was a twenty-foot giant. His jaws could crush a powerful man to pulp. His lashing tail could smash a tree to matchwood. And his brutal, mindless lust for killing was insatiable.

No man who had gone hunting the devil of the Everglades had come back alive. But Lee Ferris and Rye Whitman were different. Violent death to them was a challenge and they were drawn inexorably together by a mutual hatred and need that would give them no rest. Until they had met—and conquered—the most savage nightmare the swamps had ever known…

ALLIGATOR is a drama-filled saga of savage action and nerve-wrenching suspense—the greatest novel of courageous man against murderous beast since JAWS.


Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.



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