31 Days Of Thrills And Chills #11 ~ Wolf Hunt by Jeff Strand

Posted: October 11, 2024 in horror, reviews, werewolves
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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Wolf Hunt

by Jeff Strand


Genre: Horror



Some comedy with my horror is always appreciated. And Lou and George provided plenty. It came as a surprise since they’re a couple of tough guys. The kind who work for people who stay under the law’s radar. Their assignment, deliver a werewolf to a man in Florida. No problem since they don’t believe in werewolves. The jokes on them.

What a blast. I had some laughs. Cringed at some of the carnage. Loved the wicked werewolf. And actually rooted for the bad guys, George and Lou. Hey, they made me laugh. And they dealt out some gratuitous bloodshed. I’d love to read more about those two. Maybe next time they’ll deal with a Sasquatch. One can always wish.




Two thugs. One innocent woman. And one VICIOUS frickin’ werewolf. Meet George and Lou, thugs for hire. The kind of intimidating-yet-friendly guys who will break your thumbs, but be polite about it. Their latest assignment is to drive across Florida to deliver some precious cargo to a crime lord. The a man in a cage. Though Ivan seems perfectly human, they’re warned that he is, in fact, a bloodthirsty werewolf. George and Lou don’t believe in the supernatural, but even if they did, it’s daytime and tonight isn’t the full moon. Their instructions are Do not open the cage. Do not reach into the cage. Do not throw anything into the cage. And they don’t. Unfortunately, Ivan doesn’t play by the usual werewolf rules, and the thugs find themselves suddenly responsible for a ferocious escaped beast. One who can transform at will. One who enjoys killing in human form as much as he enjoys killing as a monster. If George and Lou want to save their careers, dozens of people, and their own lives, they need to recapture him. Because Ivan the werewolf is in the mood for a murder spree… From Jeff Strand, the four-time Bram Stoker Award nominated author of PRESSURE, comes 75,000 words of action-packed, blood-soaked werewolf terror!



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