Infestation by Aileen Erin ~ Cover Reveal And Giveaway

Posted: October 20, 2024 in Uncategorized


Today Aileen Erin and Rockstar Book Tours
are revealing the cover for INFESTATION, the second book in her YA Romantasy
series book which releases January 21, 2025!


Check out the awesome cover and
enter the giveaway!



On to the reveal! 




INFESTATION (Days Of Iron And Clay #2)

by Aileen Erin

Pub. Date: January 21, 2025
Publisher: Ink Monster, LLC
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 414

Find it:

Special Preorder Price of $1.99 until release day!



I never thought I’d willingly walk into Hell again, but I did.

I survived and am back where I belong—at home. But Gabe, my demon-dead friend,
is still missing. And the guilt is crippling me.

While I’m laughing and happy with my boyfriend, Gabe is suffering. While I’m
resting and healing, Gabe is being endlessly tortured. But every plan I come up
with is a suicide mission. And despite what it sometimes looks like,
I’m not ready to die.

So, when my werewolf friends ask me to help their pack with a problem, there’s
no way I can say no—even if I’m not ready to jump into another fight. There’s a
mysterious evil the werewolves can’t track, and they need me to help them kill

It’s the perfect distraction. The only problem? Phoenix, a mortal, wants to
go with me.

Even though he’s proven he can handle the supernatural, I can’t help but think
nothing good can come from him getting an even better glimpse of how not normal
my work life is. But I can’t say no to him; all I can do is pray
Phoenix is still by my side when this is over.


My life pre-Samantha was turmoil. Soccer career, over. Family life, devastated
after the loss of my grandmother. Dating? Laughable. Every relationship fell
apart because the door in my heart had been shut tight. I was unknowingly
holding out for the one girl who had completely changed my world.

Samantha is it for me; my heart knew it before I did. I’d go anywhere as
long as it’s with her.

But her guardian angel, Eli, said something to me that makes me think something
truly terrible will happen to Samantha. And I’m not about to let that
happen. I’ll do anything to keep her safe.




Good v. Evil

Found Family

Angels & Demons

Slow Burn Romance

YA Dark Fantasy


Enjoy this peek inside:

(The morning after the events of INVOCATION. Samantha is just waking up, and
spots her mom sitting in a chair beside her bed…)


I started to say something, but she put her finger over her
mouth and pointed.

I looked down, and there was someone laying at the foot of my

Wait. Not just someone. Phoenix was sleeping
curled up at my feet.

So, he really had been here last night. He’d stayed.

I was confused. And excited. And thankful. Then again,
confused. Truly. Why would he have stayed?

When I thought about it, I barely knew him. That was the
logical part of me. But the rest—the emotional, spiritual, soul part of me—felt
like this was right. That I knew him and that of course he
should be here. Because where else would he be?

But that made exactly zero sense. And yet, here he was.

I glanced at Mom in question, but she just shrugged. As if
that explained everything, but it really didn’t explain anything at all. I
needed actual words. A hand gesture. Something. Anything.

Phoenix was still in the pack’s standard joggers and T-shirt,
which triggered more of the memory from last night. He’d been there when I woke
up earlier from the nightmare. I’d gotten dressed, and he’d been in the
kitchen. He’d cooked for me. Fed me.

I didn’t have any memory of how or when I’d ended up back
here in this bed, but I must’ve been carried back upstairs. Mom couldn’t have
done that. Or Frank. One of the werewolves could’ve but they’d been gone. I
didn’t remember Eli being there either.

That left Phoenix.

He’d carried me?

Oh man. A foggy memory hit me, and I cringed. He totally had carried me up
here, and I’d grabbed him and begged him to stay like some massive clinger.

Way to just show him all the ugly bits in one go, Samantha.

Of course he stayed. I’d guilted him into it. What a

His long legs were tucked in tight as he slept, but his feet
still hung off the edge. It was almost as if he didn’t want to risk touching me
and waking me up. And yet, he had one arm reaching out to me, lightly gripping
my ankle.

He looked younger when he was asleep, but no less fierce or
handsome. The short-sleeves of his shirt had ridden up on one side, displaying
more of his tattoos. They took up more of his arms than I’d thought, and I
wanted to get a closer look, to run my fingers over them, to ask what they
meant, but that could wait. I didn’t want to wake him up.

I glanced at Mom, and she gave me a barely-there smile, as if
she were holding back whatever she was thinking about him. That was a first.
Mom was never shy about her feelings. She had to be hiding something, but from
the way her smile quirked up as I stared at her, I knew she wasn’t going to
spill anytime soon.



About Author Aileen Erin:



Aileen Erin
is half – Irish, half – Mexican, and 100% nerd—from Star Wars (prequels don’t
count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a
severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from
the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from
Seton Hill University. She lives with her family in Texas, and spends her days
doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.

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