Archive for the ‘comedy’ Category


Penalties and Proposals

by Anne Kemp




(Love on Thin Ice)
Publication date: October 17th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports


It only takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch. When life hands me reformed hockey star Noah Beaumont, AGAIN, am I supposed to make cider or is there a sweeter surprise in store?

Willa: I never wanted to see Noah Beaumont again. EVER. When I kicked him off my set after he showed up intoxicated, his PR team tried to blacklist me. I made it over that hurdle, made a name for myself, and I’m heading to Maple Falls to cover a charity ice hockey team that’s making headlines…only to find out I have to work with HIM.

But this Noah seems different. He’s reformed and seems to be determined to show me he’s changed. Can I trust him, or will he be the same disaster I remember?

Noah: I’ve spent years trying to make amends for my past mistakes, questioning if I still belong in the world of hockey or if it’s time to step back, be ‘normal’. But seeing Willa again brings everything into sharp focus. She’s the woman who’s haunted my thoughts since the day I met her.

Now, she’s here in Maple Falls, and I’m determined to prove I’m not the same man she remembers. I want her to see the real me, the man I’ve worked so hard to become. Can I convince her to give me a second chance?

Penalties and Proposals is part of the Love on Thin Ice sweet small town hockey romcom series. It’s a second chance enemies to lovers story with forced proximity in this small town romance with all the sizzle and chemistry, but none of the spice.

Content warning: This IS a lighthearted and fun romantic comedy, but there are subjects mentioned in this book like parents passing away and former substance abuse.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

“Is this the only table you have available?”

My eyes cannot be deceiving me. I’m standing in a restaurant with no one else in it, save another couple at the opposite end of the room. Surely the only table they have for me to sit at is not the one that happens to be directly beside Noah? Not to mention the fact the place is small enough I’d practically be sitting at his table anyway, the tables are that close to one another.

The young girl looks at me woefully. “I’m really sorry, but we’re full with reservations tonight.” Her tone is apologetic, and she’s young, so I’m not going to debate the situation … but still. The odds. I flex my hands, stretch my fingers, and take a deep breath, trying to fight back my irritation when I see a sliver of my tattoo under my sleeve.

Believe. Ha. I almost snort out loud. How about I believe I’m Harry Potter and I cast a quick spell to time travel to another restaurant in another town altogether?

“What about the bar?” I nod my head toward the old wooden bar where an older woman is busy making drinks and watching me through narrowed eyes. “Looks like there’s space there.”

“Our bartender isn’t on duty for another hour.” When I shoot her a questioning look, obviously confused by the woman pouring herself a soda from the beverage gun, the young girl stammers. “I’ve been asked to not have anyone sit there until his shift begins.”

So this fact leaves me to be seated by the blight that plagues me. Yes, I’m being ridiculously overdramatic, but the thought of chewing my dinner and having to stare at Noah, or work hard to look anywhere in this room besides at Noah, turns me off in the biggest way. Like a light switch after a big night out. I didn’t go to that party tonight because I wanted some time alone, time to myself to plan out the schedule I need to juggle in the days ahead.

“Fine,” I say with a sigh, pulling out my notebook and phone. When I look Noah’s way, he’s watching me, his expression frozen. I can’t read him, but he could be as weirded out that I’m about to be seated beside him as I am. I’ll save us both the trouble. I pick the chair where my back will be facing him and pull it out and settle in.

The hostess hands me the menu and asks for a drink order before she disappears from sight. I make a mental note to apologize to her. Poor thing. It’s not her fault she’s seated me next to the devil.

“Hi, Willa.” Of course his voice is like hot chocolate. The devil’s would be velvety and delicious. My instincts tell me to ignore him, but I’m here to work. I can hear my mom’s voice in the back of my mind telling me to play nice.

I pick up the menu and fake peruse it. Fake because of course I can’t think about anything else right now except that he’s right there.

“Hello, Noah. Fancy running into you at dinner.”

“A man’s gotta eat,” he responds.

“No doubt, but when I heard about the party happening in town tonight, I figured you’d be the first one signed up to be there.” I flip a page of the menu a little more aggressively than intended and manage to rip it a tiny bit. Must. Breathe.

“Contrary to past reports, I’m not the guy who goes to all the parties any longer.”

I want to turn around and face him, see the look on his face, but the stubborn part of me refuses. He’s the one who is engaging me; I can only imagine that eventually my lack of wanting to chat will catch on and he’ll focus on something else.

“So, you’re telling me a leopard can change his spots. That’s nice,” I manage to say, doubt dripping with each word. Holding my menu up in the air for him to see. “But, the jury’s still out as far as I’m concerned. If you’ll excuse me, I need to decide on my meal.”

There’s a pause before he answers. “Of course, sorry. I’ll leave you to it.”

A weight slides off my shoulders. Was it really that easy? I decide it has to be and go about choosing my meal, landing on the lasagna, then turning my attention to my notebook. This was to be a planning session for Noah’s photos amongst other work, and I intend to stay focused, even if he is right behind me and I can hear him breathing.


About Author Anne Kemp:

Anne Kemp is a bestselling author of romantic comedies. She loves reading (and she does it ridiculously fast, too!), gluten-free baking (because everyone needs a hobby that makes them crazy), and finding time to binge-watch her favorite shows. She grew up in Maryland but made Los Angeles her home until she encountered her own real-life meet-cute at a friend’s wedding where she ended up married to one of the groomsmen. For real.

Anne now lives on the Kapiti Coast in New Zealand, and even though she was married at Mt. Doom, no…she doesn’t have a Hobbit. However, she and her husband do have a terrier named George Clooney and when she’s not writing, she’s usually with them taking a long walk on the river by their home.

You can find Anne on her website – come say hi! She’d love to hear from you:

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Trophy Wife

by Ellie Hall


(Love on Thin Ice)
Publication date: October 3rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

They say love is messy. Turns out friendship is too, especially when you’re stranded in a cabin with your best friend and hearts are on thin ice.

I’ve heard that men and women can’t be friends without it becoming something more. Harlow and I put that theory in the penalty box, thank you very much.

She laughs at my jokes, secretly admires my hockey butt, trusts me with her biggest fear (it’s safe with me). In turn, she knows everything about me. Well, almost.

There’s been a recent development. I’m gone for her. Down bad. Solid Crush. She lives rent free in my mind. I’ve caught feelings. This wouldn’t be a problem except, you know, the whole shattering our friendship thing.

You know those days you want to erase? It went like this: my boyfriend broke up with me (it was overdue), and then I broke up with my job while at a work conference (it was mind-numbing).

In an ironic twist, I won the raffle for a romantic getaway trip for two. Who else to bring other than my best friend who’ll gladly commiserate with me? He has a hockey event nearby, so it works out perfectly.

Until we’re stranded in the cozy cabin together. There’s a blaze of attraction. A friendship-changing kiss.
What now? Do we hit the reset button? Salvage what we had? Pretend it never happened? These are things I’d talk to my bestie about, but I can’t because I’m head over heels for him.

Love at First Skate is part of the Love on Thin Ice sweet small town hockey romcom series. It’s a best friends to lovers, forced proximity, no third act breakup romantic comedy with all the sizzle and chemistry, but none of the spice.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Grabbing the throw blanket from the back of the loveseat, I wrap it around her and then roll her up, moving away from the food and avoiding table legs, and hollering, “Blanket burrito.”

It’s something that I used to spontaneously do because it’s hilarious, makes Harlow laugh, and is a good excuse for us to be close. Wrapped in the blanket, I have full access to her neck which is ticklish. With her arms tucked in, she can only wiggle and giggle.

I love it. She does too even though it’s the best kind of agony.

Her lowered brow Grumpy Cat seriousness disappears and her expression contorts all giggly and adorable.

“You are the only human on the planet who could get away with this,” she says through laughter.

“I know.”

She adds, “I hate laughing.”

“You don’t. It’s good for you. I consider myself your laughter doctor. This is your daily dose of laughs for medicinal purposes. Take one and call me in the morning.”

This changes the shape of her laughter slightly because the comment genuinely tickles Harlow’s funny bone, as they say.

Snuggled close to me, I peek at her. Our gazes drift together and something twists in my chest. She presses her lips together, probably holding back more laughter. The moment lengthens and then snaps as we burst into another fit of hilarity as I roll us on the floor like a giant, runaway burrito.

“There better be dessert,” she says at last.

“Churro everything,” I say, my voice a bit deeper than usual as I inhale her cinnamon spice scent at close range.

A daring and dangerous thought enters my mind. This could be the norm—closing the distance, cuddling, kissing . . .

But I know better. It would ruin our just friendship. Right then, I do everything in my power to talk myself out of making a play for Harlow.


About Author Ellie Hall:

Ellie Hall is a USA Today bestselling author. If only that meant she could wear a tiara and get away with it. 😉 She loves puppies, books, and the ocean. Writing sweet romance with lots of firsts and fizzy feels gives her joy. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies are her fave. Ellie believes in dreaming big, working hard, and lazy Sunday afternoons spent with her family and dog in gratitude for God’s grace.

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Stilettos & Gunpowder organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Gail Koger will award a $15 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

  Stilettos & Gunpowder

by Gail Koger



Genre: Action / Adventure / Romantic Comedy


My name is Gemma Stone. I’m a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputy and not only must I deal with the sweat-soaked misery of the Arizona desert, I get to respond to a bunch of crazy 9-1-1 calls all day long. Like a parakeet up a tree, or a car accident where a tractor trailer full of fireworks is hit and the 4th of July comes a bit early.

But some days crime takes a deadly turn. Police cars are suddenly blowing up. Detective Sergeant Dante Delgado, the love of my life, was assigned to track down and stop the bomber. Am I worried? You betcha. There’s a madman on the loose and he is very, very good at making bombs.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Feds think I’m in cahoots with an Iraqi warlord who deals in stolen antiquities, Ichabod, my murderous ex-dance partner, escapes from prison and I’m suddenly in everyone’s crosshairs.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Someone hit the service bell on the front counter repeatedly.






Julie frowned. “What the hell?”

“Hey! I want my fucking gun back,” Chief yelled.





My temper flared to life. “Enough is enough.” I threw open the restroom door and stormed down the hallway.

Mom and Julie were right behind me.




“It’s about fucking time. Did you hear me, or do I need to repeat myself?” Chief bellowed.

Totally ignoring my throbbing lip, I gave him my Debbie Sunshine smile. “I suggest you take it down a notch or I’ll be happy to arrest you for disturbing the peace.”

Chief sneered. “You think I’m frightened by a bunch of itty-bitty females?” His gaze crawled over my face. “And it’s obvious, you can’t fight worth a damn.”

“Wanna find out?” I challenged.

Julie stepped up. “It’s my turn to deal with obstinate jackasses who won’t listen to reason.”

“It’ll mean another arrest,” I pointed out.

Julie pulled out her cuffs. “If I book another prisoner, I meet my quota for the day, and I’ll have enough points to get that toaster oven I’ve been eyeing.”

“Oh, I thought you wanted the microwave?”

A perplexed frown on his face, Chief growled, “What the fuck are you babbling on about?”

“Hey! Wait!” Frank edged in front of me. “I haven’t met my quota for the day, let me take the arrest.”

Lucas elbowed Frank out of the way. “No, I want it. I almost have enough points to get the fishing pole.”

“Oh, hell no. I need the arrest, before someone snags the tool chest,” Jacob shot back.

Chief backed away from the counter. “You’re all fucking nuts.” He turned on his heel and left.

“Come back tomorrow and talk with Sergeant Bergman,” Julie yelled after him.

“You know, he’s right,” Sheriff Maxwell commented. “You are fucking nuts.”

Dad grinned. “Bamboozling suspects is much more fun than beating the crap out of them.”


About Author Gail Koger:



I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.

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The Parent Playbook

by Elsie Wood


(Love on Thin Ice)
Publication date: September 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

I don’t know when dad jokes and mismatched socks became my type, but that hockey dude skated into my life like a runaway puck… and I think I like it.


I know I should be thankful that my charity was selected by the Ice Breakers hockey team. It’ll make a huge difference in children’s lives all over the state.

There’s only one problem:

I hate hockey dudes.

I have to remind myself of that fact when Scotty MacFarland with his groan-worthy dad jokes slips into my life like he’s always been there.

No matter how hard I push back on that perfectly formed chest, Scotty remains strong, giving me the space I need. I’m beginning to think I don’t want to have so much space anymore.

But by the time I figure that out, it just might be too late.


The only thing I love more than hockey is my daughter.

It was a no-brainer for me to give up the ice when I became a single dad, and I didn’t look back. But when the call came to coach the Ice Breakers, the opportunity was too good to pass up, and I thought my girl would thrive with a fresh start in Maple Falls.

Turns out, the leaves weren’t the only thing falling in Maple Falls.

Angel Davis swooped into my life and pieces I didn’t know were missing started to fall into place. A devoted single mom, director of a children’s charity, and all-around spark of sassiness, she and I find an easy rhythm, despite her throwing a boot at my face.

But Lily comes first. And if I have to leave behind a future with Angel before it’s started in order to do what’s right, I will.

Though it seems fate has other ideas.

The Parent Playbook is part of the Love on Thin Ice sweet small town hockey romcom series. It’s a single dad/single mom, second chance love story in this small town romance with all the sizzle and chemistry, but none of the spice.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Before I know it, Scotty’s placing an empty water bottle atop his head, standing with a mock-serious expression, hands by his sides. “All right, Annie Oakley, let’s see what you’ve got.”

I hesitate for a split second—am I really about to throw my boot at this man? But the impish spark in his eyes is too much to resist. I slip off my boot, balance it in my hand, and toss it gently.

It spins through the air, perfectly knocking the bottle off without so much as grazing his hair.

Scotty applauds. “Nice shot! But was it luck or skill?”

“I think we’re about to find out.”

“Over here!” He runs to the other side of the barn and I’m a few strides behind. He snatches his safety goggles, balancing them on his head, but they’re no match for my aim. I knock them off with a satisfying thud.

“Over here!”

A feed bucket, an egg basket, and a grooming brush later, I’ve kept my perfect score.

“You’re amazing!” he shouts. “Wait, I know …” With a particularly devilish grin, Scotty puts on his cowboy hat. “This one’s for all the marbles, Angel.”

“You’re asking a lot of me here. That baby is hugging your head.”

“I have confidence in you.”

“That’s one of us anyway,” I mumble as I take aim, my heart pounding—not from the game, but from the way he looks at me, like I’m the only woman on earth. “Here goes nothing …”

The boot flies true, flicking the hat right off that handsome head.

“Yes!” he cries, and next thing I know, I’m heading for him.

As if drawn by a magnet, I stumble right into Scotty’s waiting arms. Our bodies crash together, his hands steadying me at my waist, and we laugh, my hands on his chest. We’re face to face, breaths mingling, the laughter filling the barn until it fades out and all that’s left is him and me.

His eyes search mine, and there’s so much affection, such tenderness, that something inside me melts on the spot.

Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.

I bite my lip as my arms gently push on his chest.

What am I doing?

I have no idea. I can’t tell what I want. I think it’s him, that I want him more than I’ve wanted almost anything, but a force in me presses him back.

This is a silly crush. A silly crush on a super handsome, considerate, helpful, gentle, intelligent, muscular man.

He lets me go, and I don’t know if he just ruined it or saved us both, but he follows up by setting a box of screws on his head.

“How about this? One more for good luck, unless you’re scared of hitting something other than hats.”

The spell may be broken, but my heart still races. “It’s a small target, but I’ve been known to hit a gourd with an arrow from thirty yards at Maple Fest.”

“Prove it, cowgirl.”

Must calm these overwrought nerves. I wind up, ready for the shot …


“I WASN’T DOING ANYTHING!” I shout as the boot flies a little too forcefully, my aim a little off.

And it smacks Scotty straight in the face.



About Author Elsie Woods:

Elsie Woods is an author of giggly romantic comedy with a big dose of furry friends. While born in Canada, she abandoned cold winters for southern France with her golden retriever and unicycling French hubby. When not writing, she can be found sipping tiny coffees by the Mediterranean, hiking with her hubby and dog, or munching on the most delicious cheese in the world.

You can chat with Elsie on Facebook ( or watch her (and her dog) be silly on TikTok ( . Don’t forget to try her free novella on her website: Faking Christmas Love at the Doggy Spa (

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Love in Overtime

by Melissa Baldwin


(Love on Thin Ice)
Publication date: September 19th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

Playing hockey in Maple Falls was meant to be just a charity gig, but then my new publicist showed up, melting the ice—and my heart.


I never anticipated being roped into a charity hockey game during the off-season. But here I am, heading to Maple Falls, all because my publicist decided to retire. Change was inevitable, but I didn’t foresee it coming so soon.

Getting assigned a new publicist, Blair Radcliffe, didn’t sit well with me at first. However, there’s something about her – a fierce determination that’s both intriguing and challenging. I wonder if she’s ready for the whirlwind that is Cooper Montgomery. One thing’s certain– I can’t afford to fall for my publicist.


I still can’t believe I landed my dream job. The excitement is overwhelming, and I’m determined to carve out my path in the industry. But there’s one obstacle standing in my way– Cooper Montgomery, the seemingly uncooperative hockey star. Nevertheless, I’m ready to tackle the challenge head-on, and perhaps some time away in a quiet town like Maple Falls will work wonders.

What I didn’t anticipate was developing a crush on my own client. It’s the ultimate taboo in my profession, a mistake that could jeopardize everything I’ve worked for. I’m at a loss on how to navigate this newfound attraction, especially when it appears that Cooper might feel the same way. I’m not sure what to do next.

Love in Overtime is part of the Love on Thin Ice sweet small town hockey romcom series. It’s slow burn, grumpy-sunshine, workplace romance set in this small town with all the sizzle and chemistry, but none of the spice.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

“Today should be relaxing,” I tell him. “At some point I want to have a meeting to go over a few things. Practices start in a few days, as you know.”

“Yes,” he says.

“It’s going to be a great event,” I continue. “And the town is so pretty and quaint. Their fall events are popular, they’ve made the place famous.”

Cooper makes a face. “I doubt Pine Falls is famous.”

Maple Falls,” I say with a giggle. For some reason he can’t remember the name of the town.

He groans. “Crap, you’re right. I don’t know why I keep doing that. You’ll have to keep me on my toes over the next few weeks. The last thing I need is to meet the mayor and call his town by the wrong name.”

“Oh, don’t you worry, I’ll definitely keep you on your toes,” I exclaim.

“Yes, I can tell,” Cooper replies, the corner of his mouth turns up slightly which unexpectedly makes my stomach do a flip.

Ugh. What was that?

Thankfully we arrive at the baggage carousel at the perfect moment. I conveniently excuse myself to contact our driver while Cooper waits for his bag. As soon as I’m a safe distance away from him, I let out an exasperated sigh as I call for our car.


“Hi, this is Blair Radcliffe. Just confirming our pickup at the airport.”

I glance back to where Cooper is standing and meet his gaze almost immediately. I give him a quick wave and point to the phone.

“Yes, ma’am. Your driver is on his way—ETA ten minutes.”

“Wonderful. Thank you,” I gush.

I exhale slowly after I end the call. I’m not sure why I feel so frazzled. I’m usually calm, focused, and professional.

Seriously, Blair, get your head in the game. Cooper Montgomery may be attractive, but he’s my client, which means we work together. These next few weeks could make or break my career. The last thing I need is to be swooning over a professional hockey player and his tall, muscular physique. In my defense, it’s kind of hard to ignore. Cooper stands out, and I’m only human.


About Author Melissa Baldwin:

USA Today bestselling author Melissa Baldwin always dreamed of sharing her stories with the world. She brought this vision to life, becoming an award-winning, bestselling author of over thirty romantic comedies and cozy mysteries. Melissa is also a wife, mother, new empty-nester, and travel advisor.

Her books feature charming, ambitious, and real women, whom she considers part of her tribe. Although she rarely takes a day off, when she’s not writing, she enjoys quality time with her family, traveling, attempting yoga poses, and booking Disney vacations. Melissa still uses a paper planner, and her guilty pleasures include Beverly Hills 90210 reruns and General Hospital.

Visit authormelissabaldwin .com to sign up for her newsletter.

Fans of Melissa’s books, join her Reader Tribe on Facebook.

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Never Date the Minister

by Julia Kent


(Whatever It Takes, #3)
Publication date: September 10th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

Accidental poisonings. Unexpected tidal waves. Jealous stepsisters. Brides caught cheating in the coatroom at the reception.

Just a typical day at work, when you’re a wedding protector.

And Nessa Martini, the newest and youngest member on staff, is doing her best to fix it all.

Starting with her own chaotic life.

A one-night stand with a hot bodybuilding social media influencer who turns out to be a minister is not Nessa’s idea of personal growth, no matter how much she enjoyed it.

She’s trying so hard to be mature, grounded, responsible, and to get ahead in her career working for Wedding Protectors, Inc., where they guarantee your perfect day – whatever it takes.

But when she ghosts on Mr. Perfect after one night of pleasure and he turns out not only to be the TikTok sensation known as “God’s Gift,” but is also the minister at the wedding she’s assigned to for work, all of Nessa’s careful plans go out the window.

She can’t date a man of the cloth.

Or can she?

Matt Draper knows he’s a study in contrasts. A bodybuilder who makes sweaty, shirtless weightlifting videos for millions of followers – and a minister? He didn’t pick the nickname “God’s Gift,” but he’s stuck with it now.

And he’s stuck on gorgeous Instagram influencer Nessa, too.

It may have been only one night, but it was a phenomenal night, and Matt wants more. Way more. When coincidence works in his favor and they meet at a wedding rehearsal, he takes his chance. She’s slow to warm, and so mysterious, yet social media perfect.

Too perfect.

For a guy who is all about depth and connection, can he break through her surface and find more?

Welcome to the Whatever It Takes series, where every book is a complete HEA and a standalone within the same world, with one couple per book:

Every bride needs something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue –

But you know what brides don’t need?


Welcome to Wedding Protectors, Inc. Have a spritzer or a latte or some lovely Zen tea and sink into a comfortable chair in our sunlit offices as we listen to your wedding problem – and form the perfect solution to every possible contingency.

We plan for everything.

Except our own love lives.

But that’s not your problem.

Book 1: Never Plan a Billionaire’s Wedding
Book 2: Never Fall for the Bride’s Father
Book 3: Never Date the Minister

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Enjoy this peek inside:

“Truffle,” Nessa murmured, rousing a bit but not opening her eyes. “Good boy.”

Her family’s chocolate brown standard poodle was snuggled against her back, breathing steadily in her ear, one paw resting on her hip. She should probably get up and get ready for school, but she was so warm and cozy under the covers…

Behind her, Truffle stirred.

Wait a minute.

“I don’t have any truffles,” said a sleepy male voice behind her. “I could make mocha coffee, though.”

Someone kissed her ear, and that definitely wasn’t a poodle tongue.


About Author Julia Kent:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 2 million books, with 4 New York Times bestsellers and more than 21 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French, German, and Italian, with more titles releasing in the future.

From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men’s room toilet (and he isn’t a billionaire she met in a romantic comedy).

She lives in New England with her husband and three children where she is the only person in the household with the gene required to change empty toilet paper rolls.

She loves to hear from her readers by email at, on Twitter @jkentauthor, on Facebook at @jkentauthor, and on Instagram @jkentauthor. Visit her at

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Wish Upon A Streaming Star

by Krissi Dallas


(Season 1 Volume 1)
Publication date: July 7th 2024
Genres: Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

He’s an internet star.
She can’t stand him.
Together they just went viral.

Daisy McEntire might seem like an uptight control freak, but it’s only because she’s trying to graduate high school, support her cancer-fighting mother, and save her family’s riverside campground. The last thing she needs is her obnoxious neighbor, internet star Caz Cortéz, keeping everyone up with his late night video stunts and ridiculous pranks. Forget that they grew up as best friends—that was before he relentlessly obsessed over his hair and stats.

But when Daisy accidentally botches one of Caz’s pranks on livestream, the video goes viral, endangering his sponsorships and throwing her into an unwelcome spotlight. As if the overnight attention isn’t enough, half a million dollars in an unbreakable lockbox mysteriously appears. The key to unlock it? Reenact a series of cliché Hollywood movie scenes together within 48 hours.

The catch? It all has to be done live on the Internet—no rehearsals.

Daisy needs the money. Caz needs the stats. Surely they can work together long enough to complete the challenge, split their earnings, and then get back to ignoring each other from across the property line.

The one challenge they can’t control, though, is the one that could jeopardize it all—falling in love.

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“Is that what you’re wearing?” Caz and I asked at the same time. Clearly there had been a breakdown in communication. I had only found time to wash my face, brush my teeth, and throw on a fresh t-shirt before I was supposed to report to his driveway for our first movie scene challenge.

“We’re supposed to look like kick-A action heroes… not middle school girls about to try out for the basketball team.” Frowning at my athletic shorts, he pulled himself up from where EJ was bent over a long, thick PVC pipe hooked up to a contraption I’d never seen before.

“Sorry, all my superhero clothes were at the cleaners, Indiana Jones.” I mean, really. He was wearing a leather jacket and jeans when it was still ninety degrees in the evening. All he needed was the whip and hat. “The challenge just said we have to reenact it, not dress like it. You know this isn’t a real movie, right?”

“Wow, Daisy. Could you stop being so fun?” His sarcasm made my eyes narrow. Being typecast as the party-killer was gonna get old really fast. “Did you at least bring your sunglasses?”

I held them up pointedly, suddenly catching Rocco in my peripheral vision with his camera. “Hey! Are we live already?” I held up a hand to block my face. That kid was sneaky.

“No, I’m collecting behind-the-scenes footage of Caz’s life this summer.” He walked in circles around Caz and me.

“And why would you do that?” I had to know even though I was sure I’d regret asking.

“I’m capturing the master at work. Then I’m going to edit it all together and do a special documentary on my own channel. Hopin’ someday I’ll be an influencer like him.”

Caz seemed extremely satisfied by the look of disgust on my face.

“Will you at least tell me when you’re recording behind the scenes?” I asked.

“Nope. Just treat him how you normally would. Pretend I’m not even here…”

Literally impossible to do, but whatever. I could be on my best behavior for two days. Just. Two. Days.

To demonstrate my self-control, I gave my attention back to Caz and asked nicely, “Would you like me to change?”

“Your clothes or your attitude? Because that is a loaded question—”

“Caz…” I growled. “You said to just be me.”

“That I did, for better or for worse.” He checked his watch. “It’s almost time to go live. Bailey, can you bring the papers for Daisy to sign?”

“Papers for what?”

Bailey shoved some documents and a pen in my face. “Gives us permission to use you in our videos, that we’re not responsible for any damages or injuries, and basically, that you won’t sue us someday.”

“Are you kidding?” An incredulous laugh escaped me. He sounded so business-like. “Sue Caz for what? The twelve dollars in his bank account?”

Bailey smirked and opened his mouth to say something, but Caz interrupted. “It’s just standard procedure, Dais.”

I paused and looked back and forth between the two of them before signing my privacy and life over to—what?—Caz Cortéz Industries? Apparently his ego followed him into his paperwork. Bailey stopped me when I got to the date. “Could you back-date that to Sunday? You know, since that was the first time you appeared live?”

I sighed and did as he asked. He took the papers and addressed Caz. “Ready to go when you are, boss.”

I watched Bailey curiously as he loped away. “How much do you pay your friends to worship you the way they do?”

Caz made a tight-lipped mocking sound. “You ready?”

“Are you gonna explain what we’re doing?”

“On camera, yes.”

In no way did I feel ready for this. I glanced behind me. “Will there be actual fire back there? I mean, how safe is this?”

“Fireworks and an air cannon—nothing too dangerous.”

“A cannon?” I squeaked, thinking back to the papers I just signed giving Caz reckless permission to mess with my life.

“Okay, we’re rolling in three, two, one—” Bailey pointed at Caz.

He took a minute to explain again about the anonymous challenge we received and encouraged his viewers to go back and watch the video he had most recently posted. All the while, he seamlessly guided me and the camera down the driveway. I could hardly see Bailey behind the fuzzy microphone and lightbox attached to the camera’s tripod, which he lifted and shuttled around almost effortlessly.

“Let’s take a look at how we’re going to create our explosion effect tonight. Bailey, show the viewers our air cannon.” I was certainly curious about it myself, so I leaned over EJ to see what they had built. “We’ve got the PVC pipe hooked up to a sprinkler system, repurposed for our effects, of course, and then we’ve attached this 3-liter bottle to it using Stick-Ease Beyond Glue.” Rocco reached out and, suddenly, a tube of Stick-Ease was on display in Caz’s hands. “Let me tell ya, Daisy, this stuff is truly beyond any glue you’ve ever tried. It’s always good practice to use gloves when handling Stick-Ease for all your sticky needs unless you want your fingers glued to your project.”

“Good to know.” I played along, impressed with how fluidly he had given air time to his sponsor’s product. Caz handed the tube back to Rocco, giving me the opportunity to ask, “So, how does the air cannon work exactly?”

“Rocco has a detonator which will trigger a blast containing all the debris we placed inside the bottle.” I peeked into the sliced and glued Dr Pepper bottle where he pointed. “We basically use a lot of flour, some good ol’ Texas dirt for coloring, and—”

“Rocks? Are those rocks I see?” What if they pummeled us? What was he thinking?

“Ah, not rocks. Sponges cut up and painted to look like rocks.” Caz produced a little black plastic ball from his jacket pocket. “We’re going to pretend this is a grenade. I’ll count to three and toss it over my shoulder. That will trigger the explosion and Daisy and I will strut away like the bosses we are. Everybody ready?”

I donned my sunglasses and watched him out of the corner of my eye. “Three… two… one!” Caz casually threw the “grenade” over his shoulder and I started to march forward.


I don’t know how it happened, but the explosion behind us was so loud and startling that I somehow ended up tangled against Caz, my heart pounding a rhythm worthy of an electronic dance remix.



About Author Krissi Dallas:

Krissi Dallas loves pop music, mismatched socks, and Tex-Mex food. She is wife to Dr. Sam Dallas, mom to two strong-willed little boys and a mini goldendoodle, and former junior high teacher of sixteen years. When she’s not busy serving in her church and community, Krissi gives herself over to daydreams and writing. She has five books in the Phantom Island series with the sixth and final installment on the way. Her Kindle Vella novel, Icarus Flight School, spent eleven weeks as the #1 Top Faved story in Teen and Young Adult and just released in paperback and hardcover. Her ongoing serial romantic comedy, Wish Upon A Streaming Star, is currently a Top Faved story on Kindle Vella where new episodes release every weekend. She’s a proud member of the writing community at Art House Dallas and loves nothing more than connecting with readers and writers of all ages.

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The Friend Face Off

by Grace Worthington


(Love on Thin Ice, #3)
Publication date: September 12th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

Getting involved with your brother’s best friend is risky enough. But when he’s a hockey player? It’s a whole new level of bad idea.

As a ravenous reader, I’ve got a secret: I’m obsessed with hockey romances.

But let me tell you, real life hockey players are nothing like my book boyfriends.

So I threw down the gauntlet on BookTok. I challenged any single guy out there to prove me wrong. Can a real hockey player be as romantic as the ones in my favorite stories?

Enter Dawson Hayes, a goalie with a point to prove and my brother’s best friend. He’s confident he can win me over and take me on the most romantic date of my life.

But there’s a catch: for me to accept, I have to pretend that he’s my fake boyfriend. Now everyone in my small town thinks that Dawson and I are having a fall fling. Even if it’s a fling that can’t last.

Worst of all, I’m starting to believe this fling is real. I’m falling for my brother’s best friend.


The first time I met Emmy, her brother warned me to stay away. As hockey teammates, that made her totally off-limits.

But now I’m back in Emmy’s small town to play in a charity hockey match, and I can’t resist her dating challenge: to find out if any man can be more romantic than the book boyfriends she adores.

Emmy and I are both fiercely competitive, and I’m determined to win her over.

When the moment of truth comes, the chemistry between us turns into something neither of us expected:
A romantic face-off between friends who are insanely attracted to each other.

Now, I’m out to prove to her that you should never judge a book by its cover—or a hockey player when it comes to love.

The Friend Face Off is part of the Love on Thin Ice sweet small town hockey romcom series. It’s a brother’s best friend, closed door hockey romcom with fake dating, friends to lovers and You’ve Got Mail vibes. It’s a small town romance with all the sizzle and chemistry, but none of the spice.

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“She can’t go with you,” a voice growls behind me. I spin around to see the hockey player’s steel gaze locked on the jerk who’s asking me out.
“Why not?”
“Because she’s going to the party with me,” Dawson replies without looking at me.
My breath catches. I’m caught between a guy who makes angry hives break out on my body, and one who makes my heart feel things I shouldn’t.
“Is this true?” Stewart asks me directly.
I pause, then look at Dawson. “Yes, he’s my date,” I say, even though I know this is a bad idea. Because once it’s out there, I’m committed. I’ll have to date my brother’s best friend.
I make myself move closer to Dawson and give his arm a pat, only to realize I’m touching what feels like a boulder. Seriously, no man should be walking around with biceps that huge, even if he is holding a coffee carrier with four cups. Either the man is working for a food delivery service in his spare time or consumes coffee at an alarming rate.
Dawson’s eyes trace over my workout wear. His mouth quirks at the corner. “Good run?”
I nod and thread my fingers through my knotted ponytail.
“You were always so fast,” he says.
How does he know this?
“Oh, right,” I laugh. “The night I tried to leave you behind at the party.”
I glance up at him and I’m immediately mesmerized by his eyes. He’s not my usual type—his hands are calloused from hockey. He’s rough and mysterious and his hair looks amazing without any effort. Plus, he’s always ready with a hockey pickup line that’s so cheesy it actually circles back to charming.
I need an emotionally sensitive man who reads books and quotes my favorite parts. Not someone who punches people in the face for a living. Of course, there was that one time he quoted Jane Austen. And he did buy my favorite romance book at the store. What kind of man does that?
My eyes trace over his frame. Dawson’s got that tall, dark, and muscular look. Put him in flannel and he’d be a sexy lumberjack. The image of Dawson in flannel with an axe stirs a funny feeling in my chest.
I can’t date a hockey player. He’s my brother’s best friend. That’s double the trouble.
And I just agreed to a fake date with him.

The Friend Face Off is a
brother’s best friend
closed door hockey
fake dating
friends to lovers
You’ve Got Mail vibes.


About Author Grace Worthington:

Grace Worthington eats, breathes, and geeks out over sweet romcoms. So it’s no surprise that she believes that laughter and love are a cure-all for pretty much everything in life. After a short stint working in musical theatre (where she was often cast in comedic roles), she instills her books with witty banter, lovable characters, and a story that moves your heart and soul. Her inspiration includes quaint towns by the beach, romantic comedy movies from the ’80s & ’90s, and the crazy shenanigans of her family. Snag a free sweet romcom at

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The Rebound Play

by Kate O’Keeffe


(Love on Thin Ice, #2)
Publication date: August 29th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

If you get a second chance at love with your hockey star ex, should you take it?

What do you do when your NHL superstar ex skates back into your small town? Drop to the ground and hide behind the bleachers, hoping he doesn’t see you. But Lady Luck must be in a bad mood today because Dan spots me, my hood over my eyes, pretending I’m not there.

Mature? No.

Necessary? Oh, yes.

Humiliation washes over me, and the wall around my heart stands firm. Dan might be back, but I can’t afford to let him in again. Not after the heartbreak of losing him once before.

When he offers to coach my nephew, I reluctantly agree. Every smile he flashes at me, every kind word, threatens to crack my resolve. But I can’t go through that again. I have to protect my heart.

I want Keira back. End of story.

The Rebound Play is part of the Love on Thin Ice sweet hockey romcom series. It’s a second chance at love story about a jock and a nerd who get a second chance in this small town romance with all the sizzle and chemistry, but none of the spice.

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“I get it. Hockey’s your world right now,” Troy replies. “Which is why coming back to your hometown to play is so perfect for you. I can work things out with your team management to get you the time off, and we’ve got an excellent PT. She’ll get that wrist back into shape before you know it.”

“I’ve got to admit—it’s tempting.”

And besides, there’s another reason for going back home, and it’s kind of a big one. Keira Johnson. My Kiki. Only she hasn’t been my Kiki for ten years now.

Just the thought of my high school girl—the girl I left behind—has my pulse kicking up a notch or ten.

Keira is the girl I’ve never been able to forget.

Sure, there’ve been other girls. It’s been a long time and I’m no saint. Women tend to throw themselves at you when you’re an NHL player, particularly when you’re known as the pretty boy of the team. Those puck bunnies, as they’re sometimes called, simply come with the territory—and it’s fun territory, believe me.

Of course, the fact that my kid brother is the current heartthrob on the hit Netflix fantasy show, It Came One Winter, doesn’t exactly hurt, either.

But here’s the thing: Most of the women I meet are only interested in me because I’m Dan Roberts, center for the Chicago Blizzard, brother to the guy they love to watch on TV. Relationships for me tend to last a few weeks, a month, tops. My lifestyle means it’s hard to hold down a relationship. And besides, those women aren’t interested in plain Dan Roberts, the hockey-obsessed kid from Maple Falls, who worked his butt off to make it to the NHL.

So, my heart has been safe, never forgetting my first love. Keira.


About Author Kate O’Keeffe:

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Kate O’Keeffe writes exactly what she loves to read: laugh-out-loud romantic comedies with swoon-worthy heroes and gorgeous feel-good happily ever afters. She lives and loves in beautiful Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand with her family. When she’s not penning her latest story, Kate can be found hiking up hills (slowly), traveling to different countries, and eating chocolate. A lot of it.

Visit kateokeeffe dot com to sign up to her newsletter and you’ll receive a FREE romcom.

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Breaking the Ice

by Whitney Dineen


(Love on Thin Ice, #1)
Publication date: August 22nd 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

What do an entitled billionaire and small-town ice-skating coach have in common?

My life is not turning out like I thought it would.

My mom’s arthritis has gotten so bad that I had to move in with her. I’m making ends meet by giving ice skating lessons at the arena in Maple Falls. I’d be in serious trouble had the Harts not given me that job.

Which makes it impossible to say no when they ask me to let Troy’s obnoxious billionaire brother stay in the cabin on my mom’s property during the charity hockey event they’re running.

First the tabloids call me out for being a cheapskate and then Yolanda Simms takes to national television to tell everyone what a vicious heartbreaker I am?

Yeah, my life has been better.

My brother thinks I can fix my bad press by coming to Maple Falls and donating big to his new charity endeavor. Too bad he didn’t mention the woman who owns the cottage I’ll be staying at hates me with a passion.

He also didn’t mention she’s everything I’ve ever looked for in a woman…

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I’ve learned a lot of things from being a billionaire in my thirties, but so far, the most essential is that you can’t have thin skin. Everyone wants a piece of you and when you’re not giving them the time or attention they think they deserve, they set out to tear you down. Case in point, Yolanda Simms, the entertainment reporter for KBIZ and the most annoyingly fame-seeking woman it has ever been my displeasure to know.

Yolanda and I went out three times, which is a record for me as I barely have a minute for myself. Given my busy schedule, you might be wondering why I would spend my precious free time with such a person. When I first asked her out, I didn’t see her for who she truly was. I may have also had a hidden agenda.

I’d recently been called out by a national tabloid for not putting my money where my mouth was. As in, they didn’t think I donated enough to charity. And while supposedly no press is bad press, I really don’t like people thinking of me the way I was being portrayed.

I figured if I wined and dined Yolanda—who had previously flirted with me outrageously every time she saw me—she might spread the word that I was a decent guy. Self-serving? Yes. But I’m not the villain the press would have you think I am, and I wanted a chance to prove it.

Unfortunately, Yolanda got ahead of herself regarding our friendship and decided to announce on air that she and I were in an exclusive and committed relationship. As we had never so much as kissed, I took exception to her declaration.

“Zachary!” my assistant Anabelle yells out. Before I can ask her what she wants, she says, “Your brother is on line three.”

I have five brothers, so I ask, “Which one?”

Instead of answering, I overhear her tell someone else, “Mr. Hart has no comment on Ms. Simms’ allegations.” Great, another day fending off the aftermath of Yolanda’s interview on The View. She told Whoopi Goldberg I was an egomaniacal alpha-male.

I hesitantly reach over to the landline on my desk. “This is Zach.”

“Hey, big bro,” my younger twin says. In my mind’s eye, I see his lopsided grin, which, even though we’re fraternal twins, is remarkably like my own. MacElroy, aka Mac, is four minutes younger than me and has four times the personality. “It’s starting to look like you’re wading through a herd of cows in a rainy field.”

“What does that even mean, Mac?” My brother recently bought a sustainable farm in Oregon and his metaphors have taken on a rural sort of charm.

“Where there are cows there are cow pies. Need I explain that a rainy field full of heifers is full of wet …”

“Manure. Got it.” Gross.

“Why don’t you set the world straight and tell them the majority of your charitable donations are given anonymously?” he wants to know. The man definitely cuts to the chase.

“You do know the definition of anonymous, don’t you?” I condescendingly inquire.

“Yes, Zach. What I don’t know is why you don’t just come clean about what a good guy you are.”

“Because if I bragged about doing good deeds, they wouldn’t feel like good deeds,” I tell him for the hundredth time.

Shifting in my chair, I stare out of my home office window onto Wilshire Boulevard below. You’d think all the short skirts and tanned legs would be one of the benefits of living in Southern California. Yet no matter how good the view is, wealthy Beverly Hills women are not my type. They’re simply too high maintenance, not to mention too self-involved.

“I’m just saying…”

“Let it go, Mac.” Removing my feet from the edge of my giant mahogany desk, I ask, “Did you call for any other reason than to bust my butt about Yolanda? Because if not, I have work to do.”

“What are you buying today?” he wants to know. “Another office building? A high-rise? Malibu?” While I like to have a diversified financial portfolio, as a real estate developer, I am obviously partial to buying property.

“I’m giving a speech at Pepperdine,” I tell him. Tongue in cheek, I add, “I call it ‘One House, New House, Big House, You House.’”

“Ah yes, a nod to your childhood love of Dr. Seuss.” Releasing an exaggerated yawn, he asks, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re becoming kind of boring?”

You tell me that at least twice a week,” I remind him. “Now, why are you calling?”

Instead of putting me out of my misery, he wants to know, “When was the last time you strapped on a pair of skates and played a game?”


About Author Whitney Dineen:

Whitney loves to laugh, play with her kids, bake, and eat french fries — not always in that order.

Whitney is a multi-award-winning author of romcoms, non-fiction humor, and middle reader fiction. Basically, she writes whatever the voices in her head tell her to.

She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jimmy, where they raise children, chickens, and organic vegetables.

Gold Medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2017.

Silver medal winner at the International Readers’ Favorite Awards, 2015, 2016.

Finalist RONE Awards, 2016.

Finalist at the IRFA 2016, 2017.

Finalist at the Book Excellence Awards, 2017

Finalist Top Shelf Indie Book Awards, 2017

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