Archive for the ‘Contemporary Romance’ Category

Live, Love, Repeat
Milestones Book 1
by JD Corbett
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Over the last 25 years, Liz Banner’s life has grown stagnant. Not that
she hasn’t loved being a stay-at-home wife and mother, but she
didn’t mean to lose herself in the process. And after surviving the
most challenging time in her life, Liz realizes that life is too
short, and second chances don’t come around very often.
With a milestone birthday approaching, Liz is determined to live a little.
And when her best friend, Anne, gifts her a ticket for a 10-day
luxury cruise, Liz decides it’s the perfect excuse to experience
new things, and just take some time to relax with some of her
favorite women. But her idea of a relaxing vacation gets thrown
overboard when a few surprise guests make an appearance and attempt
to win their way back into Liz’s heart.
With a second chance at life…and love, turning 50 never felt better.
Check out this peek inside:
Liz feigned shock. “Excuse me, but are you implying that I’ve become boring?”
Anne laughed heartily. “Your words!”
Liz placed a hand on her chest, still acting offended.
“Well, I did have to practically beg you come on the cruise with me,” Anne said, averting eye contact with Liz.
“You bought me a ticket for my birthday! Of course, I was going to agree to go.”
Anne shrugged a shoulder. “I was just saying that reading about burping babies and sex once a year on your anniversary got a little stale.” Anne sipped her wine, then muttered, “A lot less fun than reading about your best shag partner, anyway.”
Liz’s eyes widened but she had no retort. Anne was right. But adulthood was relatively boring. She peered out to the crashing waves. “I think I saw him today. In Atlanta.”
Anne’s eyebrows knit together. “Who? Your best shag mate?” She giggled at her own joke and took another swig from her glass.
“Seriously your best shag mate?”
Liz playfully patted Anne’s shoulder. “His name is James!”
“James. Shag Master. Whatever. When you were seeing him, the sex was all you wrote about.”
Liz rolled her eyes then nodded slightly, silently admitting to the accusation. “Okay, yes, he was incredible. But that wasn’t the only thing that was perfect between us. And after he left, I don’t think there was a day that went by that I didn’t think about him.”
“That was so long ago, Liz.”
“I know. But every once in awhile, I wonder ‘what if’, you know? Not that you can live your life always thinking about the ‘what could have beens’. But sometimes I wonder if he would have stayed, if we would have lasted. I think we both knew in the back of our minds that it would be short term. No commitments. Maybe that’s what made our relationship so amazing.” Liz stared blankly out onto the horizon, lost in the past. “If he had stayed, we probably wouldn’t have lasted. That’s what I’ve spent the last 30 years convincing myself of anyway.”
Anne sighed and dramatically said, “Alas, we may never know. But I do know that any man would be a complete prat to leave you under any other circumstances.” Anne held her glass up. “Cheers.”
“Cheers.” Liz tapped her glass to Anne’s. “And cheers to us turning 50!”
“Absolutely cheers to that! To our birthday cruise.” They clinked glasses again then both sat in silence, taking in the peaceful sound of the waves hitting the sand.
Jen Drapp, who writes under the name of J.D. Corbett, was raised in
Charleston, South Carolina. As a girl, she was obsessed with learning
and reading about historical and fictional characters; one of her
favorites being Scarlett O’Hara. Jen has always loved writing,
whether it was short stories about made-up worlds or even essays for
school. She has recently had two contemporary romances published and
continues to learn and grow as an author. Jen currently lives in
Northern Virginia with her husband, daughter, and a 15-year old very
fat cat.
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for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Miss White and the Seventh Heir
By Jennifer Faye

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch – Note from the Author

Hi. 🙂 Welcome to the blog tour for the second book in my ONCE UPON A FAIRYTALE duet. Trey and Sage’s story is loosely based on another of my favorite fairytales, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs…

Thoughts of a Blonde – Excerpt

ELSA WHITE STOOD before the window of her stylish Manhattan office adorned with black furnishings and gold trim. It wasn’t just any office building. It was a skyscraper owned by White Publishing. And Elsa’s office was on the top floor. She enjoyed looking down upon the rest of the world.

From her office window, the people below looked like peons—small and inconsequential. She smiled, knowing she was so much better than them. She had money, lots of money, and a powerful reach. She was forever finding ways to make her presence in publishing even greater—legal or illegal, it made no difference to her.

Jorie Loves A Story – Review

“The parts that make you smile the most is when each of them sees something that either humbles or surprises them about the other whilst finding that the longer they spend time with each other the more muddling things become as they are each spending an inordinate time contemplating each other!

…Faye loves to write strong heroines and heroes who are saving their own lives!”

It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt

Knock. Knock.

Sage stood and smoothed her navy skirt down over her thighs. She then ran a hand over her hair, making sure the long dark strands weren’t out of place. She didn’t know why she was making such a fuss. It wasn’t like she was the one being interviewed.

She came around her desk and opened the door. She had to crane her neck in order to smile up at him. From behind a pair of dark-rimmed glasses his dark gaze met hers, but she was unable to read anything in his eyes. A man of mystery. She was intrigued.

She held out her hand. “Hello. My name’s Sage White.”

Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review

“Although everybody knows the outcome of this tale, the characters are unique and the added twists” are engaging! It is a refreshing change to a well-read tale.

The characters are very real, the scenes easily visualized, and the adventure steadily increases and “draws the reader into the tale”.The Book Cover image and Title are both “well-fitted” to this story.

I offer a Five Stars rating.”

Andi’s Book Reviews – Excerpt

With evening setting in, Trey continued running—pushing himself. After bumping heads with Sage most of the afternoon, he was filled with pent-up energy. That woman was so frustrating and yet so enticing. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to yell at her or pull her into his arms and kiss her.

He let out a frustrated groan as he slowed to a walk a block from his condo. The sooner he got the information he’d come to QTR for, the better. Ever since he’d stepped inside the office, everything had grown increasingly complicated.

The shrubbery next to him shook. He came to a stop. There was no wind to explain the sudden rush of motion. It was probably a squirrel. He was about to move on when he heard a high-pitched whine. Or was it a bark. Could there be a dog in there?

Bri’s Book Nook – Review

“The plot was fast moving and told from the POV of Trey, Sage, and Sage’s stepmother Elsa. . . . The world-building was also unique, as I found myself enjoying the description of the gala, the chateau, and even the office. This novel definitely didn’t just focus on the romance and forget the rest of the story. Everything flowed smoothly…

…For a short book, everything was done in a nice and orderly fashion. I had nothing to complain about.”

Stacking My Book Shelves! – Excerpt

“I’ve been waiting for you. I have news.” Sage stopped in her tracks. A ball of white fur was sticking out from under Trey’s arm. “What is that?”

He turned to her. His hair was scattered. His shirt was unbuttoned at the collar and his tie was stuffed in his pocket. “It’s more like who is this?”

She frowned at him. “I’m not playing games. Is that a dog?”

Trey nodded. “I can explain—”

“You can’t have a dog in here.”

“I didn’t have a choice.”

Two Points of Interest – Review

“This modern-day retelling of Snow White was a fun read. Both Sage and Trey are dealing with their own issues with trust, parents, and “abandonment”. They have trouble trusting each other. . . . Overall, it was an enjoyable book and I can’t wait to read more books by the author.”

E-Romance News – Excerpt

“His name. We’ll call him Happy.”

“Really?” Trey’s gaze moved from Sage to the dog, whose tail picked up speed. “I guess it fits.” Staring at the dog, he asked, “Would you like the name Happy?”

Arf! Arf!

Sage laughed. “I think he agrees.”

Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader – Review

“This book is sweet and intriguing. I loved the journey of catching Elsa in her evil ways. This modern Day Snow White story is worth the couple hours it will take you to read it!”

Becky on Books – Excerpt

Trey laughed. “You had a pet rat?”

“What’s so funny about that?” she asked with a perfectly straight face.

He subdued his amusement. “Nothing. It’s just that you never cease to surprise me.”

“I also had fish, a bunny—” she paused as though to think about it “—a hamster and a guinea pig.”

“You had a very interesting childhood.”

He didn’t want to stop driving. This was the first time Sage had let down her guard with him and he liked it. She was a lot different outside the office—more relaxed and much more approachable.

Christian Chick’s Thoughts – Spotlight

underneath the covers – Excerpt

Sage pressed a hand to his arm. “Are you okay?”

Trey pushed away the troubling thoughts. “Of course. Why do you ask?”

“Because we’ve arrived at the hotel and you haven’t gotten out of the car.”

He glanced out the window at Cannes’ finest hotel. When he was a child he imagined this place was a palace and a rich king lived within its walls. Other times, he would pretend his father lived there, taking care of important business, and that one day he’d return home. But in truth, his father never stayed at this hotel that he knew of and his father never came home.

Trey choked down the unwanted rush of emotions. “I think I’m just tired. I can’t sleep on planes.”

Book by Book – Review

“If you’re in need of a fun, contemporary romance to read this summer, Jennifer Faye’s Miss White and the Seventh Heir could be the perfect choice for you. . . . Though it’s not entirely unpredictable, Miss White and the Seventh Heirkept me entertained from start to finish, and I enjoyed it.”

Wishful Endings – Review

“MISS WHITE AND THE SEVENTH HEIR is a modern twist on the classic fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It’s a light, fun romance with plenty of nods to the classic tale. For sweet romance readers who like their romance on the lighter side with a little heat, this one is for you.”

Simply Kelina – Review

“I loved how both Sage and Quentin have family issues they are working through, which in turn leads them to pushing away from each other. I also love how they meet at work. This was a really fun and fluffy read. It even involves something for our animal lovers.”

Teatime and Books – Excerpt

Her pulse quickened and she wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Before now, they’d always been at work where there was a constant string of people in and out of her office. There was no time for indulging in a kiss.

But tonight, all bets were off. She assured herself that exhaustion was playing with her mind. As she continued to stare at him, she knew she wasn’t alone with these wayward thoughts.

Bookworm Lisa – Review

“I loved that the characters are flawed and working to do and be better. This book is easy to read and enjoy. The romance isn’t rushed, it begins as a reluctant friendship. The friendship is one of the highlights of the book. The characters how that positive relationships lead to a happy and productive life.

I enjoyed my time in this book. I give it a high recommendation.”

Deal Sharing Aunt – Review

“What a great fairy tale retelling. There are so many retellings out there that it is hard for me to give any a 5, unless they truly deserve it. They have to be different, have their own plot, be in their own time period and still have all the original things I remember form the original tale. This story has all those things.”

Don’t forget to grab a free bookmark and enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…


Grab a FREE Miss White and the Seventh Heir (Once Upon A Fairytale) Bookmark!
NOTE: A big apology but due to postal fees the freebies are only available to continental U.S. residents.

All you have to do is go to Jennifer’s Contact Page and let her know your physical mailing address.
NOTE: Please state the quantity you desire and which bookmarks/titles you are interested in.

And remember you can order extra to share with your favorite bookstore, library and family/friends. 🙂

Miss White and the Seventh Heir
(Once Upon a Fairytale #2)
By Jennifer Faye
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 pages
June 1st 2018 by Harlequin Romance
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & Noble
Book DepositoryHarlequiniBooksKobo

A billionaire with a secret…

Can the truth lead to happily-ever-after?

In this Once Upon a Fairytale story, hardworking magazine editor Sage White’s just getting used to being in charge, so she’s alarmed to find sparks flying with her new assistant—the distractingly handsome Trey! Working together, they grow closer, but can their blossoming relationship survive when Sage learns that Trey is really Quentin Rousseau, seventh heir to the publishing empire—and her boss?

Other Books in the Series

Beauty and Her Boss
(Once Upon a Fairytale #1)
by Jennifer Faye
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 pages
March 1st 2018 by Harlequin Romance
GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & Noble
Book DepositoryHarlequiniBooksKobo

An innocent beauty, a scarred hero…

Could she be the one to open up his heart?

Handsome but guarded former Hollywood star Deacon Santoro prefers the confines of his mansion since an accident left him scarred both inside and out. But he promised to protect sparky beauty Gabrielle Dupre, his new PA. Can Gabrielle convince Deacon that love will give them the fairy-tale ending they deserve?

About the Author

Award-winning author, Jennifer Faye pens fun, heartwarming contemporary romances with rugged cowboys, sexy billionaires and enchanting royalty. Internationally published with books translated into nine languages. She is a two-time winner of the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award, the CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Award, named a TOP PICK author, and been nominated for numerous other awards.


Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card, autographed copy of BEAUTY & HER BOSS (Once Upon a Fairytale, book 1), Lindt Lindor assorted chocolate truffles, Lindt Salted Caramel bar, Whoppers, Reese’s Pieces, candle, flower kit, book magnet, pen, and bookmarks
– US only
– Ends June 13th

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Three Day Fiancée
Marissa Clarke
(Animal Attraction #2)
Published by: Entangled: Lovestruck
Publication date: May 14th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

“Some things can’t be faked…”

Helicopter pilot Taylor Blankenship’s time schedule is maxed out. Between his job, his one hundred and fifty-pound slobbering mess of a dog, and his matchmaking grandmother, he has no time for anyone or anything-especially a woman. If only there were a way to get Grams to back down.

The job of New York City dog walker suits Caitlin Ramos perfectly while she preps for her CPA exam—steady, scheduled, and requiring very little human interaction; a huge seller since she’s still on the mend from a toxic relationship. Men suck. Especially her bossy hot client with the Saint Bernard that thinks it’s a lap dog. No way will she go for his plan to pretend they’re engaged to get his grandmother off his case. Down, boy.

Offered a bargain she can’t refuse, Caitlin finds herself playing the part of fiancée to Taylor. Fortunately, it’s only for three days. All she has to do is fake a relationship with Mr. Bossy Pants in front of his entire family, survive a fierce game of truth or dare with an unscrupulous pair of octogenarians, endure a one-on-one round of Twister with Taylor, and not lose her heart to a guy who turns out to be a lot more than she’d bargained for.

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Author Marissa Clarke

Marissa Clarke is a multi award-winning, RITA® nominated author of romance for adults and teens. She lives on an island in the middle of a river. Seriously, she does. When not writing, she wrangles her rowdy pack of three teens, two Cairn Terriers, and one husband.

Inexplicably, her favorite animal is the giant anteater and at one point, she had over 200 “pet” Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. The roaches are a long story involving three science-crazed kids and a soft spot for rescue animals. The good news is, the “pet” roaches found a home… somewhere else.

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Spring is the perfect time to grab a good romance read.

Check out Abigail Drake’s The Enchanted Garden Cafe.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


The Enchanted Garden Cafe
Abigail Drake
(South Side Stories, #1)
Publication date: May 1st 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

For her sixth birthday, Fiona Campbell’s mother, Claire, made her a peace sign piñata filled with wishes for a better planet instead of candy. When she got her period, her mother held a womanhood ceremony at their café and invited the neighborhood. On her sixteenth birthday, they celebrated with a drum circle.

Fiona grew up trying to keep the impulsive Claire in check, and their struggling café afloat. She plans to move out, but first must find a way to stop a big corporation from tearing down their business and destroying her mother’s livelihood.

Claire thinks karma will solve their financial and legal problems. Fiona prefers a spreadsheet and a solid business plan. The last thing she has time for is Matthew Monroe, a handsome complication who walks through their door with a guitar on his back and a naughty gleam in his eye. But when disaster strikes, and Fiona’s forced to turn to him for help, will she learn to open her heart and find she can believe in something magical after all?

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this glimpse inside:

The cab let me off right in front of the café. People sat at the small tables we’d set up on the sidewalk, and others hovered near the door, listening. It was quite a crowd, and as soon as the sound of the music reached my ears, I understood why.

Matthew sat on a barstool, strumming his guitar. Mom softly kept the beat with a set of bongos she had tucked between her legs. Moses played his saxophone, the sound twisting and winding though Matthew’s music like an intricate quilt. A young woman with braided hair and skin that glowed in the candlelight belted out a soulful melody about love and loss and hope.

I stopped, as enthralled by the music as the others. The woman had a lovely voice, and Moses was a genius, but Matthew grabbed my attention and held it. His black shirt and jeans accentuated his sleek, muscular body.A necklace with a yin and yang symbol carved in wood hung on a leather cord around his neck. His dark hair brushed his shoulders, as soft and smooth as silk, and his elegant fingers flew skillfully over the guitar, making it moan and sing and cry with a hauntingly beautiful sound. I’d never heard anything like it, and Matthew was as mesmerizing as his music.

As soon as the song finished, Matthew’s eyes met mine. I’d been caught watching him but couldn’t look away. This time he didn’t smile. He stared back at me, his expression as haunted and sad and beautiful as the song he’d played.

Mom came up and touched my arm. “Isn’t he amazing?”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

Author Abigail Drake

Award winning author Abigail Drake has spent her life traveling the world, and collecting stories wherever she visited. She majored in Japanese and International Economics in college and worked in import/export and as an ESL teacher before she committed herself full time to writing. She writes in several romance genres, and her books are quirky, light, fun, and sexy. Abigail is a trekkie, a book hoarder, the master of the Nespresso machine, a red wine addict, and the mother of three boys (probably the main reason for her red wine addiction). A puppy named Capone is the most recent addition to her family, and she blogs about him as a way of maintaining what little sanity she has left.

Abigail, who also writes young adult fiction under the name Wende Dikec, is the winner of the prestigious 2017 Prism Award for her book Traveller, and the International Digital Award for her young adult book, Tiger Lily. In addition, she was a finalist in the Golden Pen, the Golden Leaf, the Dante Rossetti Book Award, and the Cygnus Award for Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction.

For more information about Abigail, visit her website at

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Welcome to my Monday Minis where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.

Today I’m sharing The Summer Of New Beginnings, Bette Lee Crosby’s first book in her new Magnolia Grove series, available March 27th.


The Summer Of New Beginnings

Magnolia Grove #1

by Bette Lee Crosby


Genre: Contemporary / Romance


My Review

Having read a bunch of Bette’s books I couldn’t wait to read this first book in her new series.

There’s no one thing I can point to as why I loved this book. It’s many things. The genuine characters. The anticipation of what’s to come. Feeling all of those feels. Sorrow, heartbreak, frustration, hope, happiness and love. And how easily the story flows. I read this in one sitting. No way could I put it down until I was done.

Meghan is the main character. After her father dies, she gives up her dreams to keep his legacy alive. Along the way you’re introduced to her family. Shown how they struggle to move on and adapt. And Bette throws in a sprinkle of something magical. It comes with four legs and goes by Sox.

I could gush on and on about this book. I adored it. Will be reading it again. And am happily amazed that Bette got me to read outside my normal genre and showed me how good that could be.

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One family learns that love is the greatest miracle of all.

Aspiring journalist Meghan Briggs has always been the responsible one in the family. So when her father passes away unexpectedly, leaving behind his at-risk business, she steps up to save his legacy—even if that means putting her own dreams on hold.

Tracy couldn’t be more different from her sister. She’s always been the rebellious type, without much direction in life. But in the wake of her latest romantic disaster, she finds herself moving back home as a single mother.

As Tracy experiences the difficulties of new motherhood, Meghan faces her own struggle: trying not to fall for the stray puppy she rescued. This is no time for attachments—not to the adorable “Sox,” whose owner is bound to turn up any day, and certainly not to the handsome new vet in town. But as the summer unfolds, she discovers that, like Sox, she may need rescuing, too.

As both sisters navigate unexpected challenges and exciting new relationships, they’ll find that putting the past to rest can make way for beautiful new beginnings.

Available for purchase March 27th.

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All We Want For Christmas Is You
Anita Maxwell
Publication date: December 20th 2017
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


Hayden Halloway wants to see her name in print when she gets out of college, preferably in one of the big five newspapers in New York. She has everything lined up to make that happen, except for that one perfect story to finalize her portfolio.

Christian, Vinnie, and Justin, first string forwards on the college hockey team, all have their sights set on Hayden. But a situation involving her best friend and the Puck Games – the hockey team’s sex rating competition – ends up setting them on a collision course that could leave more than their reputations damaged.

Eggnog, coffee dates, and the Winter Wonderland all have Hayden losing bits and pieces of herself to the guys. Will Hayden sacrifice her integrity for her heart, or will she ruin the guys chances at going pro and any chance they have of being together?

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Author Anita Maxwell

Anita Maxwell is from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. She has one husband, one son, two dogs, one mean cat, and no kangaroo. She loves to be the center of attention, even when noone else wants her to be. She used to be a ballerina, but now does pole dancing. She is a massive I.T. nerd. She loves planning events. One of her favourite things to do is tell K.B. “No, the main character can’t do that because…”. Her favourite genres to read are Science Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Historical, Based on True Stories, and Reverse Harem of course. She has a book she carries with her called “My little book of big ideas”, which is currently a quarter full.

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Too True To Be Good

Raise A Glass #5

by Mary E. Thompson

Too True cover

Genre: Contemporary Romance



His life was good…

Zach Bennett was content to go to work, hang out with his family and friends, and entertain a woman once in a while. As his family found love all around him, he was content to stay single. Unattached. Happy.

Besides, he had enough to worry about with a new chef breathing down his neck for his job.

She faced the truth every day…

Gianna Brooks always wanted to work with people. She saw enough growing up to know kids need all the help they can get. They deserved to be safe. Loved. Happy.

Which is why she’s determined to get her new client into a forever home.

But the truth isn’t always good…

The last thing Zach needs is a little girl showing up on his doorstep claiming she’s his. Her social worker hot on her heels, and demanding a place to stay, definitely doesn’t make it any better. Especially with Gianna’s curvy body and bedroom eyes, and his daughter’s sad sweetness, making him consider keeping both of them.

Gianna knows she should run. Zach knows he should send them away. But neither of them can resist the pull toward the other.


Enjoy the Excerpt

Zach pulled in a deep breath and sunk into the couch. Summer was curled up next to him, her little knees digging into his hip. He couldn’t believe it had only been a few days since she appeared. It was starting to feel like she’d been there forever.

Gianna padded into the room. Her hair was tied up, out of her face. He ached to tug it out of the ponytail it was in and run his hands through it, but instead he just smiled.

“She’s asleep already?” Gianna asked with a laugh.

Zach nodded. “Yeah. She had a busy day.”

“Your family has been wonderful with her.”

Zach grinned. His mom took to Summer like she’d always been a part of the family.

“They all love kids.”

“That’s obvious. Summer will be lucky to stay here.”

The thought of Summer staying still scared him, but he had to admit, he was getting used to it. She was a little presence in his life that would keep him on his toes. He was starting to get a true picture of who she was. He liked her. Maybe even loved her.

Was it possible?

Falling in love with a woman was impossible for Zach to imagine, even when Gianna settled on his other side, smelling irresistible from her shower. Lust, yeah. But love? Zach didn’t know love like he felt for Summer before. He never wanted to let her go. He felt like everything was right with her pressed against his side.

Then Gianna asked, “What are you going to do if she’s not yours?”


Author Mary E. Thompson

Too True author

Mary E. Thompson grew up loving to read, like a good little girl. Many nights she would fall asleep with the flashlight still turned on as she hid under the covers trying to finish the last few pages of a book. As an adult, the light from her ereader means she doesn’t need a flashlight, but she still stays up way too late to finish a book.

When Mary’s not reading, she’s playing with her two kids or living out her own real life romance novel with her hubby. She has a weakness for chocolate, especially when it’s paired with peanut butter, and has been known to have a bad day just because there’s no chocolate in the house. Unless there’s wine. Then everything is okay.

Mary grew up in Buffalo, New York and swears she’s the only local to never ski or snowboard. Soccer was always her sport, with a couple adventures white water rafting and skydiving to keep things interesting. Mary moved to South Carolina for college but missed Buffalo every day. Yeah, she thinks she’s crazy, too. She somehow convinced her South Carolina born and bred hubby to return to Buffalo to raise their kids and live out their lives. He’s still not sure what he was thinking.

Author Links

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Stone Silence by Taylor Dean

Great big beautiful love.

Does it really exist?

Everyone tells me it does. They say, “Spencer Elliott, don’t worry, you’ll find it one day. You just have to find the right man and when you do, it will surprise the heck out of you.”

I’m still waiting for that heck of a surprise to hit. It has proven to be elusive thus far. I’m pretty sure the entire world is lying about love and the joke is on me.

I know I want a man in my heart and in my life. Unfortunately, most men immediately push my OFF button and I lose interest quickly.

Feeling pressure to prove I’m trying to find my soulmate, I finally give in and agree to a date. Huge mistake. Afterward I find myself abandoned in the middle of nowhere, in desperate need of help.

That’s when I meet Stony by chance.

He’s a silent and unsmiling man who intrigues me with his ability to keep going after life has knocked him down. Suddenly the abstract notion of love becomes tangible and within my reach. Once I experience it, I wonder how I ever lived without it.

That’s when I stay with Stony by choice.

But when Stony’s hidden past and present-day reality collide, his silence is broken. And the truth about his life nearly brings me to my knees. I can’t compete with ghosts from the past.

I refuse to fight for a man’s love. He either loves me or he doesn’t. It’s as simple and as complicated as that.

My only hope is . . . he does.


The Sound of Silence Series is a three book series.

Book One: Stone Silence, Spencer’s Story
Book Two: Jailbird, Mia’s Story
Book Three: Hothouse Flower, Shay’s Story

Each book has a happy ending and there are no cliffhangers. They are not standalones and should be read in order.

Hate waiting for the next book in a series?

You won’t have to wait long!


Jailbird, Book Two will be released on December 1st, 2017
Hothouse Flower, Book Three will be released on January 1st, 2018
What readers are saying about STONE SILENCE:

This story just wrapped me in its arms and held me tight. I adored the characters and never wanted the book to end. Dean weaves a heart-tugging romance like nobody else’s business. Her books are always a feast to my literary mind and always go on my To-Read-Again pile once I finish.

-Charissa Stastny, Author
Once again Dean takes the raw pain and hurt many of us can relate to, and creates a perfectly romantic tale for readers to escape into, giving us hope, love, second chances and ultimately that believable happily ever after we all seek for as true romance lovers.
-Mylissa’s Reviews and Book Thoughts



“You like home improvement?” he asks.
“I love it. But let’s pick something we both like.”
“Let’s rock, paper, scissors it.”
“Excuse me?” I say, surprised at his suggestion. Again, the levity feels a little odd without an accompanying smile.
He holds out his hand. “Ready? If I win, it’s the baseball game, if you win, it’s home improvement.”
I’m still a little stunned and stare at him open-mouthed.
“You do know how to play rock, paper, scissors, right?”
Flustered, I say, “Yes, of course.”
“Okay then, let’s do this.”
I hold out my hand and he counts, “1, 2, 3
. . .”
He does paper and I do scissors. I win.
“Home improvement it is,” he says.
He flips to HGTV where an episode of House Hunters is playing. He settles into the recliner and seems content.
“You like this?” I ask. “I mean, really, we can watch whatever you’d like.”
“Used to be in the business. Now I just own several rentals.”
“What was your business?”
“Flipping houses. Selling them.”
Okay, that explains why he’s fine with watching HGTV. “You don’t mind watching this?”
“Don’t make me admit it.”
I laugh aloud at this funny man. His deadpan expression makes everything seem funnier than it really is. I can’t hide my smile as I stare at the TV. He’s an enigma and I want to solve the
mystery. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Might not answer.”
“Can I ask anyway?” I say.
“Ask away.”
“How much time do you save in your life by never speaking in full sentences?”
He looks over at me with narrowed eyes, but I don’t back down.
“Eons,” he retorts. Then he mumbles, “Smart aleck.”
I laugh, but he remains . . . well, Stony.
Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense—you’ll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up.

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Ends 11/26/17

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Pen & Xander
Laekan Zea Kemp

Publication date: October 31st 2017
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult


Pen Prado has a passion for cooking. Specifically, cooking her father’s food in her father’s restaurant. It’s the heart of their immigrant neighborhood, a place where everyone belongs, and second chances are always on the menu. Except for Pen. Despite the fact that there’s something almost magic about her food, her father can’t imagine anything worse than her following in his footsteps. And when Pen confesses to keeping a secret from her family, he fires her, ensuring she never will.

Xander Amaro is undocumented but that doesn’t stop Ignacio Prado from offering him a job at his restaurant. For Xander, it’s a chance to make amends and to sever his toxic relationship with the druglord, El Cantil–a man whose been like a father to him since his own disappeared. Soon after, his mother abandoned him too, leaving behind a void that not even his abuelo can fill. Until he meets Pen.

Both seeking a place where they feel like they truly belong, they end up finding each other, and in the face of tremendous fear and self-doubt, they end up finding themselves.

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Check out the excerpt.

The parking lot hasn’t changed; the science building looks the same as that first day of school five months ago. But as I sit in my car, watching girls I met during orientation skip up the steps, hugging their bags, excited to play nurse, I try to convince myself that something inside me has. That today I’ll actually be able to go inside. That today I will stop lying and be the person they want me to be.

Class starts in approximately seven minutes—the class I should have taken and passed last semester, moving me one step closer to a degree in nursing.

Six minutes.

I sit in the parking lot, watching the clock tick down. The car is in park but I can’t bring myself to turn off the engine.

Walk inside.

I turn off the car, reminding myself how much I’ve already wasted on tuition and books.

You can do this. You can.

I reach for my bag.

Get. Out. Of. The. Car.

And then I can’t breathe.

My mother’s shoes.

All I can think about are my mother’s shoes.

How they’ve sat in the same spot by the door for almost twenty years. Scuffed and cracked, the shadow of her foot pressed to the leather even when the laces are loose. I imagine every hallway they’ve ever walked down, every door they’ve propped open, every mess they’ve ever stepped in, every second they’ve held her up when all she wanted was to collapse. Because one of her patients couldn’t remember her face or their daughter’s name or how to speak.

When she lost one I’d wake to the knock of the rolling pin and the smell of dough warming on the hot plate. Sometimes I’d try to take the pin from her but there was something about the force, about the rhythm that reminded her how to breathe. We’d work in silence and three-dozen tortillas later she’d wrap them in foil and drive them to the family. The family that only visited once a month. That would accept my mother’s food without acknowledging that she was more family to the deceased than they were.

And then the next day she would go back to work.

For almost twenty years. She went back.

And if I step out of this car, if I walk up those steps, if I sit at that desk and pretend…how long will I be sitting there before I realize I’m trapped?

I take a deep breath, the scent of a thousand shifts at the restaurant tucked into the fabric of the front seat. Mango and cilantro and epazote, tomatillos and roasted pepitas and tortillas. I can’t sleep without those smells tangled in my hair, without those flavors still on my tongue.

So I have to decide what’s scarier: living a life that doesn’t belong to me or losing the one I love. If the truth breaks my father’s heart, I know he’ll take it from me. But if it doesn’t, if he understands, if I can make him understand, I can be free.

I weigh each option, simmering in the anxiety they provoke, in the hope. Because I have to do what scares me. It’s the only way to ward off the helplessness. To stay in control. I always have to be in control.

Which means that today is not the day I go inside.

My stomach drops, my hand reaching to put the car in drive again.

Today is the day I tell them the truth.


Author Laekan Zea Kemp

Laekan is a writer and explorer extraordinaire who grew up in the flatlands of West Texas. She graduated from Texas Tech with a BA in Creative Writing and is the author of the multi-cultural New Adult novels The Things They Didn’t Bury, Orphans of Paradise, Breathing Ghosts, and the Young Adult Paranormal series The Girl In Between. Her upcoming contemporary romance is slated for release during the summer of 2017!

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Acting On Impulse

by Mia Sosa
Series: Love On Cue


Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Avon Impulse
Publication Date: September 19, 2017


After a very public breakup with a media-hungry politician, fitness trainer Tori Alvarez escapes to Aruba for rest, relaxation, and copious amounts of sex on the beach—the cocktail, that is. She vows to keep her vacation a man-free zone… but when a cute guy is seated next to her on the plane, Tori can’t resist a little harmless flirting.

Hollywood heartthrob Carter Stone underwent a dramatic physical transformation for his latest role and it’s clear his stunning seat mate doesn’t recognize the man beneath the shaggy beard and extra lean frame. Now Carter needs help rebuilding his buff physique and Tori is perfect for the job. It doesn’t hurt that she makes his pulse pound in more ways than one.

Sparks are flying, until a pesky paparazzo reveals Carter’s identity. Tori is hurt and pissed. She wants nothing to do with another man in the limelight, but she’s still got to whip him into shape. Can Carter convince Tori he’s worth the threat to her privacy that comes with dating a famous actor, or will Tori chisel him down to nothing before he even gets the chance?

Grab the popcorn . . .

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About Author Mia Sosa

Mia Sosa is an award-winning contemporary romance writer and 2015 Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart® Finalist. Her books have received praise and recognition from Library Journal, The Washington Post, Book Riot, Bustle, The Book List Reader, and more.

A former First Amendment and media lawyer, Mia practiced for more than a decade before trading her suits for loungewear (okay, okay, they’re sweatpants). Now she strives to write fun and flirty stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match.

Mia lives in Maryland with her husband, their two daughters, and an adorable puppy who finally sleeps through the night. For more information about Mia and her books, visit

Mia’s Links

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