Merry Christmas Everyone!
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If you were offered a second chance, would you take it?
Find out what happens when three women take the chance in ……
Author: Linda West
Publisher: Morningmayan Publishing
Pages: 320
Genre: Holiday
A strange Christmas letter appears
and the forces of nature begin to pull three very different women into a Christmas adventure they could never imagine. Macy Kennedy is a hot-headed powerful lawyer in Manhatten used to getting her own way, but this Christmas nothing goes as planned.
Her fiance dumps her via a text, and her dreams of a true love and a Tiffany diamond ring crumble around her…again.
It seems as if things just couldn’t get worse when she receives one last Christmas card with news she never expected.
Now, she is forced to go back home to the small town of Kissing Bridge she has avoided for over thirty years.
She bribes her loyal secretary, Samantha, a sweet pretty girl with scars she never talks about, and the firm’s maid, Naomi, a woman with a secret gift, to drive her through an oncoming blizzard up to the small mountain town to accomplish the sordid ordeal.
Kissing Bridge is a rural snow town high up in the mountains, full of kooky neighbors, magical cookies and Christmas obsessed locals.
Little can they ever imagine, that a rare mystical blue moon hangs high in the sky on this Christmas Eve, and magic lives in this enchanted mountain town full of love and friendship.
Miracles happen every day in the adorable town of Kissing Bridge, but nobody expected this.
An adventure of a lifetime awaits, when three friends get a second chance to go back in time and change their lives forever.
Grab your copy on Amazon
Author Linda West
Linda West is an Amazon best seller and author of the best selling series ‘Christmas Kisses and Cookies.’ She writes books that feature food and fun and includes her own recipes from her quaint beach café in Malibu.
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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.
On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Miracles are Golden
By Catherine Lanigan
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch – Note from the Author
Miracles are Golden is a different kind of Christmas story in just about every manner of literary pre-conceptions a reader could have. To follow with that unique place it holds not only in my heart, but on the roster of books I have written, this PRISM BOOK TOUR is different as well…
It’s All About the Romance – Excerpt
Jimmy Longwood pressed his face against the pet store window, not minding the cold. On the other side of the glass was an eight-week-old Golden Retriever puppy that Jimmy had named “Bubblehead” because the puppy’s head was unusually large. Bubblehead was just as eager to see Jimmy and jumped over his five brothers and sisters to stand nose to nose with Jimmy.
Jimmy’s heart leapt just seeing the adorable puppy.
“Did you miss me, boy? I missed you. Now that school is out for the holidays, I can visit you every day for as long as I want.”
Andi’s Book Reviews – Excerpt
Jimmy glanced at the clock once more as he followed his father into the kitchen where he sat on a wrought iron Tuscan influenced bar stool. He leaned on the granite counter top watching his father hiding presents in the pantry.
“Did you talk to your mother?” John asked.
“We began a discussion about Bubblehead and again I reminded her that Grandpa and Grandma gave me a hundred dollars for my birthday this year which puts me over the top for enough money to buy Bubblehead. Which we can do, Dad, if you’ll just get your coat and hat…”
“Jimmy,” John sucked in a long breath to cool his frustration.
Among the Reads – Excerpt
A good night’s sleep did not help Jimmy’s disposition or settle his fears by morning. His mind was overwhelmed with emergency last minute plans to rescue Bubblehead. Unfortunately, all of his plans were bizarre visualizations worthy only as segments of the Extreme Sports Network.
Because he was a long way from sixteen and did not know how to drive a car, legally or illegally for that matter, even if he did break the pet store window with a rock, steal Bubblehead and make his escape, he could not drive a getaway car.
He conjured up a scenario involving a SWAT team and a helicopter rescue. He thought of calling the Mayor on the phone and involving him in his “Save Bubblehead” campaign.
All my plans are doomed!
Wishful Endings – Excerpt
Jimmy picked up the remote and turned on the television. As luck would have it, the first thing he saw after the in-house cable program promoting the hotel’s features and restaurants, was a Christmas ad in which three Golden Retriever puppies knocked over a plant and the owner had to use a special vacuum to clean the mess. Jimmy threw the remote high in the air and caught it on its way back down. “It’s a sign!”
He raced to the adjoining door and closed off his parents’ laughter.
“Yes!” he said to himself, watching the adorable puppies with tags around their necks. “There isa Santa Claus. I just have to believe. Maybe I will get a miracle.”
Book Lover in Florida – Excerpt
Though they moved quickly, the wind gusted at ever increasing speeds thrusting the cloud of blinding snow down the slope. It threatened to overtake them.
John knew that if they didn’t beat the squall, they would have to find shelter until the snowstorm passed. There was no telling how long that could be. If they were to remain this high on the mountain overnight, they could freeze. Realizing their predicament was more dire than he’d originally thought. John slowed and motioned for them to take another route to the left. “We need to go around the squall,” he yelled to them.
But the wind suddenly seemed more than wind. It didn’t howl anymore, it thundered.
John slowed down for Jimmy and Melanie to catch up to him.
It was then Jimmy saw the panic on his father’s face. “What is it?”
E-Romance News – Excerpt
Even though he didn’t have a body, Jimmy felt tears. He felt incredibly sad. “I could have done more to be a better kid. I wish I’d been more…loving.”
“Wonderful, Jimmy. You’re understanding a great deal.”
Sadness engulfed Jimmy’s soul. “But I did love them… I just…”
“Took them for granted?” Mr. Angel asked.
“Uh, huh.”
“So you see, Jimmy, we must send you back to earth. You must learn to give love with all your heart. It’s the only reason souls go to earth.”
Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review
“This is a sweet story including one of the things I love a lot and that is dogs. . . . I highly recommend this book to other readers.”
Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt
There was a rustle of footsteps on the second floor. Jimmy heard voices.
“Do you think Santa has been here yet?” A woman’s voice said.
“Oh, yes, Mommy,” a weak, yet happy child’s voice replied.
“Well, come on, then,” a male voice said.
Jimmy looked up at the landing on the staircase and saw a mother, father and a child all dressed in flannel pajamas, robes and slippers descend the stairs. Behind this trio came an elegant woman dressed in an expensive red satin robe and matching satin slippers.
“I know Santa has been here, Robin and he’s brought something very special for you.”
Uplifting Reads – Excerpt
“Oh, thank you, Mommy! Thank you, Daddy!” Robin hugged his parents with weak arms.
“Thank your Aunt Daphne. She brought him all the way from New York City for you,” Hal said.
There was nothing weak about the brightness of the little boy’s smile as he approached the fireplace, his hands outstretched to cuddle Jimmy.
“Robin, do you think Santa remembered it right?” The boy’s mother asked.
Robin, I like your name. It’s like Robin Redbreast. The first sign of spring. The new life.
Harlie’s Books – Excerpt & Review
The day after Christmas Jimmy was roused early, taken out the front door to potty in the bushes and then given breakfast, all before daylight.
What’s up with these people? Don’t they sleep in? What’s the rush?
“Here you go, Beau. Yum. Doesn’t this smell good?” Robin asked placing a dish of canned dog food in front of him.
Jimmy sniffed the food and jumped back.
They don’t expect me to eat this stuff do they? How about a rasher of that bacon? Or maybe a smidgeon of that hot cinnamon bun?
“…I loved this book. I think everyone should read it and discuss it with their family, friends, church group, etc. Ms. Lanigan could re-write the phone book and I would read it. Seriously. She is that good.”
Colorimetry – Excerpt
The impact of Robin’s emotions on Jimmy was like two spaceships colliding in a Star Trek episode. It rocked Jimmy’s psyche.
He needs me! Not even my parents in my other life ever acted like they needed me!
“I love you, Beau.”
I love you, Robin. Jimmy gulped back a puppy tear.
I’m thinking fast here, kid. I’m not gonna let this thing, whatever it is, beat you…er, us. You’ve got me now. We can do it.
Heidi Reads… – Excerpt
Suddenly, Jimmy’s mind went back to his time in heaven. The memories of some of the things he was taught there came back to him.
But he had to think. Think hard. Mr. Angel had told him that he was supposed to help people with the knowledge he’d been given. It had all come so easily to him in heaven. But now, it was as if his little puppy brain was going to burst with the effort. He thought and thought. But still he couldn’t remember what it was he was supposed to do.
He had the answers locked in his head. All he had to do was remember.
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven’t already…
Miracles are Golden
By Catherine Lanigan
Women’s Fiction, Christmas
ebook, 100 Pages
February 2, 2016
This heartwarming story is about eight-year-old Jimmy Longwood, who has fallen in love with a Golden Retriever puppy. When his parents explain that their condo does not allow pets, Jimmy is heartbroken. While skiing in Aspen the entire family is killed in an avalanche. Jimmy goes to heaven and meets an angel who decides to send Jimmy back to earth as the very Golden Retriever he’d wanted for his own and to learn the one lesson all human beings must learn…unconditional love.
Goodreads│Amazon│Barnes & Noble│Kobo
About the Author
Catherine Lanigan is the international bestselling and award-winning author of over forty-five published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile. Ms. Lanigan’s novels have been translated into over twenty-four languages. Lanigan was tasked by the NotMYkid foundation to pen a collection of compelling and informative true stories of teen addicts. Ms. Lanigan’s SHORES OF INDIAN LAKE series for HARLEQUIN HEARTWARMING includes LOVE SHADOWS, HEART’S DESIRE , A FINE YEAR FOR LOVE, KATIA’S PROMISE, FEAR OF FALLING, SOPHIE’S PATH, PROTECTING THE SINGLE MOM, FAMILY OF HIS OWN, HIS BABY DILEMMA, RESCUED BY THE FIREFIGHTER and MY RACING HEART (2019).
Ms. Lanigan is a frequent speaker at literary functions and book conventions as well as inspiring audiences with her real stories of angelic intervention from her Angel Tales series of books. She is an outspoken advocate for domestic violence and abuse and was honored by The National Domestic Violence Hotline in Washington, D.C. She has been a guest on numerous radio programs including “Coast to Coast” and on television interview and talk show programs as well as blogs, podcasts and online radio interview programs. She writes a monthly blog for
Tour Giveaway
$50 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends December 5, 2018
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE
I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.
On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Launch for
Days of Fantasy for Christmas
We’re excited to be sharing books from 13 fantasy authors with you this holiday season! Each day a different author and book or series will be featured. There is also a fabulous giveaway! If you love reading fantasy, or are looking for a gift for someone who does, join us on this tour!
Tour Schedule
(Links won’t work until the posts go live.)
December 1st: Launch
December 2nd: Gillian Bronte Adams – The Songkeeper Chronicles
December 3rd: Morgan L. Busse – Mark of the Raven
December 4th: Evangeline Denmark – Curio
December 5th: Kate Avery Ellison – A Gift of Poison
December 6th: J.M. Hackman – Spark
December 7th: Ronie Kendig – Embers
December 8th: C.E. Laureano – Oath of the Brotherhood
December 9th: Belle Malory – The Twelfth Keeper
December 10th: Melissa McShane – Voyager of the Crown
December 11th: J. Ellen Ross – The Remembered Queen
December 12th: Jennifer Silverwood – Silver Hollow
December 13th: Melissa Wright – Blood & Brute & Ginger Root
December 14th: Morgan Wylie – The Age of Alandria Series
December 15th: Grand Finale
Books on Tour
Blogs Participating
Among the Reads
An Indie Adventure
Andi’s Book Reviews
Angela Walker’s Reviews
Book by Book
Bri’s Book Nook
Brooke Blogs
Coffee Books and Cakes
Cover Lover Book Review
Deal Sharing Aunt
Declarations of a Fangirl
Heidi Reads…
Jorie Loves A Story
Locks, Hooks and Books
Mythical Books
Nicole’s Book Musings
Reading On The Edge
Stacking My Book Shelves!
Teatime and Books
We Write Fantasy
Wishful Endings
Tour Giveaway
Grand Prize #1: Winner will receive a FIRE HD 8 TABLET along with the following ebooks (open to those who are eligible for the Fire Tablet in their area can receive Kindle gifted copies of ebooks):
– CURIO, MARK OF BLOOD and ALCHEMY (The Curio Prequel), and THE ICE CHILD (a holiday novelette) by Evangeline Denmark
– A GIFT OF POISON by Kate Avery Ellison
– THE TWELFTH KEEPER by Belle Malory
– SERVANT O THE CROWN or VOYAGER OF THE CROWN (winner’s choice) by Melissa McShane
– SILVER HOLLOW by Jennifer Silverwood
– THE FREY SAGA (Books 1-3) ebook box set by Melissa Wright
Grand Prize #2: Winner will receive the following print books (open to continental US residents):
– ORPHAN’S SONG by Gillian Bronte Adams
– MARK OF THE RAVEN by Morgan L. Busse
– SPARK by J.M. Hackman
– ABIASSA’S FIRE 3-book collection by Ronie Kendig
– The complete set of SONG OF SEARE TRILOGY by C.E. Laureano
– SILENT ORCHIDS by Morgan Wylie
Ends December 19, 2018
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
You can find a list of my reviews HERE.
Welcome to The Friday 56 hosted by Freda’s Voice.
This is a really fun meme!
The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader and find a sentence or a few (no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.
Then go over to Freda’s Voice and leave your link so we can visit your 56!
My 56 for this week is from a short stories series:
Holly In Hiding
The Twelve Mysteries Of Christmas #6
by P. Creeden
Genre: Cozy Mystery
From 56% in the eBook.
After getting only two or three hours of shallow sleep, Bethany paced around her living room. The police weren’t doing what they needed to do, and it was going to end badly if she didn’t do something. The fear of the close call had vanished entirely. Who would save Holly? Bethany lost her parents two years ago, and she wasn’t about to lose her sister too.
Bethany has been acting as parental guardian for her younger sister ever since the death of their parents in a car accident. She tries hard to make Christmas a special as she can for her sister. But when her sister meets a man online who wants to meet her over the holiday, Bethany puts her foot down. Her sister shows her rebellious side and disappears. Now former police detective from Boulder is looking for the couple and suspects that the Christmas Killer from Boulder might have set his sights on their small town.
• IN THE NICK OF TIME by Susette Williams
• GABRIEL’S SECRET by Alexa Verde
• JOY IN JEOPARDY by Lynette Sowell
• HOLLY IN HIDING by P. Creeden
• STARR WITNESS by Susette Williams
• NOELLE ON THE RUN by Alexa Verde
• DANGER FOR GLORIA by Lynette Sowell
Aren’t these covers so cute and festive. And the stories sound so fun.
Me wants all of them!
Leave your link and I’ll drop by your 56.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!
You can find a list of my reviews HERE.
On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Welcome to my stop on the Release Blitz for
Dream Of Me This Christmas Eve
by L.A. Sartor.
Enjoy the excerpt.
And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Dream Of Me This Christmas Eve
(Star Light ~ Star Bright #4)
By L.A. Sartor
Contemporary Romance, Christmas
ebook, 127 Pages
December 1st 2018
Boulder, Colorado, attorney Maximillian Henderson III is in a bind. His new law office won’t open on schedule unless he finds immediate help to finalize his building’s renovation.
Award-winning designer Caroline Young is visiting Boulder for a family wedding and has promised to stay through Christmas. Meeting Max at the wedding and hearing his problem, she accepts his plea for help. But if she can make him see past his own nose, she could make it even better.
Creating a new design only works if she commits to staying longer. By doing so, she puts her heart and her treasured independence at risk.
Max is aware her life and business are in California, and a long-term relationship is impractical. Still she adds vibrancy to his plain black and white world, and his dream of her on Christmas Eve convinces him to try.
On Christmas Day, Caro reveals that she must return home for a vital meeting, breaking her promise and his heart.
Max has new plans for his office but no Caro. Can he convince her to return to him and find a way to meld their lives?
Enjoy this peek inside:
Feel this? Seriously, she wanted him to do what? After that sigh, he wasn’t sure he should. “Why are you so excited about an afghan?”
“Not just any old afghan, this one is vicuña. Seriously, feel it.”
If he hadn’t reached out to take it from her, the throw would have fallen to the floor, and Max had an idea that would have been akin to sacrilege in Caro’s eyes.
Despite himself, he held it up to his cheek. Soft, supple … Whoa, his thoughts were spinning in wild directions, all because of the woman sitting in front of him. “Nice.”
“Nice? Do you know what vicuña is?”
“Nope, can’t say that I do.”
“It’s the wild relative of the llama. Pretty rare these days. The Incas believed the critters were reincarnations of lovely young maidens, so only Incan royalty were allowed to wear the fleece. Their wool is incredibly expensive. Nevertheless, I’d love to find some.”
Max handed her back the throw, only to see her again bury her face into its softness. And damn if his body didn’t heat up a few degrees thinking about her nuzzling his neck with the same passion. Sucking in a lungful of the chilly air wafting through the front door cleared his mind. Just. “First, how do you know all this? And second, what would you do with the wool if you were to find and then afford it?”
“First, I love random facts. My teachers hated that, especially when I spouted off in class, answering a question with a fact or even another question.”
“And yet you were valedictorian of your high school class. Phi Beta Kappa, and magna cum laude at university.”
“How’d you know?”
“Brice. He talks about you all the time.”
“Oh, did he tell you that I knit?” She gestured Vanna White style to the sweater still topping her maid-of-honor gown.
Max felt his brows rise in surprise, and there was nothing he could do to stop his obvious reaction to her last reveal. Knitting seemed like such an old-fashioned art for a free spirit like Caro. He prided himself on reading people—it was one of the traits that made him a successful attorney. Yet Caro, in the past few hours, delivered him one surprise after another. His interest level in her ratcheted up and went beyond his physical attraction.
If she agreed to his plan, this could be an interesting week ahead, matching wits and wherever anything else led. “You read structural and interior design plans, right?”
“I create design plans for structural engineering. So yes.”
“My designer has the flu and can’t finish the work on my new office building. I could use your expertise to help complete the final phase so it’s open by the new year.”
“I’m not really an interior designer.”
“It’s a bit more than that.”
“How much more?”
She pulled the afghan up on her lap a little higher and he realized the draft continued.
“Hold on a sec, I’m going to see if the door was left open. It’s letting in minus-degree cold.”
Everyone had left the house. He closed the slightly ajar door, feeling instantly warmer, then returned to Caro and perched on the sofa’s arm.
“Okay, so you’re not an interior designer. And you asked how much more.”
She nodded, then poured a bit more champagne into her glass and sipped.
“The building is old and I’m having a lot of work done to the interior. And some new windows added. And—”
He stopped when she held up her hand. Uh oh.
Other Books in the Series
About the Author
I started writing as a child, really. A few things happened on the way to becoming a published author … a junior high school teacher who told me I couldn’t write because I didn’t want to study … urk … grammar. I went to college, moved a few times, came home and found the love of my life (that is another novel worthy story, but for later), and got married.
We were super busy with our respective careers, mine a custom jewelry business with my mom, who was also teaching metalsmithing at the time, and my husband a crazy law career. We had two fur babies, Fudge (and briefly her brother Smudge, but sadly he didn’t live very long) and Two. Our cats would sleep with us and when they’d stretch out to their full length, we’d end up sleeping on the edge of the mattress.
I have always been a voracious reader and one night after throwing a particularly bad book at the wall (even putting a small ding in said wall), I realized that I could do better. I told my husband, and he said go for it. I called Mom and she revealed the junior high teacher story and she told I’d been writing all the time up to that point.
That blew me away. I didn’t remember any of it. But I started writing again, nearly the next day, pen and paper, learning, making mistakes, winning contests, nearly getting an agent, becoming disenchanted with the publishing industry and moving away from novel writing to screenwriting, getting a contract for a script and doing really well in screenwriting contests.
But none of that was making me much money. After numerous scary robbery drills I wanted to move away from my bank job (yes, this is many years later and a lot of stuff in between) and write full time for the green stuff.
My husband told me repeatedly that independent publishing was becoming a valid way to publish a novel and people were making big dollars. I didn’t believe him even after he showed me several Wall Street Journal articles. I thought indie meant vanity press.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I started pursuing this direction seriously, retired from the bank and hit the keyboard, learned a litany of new things and published my first novel. My second book became a bestseller, and while I’m not rolling in dough, I’m absolutely on the right course in my life.
So if you have a dream, pursue it as hard as you can. Life can get in the way, but never give up.
Please come visit me at, see my books, some pictures, some screenplays and sign up for my mailing list. I have a gift I’ve specifically created for my new email subscribers. And remember, you can email me at
Tour Giveaway
1 winner will receive ebooks of all four books in the Star Light ~ Star Bright Series and a $15 Amazon eGift Card
US only
Ends December 2nd
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE
I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE
I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.
Welcome to my Monday Minis where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.
Today’s book is one from my holiday list. So cute and fun.
The Tannenbaum Tailors and the Secret Snowball
by JB Michaels
Genre: Holiday / Adventure / Children’s Book
My Review
Strap yourself in. It’s going to be a bumpy ride aboard the Icicle ship. Will Captain Brendan and the Tannenbaum Tailors be able to save Christmas from the Spiritless Elves?
Wouldn’t it be super if these wee folks were real? Imagine tiny elves scampering on your Christmas tree, making sure there’s no faulty wiring that will cause a fire and polishing the bulbs to make it merry and bright.
And with any good adventure, there’s usually a bad guy or two. The Spiritless elves try to ruin the festivities and that’s where the action really begins.
This was such a fun, action packed adventure and a whole new look at Christmas. I’d say it’s aimed at middle grade readers but don’t let that stop you mature readers from jumping in. I think you’ll find this joining your holiday reading list.
4 Stars
They are the Tannenbaum Tailors: elves charged with maintaining Christmas trees in homes around the world. Without the Tailors’ efforts, families might lose their Christmas spirit. And this year, one team of Tailors will be tested like never before.
With the North Pole itself under attack, newly promoted Captain Brendan is assigned a special mission: conceal the source of Santa’s power within a Christmas tree in Chicago. On Christmas Eve, Santa will pick it up.
The job would be simple, but the Tailors find themselves facing a serious threat””the thieving Spiritless elves, already responsible for sabotaging the North Pole Home Tree, will do anything to gain control of the very thing that makes Christmas possible.
Equally bad, Christmas spirit is at an all-time low in the Chicago home where Brendan’s assigned.
The family’s mother even wants to take the tree down before Christmas Eve! To save Christmas, Captain Brendan and his Tailors will have to use every spirit-raising trick they know””and possibly even bend a few rules to pull it off.
Combining holiday cheer with action and thrills,
The Tannenbaum Tailors and the Secret Snowball reads like Raiders of the Lost Ark in a Christmas tree.
I got this as a free download. Click on the links above to grab a copy.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE.
YOU asked for it!
Christmas Horror Movies
Merry Christmas To ALL!
What’s Christmas without William Shatner! LOL
A Christmas Horror Story
And a slasher…
Black Christmas
or two….
Silent Night
And one I haven’t seen yet..
Once Upon A Time At Christmas
I’m curious about this one.
Lake Alice
Got this one waiting for me on Netflix. Watching it tonight. Dee Wallace stars and I’m sure you’ll recognize her. We’ll see how it goes.
Red Christmas
Can’t forget killer snowmen can we? Here’s an oldie but a goodie. LOL
Jack Frost
And I liked the second one a whole lot more. It’s got killer snowballs!
These movies are so bad yet so fun. LOL
Jack Frost 2
Now, here’s….
And now for ACT II.
Krampus 2: The Devil Returns
And how about this one. Haven’t seen it yet.
Mother Krampus
Now, I feel these guys haunt me all year round, always causing mayhem. LOL
Maybe not officially a Christmas movie but….
The Snowman
Almost forgot this one.
The Elf
And coming in 2018….
Elf On A Shelf
And so you’ll forgive me for a bloody Christmas….. KITTENS
Santa Claws
Have you seen any of these? Do you have some favorites?
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE.