Archive for the ‘movies’ Category

I love Christmas movies! Here are just a few of my favorites I’ll be watching.

next up




and of course these!

and Jim Carrey

and last but not least!

What are you going to be watching this Christmas?

Have you seen this yet?

I can’t believe how fast they are!



I can’t believe how fast they are! I can’t imagine that swarm coming at me! Aaaaahhh!!!

Not crazy about Brad Pitt but I wasn’t crazy about Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds and it turned out to be a good movie. If nothing else, the zombies will make it worth the watch!

I just love a movie that’s got campy fun, lots of one-liners, and some really grotesque and creepy parts.

One of my favorites is

Here are some of my favorite scenes!

This poor guy doesn’t have a clue. He goes from couch potato to spider slurpie in seconds!

Attention all shoppers!

The shoppers after the announcement!

Can you see me?

Can you see me now?

Do I look fat?

The trick is to not fall off guys!

Almost got it. Just a little more.

Got any doughnuts?

I really can’t stand spiders, believe it or not. But this movie was so fun and had so many great actors in it. This is only a small part of my list of favorite scenes. The trapdoor spiders gave me nightmares and the ones sliding down the phone lines made me crack up. You could here the spiders sometimes. Almost like they were talking. It was just a great big funfest.