Archive for the ‘New Adult’ Category

Pandora Twitter

 Check out the cover reveal for Pandora, Wild Child by Sunniva Dee, designed by CT Cover Creations. 

What do you think? What catches your eye!


Pandora, Wild Child by Sunniva Dee
Publication date: October 28th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

I’m free. Fucking free!

I’m in college with my best friends and far, far from home!
With my Scheuermann’s disease as the excuse, my father kept me locked up at home all through high school. Here in Deepsilver, I can finally be me, Pandora, so—

Why the hell should I hold back?

They accept our fake IDs at Smother, our local haunt. I’m the life of the party, everyone loves me—hell, I could get away with murder in this place! Drunk off my ass, I dance on the bar, and—

I’m on top of the world!

I need to get my shit together, though. If I don’t pull off good grades, my father won’t pay my tuition. There’s no way I’m moving back into his “fortress.”

At the bar, I set my eyes on a gorgeous stranger. My plans don’t involve him long term; one night should be enough. But Dominic is more than I bargained for. God, I’m so drawn to this man. My skin hums at his touch because—

He expels the shadows of my past and replaces my pain with desire.

Perfect Dominic. Beautiful, graduating, soon-to-move-on-with-his-life Dominic.

I’m a wild child. A hot mess. Not grownup and focused like him. He’s addictive, and I am weak, but—screw this; I can wean myself off him! With the right antidote—

Addictions can be broken.

Pandora Full

Author Sunniva Dee
pandora Sunniva
I write New Adult fiction with a paranormal twist and don’t shy away from romance and heart-wrenching passion when necessary.

I moved from Norway to the United States in 2001, and the first awesome five years I spent in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles. Then I read “The Book,” aka Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, which spurred my husband and me to move cross country to beautiful Savannah, Georgia.

I’m currently on my seventh year in the Deep South, where I enjoy the heat and the humidity. Besides writing, I spend my time with our “petting zoo” as in an opinionated parrot, a herd of cats that are experts on keyboard shortcuts, and puppies that…uh, bark.

I hold a Master’s degree in languages, with concentrations within literature and linguistics. I taught at college level for a decade before settling in as a graduate adviser at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Writing is my passion, my joy, and my addiction. When I’m not writing, I read.
Shattering Halos is my debut novel, and its standalone sequel, Stargazer, is due out later this year.

Author links:
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Shattering Halos TourBanner
Welcome to my stop on the tour for Shattering Halos by Sunniva Dee.
I fell in love with the cover art for this book.
The woman’s eyes are so piercing and she appears lost.
I wonder what she’s thinking.
Check out Shattering Halos, get to know a bit about Sunniva Dee.
And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Shattering Halos by Sunniva Dee
shattering Halos cover
(Halos #1)
Publication date: February 24th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal

I traded my death for love. I wasn’t given a choice. His decision has caught up with us, so now I am a living, breathing catalyst to war between Heaven and Hell.

The violations he committed saved my life. Since the collision, he’s appeared everywhere. In my hospital room, my school, even my house. He shows up in my paintings, my drawings, in all of my art projects. I can’t stop thinking about him.

He says his name is Gabriel, and he doesn’t understand what’s happening to him. He doesn’t know how I can see him or why he wants me in ways that should be impossible for a Celestial.

My obsession grows. I need him to hold me, kiss me—give all of himself. For every day he protects me, the consequences loom darker and taller. Soon, they’ll crash down on us.

The war is about to begin.

Purchase: Amazon
shattering halos Sunniva
I write New Adult fiction with a paranormal twist and don’t shy away from romance and heart-wrenching passion when necessary.I moved from Norway to the United States in 2001, and the first awesome five years I spent in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles. Then I read “The Book,” aka Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, which spurred my husband and me to move cross country to beautiful Savannah, Georgia.I’m currently on my seventh year in the Deep South, where I enjoy the heat and the humidity. Besides writing, I spend my time with our “petting zoo” as in an opinionated parrot, a herd of cats that are experts on keyboard shortcuts, and puppies that…uh, bark.I hold a Master’s degree in languages, with concentrations within literature and linguistics. I taught at college level for a decade before settling in as a graduate adviser at the Savannah College of Art and Design.Writing is my passion, my joy, and my addiction. When I’m not writing, I read.
Shattering Halos is my debut novel, and its standalone sequel, Stargazer, is due out later this year.
Author links: Blog ~ Goodreads ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

giveaway photo: Giveaway Banner for 42nd giveaway.png

Tour wide giveaway
Kindle Wifi (US)
$50 Amazon Gift Card (International)
5 eBook copies of Shattering Halos

Click on the rafflecopter below to enter.

Raffle button
Click on the banner below to follow the tour.
Xpresso Book Tours

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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Today we’re bringing you the cover reveal for Storms of Lazarus by Karen Kincy.  This is the second book in the Shadows of Asphodel series.  This is a new adult dieselpunk romance and releases in July.  Check out this stunning cover and then enter the giveaway!
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Storms of Lazarus (Shadows of Asphodel #2)


Sometimes escape is impossible. Sometimes love isn’t enough.
1913. Christmas Eve. Ardis hardly expects a quiet holiday with Wendel, between fleeing Constantinople and hiding from an ancient society of assassins. And they owe a debt to a certain archmage.


In Königsberg, Prussia, they work with Konstantin on the next evolution of Project Lazarus. Wendel once called Königsberg home, the city now besieged by the Russians and their clockwork engines of war. This may be Wendel’s last chance to save his family and find redemption, but he’s tormented by nightmares and tempted by laudanum. Ardis fears her love isn’t enough to save Wendel. Her hands are full piloting the automatons, and she’s terrified to tell him a secret of her own. Will they—and their love—survive the storms of war?





Shadows of Asphodel Cover
Shadows of Asphodel (Shadows of Asphodel #1)


She never asked for the undying loyalty of a necromancer.


1913. Austria-Hungary. Ardis knows better than to save a man on the battlefield. Even if he manages to be a charming bastard while bleeding out in the snow. She hasn’t survived this long as a mercenary without some common sense.


When she rescues Wendel, it isn’t because he’s devilishly handsome, but because he’s a necromancer. His touch can revive the dead, and Ardis worries he will return from the grave to hunt her down. Besides, a necromancer can be useful in this world on the brink of war.


A gentleman of questionable morals, Wendel drops to one knee and pledges his undying loyalty to Ardis. She resists falling for him, no matter how hot the tension smolders between them. Especially when she discovers Wendel’s scars run much deeper than his skin, and it might be too late to truly save him from himself.
Goodreads | Amazon



Karen - author photo2 (1)


About the Author:


Karen Kincy (Kirkland, Washington) can be found lurking in her writing cave, though sunshine will lure her outside. When not writing, she stays busy gardening, tinkering with aquariums, or running just one more mile. Karen has a BA in Linguistics and Literature from The Evergreen State College.


Find the author: Website | Twitter | Facebook 


giveaway photo: Giveaway Banner for 42nd giveaway.png


Prize one:  signed paperbacks of Shadows of Asphodel and Storms of Lazarus. US only


Prize two: ebooks of Shadows of Asphodel and Storms of Lazarus. Open worldwide

Click on the rafflecopter below to enter.

Raffle button

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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I just fell in love with the cover art for Carrier and had to be a part of this tour.

I’m a huge fan of dystopian stories and this sounds like an exciting series.

Enjoy the excerpt and book video.

And don’t forget to enter the awesome giveaway!

Carrier cover

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Carrier by Anne Tibbets
(The Line #1)
Published by: Carina Press
Publication date: June 16th 2014
Genres: Dystopia, New Adult


Twenty-two -year-old Naya has spent nearly half her life as a sex slave in a government institution called The Line. When she’s kicked out after getting pregnant with twins, she’s got no way to earn a living and a horrifying choice to make: find someone to replace her, or have her babies taken in her stead.

A doctor with a history of aiding ex-Line girls, Ric Bennett, wants to help. He runs a team of rebels that can delete Naya’s records and free her forever. But when The Line sniffs out his plan, things get bloody, fast. Naya means more to them than just a chance at fresh faces—her twins are part of the government’s larger plan.

As they hide from government search parties, Ric comes to admire Naya’s quiet strength. And Naya realizes Ric might be a man she can trust. If they make it off the grid, they could build a new life. But first they’ll have to survive the long, vicious reach of The Line.


Book Video



When I awoke the next morning, the women of the boarding house were arguing again. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. And it wasn’t what I expected.

The little girl from before was curled into a ball on her bed, sobbing. The blonde lady from the fight was standing over her, barking.

“It’s not like I want to do this, kid. Really! But I can’t find a job, and you’re all set with the shop thing, so I’m gonna take off for a while. I’ll be back once I have a job. I promise.”

The girl wailed in agony.

“I’m sorry, okay?”

The pony-tailed lady and the other women in the room shot looks of contempt at the blonde one. She didn’t notice. She was too busy abandoning the kid.

“Fine. Well, if you’re just gonna sit there and act like a baby, I’m takin’ off.” The blonde turned to leave.

The little girl bolted upright and clung to the woman’s waist. “Mommy, please don’t go! Stay. Please!”

Mommy? That lady was the kid’s mother? I sat up in bed and felt something I hadn’t felt in years. I couldn’t quite place it.

“Please, Mommy. Don’t leave me!”

My eyes went hot.

My fingers touched them.

They were wet.

I hadn’t cried in years, not since my first week on the Line. I hadn’t allowed myself after that, for fear I couldn’t stop.

I rolled the warm tears through my fingertips. They felt alien.

“I’m sorry. Really, I am,” the blonde woman spat, prying her kid off. She didn’t seem upset at all, more like annoyed. “But I gotta go.”

“Mommy, please. Don’t leave me!”

Without another word, the blonde skittered out the door. The child crumpled into a heap of agony.

Giving each other uncertain looks, none of the other women moved.

Before I could stop myself, I was out of my cot and had my arms wrapped around her.

“I want my mommy!” she bellowed, choking on her words and nearly hyperventilating. She buried her face into my chest. “I want my mommy. Mommy! Come back!”

I knew this feeling. I’d said those words.

I had screamed for hours for my mother. Vira, the woman from the restaurant, had taken me from my family and after I’d “misbehaved,” she’d locked me in a closet for three days before opening it to give me some stale bread and a glass of water. By then, starved and thirsty, I would have eaten anything.

In those days, I’d sobbed for Mama just like this.

The memory was suddenly so vivid. I was reliving it right along with the little girl in my arms.

She felt so heavy.

I held her until she passed out, both of us full of remembering and feeling. The weight was unbearable. Her sobs echoed in my ears like thunder claps.


Purchase Links



carrier Anne

Anne Tibbets is an SCBWI award-winning and Best Selling author. After writing for Children’s television, Anne found her way to young/new adult fiction by following what she loves: books, strong female characters, twisted family dynamics, magic, sword fights, quick moving plots, and ferocious and cuddly animals.Along with CARRIER, Anne is also the author of the young adult fantasy novella, THE BEAST CALL and the young adult contemporary, SHUT UP.Anne divides her time between writing, her family, and three furry creatures that she secretly believes are plotting her assassination.Find her on Facebook at or on Twitter @WriteforCoffee. To contact Anne, visit and click the ‘CONTACT’ tab.
Author Links:


Tour wide giveaway
Open INTL – Ends July 22nd
20 $ Amazon gift card
3x eBook copies of Carrier
20x Carrier t-shirts with Auberge pens.

Click on the rafflecopter below to enter.

Raffle button
Click on the banner below to follow the tour.
Xpresso Book Tours

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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Thanks for stopping by for the cover reveal of Go With Me by Elyssa Patrick.

I think he is so nurturing and she is opening her heart, trusting him.

What do you think?

And no reading the blurb first!

Go With Me cover_final_600x900

Go With Me by Elyssa Patrick
(With Me #2)
Publication date: June 19th, 2014
Cover designed by Pickyme Artist
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Recommended for readers 17 and older.
I, Daphne Fox, have a few things to confess:
1. I hate Nick Brady. Loathe. Abhor. Can’t stand him 95% of the time.
2. That other 5%? I’m not talking about that at all.
3. People think I’m lucky for surviving the car crash. I disagree.
4. Nick is the only guy who makes my nightmares go away.
5. I won’t love him, though. Love is not worth the pain.
I, Nick Brady, have a few confessions of my own:

1. I don’t hate Daphne Fox. At all.
2. I find her scar sexy. Just like the rest of her.
3. I may be her older brother’s best friend, but that’s not going to stop me.
4. I love her.
5. And I’m going to do everything I can to have her.


Author Elyssa Patrick

go with me Elyssa

Elyssa Patrick is a former high school English teacher who left the classroom to write contemporary romances and New Adult. She is currently hard at work on her next novel.Want to know when Elyssa’s next book comes out? Sign up for her newsletter by just pasting the link in your browser’s address bar: loves to hear from her readers! You can email her at can also connect with her at:
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!


There is a boutique hiding out between the
fractured, narrow storefronts lining New Gotham’s foggy docks. The shingles are
ribbed and black. Washed, peeling paint and displays offering views into wicked
leather and lace studded glam. The mannequins are ghoulish beauties stitched
together from whatever was left from the last fool to cross one of the sinister


to Sinister Stitches

for a wicked fairy tale.”


 A spicy trinity of black magic sisters
breathe star-dusted dreams to life with their gothic apparel boutique. They are
schooled in the old ways of “fabric-bending” by the Needlewitches of old. With
this knowledge, they’ve created an entire line of clothing that all share the
same basic design element: one-size fits all. Each garment will magically
tailor itself to its wearer once worn. Last time the Witches-Who-Stitch, hosted
a literary catwalk, heroines were called from all walks of life and genres to
challenge their seamstress skills. This time, their men have joined the
fun—apparently, they’ve been sent to the boutique. (Whether they like it, or


The witches were NOT expecting men. Their
expertise is usually limited to DEMANDING their husbands NOT wear that in public, and, of course, the
fashioning of fantastic clothing for all of literature’s heroines. (New
Gotham’s men usually get their goods from Rumpel’s Twisted Threads, BUT that’s
beyond the point, the girls put a quill to their interview, changed some bits,
and rose to the occasion.)


To enjoy the hilarity, please check out some
of the questionnaire Marie Hall’s
the Night series

threatened asked to fill out after he swaggered into Sinister Stitches.




Please provide the witches with your name:  Luc


Please provide the witches with the following:


Hair Color: Blond

Hair Length: [ ] Short and Sharp, [X] Shaggy and Sexy, [ ] Lush and Long

Eye Color:  Glittering, deep purple

Skin Tone: [ ] Ghoulish,
[X] Snow White, [ ] Cina-baby, [ ] Mochalicious, [ ] Dark Chocolate, [ ] Other:__________


Please provide the witches with your measurements and body-type.


a.) Height: 6 ft


b.) Body Type: [ ] Skeletal, [ ] Lean and Tender, [X] Lean and Tough, [ ] Ripe
and Edible


Do you have any extra extremities? Place an “X” to all that apply.


[ ] Horns or [ ] Halo
[ ] 20 ft. of Hair or More
[ ] Gills and Fins or [ ] Hooves
[ ] Wings (Span:   )
[ ] Tail (How many:  )


How many heads do you  have?




Do you have arms and legs? If so, how many?


I have an idea, how about I take off my clothes and show you, oh luscious witch.


How dead are you?   [X] Living, [ ] Undead, [ ] Astral Form


What are you? (Species/Breed)


Nephilim. I’m a Lust demon. Which means I’m sexy as sin. Wanna take a ride?


What is the occasion? (Ideas include: Wedding, Funeral, Sabbath, etc. Oh, and
seduction is a valid occasion. The more details, the better.)


Who the hell cares, I’m only here for the after party


What’s the occasion setting? (Beach, haunted castle, grand ball, etc.)


You in my bed, spread out before me wearing nothing but a smile…


Will you be fighting for your life at some point in the evening? 


Only if you say no *lecherous grin*


Will you be set on fire? Better yet, will you be setting other people on fire?


Only if they interrupt me, then all hell will break loose.


Will you be grave-robbing? (Dirt is a dressmaker’s tedium.)


Darling, these hands will only get dirty in bed.


What are you wearing right now? Who picked that outfit out? (Basically, who let you leave the crypt in those?)


Nothing. At. All.


Do you hope to be naked at some point in the evening? (All right, dirty birds. Such questions are actually intended toward the weres and shifters in regards to their


I don’t hope—I know I will be.


Describe your last brush with Death in two sentences. (Helps us plan for the unexpected.)


I laid her down, crawled between her legs, and made her weep with two flicks of my tongue…


Do you need a secret compartment for gigantic swords and guns, condoms…eyeliner, maybe?


*snorts* That’s funny


What are your three favorite colors?


Buff. Nude. Flesh.


What two colors ninja your brain, sweetie?


Whatever you need them to be.


Please pick a style that you feel embodies you the best. If none apply, feel free to surprise us by providing your own brilliant description in the “other” slot.


[ ] Dark AngelThis is for the spoonfuls of charming. The good-natured and naughty boys next door types. Thoughtful and sensual. Loyal and intelligent. More often than not, his head is in the clouds, but that smile holds hope for all of us. Our wizards.


[ ] Beast King: This is for the warlords and alphas. The type of men who walk into a room and their presence hushes out the sun. They live in their bodies, but their minds are searching for the next challenge. Hands for fighting and these boots for ass-kickings. Our protectors.


[X] Smooth Criminal: This is for the bad boys. You know, the types—mother’s worse nightmares. The kind of man that makes your skin itch every time he devours you with that hundred yard stare. Chances are his senses of humor is as wicked as his tongue. To hold him, isn’t to catch him. Our scheming rogues.


[ ] Black Knight: This for the mysteries. The ones no one can quite make heads or tails out off. He’s a mixture, a melting pot of strong, sinister, and sweet. He might be Dark Angel one day, and a Smooth Criminal other days. Our brothers.


[ ] Other: _____________________


Who is your favorite fairy tale villain?


I eat those bastards for breakfast. I’m the real big bad wolf.


If you could be any comic book hero, who would it be?


Whatever you want me to be.


Now, tell us who you love the most.


Not who. What. Sex. All the time. Every day. My cock in your warm flesh, your skin on mine, mine on yours. Bareback. Doggie. Missionary. I really don’t care, I’ll make you come anyway you ask me to.


Anything else you’d like to add…


There is only one person in all the world I ever gave two shits about. Her name’s Pandora and I stabbed her through the heart. I might be a lover, but don’t ever think you can tame me.
many barrels of chocolate, a dash of magic, and furious sewing…


Stitches’ Medieval Mistress
Dweyer presents Luc’s




There is a vampire stalking you from the shadows of Sinister Stitches’ tearoom. Her
eyes are slanted, jaded amethyst glowing in the darkness. You can’t see her
face, but every cutting sweep of her long lashes is felt against your cheek. Seated
with miles of oil-black coils wound at her feet, she clad in a black satin
pencil-skirt dress. Black stiletto catching the light and gleaming like a
silver stake. She uses the tip of her twisted bone wand to pull purple
tea-shades down her slender nose:

baby…you must be lost. Have to be. First of all, Twisted Threads is that way. That’s where they make threads
for wicked ones of the male gender. Second, welcome to Sinister Stitches. Bow
down and worship, sinner, I’m Astrid the Medieval Mistress running shit on this
catwalk. And I’m about the only one who could be trusted to fashion your
treads. Gillian wouldn’t have lasted a second; wench would be naked as we
speak. And Brenda would’ve ridden that ass like a naughty pony. I’m Astrid the
Tempest. And I’m not interested.
ah, ah—shut up and stop smiling at me, hot mess. I cannot be seduced, I cannot
be held in thrall, and I cannot be charmed. You risk that hard shit between
your thighs at your own peril, understood? And lastly, the only reason I’m
fashioning you threads is because this is my mother’s store and she doesn’t
believe in turning down good business. So, I’m going to get up from this chair
now, and you’re gonna keep your goddamn hands to yourself. Demon or no, I will
have that candy ass in a sling. Ah, ah, ah—what did I say? Shut up, I’ve killed
fools for less. That’s right, I axed the real
big bad wolf. And then, I made a fucking dress out of his skin. So don’t push
me, ingrate.
Now, I didn’t bother with a shirt. Obviously, you won’t need it. Seems like no matter
what you’re doing, you’re going to end up naked, but what the hell? Come here
and put on this jacket and these pants for giggles. The fabric is a New Gothel
wool and black butterfly cashmere blend. It will have the durability afforded
to wool, but cashmere drapes better and has that otherworldly “dressed to kill”
shimmer. Won’t hold creases very well, but that’s not an issue, considering it
probably won’t stay on long.
We went British for the cut. Expect mild shoulder padding, notched lapels, and a tailored fit. It will show off all that supposed sexy in the right light. However, we
did do away with buttons. All of them. The onyx buttons on your jacket’s cuff
were fashioned from golem eyes, and they’re purely decorative. Otherwise, you
will not find a single button on your outfit. Frankly, I’m not going to be
blamed every time you pop your cork and take out an eye.
Everything is regular, run of the mill Velcro. Indeed, I sure did make you some tear-away threads. Now
Astrid stalks to the front door and throws it open. Beyond the threshold, the city is
growling to life in the rising twilight:
You in my store, pack up all nine inches of that impressive
cock and go search the stars for a clue.
Stop it! Stop kissing me—okay, okay, just one on the cheek. Your are kinda cute. Now, get out.



For more information about Marie Hall and Luc’s adventures in the Night series please check out her author website

Care to check out the last round of Sinister Stitches interviews? Check out Sophie Avett and Jennifer Blackstream’s
paranormal den, the Brimstone Pub. All SS interviews are retired there after their tour until the release of the SS e-book.
Fancy a tour of New Gotham? Check out New Gotham’s Survival Guide! It might save your ife!
For more nformation about Sophie Avett’s New Gotham Fairy Tales, the Sinister Stitches
series, and recent releases, please check out her website.

Image Credit(s): MaxFrost

Image Editing Credit(s): Elaina, For the Muse Design


Cry Wolf
A New Gotham Fairy Tale
Sophie Avett
Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance (MM/New Adult)
Publisher: Skeleton Key Publishing
Date of Publication:  May 1, 2014
Number of pages: est. 22 pages
Word Count:  est. 10, 000
Cover Artist: Elaina, For the Muse Design
Amazon   B&N   ARe    Kobo    Smashwords
Book Description:
There’s a wild animal on the loose in the black forests surrounding New Gotham…
Not that anyone cares.
Well, Peter doesn’t care.
Peter Ume is more interested in finding a way to alleviate the skull-numbing boredom of a city wide shut down. So far his ideas for excitement hover between stealing an unwary idiot’s underwear (soul works, too), setting someone’s eyebrows on fire, or stabbing the next person he meets in the eye with a hot French fry.
It turns out, he’ll be able to save assault and theft for a rainy day. As luck would have it, this naughty kitsune is about to meet the big bad wolf.
And man, is the wolf in for a surprise…
Warning: This story can be read as a standalone, but you will want to smack Sophie for it. (Or so the ravens have said.) So, do keep in mind that there is a part two. (And it will be a freebie. Sophie’s Pixies will carrier pigeon everyone more information soon.)
About the Author:
Sophie Avett is kind of a nerd. Like not even one of the cute, hip ones everyone brags about nowadays. More like the socially awkward hippie who eats way too much bread and dreams about being a dragon from behind towers of mythology books. Um…yeah. Picture old, tattered paperbacks and comic books–mostly Batman and Wonder Woman–dwarfing a tiny desk, with just barely enough room for the troll who writes there and the 70 pound hell-hound that insists on laying it’s wet nose on top of her bare foot.
Granted not the most exciting existence, but she tries to make up for it by writing romances populated with her own peculiar ilk of paranormal beasties.  Trolls, wyverns, the obscure Nordic brownie–she likes to keep things interesting. And bloody. (And mostly naked–but, we’ll keep that bit between us.)


giveaway photo: Giveaway Banner for 42nd giveaway.png

Tour giveaway:

1 Gray Shell Pearl Shamballa Style Bracelet from Bits and Pieces which is featured in the book and prize pack

Cry Wolf Bracelet

– The entire prize pack will include: the bracelet, some trinkets and wonderfully sarcastic little note from Mrs. Pott’s.

10 ecopies of ‘Twas the Darkest Night

Click on the Rafflecopter below to enter.

Raffle button


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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I love it. I found a new zombie series!
Check out Benton: A Zombie Novel by Jolie Du Pre
There’s also a really great giveaway so don’t forget to enter.
Benton: A Zombie Novel

Amazon (ebook) | Goodreads

(Available in print after June 1)

Zombies have killed everyone in the Benton household–all except twenty-something Jennifer. She’s escaped her bedroom, but what now? Waterbank, Illinois is overrun. Where can she go?

A chance encounter with seven other young survivors points her toward Texas. A charismatic, handsome young man named Mark says he can lead them all to his family’s ranch. He’s sure they’ll be safe there. Jennifer wants to trust him, with her life and possibly her heart.

There’s no place else to go, there’s no way to escape the zombies but through, and there’s no telling if Jennifer and Mark will live long enough to act on the emotion building between them.



Jolie DuPre

Goodreads| Website | Facebook | Twitter | Blog

Mailing list | Google+ | YouTube

Jolie du Pre is a full-time, published author, editor, article writer and blogger. She has short stories in over 15 books; she’s the author of a novella, and she’s the editor of three anthologies. Today, Jolie’s focus is on her new adult/romance/zombie apocalypse series – BENTON. Jolie is a married mother of two who loves writing, reading, traveling, cooking, running, pole dance and fitness, and monsters, especially zombies.

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Crane BlitzBanner

I loved Sleepy Hollow so I have a good feeling about Crane as it’s based on the story.  I’m curious about how the author portrays these much loved characters. Can’t wait to find out.

And what about that cover art, eh? Gives me goosebumps! You’ll get some too when you read the excerpt.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaways! Yep, there’s two!

Crane cover


Crane by Stacey Rourke
Publication date: May 26th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal
The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?
Check out the excerpt!

If his wife hadn’t let her ass grow to the size of a sofa, Vic wouldn’t have to cheat. Shrugging his navy blue sport coat over his shoulders, he stepped forward, allowing the hotel room door to shut behind him with a soft thump. A smug smile curled across his face, his chest puffing with pride at his own prowess—thanks in part to those spiffy little blue pills his doctor prescribed. The heels of his wing-tipped loafers clicked against the cement stairs, one impeccably manicured hand running along the handrail as he descended. The rusted metal rail squeaked its protest under the faint touch. Taking its suggestion, he retracted his hand.

Why he humored Karma by letting her drag him to this dive every week, he had no idea.

Her firm little apple bottom isn’t that great, he mused to himself, snorting a quick, dry laugh.

Of course it was. She made good money with it at the Sugar Shack down by the airport. Grinding to R&B’s raunchiest hits, while clad only in a sequin thong. She was a sweet, albeit naïve, girl that believed if she stroked Vic’s … ahem, ego just the way he liked, she would someday find a fat rock on her finger and the title of Van Tassel behind her name. Hence her insistence on the flea bag hotel. She had flipped her bleached blonde waves, batted those ridiculous fake eyelashes, and pouted that she couldn’t be seen as the “other woman” by the same crowd she would soon be rubbing elbows with. As if he would ever let that happen. Karma’s airbrushed nails and hooker heels would never fit into his world. After all, in Tarrytown the Van Tassel name meant something, and not because of the stupid legend the residents of the small glen of Sleepy Hollow mercilessly clung to. No, as one of the founding families they helped build this town. Meaning, here, he might as well be a Rockefeller. A fact he reveled in and would never tarnish with outward displays of his cheap conquests … no matter how well she could wiggle.

Vic crossed the parking lot, lit only by one humming street lamp, with a wide, jovial stride. As he shook his keys from the pocket of his slacks, thumbing the button to unlock the doors, his phone buzzed from the breast pocket of his Armani shirt.

Snatching it from its resting place, he tapped to answer. “Yello?”

“Don’t you sound chipper for someone working late?” Yvonne slurred, the only hint he needed that she’d already cracked open tonight’s bottle of wine.

“Why shouldn’t I be chipper?” he playfully asked, turning to glance back up toward the room Karma had rented. A flash of her blonde locks appeared from behind the stained drapes. He raised his hand in a casual wave, but couldn’t tell from this distance if she returned the gesture. “I just finished showing a multi-million dollar estate that the buyers are very interested in, and now I get to head home to my loving wife.”

“Yeah, right,” Yvonne openly scoffed, her voice muffled by her glass as she took another sip. “We’re the friggin’ Cleavers. Hey, Cassidy is at the mall. I need you pick her up on your—“

Vic jerked his head to the right, in the direction of the neighboring gas station. Between the normal ebb and flow of rushing traffic, he heard the distinct snap of hoof beats pounding over pavement. “What kind of idiot would bring a horse out this close to the highway?”

“The highway? Where the hell are you, Victor?”

A moment ago the drum of the approaching rider had been coming from the south of him, Vic was sure of it. Yet somehow, without so much as a faltered step, it shifted to the north. “Stopped for gas, that’s all.” Vic paid little attention to the lie rolling off his tongue as he rose up on tiptoe and craned his neck to peer into the darkness.

“Oh!” Her momentary flash of accusation was all but forgotten at the exciting prospect of fresh booze. “Are you near Gordon Bleau’s? I need a bottle of Amaretto.”

Author Stacey Rourke
crane author Stacey
RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel
Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012
Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013. Stacey Rourke lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. Mark your calendars! Her latest literary adventure, Crane, will release May 26, 2014. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this thrilling Legends Saga, as well as other literary projects.


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I have two giveaways today!

You can enter both!

The first one is for an eBook copy of Crane (Open Internationally)

To enter, please leave your email address so I can contact you if you win and leave some comment love. Tell us somethin!!

Now for the second giveaway! It’s blitz wide and open Internationally!

Prizes (prize 1 & 2 are open to US ONLY)

1) Kindle with a ton of eBooks

2) Crane duffle bag filled with signed copies of each of Stacey’s books

3) $10 Amazon Gift Card

Click on the rafflecopter below to enter.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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Get ready to SWOON with 3 sexy, NEVER BEFORE RELEASED New Adult romance novels!
Box set will be sold for 9 Days Only! 99 Cents!
Available in a limited edition box set at the special price of only .99 cents for all 3 new books! Starting May 19th, this set will only be on sale for 9 days BEFORE the May 28th official release dates of the individual books. On May 28th, each book will be released separately at a price of $2.99 per book.
The soon-to-be released books in the set are:
Whispering Wishes, by Jennifer Miller
Tempting Sydney, by Angela Corbett
Rain Check, by Gypsy Rae Choszer
This set includes books by 2014 RONE Award Finalists, Jennifer Miller and Angela Corbett (Destiny Ford), and debut author, Gypsy Rae Choszer!
*Due to mature content, this box set is recommended for readers over 18.
Want to win a gift basket?
Help spread the word!
Using the hashtag, #SWOON, share a facebook status, tweet, instagram, blog post, etc. about the box set. Be sure to use the hashtag. Each time it is used counts as an entry! 🙂 
To learn more about the authors and their books, click on any of the links below. 

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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Prism Cover Reveal

Welcome to the cover reveal for Melissa Wright’s third book in her Descendants Series, Reign of Shadows.

I really like all of the covers for this series.

One thing has me curious. Why is he the only one on this third cover?

Hmm…going to have to find out!

Enjoy the reveal. There’s chapter excerpts and a fun Cover Game.

Oh Yeah!  Bound By Prophecy, the first book in this exciting series is FREE to download. Find the link below and grab yours. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Welcome to the Cover Reveal for the third book

in the YA/NA Urban Fantasy Descendants Series:

Reign of Shadows

By Melissa Wright

reign of shadows_fnl



Brianna can see her future, but it’s the past that haunts her. Plans laid in place centuries ago are threatening not only her and her sister, but all of the Seven Lines. As the shadows plot their way to old rule, the visions shift again. Her power has led to some hard choices—and the occasional stab wound—but this set of futures holds nothing but darkness.


Unable to bear the idea of losing the footing they’ve so recently gained, she turns the soldiers of the Seven. But with shadows hidden among the ranks, can she overcome the path they’ve set in place, or is she blindly following their lead?


The other books in the Descendants Series

Shifting Fate

(Descendants #2)

by Melissa Wright

shifting fate_cvr.fnl



According to prophecy, Brianna Drake was born to save the world. The trouble is, she doesn’t have the slightest idea how. Her visions should have given her the answer, but they’re beginning to shift, making the danger too unpredictable, even for a prophet.

If she can just help her sister restore their hidden powers, she might be able to stop what’s coming. But an old enemy returns, and he’s got plans for Brianna and her visions.

What neither of them knows is that fate has given a stranger one chance to find her. He was trained to protect the chosen—but if he fails, the future will crumble.


Shifting Fate is the second book in the Descendants Series (following Bound by Prophecy) and focuses on Brianna and Logan.

There is a teaser posted here and the first chapter posted here, but beware, it’s full of spoilers from the first book.

Purchase from Amazon , Barnes and Noble, and the Book Depository. Can also purchase in audio at iTunes and Audible.


Bound by Prophecy

(Descendants #1)

Bound by Prophecy

by Melissa Wright


Twenty-two-year-old Aern is done watching his brother destroy the only thing that matters. He never wanted to take Morgan’s place among council, never wanted to rule their hidden world. But when the key to the prophecy is found, a young girl named Brianna whom Morgan will destroy, Aern knows he has to take action.

What he really wants, is for things to go back to normal. But now he’s kidnapped a girl, and his brother’s men are after him. His only hope is to join with the Division, but they have plans of their own, and it’s the last thing Aern is willing to do.

Emily just wants her sister back. She doesn’t care about the prophecy, or realize what’s at stake. But when she goes after Aern, the truth of the matter uncoils, and Brianna isn’t the only one who’s in danger.

Suddenly, they’re at the center of a secret war, and unless they can work together, they’ll both have a sacrifice too big to make.

You can read an excerpt of Bound by Prophecy here.

 Get the ebook for FREE on Nook and Kindle. Can also purchase from the Book Depository, and in audio at iTunes and Audible.


About the Author

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and the new Descendants series. Melissa spends her time working on novels, but when not writing she can be found on Goodreads and Pinterest.

Website – Blog – Goodreads – Twitter – Pinterest – Google+


Want to have some fun? Play this online matching game with Melissa’s covers!


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$25 Amazon Gift Card

Open internationally.

Click on the rafflecopter below to enter.

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Ends May 25th.



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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