Archive for the ‘Supernatural’ Category



Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Mean Cuisine organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Wendy will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Mean Cuisine

by Wendy W. Webb



Genre: Supernatural Murder Mystery


Beluga Stein is taking a cooking class and it’s a real killer. This time she’s traded her signature loud muumuus for ill-fitting chef attire, including a toque the size of her ego.

A well-liked chef is found dead and it’s up to Beluga and her feline familiar, Planchette, to investigate. There’s no recipe to follow, only the hope that her erratic psychic ability will hit the spot. Is a supernatural entity stirring up trouble, or something far more dangerous?

Beluga and Planchette can’t stand the heat, but there’s no way out of this kitchen while murder is the main dish.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Beluga Stein’s Diary

Such a day.

And while Chef Pernod tried mightily to restore order with an impromptu lecture on the differences between Grande, Classic and Nouvelle cuisines, I’m afraid the distinctions were lost when the frozen body was wheeled past us to the waiting ambulance.

The sight of such a spectacle took a toll on the chef as well, I should add. Fortunately for me there was no mention of Planchette in the kitchen, but for the rest of us the chef’s well-practiced lecture took a sudden nosedive into a stream-of-consciousness series of French words. I think I heard her say that a traditional kitchen brigade had positions with names sounding something like “poisoner,” which is rather ominous if you ask me, and “chefs who party,” which might warrant further investigation if things start to get dull. Or one finds herself in immediate need of hors d’oeuvres and a tropical cocktail.


About Author Wendy W. Webb:

Wendy W Webb (aka one of the many Wendy Webbs) has published dark fantasy short stories and novels, co-edited anthologies, and has had productions of stage and radio plays. After a hiatus as a doctoral student of emergency management and as a disaster responder, she welcomed the return to fiction with The Wild Rose Press writing the gothic Widow’s Walk, and two updated books in the Beluga Stein supernatural-humor-murder mystery series, Bee Movie and Mean Cuisine. Sunbury Press under the Milford House imprint published the paranormal, travel, “memoir,” Eye of the Gargoyle. She adores her husband; two dogs, one of which turns on iTunes whenever Wendy leaves her office; dry red wine; theatre; and travel as long as she doesn’t see anymore ghosts!

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The Karma Factor by Thomas Lane Banner

by Thomas Lane
February 10 – March 7, 2025 Virtual Book Tour



NYPD Detective James Early wanted out. Taking his death wish into a tenement on the Lower east side, he stepped into a hail of machine-gun fire…and waited. But the bullets never arrived. Somehow they had been “diverted” and his life saved. Now he had to find out why.

Ricochetting between the mountains of Tibet, the streets of New York City and the haunted corridors of past lives, Early attempts to track down this mystery. A devastating truth from his previous lifetime awaits him. At its core lies a pure and innocent love that led to carnage and death. In the process of discovery, however, Early mysteriously gains access to a database of past lives (the Akashic Records), and begins to understand the submerged element that underlies the human condition—the godfather of change. Karma.

Infused with this new awareness, Early hits the streets—this time “awakened” to the deeper layers. Immediately, he is flung into the frantic hunt for an unknown assassin who has declared a private war on America and has already killed seven times.

While the combined forces of the NYPD, FBI and Interpol comb the streets looking for clues, James Early follows the twisting light.

In the end, it will come down to a wild card: The Karma Factor


Praise for The Karma Factor:

“The Karma Factor not only delivers on all its IOUs—it provides ample food for thought as to how we live our lives and our connection to the cosmos.” ~ Joey Madia, Into the Outer Realms

“Demonstrating remarkable literary talent, Thomas Lane transcends the troubled police detective trope by incorporating elements of Eastern philosophy, predestination and reincarnation in this fast-paced thriller. In the tradition of The DaVinci Code and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lane’s debut novel The Karma Factor is entertaining and thought-provoking; introducing readers to characters and concepts that are not often given center stage in Western culture…” ~ BOOKTRIB

“Tom Lane has written a powerful story of inner transformation and outer suspense and heroism that will have you turning pages, inspiring you to understand your own life within a new cosmic framework. I couldn’t put it down.” ~ Robert Thurman, Professor Emeritus of Tibetan Buddhism, Translator for the Dalai Lama and Author of Wisdom Is Bliss

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery, Supernatural Thriller, Visionary Fiction, Metaphysical Thriller 

Published by: Waterside Productions Publication Date: November 1, 2022 Number of Pages: 352 ISBN: 1958848212 (ISBN-13: 978-1958848210)

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads


Enjoy this peek inside:

In times of crisis, James Early often found himself listening to the background noise of the city, the churning mantra of Manhattan that drifted up from the streets below. Somehow all those harsh single notes—the honking horns, the squealing brakes—could blend together and end up sounding restful, like the wash of the sea.

But tonight, watching her put her clothes back on, the air was charged and full of static. He had his reasons, but he hated himself for causing her this moment.

Lit only by the flickering light from the fireplace, Kelli Girard stood with her back to him, pulling on her skirt. Usually, after being together, getting dressed was a graceful act, a physical celebration of her womanhood. But on this evening, her motions were clipped and terse. Right then, the world was an ugly place. On top of everything else, she broke another nail fighting with the buttons on her blouse. She spoke without looking up.

“Come on, Early. This stinks. Throw me a bone here. Say something that makes sense.” Balancing on one foot, she leaned down and slipped on a high heel. “You won’t even give me the satisfaction of a cliché. There’s no ‘other woman.’ You’re not doing the ‘you deserve better’ bit. Nothing. Just—bang! It’s over. And you can’t even tell me why?” She stood up and smoothed down her clothes. “But I’ll tell you how it feels. Like you’ve had your little fling with the secretary. And now it’s time to toss her back into the general pool where she belongs. Cold, Early. Really cold.” He remained silent, compulsively rubbing his forehead, pushing back a clump of grey-tinged dark hair. In truth, there was too much to say, but words would trivialize it. And it had nothing to do with her, nothing to do with anything he understood. All he knew was that his mind was finally giving way. The hostile voices and images were crowding him out. And he couldn’t access the language to describe it… Early finally stood up. At thirty-eight years old and driven, he was still lean and muscular. A hybrid of Irish and Jewish ancestry, his thin, sculpted face seemed overwhelmed by a collection of strong irregular features. Growing up in Brooklyn and living the daily warfare of the streets had deepened and darkened the effect, giving him an intense, somewhat brooding presence. As he turned toward her, his expression remained cloaked. “You’re making it worse. This was never about the big love. We knew that from the start. We’re friends, remember? Let’s leave it there before we regret the whole thing.” She turned away from him, almost fiercely, then checked herself and sighed. “What’s the use? You’ve got everyone else duped. I hear the talk. By day, the great legendary cop—intuitive, ballsy. Down at the station, a James Early hunch is considered gospel. And, on top of all that, he’s a regular good guy. Nothing but hard work and ‘go team, go.’” She squinted at him in the semidarkness. “But after hours? Well, strange things come out to play. Guy’s got a flip side. He’s doing women, liquor, God knows what else. And here’s the sad part. He’s working hard at it, but the bad boy thing doesn’t fit him. Doesn’t fit him at all.” She paused, retrieved her earrings from the bedside table, and jammed them into her purse. “So who’s James Early? The jury’s absolutely still out.” Early grabbed her by the shoulders. “Listen. I’m bone-tired, and I’m not right. I have nightmares, vicious ones. I wake up sweating, with no memories—just worn out. And the pressure never quits, never gives me a day off. Right now, all I want to do is go sit on a beach somewhere and forget. But I can’t. And there’s no room . . . no room for anything else until I sort it all out.” He slackened his grip. “I can’t care if you don’t understand. I’m just asking you not to take it personally.” His words slapped her quiet. For a moment, she stopped her barrage and actually studied him. It had only been five months ago, but no, this was not the same man she had flirted with in a Soho bar. The sharp features seemed worn down, the grey-green eyes colder, more distant. Even his skin looked paler, drawn more tightly across his cheekbones. With his guard down, her sometimes-lover did seem ten years older and running very rough. “Hey Early, it’s the twentieth century. You feel messed up—you see somebody. There are medications that—” “Zombies and junkies. No thanks. I’ll take my chances.” He mustered his best smile. “I just need to regroup. I’ll get through it. People do it every day.” Kelli resumed her packing. Wadding up her negligee into a ball, she tossed it unceremoniously into her overnight bag. “I thought I got in there,” she said softly, “but I swear there’s an electric fence around you.” He shrugged. It was true –– he avoided real intimacy. It was all about sex and liquor–– mind numbing sensation and quick routes to oblivion that had gotten hm through the nights. Now even that wasn’t working. The flames in the fireplace had softened into embers—a steady orange sheen bathing the room. As Kelly zipped up her bag, Early slipped on his underwear and trousers, then got her coat from the closet. Taking her arm, he navigated her around the chaos on the cluttered floor. Her traditional comment about the maid’s night off went unspoken. At the door, he put his arm around her waist. His six feet towered above her diminutive frame. “It’s better for both of us this way. I mean it.” He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Please take care of yourself.” “Whatever.” She fixed her collar. “I’m not going to hold my breath, but if you need or want . . . hell, just a friend, call me.” She leaned up against him and gave him a girlish kiss on the cheek. Turning quickly, she disappeared down the stairs into the darkness of the lower landing. When he could no longer hear the click of her heels, he closed the door softly, then sagged against it, exhausted from his efforts. It was getting harder and harder to hold the surface together while the foundation was breaking into pieces… He willed himself upright and into the living room, where he collapsed into the armchair in front of the fireplace. Alone now, the fire hissed and danced quietly before him. His eyes scrutinized the small studio apartment. He was struck by its sadness, struck by the pervading sense of loneliness. The room was inhabited, yes, but not lived in. It hadn’t always been that way. When, as a rookie cop, he had first moved in, he had commanded the space. Within months, he had turned it into a bastion of discipline and masculine aesthetics: dark wood and brick and things in their rightful places. As his condition worsened, however, things unraveled. Chaos was an easy mistress. Now, from the unmade bed to a floor strewn with empty bottles, pizza boxes, and newspapers, no sense of home was being articulated. Maybe it never would again. Early leaned over and pulled his .38 revolver from the shoulder holster on the end table. It felt like a touchstone; the weight, the cold metal in his hand oddly soothing. The cylinder spun effortlessly beneath his fingertips. Round and round. He lifted it to his ear and smiled obliquely. Chamber music. With the heel of his hand, he brought the spinning cylinder to an abrupt halt, then unloaded a single bullet. Turning it around between his thumb and index finger, Early examined it carefully. Sexy. A jewel of death. Rotating the chamber slowly, he emptied the rest of the ammo into his hand until all six bullets lay nestled in his palm. They were asleep now. A family. At peace in their snug metal jackets. Then, as if feeding them to a wild animal, he began to toss the bullets, one by one, into the fireplace. “Here’s one for the sickos. One for the cop killers.” Then two more. “For all the scumbag lawyers, corrupt politicos. You’re the worse. You keep it all going. You’re supposed to know better.” Without warning, the first slug hit meltdown and exploded, sending a shower of shattered brick from inside the chimney down onto the flaming logs. The second and third followed quickly as ash and smoke belched into the room. Early’s face remained impassive as he fingered the last two shells. He isolated one. “For all of you. Your crap. Not mine anymore.” The next eruption came moments later, kicking out a fireball onto his carpet. A chunk of metal whizzed past his ear and tore into the wallpaper on the opposite wall. The hallway outside filled with the sudden cacophony of rattling deadbolts sliding and doors flinging open and people yelling. Early ignored the commotion. Unaware of the silent tears on his cheek, he leaned closer to the pit of swirling sparks and ashes, the last bullet resting in the middle of his open hand. “And this one, James Early, is for you. You and all your ghosts. You’re broken. Don’t know how to fix yourself.” A furious knocking at his door startled him back to reality. “Hey! Hey in there! Early, you all right?” Disoriented, the detective looked around. Caustic smoke swirled around the room. Live coals glowed on the carpet and from the side of the armchair. He stared down at the bullet still cupped in his palm. It seemed out of focus. Surreal. The knocking came again, this time louder. But now the sounds were far away, in someone else’s bad movie. Placing the final bullet back into his revolver, he adjusted the chamber. When he needed it, it would be there. Slowly and deliberately, Early got up, went to his closet, and finished dressing. His plainclothes uniform never varied: white shirt, tie, black shoes. Beneath the grey sports jacket, his revolver and holster pressed against his ribs. Trench coat under his arm, he crawled through the window and stepped out onto the fire escape. The sudden shift was abrasive. A sharp April wind lashed at his face. A massive city roared below. Hands gripping the railing, he leaned out into the night. All around, the inky skyline peaked and plunged. Above, the stars shone like dull silver—cold, eternal nails hammered into the night sky. As the wail of a siren grew closer, Early descended, zigzagging his way down to Seventy-Eighth Street. One thing was obvious. Whatever forces were conspiring, whatever madness was overtaking him, it was about to hit critical mass. *** Excerpt from The Karma Factor by Thomas Lane. Copyright 2022 by Thomas Lane. Reproduced with permission from Thomas Lane. All rights reserved.



About Author Thomas Lane:

Born and raised in Connecticut, Thomas Lane is a multi-dimensional creative drawn to spaces where art, spirit, and social justice intersect. He is the author of The Artists’ Manifesto–– a tribute to the power of the Arts, its value to a society that has forgotten the precious nature of life.

In addition to a book of poetry, screenplays and paintings, he recently recorded a CD of his songs, entitled Hotel Earth under the stage name, Trakker.

Politically active since his teens, Thomas subsequently created The Helen Hudson Foundation, a charitable organization focused on social issues –– including homelessness, racism, and the environment. He currently lives with his wife in Rhode Island.

Catch Up With Thomas Lane: Amazon Author Profile Instagram – @thomaslane494 YouTube – @thomaslane2402 Facebook – @musicwordimage


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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the FOREVER BOY by
Michael J. Bowler Blog Tour hosted by 
Book Tours


Check out my review and make sure to
enter the giveaway!



by Michael J. Bowler



Pub. Date: September 24, 2024

Publisher: Michael J. Bowler Publishing

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 296


Find it:  Goodreads 


Outcast Isaac and popular Stephanie have barely spoken in all their years in school.
Now, in the ninth grade, their lives become intertwined with a strange boy from
eastern Europe named Drágan Albescu.


Everything about Drágan is exotic, from his vintage style of dress to his
flowing long hair and delicate features. But he’s also shrouded in great

He reveals that he’s a fashion model, so Stephanie searches his image on the
internet and discovers modeling photos dating back to the 1920’s. Then there’s
the valise Drágan carries that’s so heavy Isaac can’t lift it.

Drágan also possesses more knowledge and wisdom than all the teachers at
school, coupled with the uncanny ability to discern what others long to keep
private, a power that particularly frightens Stephanie due to her own dark

Who is this enigmatic boy who becomes the best friend Isaac ever had? Why do
bullies at school suddenly stop their bullying? And what about the dead deer
found torn to shreds in the woods?

When Isaac and Stephanie learn the full truth about their new friend, they’ll
almost wish they hadn’t.




This one was right up my alley. I enjoy mysterious and eerie stories written for the younger crowd. I’d love to have had more books like this to read when I was younger. I still enjoy them even though I’m an adult.

Isaac isn’t popular. He’s almost invisible to the other ninth graders in his school. Except for the bullies, unfortunately. That all changes when he meets Dragan. A strange boy. He acts much older than his age. Talks like someone much older. Dresses odd too. They form a friendship. Right from the beginning Dragan stands out. And people are drawn to him. Isaac is no longer alone. He’s got friends. And Dragan is his best one. He stands up for Isaac and others who are targets.

But, Isaac knows there’s more to Dragan than meets the eye. And one day Dragan shares his secret. And Isaac’s world is forever changed…. by the Forever Boy.

I read this straight through. I really wanted to know where the author was taking things. I had no idea and that made it hard to stop until I found out. And I loved the characters. How they formed a tight knit friendship. Supported and encouraged each other.  I’m hoping their stories continue as it’s listed as book one.





Enjoy this peek inside:



Isaac spotted a boy
he’d never seen watching him as he wrangled a flying disc from high up in a
maple tree. He gripped the flying disc and squinted against the setting sun,
his gaze drawn to the new boy, who sported brown hair that fell in waves down
his back. His old-fashioned ankle-length coat had a cloak attached, and it
fluttered in the breeze. The boy looked back at Isaac, his eyes seemingly fixed
on him to the exclusion of all else.

Slightly disconcerted, Isaac slid the ring-shaped disc over one arm and
clambered down branch by branch. As soon as he dropped to the ground, two eager
young boys grabbed the disc and scampered away toward town without a word of

“That was most inconsiderate of those youngsters,” said the strange boy as
he approached, “to not express gratitude for your assistance, especially after
you volunteered to retrieve their disc.” He stopped in front of Isaac and set
down his leather bag, a valise—at least that’s what Isaac thought it was
called. It looked like an antique gym bag.

“That’s how it is.” Isaac shrugged, then after a moment added, “Wait, you
saw what happened?”

“Yes,” the boy replied. “I’ve been observing you.” He wasn’t tall, about
Isaac’s height of five six. His voice, much like Isaac’s own, sounded on the
verge of adolescence, having perhaps just begun the change, but still boyish,
and he had an accent of some sort Isaac couldn’t place. It had traces of
British, but something else was mixed in.

“Why were you watching me?” Isaac shifted uncomfortably. The other boy’s
light brown eyes seemed to peer right through him.

“I was quite impressed when you assisted those young children. Most boys
our age would dismiss them with a curt word or two.” He extended his right
hand. “I am Drágan Albescu.”

“Your name is Dragon? That’s epic.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but it is spelled D-R-A-G-A-N, with an accent over
the first A.”

“Still, it’s the coolest name in Millwood,” Isaac gushed. “I’m Isaac

They shook hands and Isaac felt the boy’s strong grip, but he couldn’t take
his eyes off Drágan’s hair. He tilted his head and almost gasped at how long it
was—nearly to the boy’s waist.

“Your hair is amazing,” he gushed.

“Thank you. It has not been cut in some years.”

“No kidding.” Isaac chuckled. “I never had my hair real long. I don’t think
I’d want to spend so much time washing it.”

“It can be a burden, but there are reasons I keep it the way I do.”

Isaac could tell Drágan would provide no more details on that subject.

“I like your accent,” Drágan said in a conversational tone.

Isaac pulled a face. “I didn’t know I had one.”

“Oh, yes,” Drágan replied. “You pronounce the letter R at the end of a word
as an ah sound. For example, instead of Foster, it sounded like Fostah.
I like it.”

Isaac smiled. Drágan was unlike anyone he’d ever met. “Did you just move
here? Where’s your parents?”

“I’m new to Maine, but, alas, I am an orphan.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, man. Who you here with?”

“I’m traveling alone.”

“Yeah? You look my age.”

“I am fourteen as of my last birthday.”

Isaac grinned. “Cool. I just turned fourteen last week.”

“Congratulations on your birthday.”


“Perhaps you know of a boarding house in town where I may lodge during my

Everything about Drágan confused Isaac, and yet everything also intrigued

“Um, yeah, I do, but, uh, if you, you know, want company, I have an extra
bed in my room. My mom used to have foster kids, for which I got made fun of at
school cause my last name is Foster, but, um, anyway, I bet my mom would love
to have you stay, and I know I’d like the company. You wanna have dinner at my
house and we can ask?”

Drágan’s perfectly trimmed eyebrows rose in surprise. “We have only just
become acquainted, and yet you would have me in your home?”

Isaac shrugged. “My mom says I’m a good judge of people.”

“I am, as well,” Drágan replied, “and I shall be honored to dine with you.”
He picked up his large valise from the ground. “Truth be told, I’m rather

“Follow me.”

The boys left behind the expanse of tall, deciduous trees and strolled
across a bridge overlooking the placid Abenaki River, named, Isaac explained,
after one of the five Native American tribes to still live in Maine. After
passing over the river, they headed up a street fronting a row of houses, most
in the Victorian style and quite old. The narrow street, which had no room for
parking in front of the houses, wound around into the downtown area.

“There’s my house,” Isaac said, pointing to a white, two-story Victorian
without fancy adornments or cupolas. In back sat a large barn, which was
painted a dark red color and rose to the height of the house. With the onset of
dusk, tall trees cast long shadows across the roof.

“That barn is a garage on the bottom, and on the top floor is a rec room.
My mom holds parties there sometimes, but mostly it’s for me to play games in.”

Drágan’s eyes surveyed the house and barn appraisingly as a car drove past.
The driver waved to Isaac, and he waved back.

“A friend of yours?”

“Naw. He works at the drugstore. In this town, everyone pretty much knows

“Much like the village where I was born.”

Isaac was about to ask where, but they’d arrived at his house. He steered
Drágan up the cracked driveway to a side door and they entered.

“Mom? I’m home.”

“In the kitchen, honey” came his mom’s voice.

Just inside the door, there was a hallway leading around past an adjacent
sitting room to the kitchen. Directly in front as they entered were numerous
coat hooks on the wall, very useful during snowy winters. Isaac shrugged off
his parka and slipped it onto a hook with ease.

“You can leave your coat here.”

Drágan slipped out of his overcoat and hung it on a hook.

Isaac felt the material. It was thick and rough, and he liked the
ankle-length style.

“I have owned this coat for many years.”

Isaac stopped admiring the coat to gaze questioningly at Drágan. How many
years could he have had it since it fit him perfectly?

“I hear voices, Isaac,” his mother called from the kitchen. “Who’s with

“A friend, Mom.”

He gestured for Drágan to follow. They rounded a corner and passed through
the sitting room with an old wood burning stove. Beside it was Isaac’s favorite
reclining chair. On cold, snowy days, he’d curl up within its comforting
softness and devour book after book.

He led Drágan into the kitchen, where his mom stood at the counter chopping
vegetables. She wore an apron and had her shoulder-length brunette hair tied
back off her pleasant face. She broke into a warm smile.

“Mom, this is Drágan Albescu.”

Drágan stepped forward and bowed gallantly. “It is my great pleasure to
meet you, Mrs. Foster.”

She was taken aback by his greeting, but her smile grew ever broader. “Why
thank you, Drágan. What an exotic name and your clothes are amazing. Your whole
appearance, really.”

“Thank you,” Drágan replied.

“I invited Drágan for dinner,” Isaac interjected. “Is that okay?”

“Of course it is,” Penelope replied. “Your friends are always welcome.”

“Except I don’t have any,” mumbled Isaac.

Drágan eyed him but focused on his mom. “I am an accomplished chef if you’d
like some assistance.”

Penelope’s eyebrows rose in astonishment, and Isaac gazed at Drágan with

“No thank you, Drágan,” Penelope replied. “But I appreciate the offer. Why
don’t you boys hang out in Isaac’s room, and I’ll call when dinner’s ready.”

“Thank you.” Drágan bowed once more.

Isaac tugged his arm. “C’mon, I wanna show you my room.” Flush with
excitement, he hurried from the kitchen, Drágan in tow.

They passed through the sitting room and out into the main hall. The floors
were hardwood, but the stairs leading up to the second floor were covered in
thick sky-blue carpet.

Isaac showed Drágan the two hallways on the second floor. One led to his
mom’s bedroom and the study, which she used as her home office. The other
passed the guest bedroom and a large bathroom before ending in Isaac’s room at
the rear of the house. It was the largest bedroom and had always been perfect
for Isaac to share when a foster child was a boy. Bunk beds rested against
Isaac’s back wall with chests of drawers along the adjoining wall overlooking
the driveway; a large wooden desk sat across the room beside a window looking
out at tall, majestic maple trees.

Drágan’s eyes swept the room, settling on the bookshelves above the twin
chests of drawers. Lining the shelves were meticulously detailed hand-painted
models of famous movie monsters, which Isaac had spent countless hours
crafting. With long slender fingers, Drágan picked up a model of the original
Wolfman from the 1940 Universal film. The monster bared its fangs at a lovely
young woman cowering before him.

Normally unsettled if anyone touched his models, Isaac instinctively sensed
that Drágan revered them as much as he did.

Drágan turned with the model in hand. “Do you believe Larry would’ve killed
Gwen when he grabbed her in the woods?”

Isaac was shocked that this boy would ask such a movie-geek question, but
figured Drágan must also love The Wolfman, so he dove right in with his
answer. “No. He loved her too much.”

“At long last, someone who agrees with me.” Drágan lovingly replaced the
figure on the shelf and studied the others.

Isaac gazed at him in surprise. “You’re a geek?”

“A what?”

“A geek. You know, someone who’s into pop culture stuff like horror

A look of understanding enlightened Drágan’s face. “Ah, I understand. I
love the horror genre. In fact, Larry Talbot is my favorite character. His
struggles as the wolfman brought me near to tears on several occasions.”

Isaac’s heart pounded with excitement. “Me too! Especially when he was
finally cured. But those were tears of joy.”

Drágan regarded him as though doing a complete reevaluation. “You are the
first I’ve met to feel as I do. How fortuitous that we’ve made each other’s

Isaac felt stupid listening to the other boy speak and, if he were
honest—which he had no intention of being at that moment—he didn’t understand
half of what Drágan said to him. The boy was a walking dictionary!

“Uh, wanna sit down?” Isaac pointed to a beige-colored couch against one

Drágan nodded and lowered himself onto the couch, looking stiff and formal
while Isaac sat in his desk chair.

“Is the couch uncomfortable?” Isaac asked, worried he might have offended
the other boy.

“No,” replied Drágan, but his face looked tight and strained. “It’s merely
that I’ve never been in the bedroom of a youth my age. I’m accustomed to the
company of adults.”

Isaac’s mouth dropped open. He was appalled, but suddenly the other boy’s
high vocabulary made more sense. “Never? What about your friends?”

Still sitting up as though in a straight-backed chair, Drágan placed both
hands in his lap. “I’ve never had a real friend my age, at least not for any
significant period of time.”

Isaac was speechless. “I’m sorry, man. I mean, I have no friends either,
mainly cause I’m a geek and they all like sports and stuff. Plus, I wear
hearing aids, which makes playing sports suck big time.” He reached behind one
ear and slipped off a small hearing aid, holding it out to Drágan.

“I’ve heard of these small devices but have never known anyone who wore
them.” He turned the aid over in his hand. The unit was small with a tiny tube
leading to an earmold. “Are they effective at improving your hearing?”

He handed the aid back to Isaac, who deftly slipped it back onto his ear.
“First of all, thank you for not shouting. Every time I tell someone I’m hard
of hearing, they start yelling. Drives me crazy. Anyway, these work pretty
well. I control ’em with an app on my phone. But in noisy places or big sports
fields they aren’t so good. I can always hear the PE coach yelling at me, but I
don’t understand what he’s saying. Then he gets mad afterward and says I didn’t

“My hearing is excellent, so I have no notion of how your life has been.”

Isaac shrugged. “I was born this way and have no idea what it’s like to
have perfect hearing, so I guess we’re even.”

Drágan nodded.

Now that they weren’t moving, he studied Drágan’s features and clothing
with greater scrutiny.

Drágan’s long, wavy hair was a light brown color and framed his soft
features, draped over his small ears, parted in the middle, and brushed across
both sides of his smooth forehead. His skin reminded Isaac of some dolls his
mother used to collect. What were those made of? Oh, yeah, porcelain. Drágan’s
skin was like perfect, unblemished porcelain, white to the point of being pale,
without the slightest indication that he’d ever had acne, which thankfully
Isaac hadn’t experienced yet either. Drágan’s eyebrows, the same color as his
hair, were slender and looked professionally trimmed. His lips were full, with
a slight reddish tint, really the only visible coloration on his face.

But it was Drágan’s eyes that held Isaac’s attention. The color of
hazelnuts, they seemed to dance with power. As they fixed on him, Isaac felt
himself sliding into oblivion. The sensation lasted only a split second, but he
would not soon forget it.

“Your clothes are cool, Drágan. Get ’em at a vintage clothes place?”

The boy’s long-sleeve shirt was baggy, almost like a pirate shirt, with a
small collar encircled by an old-fashioned tie that looked to be made of
leather. Over the shirt he wore a dark brown vest that looked quite old. Over
that was a suit jacket with the styling of an era long past. His pants were
navy blue, and his brown leather boots looked antique.

“With no disrespect to your own clothing, I prefer attire from past eras.”

Isaac wore jeans, a long-sleeve hoodie shirt and sneakers.

“I think you look great.”

Looking slightly more relaxed, Drágan asked about the film camera on
Isaac’s desk that rested beside a twenty-seven-inch iMac computer.

Happy to talk about something to break the awkwardness, Isaac picked up the
camera, a high-end model with a powerful lens.

“I plan to make my own movie. A horror film, of course.” Isaac realized
he’d begun rambling but couldn’t stop. “There’s this film festival in Bangor at
the end of next month, Halloween weekend, in fact, and there’s a category for
student filmmakers under eighteen. Big prize money too. But the best part is,
one of the judges of the horror films will be Stephen King. He lives in Bangor
and he’s my favorite horror writer. Ever read any of his books?” Out of breath,
he finally stopped and laughed. “Sorry, I get carried away.”

Drágan replied, “I’ve read many of Mr. King’s works. My favorite is Salem’s
. I have an affinity for vampires, I suppose, in addition to

Isaac broke into a huge grin. “That’s my favorite too. It really must be
fortui … what you said before that we met.”

“Fortuitous,” Drágan repeated without any condescension. “It means
fortunate. How many performers will be in your film?”

Isaac frowned. “Well, that’s the tricky part. There’s two leads and a few
smaller parts, but I don’t have any friends at school, so I’m thinking of going
to the next town over to audition strangers.”

“I have performing experience in my past,” Drágan commented without
boasting. “Alas, all on the stage, but I’d enjoy being of assistance.”

Isaac’s heart nearly burst. “That would be fantastic.”

“What does your story entail?”

“Well, you’d be playing a guy like Larry Talbot, except a kid, who’s a

“And how would you create the transformations?”

Isaac indicated his computer. “I got some cool AI programs that can do
amazing stuff. Let me show

“Boys, dinner’s ready!” came his mother’s voice from downstairs.

“I’ll show you after dinner.”


About Michael J. Bowler:


Michael J. Bowler is an award-winning author
who grew up in Northern California. He majored in English/Theatre at Santa
Clara University, earned a master’s in film production from Loyola Marymount
University, a teaching credential in English from LMU, and a master’s in
Special Education from Cal State University Dominguez Hills. Michael taught
high school in Hawthorne, California, both in general education and to students
with disabilities. When Michael is not writing, he serves as a youth mentor
with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and a volunteer within the juvenile
justice system in Los Angeles, but mostly he takes care of his recently adopted
son. He is a passionate advocate for the fair treatment of children and teens
in California and hopes that his books can show young people they are not alone
in their struggles.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:



Lady Hawkeye

Excerpt/IG Post


Fire and Ice Reads

Excerpt/IG Post


Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post


Daily Waffle



Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post


The Momma Spot



Edith’s Little Free Library

IG Post/TikTok Post






IG Review/TikTok Post

Week Two:



Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing

Review/IG Post



IG Review


Rajiv’s reviews

Review/IG Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post



IG Review



IG Review



Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post



IG Post/TikTok Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot
on the THE CHRONICLES OF VIKTOR VALENTINE by Z Brewer Blog Tour hosted
by Rockstar Book Tours.

Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!




Author: Z Brewer



Pub. Date: September 3, 2024

Publisher: Quill Tree Books

Formats:  Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 272


Find it: Goodreads


A perfectly average boy uncovers a supernatural secret about
his family that could put his whole town in grave danger—if it doesn’t make him
die of embarrassment first—in this mysterious and funny middle grade debut
from New York Times bestselling author Z Brewer.


Viktor Valentine can’t think of a better way to end his
summer vacation than playing All the Vampires Everywhere, his
favorite video game, with his best friend, Damon. Yet his parents, who make
cringey jokes and call him dorky nicknames, seem set on ruining his plans.
Viktor knows he can’t really compete with Damon’s “cool” friends—so their epic
video game playing is the best Viktor can do to come close to being cool in
Damon’s eyes.


But then Viktor slowly starts to realize that his parents may
be hiding something from him. They’re acting very suspicious; they sneak out
after midnight and return with bloody mouths. But he’s probably just played too
many video games. After all, vampires aren’t real . . . right?


Seventh grade is tough enough without having to figure out if
your family has fangs. And to make matters worse, the new girl that moved in
across the street seems particularly interested in things that
go bump in the night. Can Viktor protect his family, or will his sleuthing come
back to bite him?



Enjoy this peek inside:


As the girl turned the page of the book, the sharp edge
of the paper sliced into her finger. With a hiss, she put the injured tip in
her mouth, tasting blood. She’d only been pretending to read anyway, desperate
to drown out the speaking man’s judgmental tone, but so far, her efforts
weren’t deterring him even a little bit. He hadn’t even noticed she’d cut
herself. Or if he did notice, he didn’t seem to care.

“This won’t be an easy hunt. He’s cunning, this one.”
Seated in his worn leather club chair, the man was dressed in earth tones,
which blended in with the color of the chair all too well. All around him were
cardboard boxes bearing labels that listed the contents of each box. Furniture
was placed in a haphazard fashion around the room in the careless approach that
most movers had when it came to delivering someone else’s belongings. On his
lap was an old wooden box with an ornate hinge holding the lid closed. “It’s
going to take every skill we possess to take him down. There cannot be any

Wetting her lips, the girl let out a grunt and returned
her attention to her book, wishing he’d take the hint. How long was he going to
hold the past against her? Would anything she’d ever do be good enough for him?

The woman was crouched by a box on the floor beside his
chair, rummaging through its contents with so much purpose that it was giving
the girl a headache. “How difficult could it be?” the woman said. “We know
where he’s located. He has no idea who and what we are, and he’s completely
unaware that we’re here.”

The man shook his head, tapping his fingers on the lid of
the box. “You underestimate him, just as you underestimated the last one.”

He was speaking to the woman, but the girl knew his words
were meant for her ears. She’d messed up the last hunt. The woman hadn’t been
perfect either, but in the end, it was 100 percent the girl’s fault that the
creature had managed to escape. The man had called her “soft” at the time. But
what he really meant was “weak.”


About Z Brewer:


Z Brewer
 is the New York
bestselling author of several books, including the Chronicles of
Vladimir Tod series, and more short stories than they can recall. Their
pronouns are they/them. Z is also an outspoken mental health and antibullying
advocate. Plus, they have awesome hair. Visit Z online at

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1 winner will receive a finished copy of THE CHRONICLES OF VIKTOR VALENTINE, US only.


Ends September 17th, midnight EST.


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Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Two Chicks on Books

Guest Post/IG Post



Guest Post



IG Post-Guest Post


and Ice Reads

Guest Post/IG Post


YA Books Central

Interview/IG Post


Edith’s Little Free Library

IG Post/TikTok Post



Review/IG Post


Bookborne Hunter

Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review

Week Two:






IG Review


Lifestyle of Me



Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post



IG Review


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review


Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Review/IG Post



IG Review


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


Nonbinary Knight Reads

Review/IG Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


A haunted tapestry. A cursed dynasty. Dark magic, and a supernatural
creature with an insatiable hunger.






Deadly Curiosities Book 6


by Gail Z. Martin


Genre: Supernatural Mystery Adventure


A haunted tapestry. A cursed dynasty. Dark magic, and a supernatural
creature with an insatiable hunger.


Cassidy Kincaide and the Deadly
Curiosities crew get a call from a desperate real estate investor to
un-haunt a mansion that has belonged to a family of dark witches for
generations. Inside, a hidden chamber reveals a legacy of
supernatural power, a dangerous tapestry woven with malicious magic
and defiant ghosts that refuse to accept the house’s new ownership.
When the dust settles, the family’s witch and the djinn that has
influenced the dynasty’s fortunes for more than a century are
missing—and bent on vengeance.


A mysterious pop-up gallery
sells magical tapestries to Charleston’s art collectors, but good
luck quickly turns bad as the woven pieces permit the djinn to drain
and kill the owners. Meanwhile, Cassidy’s best friend, Teag Logan,
and his fiancé, Anthony Benton, finalize plans for their wedding,
dodging mama drama and supernatural setbacks.


When Cassidy and her allies go
after the witch and the djinn, they find themselves targeted by magic
that can bend perception and reshape reality. The psychic pain caused
by the cursed tapestries fuels the power of the djinn and the dark
witch, setting up a showdown with the Alliance for the soul of


Can they stop the witch, defeat
the djinn, destroy the tapestries, and still make it to the wedding
on time?


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Deadly Curiosities Book 5



A dark witch dynasty. A malicious, immortal undersea place-spirit. Eternal
guardians who wagered their souls to protect Charleston.


Omens of impending disaster
have the city on edge. Tremors warn of earthquake risk, while a
potentially catastrophic storm gathers strength over the ocean and
heads for land.


A last-man-standing promise
among elderly veterans creates a dangerous inheritance involving an
imprisoned, wish-granting goblin. A sea captain and a swashbuckler
worked blood magic to protect Charleston from an ancient evil with a
spell that bound their souls and their descendants to the task, but
danger looms as its power fades. The head of a witch family wants
artifacts and secrets—and he’ll do anything to get them.


Cassidy Kincaide runs Trifles
and Folly, an antique and curio store where her touch magic helps get
cursed and haunted objects out of the wrong hands. More than once,
she and her allies have saved the world from supernatural threats.


The clock is ticking for
Cassidy and her friends to stop the dark warlock, capture the goblin
and restore the guardian spell before a malevolent ancient entity
takes its vengeance on Charleston and the coast. It’s going to take
all the magic, courage and quick thinking they can muster—and for
once, that might not be enough.


Legacy is an action-packed
urban fantasy paranormal thrill ride full of dark magic, infernal
creatures, goblins and demigods, haunted places, pirate ghosts, found
family, witch dynasties, loyal friends, Voudon spirits, secret
history and plenty of adventure.


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Deadly Curiosities Book 4


Stolen magic. Infernal creatures. A cursed heir to a warlock
dynasty. Supernatural suspense.


Caribbean ghosts terrorize
Charleston and rack up a body count. Then Beckford Pendlewood, the
heir to a powerful family of dark warlocks, shows up raving about a
bound demon locked in a lost box and begs sanctuary.


Cassidy Kincaide can read the
history of objects by touching them. She and her allies use magic and
paranormal abilities to keep Charleston and the world safe from
supernatural threats.


Can Cassidy and her friends find the
demon box, stop the killer ghosts, and break the Pendlewood curse
before Beckford’s murderous cousins and the vengeful demon destroy
them all?


Inheritance is an action-packed
thrill ride full of dark magic, infernal creatures, demons and
demigods, haunted places, found family, witch dynasty politics, loyal
friends, Caribbean ghosts, secret history and plenty of adventure!


Book Four in the Deadly Curiosities series.


“This story starts out right
in the thick of it with loads of action, and doesn’t let up until
the final pages.”—Drops of Ink on Inheritance


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Tangled Web


Deadly Curiosities Book 3


Zombies rise in Charleston cemeteries, dead men fall from the sky, and the
whole city succumbs to the “grouch flu.” 


Cassidy Kincaide runs Trifles and Folly in Charleston, an antiques
and curios shop with a secret history of ridding the city of cursed
objects and keeping the world safe from supernatural
threats.Cassidy’s magic can read the history of an object with a
single touch. Her best friend Teag is a Weaver witch, and her boss,
Sorren, is a 600 year-old vampire.


Now a vengeful dark
witch is gunning for Teag and planning to unleash an ancient horror.


Cassidy, Teag, and Sorren—and
all their supernatural allies—will need magic, cunning, and the
help of a Viking demi-goddess to survive the battle with a malicious
Weaver-witch and an ancient Norse warlock to keep Charleston—and
the whole East Coast—from becoming the prey of the Master of the


Tangled Web is an action-packed
thrill ride full of magic, restless ghosts, infernal creatures,
haunted places, found family, vampire politics, old Norse magic, Wild
Hunt, loyal friends, secret history and plenty of adventure!


Book Three in the Deadly Curiosities series.


“There are plenty of spooks
and magic to keep the action fresh. From page one to the big finale,
the plot gallops along at a good pace.”—Cats Luv Coffee on
Tangled Web


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Deadly Curiosities Book 2


Immortals never forgive, never forget.


Sorren has spent centuries
shutting down the plans of powerful immortals, dark warlocks, fallen
angels, and supernatural creatures. He’s a vampire working with
paranormal allies to protect a world that doesn’t know the dangers
that prowl the shadows. Now an enemy from his past is picking off
everyone Sorren cares about, destroying his sanctuaries, and making
it clear that Sorren will be the final target of a magic-fueled


Cassidy Kincaide runs Trifles &
Folly in modern-day Charleston, an antique and curio shop with a
dangerous secret. Cassidy can read the history of objects by touching
them and along with her Weaver witch friend Teag, Sorren, and their
allies, they get rid of cursed objects and keep Charleston and the
world safe from supernatural threats.


The clock is ticking. Old power
stirs, the kind that hasn’t been seen in centuries, waking from
slumber and hungry for vengeance.


This sort of evil can’t be
destroyed—but it can be contained, and that’s what Sorren and his
allies did long ago. Now, the evil has returned, even stronger and
craftier than before. Cassidy, Teag, and Trifles and Folly are in the
crosshairs against an unknown enemy with strong magic and significant
resources and to win they’ll have to put their lives—and souls—on
the line. Can they help Sorren fight a deathless foe from centuries
past, or will they see everything they love go down in flames?


Vendetta is an action-packed
thrill ride full of magic, restless ghosts, infernal creatures,
haunted places, found family, cursed paintings, old Norse magic,
demigods, vampire politics, fallen angels, loyal friends, secret
history, and plenty of adventure!


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Deadly Curiosities


Deadly Curiosities Book 1


Some family heirlooms are to die for.


Welcome to Trifles & Folly,
a store with a secret. Proprietor Cassidy Kincaide’s psychic gift
lets her know the history and magic of an object by touching it.
Cassidy and her friends—including Weaver witch Teag and her vampire
business partner Sorren—save the world from vengeful ghosts, dark
magic, hidden monsters, and things that go bump in the night.


When a trip to a haunted hotel
unearths a statue steeped in malevolent power, and a string of
murders leads to the abandoned old Navy yard, Cassidy, Teag, and
Sorren discover a diabolical plot to unleash a supernatural onslaught
on their city.


It’s time for Cassidy and her
team to handle the “deadly curiosities” before it’s too late.


Deadly Curiosities is an
action-packed thrill ride full of magic, restless ghosts, infernal
creatures, haunted places, dangerous curios, found family, loyal
friends, secret history, and plenty of adventure!


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Gail Z. Martin writes urban fantasy, epic fantasy, steampunk and more for
Solaris Books, Orbit Books, Falstaff Books, SOL Publishing and
Darkwind Press. Urban fantasy series include Deadly Curiosities and
the Night Vigil (Sons of Darkness). Epic fantasy series include
Darkhurst, the Chronicles Of The Necromancer, the Fallen Kings Cycle,
the Ascendant Kingdoms Saga, and the Assassins of Landria.


Together with Larry N. Martin, she is the co-author of Iron & Blood, Storm
& Fury (both Steampunk/alternate history), the Spells Salt and
Steel comedic horror series, the Roaring Twenties monster hunter Joe
Mack Shadow Council series, and the Wasteland Marshals near-future
post-apocalyptic series. As Morgan Brice, she writes urban fantasy MM
paranormal romance, with the Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail,
Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow series. Gail is also a
con-runner for ConTinual, the online, ongoing multi-genre convention
that never ends.


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Shakti Of The Illuminated Lotus organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Luki Belle will award a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Shakti Of The Illuminated Lotus

by Luki Belle



Genre: Erotic Supernatural Dark Fantasy


In a fictitious, mysterious, and futuristic Earth, the Western and Eastern continents are poised to become entangled in an ancient holy rivalry and epic battle.

The enigmatic and powerful king of Asukhas rules over the technologically, scientifically, and militarily advanced Western Continent, closely guarding his blissfully ignorant population of captive humans.

The golden-haired spirit, Ahankara, is suddenly released from captivity in the void and unleashes a powerful reptile upon the world’s oceans.

Associate professor of philosophy Anjali Valpolicella seeks psychotherapy from renowned Western psychologist Dr. AlexanDRA, and their therapy sessions may reveal an important secret to possessing the much-coveted Trident of Kumarun.

In Shakti of the Illuminated Lotus: A Dark, Erotic & Futuristic Fantasy for Adults oceans roil as factions doggedly compete in a dark and erotic quest to find the Trident, hidden by the Eastern continent’s divine panthers for centuries. The fate of the World teeters on the brink. Who will possess the Trident? Do they want to use it to gain access to the holy realm of Juwala, or will they use the Trident to destroy the realm and take command of military forces of unimaginable power?


Enjoy this peek inside:

Monologue Part 1

Did you know that you are a descendant of the Asukhas? You are both holy and unholy, human, and divine, gifted in profound ways that lie dormant in your being awaiting the touch of Shakti to ignite the fire of the Asukha in you! Yearn not for the blissful abode of Juwala, the place of eternal happiness, behind the deep blue sky, for in Kumarun’s realm you will revolt for what you are which is an Asukha in body, spirit, mind and in your thirst and hunger for self-enlightenment. You are beast and you are divine, never forget that!

The Rise of Asukhas

It now comes to the story of your ancestors, dear reader. You hailed from the Spirits of Illumination and from the once holy teachers of Juwala, Vrishaaktan, Balaktaan and Golikdan. After the separation from Kunjahl and Ahankara, the three teachers and seventy-seven Spirits of Illumination suffered for months, fighting their uncontrollable hunger for flesh. The impact of Trishna upon them was severe but through the unholy powers, which they had acquired in the caves of the ocean, after banishment from Juwala, these beings resisted being destroyed by Trishna’s essence. They all went into hiding, afraid of themselves and of what they were becoming. The terror of their unholy selves was fearful. The powers that they were gaining overwhelmed these once holy beings. Unable to provide solace and comfort to each other, the three teachers parted ways, seeking out dark places on earth to hide and suffer.


About Author Luki Belle:


Luki Belle works in the media industry. Listening avidly to stories from diverse cultural fiction books read to her by her extended family, storytelling was a fixture from early childhood. Pouring over magnificent and enchanting illustrated books in her family’s library, Luki was drawn to the mythology of South Asian Indians, Greeks, and Romans. These diverse mythologies were her strongest inspiration when, many years later, she started penning the first outline for her debut novel, Shakti of the Illuminated Lotus.

Author Links: Twitter / Instagram / YouTube / Facebook

Purchase Link: Amazon


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


A haunting tale of love, loss and
finding one’s place in the world inspired by The Ghost and Mrs Muir.


The Ghost of Seagull Cottage


The Guernsey Novels Book 9

by Anne Allen

Genre: Supernatural Romance


A haunting tale of love, loss and
finding one’s place in the world


Widowed artist Annabel
returns to Guernsey seeking a fresh start for herself and her young
daughter away from her late husband’s controlling family. Seagull
Cottage appears perfect, by the sea and with a low rent. The
snag is it comes with a resident ghost, Daniel, a sea captain who
died 70 years ago in 1946. 
He built the cottage and objects
to anyone not family living there. He and Annabel have to come to
terms with sharing what he still considers to be his home.

a difficult start they begin to share their pasts and an unlikely
friendship blooms, becoming deeper as they spend more time
together. Annabel realises she’s falling for him but would
she truly prefer a ghost to a real live man?

elements of romance, mystery and the supernatural into a compelling
tale about the power of human connection which presents a modern
twist on R.A. Dick’s novel The Ghost and Mrs Muir and the
classic movie of the same name.


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**Don’t miss the rest of The
Guernsey Series!**


Find them on




Anne Allen lives in Devon in the UK
but originates from Rugby, the home of Rugby football. Finding early
on in life that she loved the sea she has spent most of her adult
years moving from one coast to another, the furthest being the
Spanish coast of Costa Blanca. Her happiest time was spent in
Guernsey where she lived for nearly 14 years and her books are all
set on this beautiful island. By profession Anne was a
psychotherapist but has now retired and fills her time with writing
and painting. To date she has published eight standalone stories in
The Guernsey Novels series, focusing on love, mystery, drama and
relationships, and with a touch of historical influence. Some titles
are dual-time or time-slip. The ninth in the series, The Ghost of
Seagull Cottage, is due to be published in May 2024 and was inspired
by the classic movie, “The Ghost and Mrs Muir”, itself based on
the book by R A Dick.


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Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


$10 Amazon giftcard,

ebook of The Ghost of Seagull Cottage

1 winner each!


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

 Raising the Dead is the journey of a naive young woman who grows to maturity through the love and mentoring of friends, both living and dead.




Title: Raising the Dead

Author: Jayne Lisbeth

Publication Date: August 15, 2023

Pages: 330

Genre: Paranormal Fiction / Supernatural / Mystery

A naive 20-year old bride, Emeline,  is grief stricken after the deaths of her beloved parents. She believes she has made a grave error in moving with her husband 3000 miles from her beloved California Delta childhood home to Charles Town, Virginia, to be closer to her husband, Randy’s,  mother. Emeline is bereft in sorrow, marooned in grief until a mysterious woman, Felicity,  wanders into her life and changes her world forever.  When Felicity disappears as mysteriously as she arrived, Emeline is determined to unearth her older friend’s whereabouts. What she ultimately discovers forces her to question her sanity, world, memories and newfound joys.



I like my main characters, especially women, to be self confident and strong.  Emeline was not that woman. At least not at first. She was only twenty, married and grieving the loss of her parents.  And now she’s moved across the country to start her new life. I understood her insecurities, her naivete. And I was thrilled to see her bloom into that strong woman through the help of a mysterious older woman, Felicity, who took on the role of a guiding, nurturing mother.  But then Felicity disappears and Emeline is driven to find her.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story.The characters were well developed and believable with flaws and all. And the  writing was compelling, inviting me to turn each page. It was also so visual, making faces and scenery easy to see. Emeline’s search for Felicity was moving. I so wanted her to find the woman who she dearly loved. That was a mystery in itself that I kind of figured out and then thought maybe I hadn’t. As for the ending. It was all I could have hoped for.




Author: Jayne Lisbeth, Cover Artist: Tim Gibbons

Publisher Austin Macauley:Raising the Dead is a deep and emotional account of Emeline’s introspective journey, with a wholesome, spiritual supernatural angle. An inspirational, assured novel that is sure to resonate with the target audience. The poignant plot, very well-structured, the assured writing style and the events that unfold unveil a strong narrative arc Ultimately, it is thought to be a worthy addition to the genre, sure to appeal to a wide audience.”

Mary Lea McKennan, Idaho: 5 Stars:

“I just now finished the final pages of Raising the Dead!!  ‘Awww’, is what I said aloud along with shedding a few precious tears of joy! The characters within this book have rekindled the love in my heart for all of my own friends and family, current and past, who are there to guide us and teach us throughout our lives. You’ve done a wonderful job of weaving the ups and downs of everyday life into a heartwarming tale that will strengthen all who read it.”

Roberta Flowers Dillman, St. Petersburg, FL: 5 Stars:

Raising the Dead is like a delicious layered dessert. Just when you think you got to the best part you turn the page to a more delightful part. I loved this journey and I love a deep read that’s easy to read. Raising the Dead is both. Great work, Jayne.”

Howard Gordon, Eugene, Oregon, 5 Stars: “Blew me away”

“This book was given to me by a friend and when I began reading my first impression was that it was too descriptive. Details, details, details. As I continued to read I found that these details as the story goes on formed a basis for an intriguing story of thoughtful and surprising characters. It turns out that I couldn’t put the book down.  I was bounced from sadness to joy to wonder at the author’s use of words and changes of mood. I was then flummoxed by the addition of a second story contained within the book which made everything crystal clear. I had read Ms. Lisbeth’s previous book, Writing in Wet Cement, and this one convinced me that there is an upcoming bestseller in the future.”

Paula Stahel, Breath and Shadows Productions, Tampa, FL

A Lovely Read”  Jayne Lisbeth has conjured a sweet story of a young, naive newlywed whose world opens to new ideas, skills, and the discovery of fulfilling friendships after an unexpected mentor literally walks into her life. And ultimately comes to understand the lasting power of love.”

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Book Excerpt:


One hundred and fifty-five years after Mildred Hanson’s death, Randy Upswatch carried his bride, Emeline Jannison Upswatch, across the threshold of Cabin #25. Randy gently set Emeline down on the heart pine kitchen floor. The windows let in bright splashes of the morning light through the wavy old glass. An antique black wood stove squatted in a corner, next to a small fireplace with an open hearth. The original porcelain sink had been retained but over the years the plumbing had been modernized. Across the room, an old gas stove nestled adjacent to a vintage Frigidaire. A scarred wood plank shelf was built into the wall between the stove and refrigerator, with drawers installed beneath. Knotty pine cabinets and shelves provided plenty of room for Em’s collection of antique bowls and pitchers. Next to the fireplace, a pantry with floor to ceiling shelves completed the kitchen, empty storage begging to be filled.

Emeline’s heart lifted, then sank, when she remembered the days she and her mama, Cleo, had filled their own pantry shelves. Mother and daughter would process their Sacramento Delta crops into jeweled jars of vegetables, relishes, jams, pickles and chutneys. Her eyes teared up, which she quickly hid from Randy. She scolded herself. Damn, girl, it’s been two years since Mama’s passing…[TG1] isn’t it time for you to move on? She thought to herself.

“Sure, wish I’d paid more attention to Mama’s cooking,” she said aloud.

“What?” Randy asked.

“Oh! I didn’t realize I said that out loud. Just thinking that Mama always needed my help with jamming and canning, but never taught me to cook. She really wanted her kitchen all to herself.”

But Randy didn’t hear this response as he was busily exploring the rest of the cabin. “Holy Shit, Em, lookit this!” he exclaimed. Emeline followed Randy down a central hallway leading to other rooms. At one end of the central hall was a large bedroom. Windows sparkled as lacy light fell through the trees surrounding the cabin. A smaller bedroom at the opposite end of the hallway seemed forlorn. A large tree shadowed the room, darkening the interior. In the center of the hallway and next to the kitchen was a small bathroom boasting an enormous clawfoot tub. A window over the tub with a deep sill would be perfect for African Violets and geraniums, Em thought.

Off the center of the long hallway was the living room. It was just big enough to hold their old couch, her mama’s ancient Lincoln rocker, and two end tables. An old black stove, sitting on a raised platform of bricks was nestled in a corner of the room. At the far end of the room were glass French doors, obviously an addition to the original structure of the cabin. Throughout the cabin, light scattered through many antique windows. Emeline pushed Randy aside and walked through the French doors. “Randy, it’s the best part of the cabin!”

Through the doorway, she had spied bookshelves. Views of the surrounding pastures were idyllic portraits framed in the old windows. Directly in the center of the room was another door to a back garden. It would be perfect for cross ventilation when both the kitchen and library doors were opened. Wildflowers of all colors were woven into the bucolic pasture in the distance. The flowers gently danced in the spring breezes from the surrounding hill, transporting the outside world into this inner sanctum. Shadows from a large willow tree quivered as the tree shook its slender green leaves on delicate branches, nearly touching the ground. Em was reminded of children around a maypole, all wearing long green dresses. “Oh, Randy, there’s a window seat!”

The cozy seat under the large window was laced between the bookshelves. A stone fireplace beckoned in the corner. Em lifted the lid of the window seat and a smoky scent of old fires wafted up to her. It was the most peaceful room in the cabin, exuding warmth and history. Em imagined the hours other occupants had sat on this window seat, immersed in a book. She walked to the door. “Randy! It’s a Dutch door!”

“A what?”

“A Dutch door, see, the top and bottom open separately. We can just open the top and get the breezes and leave the bottom latched. Oh, I’ve always wanted a Dutch door!”

Em turned to Randy and enveloped him in her arms. “It’s a perfect home for us. It’s beautiful. This room is where I bet I’ll be spending my time. It’s the jewel of the cabin. What a special place. It’s a library, Randy.”

“Oh, yeah. My mom told me the lady who built all these cabins insisted her people led educated lives. She had a little school where she taught the kids how to read. Imagine that, teaching slaves to read, even giving them places like this to live. Mom said everybody in the town thought the old lady was nuts. They couldn’t stand the way she treated her slaves. She didn’t even call them slaves! She actually paid them, as her ’employees’. That was 200 years ago. Things have certainly changed since then,” Em said thoughtfully.

Emeline felt as though she were in the middle of a pumpkin with the cabin’s knotty pine walls, the colors of burnt sienna and sunsets. She felt the rooms had been warmed by years of sunlight, woodsmoke and the fingertips of many inhabitants, completing the warm embrace of each room.

Emeline caressed the beautiful wood paneling as she returned to the living room where Randy stood next to the small Franklin stove. “I had no idea these cabins were so lovely. Mom just said they were old. She didn’t tell me anything about what great shape they’re in.” The glow on his face helped to light up the room.

“We should set up our bed and try it out in our new home, don’t you think?” Randy said with a bright smile.

Em’s mind was elsewhere, busy with all she would do to make their new home a nest she could feather with her dreams.

They returned to a slower examination of all the rooms. The antique pine floors creaked beneath their feet. In her mind’s eye, Em began placing their furniture in each room.

She lingered in the smaller of the two bedrooms as Randy left to retrieve boxes from their U-Haul. The entire cabin was infused with rainbows of light except for this small room at the end of the hallway. This room was darker, more somber. An enormous tree towered above this end of the cabin, blocking out the sunlight. The room seemed more silent than the others, with their creaking floors and squeaks. This room had a sad, lonely, uninhabited feel to it.

–Excerpted from Raising the Dead, by Jayne Lisbeth. Austin Macauley, U.K., 2023. Reprinted with permission.



About the Author



Jayne Lisbeth was born in NYC and continued her life’s journey from Long Island, to New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, California and Tampa, all places featured prominently in her writing.  Her first book, a memoir, Writing In Wet Cement has been published internationally by London based publisher, Austin Macauley. Jayne’s second book, Raising the Dead, a work of historical fiction, mystery, friendship and the supernatural, was published in 2023, also by Austin Macauley.  Ms. Lisbeth publishes monthly “Food for Thought” blogs on her website, Her “Food for Thought” blogs are based on her reflections of  life, friendship, love, and topical subjects of interest. Ms. Lisbeth’s non-fiction, poetry, and short stories have been published from Vermont to California to Tampa, Florida where she has received awards at the local level. She has been published locally in Pages of Our Life, volumes I and II which is currently part of the USF, Tampa, Geriartic Studies Programs. Ms. Lisbeth’s short stories have been published in the LEC Phoenix Anthologies, 2015-2023. Jayne’s interests include writing, reading, exploring, traveling, calligraphy, gravestone rubbing, entertaining and cooking.  Jayne’s author’s website is

Ms. Lisbeth and her artist husband, Tim Gibbons, are the owners and founders of Funky As A Monkey Art Studio, providing art in public places and launching new and emerging artists in exhibiting their art.

Author Links

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It’s going to be a wild ride so strap in and hold on.


Moonlight Beach


Murder and Magic Book 1

by Yurie Kiri

Genre: Supernatural Murder Mystery, Paranormal Thriller


Winner of the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival’s award for Genre Fiction.


Chick lit Café Awards First Place toMoonlight Beach: Murder and Magic by Yurie Kirifor best Paranormal Thriller, Crime & Mystery – April 2023.

What Is Shattering The Idyllic, Seaside Community Of Rancho, California?

Grisly death. Bodies washing up on nearby Moonlight Beach. It’s downright disconcerting to the privileged one percent living in their gated communities in one of SoCal’s ritziest enclaves. Worse, they have no idea what or who is behind the slaughter.

Is It Sharks? Something Supernatural? Greedy Venture Capitalists?


Maneaters are known to inhabit the waters off Moonlight Beach, but shark attacks are rare. What about black magic, satanic rituals? A coven of witches lives nearby. Or could it be the venture capitalists, whose latest company harvests human organs for transplant, exploiting the vulnerable to save the wealthy elite?

The Violence Shows No Signs Of Ending


Two more people are killed on a cliff overlooking the beach – and all their organs are missing. This bloody terror isn’t slowing down. It’s accelerating. What the hell is going on? They better figure all this out before more people get butchered or, God forbid, Rancho’s inflated property values plummet.


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Moonlight Canyon


Murder and Magic Book 2


“Moonlight Duology” has just been selected as the winner in the “Sequels” category for the 2023 Los Angeles Book Festival. Moonlight Canyon, the second half of Moonlight Duology is the sequel to the award-winning book, Moonlight Beach.


Terrible Things Are Happening In Silver City


The rural paradise of Silver City, just south of Moonlight Canyon, is under attack. Half-eaten, mutilated bodies are showing up in public places. The peaceful residents of Silver City are in a panic. Horrible murders shouldn’t happen here. Evil like that is reserved for the big cities, right? Wrong.


Are Drug Smugglers To Blame?


A powerful, south of the border, drug kingpin named Tito Ocotillo could be responsible. Tito’s biker gang, the Coyotes, are very capable of murdering their enemies and putting them on public display as a warning to others.


Could It Be Space Aliens? Or Ancient Native American Dark Rituals?


Some people believe that space aliens are dismembering people to study us. Tito Ocotillo is using an old, mysterious Native American woman called Jane to try and open up a portal to the underworld. Whatever is terrorizing Silver City must be stopped and fast before this pastoral heaven becomes a living hell.


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Moonlight Duology


Murder and Magic Books 1 & 2


Yurie Kiri’s novel “Moonlight Beach” won the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival’s award for Genre Fiction is packaged here in the “Moonlight Duology” with its sequel “Moonlight Canyon”. These two books have been described as something like Carlos Castaneda’s “The Teachings of Don Juan…” combined with Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” only more intense.

Now “Moonlight Duology” has just been selected as the winner in the “Sequels” category for the 2023 Los Angeles Book Festival.

Dive into the gripping ‘Moonlight Duology’ – a psychic thriller combination of murder mystery and supernatural intrigue that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last.

The ‘Moonlight Duology’ is a classic psychic thriller that will captivate your imagination, leaving you breathless and yearning for more with its series of unfortunate events. A masterful blend of Carlos Castaneda’s mystique and Jack Kerouac’s raw energy, this series will redefine your understanding of intensity.”

Moonlight Duology: Murder and Magic Books 1 and 2 by Yurie Kiri are both awarded in the world of books that are captivating and filled with suspense with a hint of masterful supernatural elements. Find out Kindle Unlimited today and prepare yourself for a journey of violence, witchcraft, and crime.


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Moonlight Rocks


Murder and Magic Book 3


“A Wild and Crazy Ride.”

“… if you’re not used to the writer, buckle up.”

“This book has very great character development with a plot so great that you can’t ignore nor get enough…”

“The author’s use of religion to push the plot forward and develop characters is so masterfully crafted and unique – I’ve personally never seen in done in a novel like it is portrayed in Moonlight Rocks.”

Amazon 5-star Reviewers

What would you do if God fell into your lap?

Jessy Ascher and her friends set up camp near Moonlight Rocks in the California desert to watch the Leonid meteor shower. After darkness falls, a stunningly bright meteor suddenly flashes across the sky blinding the friends to the approaching danger.

The meteorite blasts into their camp site knocking everyone unconscious but Jessy quickly regains her senses. Her friends however, cannot be roused. Instinctively she grabs the still smoking meteorite and stumbles downhill toward the jeep she arrived in, desperate to get help for her friends…

But, Jessy isn’t alone in that rough, cactus-filled landscape… two dark figures who also saw the meteor flashing down to Earth are frantically searching the same area and they are ready to do anything… even murder to get their hands on a meteorite they could sell to the highest bidder.

And what about the meteorite? Others have been waiting for its arrival. Cultists, fanatical members of nearby religious or supernatural factions – some good, some evil – believe that the meteor heralds the birth of a new Messiah and they, too, are ready to do anything to gain control of the blessed rock.

Jessy wants help for her friends, others want the meteorite for their own end, but the Meteorite, it wants something too… Is this the dawn of a new spiritual age, or just a bunch of psychos raging in the desert?


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Moonlight Rip Tide


Murder and Magic Book 4


Want to go for a ride in a classic car? Park by the ocean? Sounds nice huh?

Mona found the man and his car, a beautiful, old Ferrari, very attractive. Sure, she’d go for a ride with him to look at the ocean, the party was boring anyway. Maybe by the time they got back things would liven up a bit…

She felt the bag tighten around her neck, cutting off her air supply. This cannot be happening. She gasped and struggled, but it was no use. He was as strong as he was classically handsome, a real Hollywood leading man type. Everything went dark as she lost consciousness, her last thought was about the mistake she’d made threatening to tell Danny’s wife…

Susan felt that someone was stalking her. She’d gotten several strange calls attempting to make appointments for private exercise and aerobics lessons. Dicky and the cops had wrecked her apartment and she needed to work to get a new place but she was afraid to take on an unknown client. What should she do?

“Get in the car or your pregnant friend is dead!” he said hoarsely. Susan must save Anne, but how?


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**Coming soon Spring 2024!**



Yurie Kiri speaks Japanese, English, French and has studied Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish and a smattering of other languages such as Korean and Russian along with binary and hexadecimal machine language. Why? Because if you really want to get to know someone, you need to speak their language no matter if they’re machine or human.

Yurie lived and worked in Asia for decades before recently coming to America. Yurie went on an extensive backroad journey all across the US and Canada. Yurie also sailed (single-handed) from Mexico to the Canadian border, retracing a well-traveled road journey by sea in a small, live-aboard sailboat.

Yurie has been traveling and gathering story ideas from Asia for the Game Series, which covers Japan and other Asian countries, and North America for the Murder and Mystery Series which covers the American Southwest.

And, yes, Yurie does not use pronouns (for a reason). For one thing, it keeps the reader guessing – is Yurie male, female, non-binary, or even a machine? No one really knows for sure…


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Two strangers arrive in town, bringing with them a prophecy recorded more than three-thousand years ago, a prophecy that places Amber directly in the midst of a battle that has spanned a millennia.


Queen’s Destiny


Blood Prophecy Book One

by Barb Jones

Genre: Supernatural Horror, Paranormal Romance


Amber Stone, once a child prodigy, has just become curator of a special collection of Macedonian artifacts for the Seattle Museum of Natural History. Chloe, a prodigy of a different sort, holds a position at the museum focusing on tribal art. The two become fast friends, united by Amber’s unsettling dreams and Chloe’s unorthodox ways of dealing with them.

Two strangers arrive in town, bringing with them a prophecy recorded more than three-thousand years ago, a prophecy that places Amber directly in the midst of a battle that has spanned a millennia.


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Queen’s Enemy


Blood Prophecy Book 2


When you are in love with the one you fear and hate the most, it leaves you no options. How can you fight her, protect her, love her, when all it would do is leave you in pieces?

Amber and Chloe are pulled deeper into the Prophecy that reveals itself as the Blood Moon rises. Michael is pulled and torn into different directions. His choice is fated but is not known until Amber embraces her true destiny and is crowned Queen.

Together, all four embark on a journey, joined by new allies, enemies and the past. A child is born to be the instrument of the Queen.

This is the preparation for the upcoming Epic battle that has spanned a millennia.


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Queen’s Ascension


Blood Prophecy Book 3


Bloodshed. Heartbreak. Revelation. When the darkness was compelling and the heart knew no bounds, was there really a right choice?

With Michael’s life hanging in the balance, Amber had a choice: save her star-fated love or keep on the crusade to unite the magical community. For Amber, her fate was sealed even before her birth and it was her destiny to fight the great battle ahead of her. But, when it came to her heart — her friends, her great love — Amber’s torn.

Not only was she the Queen, but she was a human in every sense of the word. She was vulnerable. And so the very people — Chloe and Michael — that gave her strength, quickly became her weakness. It wasn’t her fault she loved too much, was it?

Nevertheless, the Tall Dark Man had set a plan in motion that could threaten the very existence of the Blood Prophecy. Would he gather his dark forces and succeed in destroying Amber once and for all? Or, would she assemble her powerful friends and save the world?


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Barb Jones is the award-winning and best-selling author of the Blood Prophecy Series, the Heaven and Hell Series, as well as standalone supernatural thrillers and horror. Having been born and raised in Hawaii, she calls upon her Hawaiian heritage when she writes because she grew up around the supernatural and legends of gods and goddesses. Jones is known for her world building and her exceptional way of creating characters that her readers can relate to. Today, she resides in Florida with her family and her rescue cat, Yuffie. When she isn’t writing, you can find her making live appearances across the US and internationally for book events, public speaking on various topics that are dear to her heart.


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