Archive for the ‘Zany’ Category

I just have to show this amazing picture.

The Venezuelan Poodle Moth. Yes, it is real!

I just love nature. What an amazing world we live in and on!

I love my monster movies.  I especially like the vintage ones. They just have something about them. I know they don’t look real like the CG ones we have now, but they have a draw all their own.

Ray Harryhausen set the standard for special effects, using stop-motion animation to give a distinctive look to his terrifying monsters.

Check out this amazing video of his accomplishments! I have seen every one of these. Some of them still creep me out!


My all time favorite is Valley of the Gwangi. Have you seen it. I remember this one so well. I loved the miniature horse. Couldn’t find a video of it, but check out this video. I love it!


Did you see some familiar monsters? What is your favorite vintage creature feature?

This just in from Charles A. Cornell!!!

We’ve already had one winner of my Tiger Paw riddle! But it turns out the answer I was looking for isn’t as “absolute” as I thought. And it seems that tigers may do things in captivity that tigers in the wild wouldn’t normally do. (Well, if we were caged up, I’m sure we would do strange things too!)

So here’s some clues to answer this riddle and I will take the first TWO correct answers and send them an e-book copy of Tiger Paw!

What is one thing tigers can’t do that other big cats can do?


Now this should make it a little easier to figure out:

1) Tigers can do this when they are little, but as they get older they get too heavy!

2) They can do this in one direction but have trouble in the other!

3) In cases of danger, like flooding, they will do this to save themselves, but normally they are reluctant to do it.

“A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” Winston Churchill.

Head on over to my link:

Leave your answer to the riddle for another chance to win Tiger Paw. Join the fun!

Have you met Emma Audsley? She is my go to gal over at  HHHB . I don’t know how she does it, but her blog always has such cool scary stuff on it. Like the trailer below. You are in for a treat!



The Horrifically Horrifying Horror Blog Is all about Horror. I’m sure the name gives it away.

Go on over and check it out. Emma and the gang are always cooking up new scary goodies.

Hey Emma! Can’t wait to see what you have for us on Halloween. Are we in for a trick or a treat?

I’ll be keepin an eye out!

Please click on the JIBJAB link above!

I didn’t win a Gold Medal in the Olympics but I should have!

I think my brother-in-law has too much time on his hands. He makes some of the funniest videos.

Here is Katy Perry 3D. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants.

Katy is portrayed by none other than my brother-in-law! See if you can guess which one is me! Click to watch below, but make sure you use the bathroom first:)

Brand Spankin New!

Posted: July 25, 2012 in Zany
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Hey ya’ll. Just wanted to tell you about my sisters brand new blog! She is a bit shy, so it took a while to get her going, but now she’s ready to roll.

Sherry’s blog will be featuring books and reviews, but she is also a photographer, so you will be seeing some amazing pictures there. Her husband works in television, and he is a wizard at creating video.

Her first  post was a dragon battle she filmed and her husband edited. I call it Godzilla meets Mothra.

Disclaimer: No creatures were harmed during the film.

Thank God her husband edited out our comments. We sounded pretty ridiculous.

Sherry has been a reading machine and now she is ready to tell you about some great books. Hop on over and meet her and tell her I sent ya:)

You can find her here:

Ha! Just noticed our blog names both start with fu!

Why are you still here. Go say hello to Sherry and welcome her to the wonderful world or blogging!

It’s here! Friday the 13th!!

In my younger days I would be on the phone, rounding up my gal pals for a night of pub crawling.

Now that I am older and wiser( no hangover tomorrow!) I am staying in and loading up on Netflix movies. What could be better than  to celebrate Friday the 13th with some great  horror flicks. I have some good ones lined up for my horror fest. Want to know what they are?



Okay. I have Jason Vorhees and Michael Meyers. Who do you think is next?

None other than

It would not be Friday the 13th without some Freddy Kruger!

When he drags those bladed fingers my teeth hurt.

One,  two Freddy’s coming for you.

Three,  four better lock your door.

Five, six grab a crucifix.

Seven, eight gonna stay up late.

Nine, ten never sleep again!

A classic!

What are you doing tonight?

Which is your favorite character?

Hail to the “KING”

Posted: July 9, 2012 in fiction, Zany
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When Scary Sherry and Nancy make it to the front gate, King, our lawn maintenance man is waiting. He has come to take care of business.

In no time at all he has taken out the predators and made my backyard safe again. He gets right to work, mowing down all obstacles.

We all shared a group hug, thankful that Scary Sherry and Nancy made it out alive.

I told King that he could not go on vacation again for at least a year! I don’t think any of us want this to happen again any time soon.

There was a lot of hard work to be done, but eventually we got the backyard back to pristine condition and the swimming pool repaired.

swimming pools photo: pool swimming_pools_tampa_m.jpg

Well, okay, maybe it doesn’t look this good. But this is what it looks like through my eyes!

Here’s to Happy Endings!

To start at the beginning go here:

The sun is peeking over the trees. It is time for Nancy and Scary Sherry to make their escape.

They begin tunneling through the long grass, keeping the fence in sight. The corner should not be far. “I see it!” Nancy whispers, “What in the Sam Hill is that?” Luck is with them. A huge mound stands in the corner. They can use it to climb over the fence.

But wait! Oh, no. It’s a fire ant mound. If you have ever been bitten by a fire ant, you know how bad this is. They like to swarm as a group, releasing a chemical to signal each other to attack.

Scary Sherry whispers to Nancy, ” Be very quiet and walk softly. Vibrations will bring them swarming out.”

After thinking for a while, Scary Sherry comes up with a plan. If they are to use the mound to escape, they are going to have to get rid of the fire ants. They will flood them out.

They make their way carefully to the watering hole – my pool. Scary Sherry warns Nancy to stand to the side and uses her knife to release the water. The water comes pouring out, rushing towards the fire ant mound.

It worked perfectly! The fire ants are gone and Scary Sherry and Nancy waste no time scrambling up the mound and jumping over the fence.

All that is left is for them to follow the fence until they find the front gate. Then they will be safely home.

Now What?

To read the first episodes go here:

For the final episode:

It won’t take long to catch up.

Scary Sherry

Posted: July 4, 2012 in Uncategorized, Zany

There is nothing for it. If I am ever going to find Nancy, I am going to have to get help. Scary Sherry. She is a lean, almost feral looking seeker.  It helps that she is also my sister,she can’t reject my request.

Her plan is to scale the fence from the neighbors yard, but first she has to locate Nancy without alerting any predators that may be lurking nearby. She whips out her slingshot and starts slinging small stones into the areas where Nancy most likely would be hiding. After several attempts, she hears a muffled,” Heh! Found her and over the fence she goes.  Now to get Nancy out of there.

This is going to require some finesse. Scary Sherry works her way to Nancy and they huddle under a pool ladder that Nancy was using for shelter while they come up with a plan of escape. Their best option is to crawl along the fence line to the Southeast corner. The yard dips down there and the fence will be easier to climb over.

Making their way through the long grass, they pause. There is something up ahead of them. Something chirping like a bird, several somethings.

Scary Sherry pops her head up to get a look and something else pops up to eye her. Compies! They are not lethal by themselves, but as a pack they can be deadly.

Armed with Scary Sherry’s slingshot and a pool skimmer for Nancy, they start whacking  and plinking away at these pesky dinos. Soon the compies scatter and as suddenly as they appeared, they are gone.

It will be dark soon. It is getting hard to see where they are going. They decide it is best to go back to the shelter until daybreak and try again then. best to get under cover before the skeeters come out.

For Episode 1 and 2:

For next episode: