Current Giveaways

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ย ~~~

$10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 21st.


$15 Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends April 8th.


$25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 22nd.


$25 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 27th.


$25 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 27th.


Paperback or eBook copy.

$25 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 27th.


Two finished copies. US Only.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 22nd.


Two paperback copies.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 25th.


$10 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 21st.


$20 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 21st.


Two winners. $20 Amazon Gift Card. US Only.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends April 7th.


$15 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 20th.


$20 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 26th.


$10 Amazon or Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends April 1st.


Two print copies. US Only.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 19th.


Two signed print copies.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 19th.


$30 Amazon Gift Card.

Go HERE to enter.

Giveaway ends March 28th.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



  1. Barbara Ann says:

    Excited about winning a copy of Terra by Gretchen Powell

  2. Michelle Hofacker says:

    Hi, I’ve entered most of these giveaways and I had a question for you. I have been looking for your review of the book Stitch by Samantha Durante. It was listed around the 3rd of June that you were doing free copies on Friday June 7th. I’ve been following you everyday and I didn’t know if I missed it. I’m still getting used to keeping up with everything online. It sounded like a good book, but was wondering your thoughts on it.

  3. EllieAnn says:

    Free BOOOOOKS!!!

  4. Glenda says:

    Thank you for all the chances to win, you’re very kind and generous! Unfortunately, I’m sickies tonight, and pooped out, so I’m done for now. Thanks again! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! The books are all cool. <3

  6. Johnni says:

    Would love to win these!!!!

  7. Johnni says:

    Reading is my rabbit hole!!

  8. Betty says:

    Although you’re all new authors to me, I have read summaries of your books and they sound enthralling and very different. I like to expand my reading horizons by trying new authors and different genres. I would love to read all of them and it would be wonderful to have the collection. Thank you for the contest!

  9. Ashley says:

    Thanks for all the giveaways. =)

  10. aosilver says:


    You bet !

  11. Pamela says:

    entered a few of these giveaways.

  12. barbg says:

    On the link for Natans Chronicles it says $15 gc but when you get to the rafflecopter link on the next page, it just says a hardcover book.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      When you get to the rafflecopter. there are arrows underneath the prize. Click on the right one and it shows all the prizes being given away:)

  13. ChloeFlowers says:

    The Wenches had fun! Thanks for sharing the Romance on the High Seas treasure hunt!

  14. Debbie P says:

    This book sounds like an awesome read.

  15. Debbie P says:

    Monsterland Reanimated by Michael Okon sounds like an awesome read.

  16. What inspires you to write?

  17. Denise Duvall says: is the correct twitter URL for Dec. 31, 2019.

  18. Nancy P says:

    Thanks for all your wonderful giveaways! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!

  20. Cheri M says:

    Thank Yo for offering these books!

  21. Nancy says:

    When you try to enter the giveaway for At the Ready, you get an error message: 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.14.2

  22. Nancy says:

    Have a lovely day Laura! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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