Posts Tagged ‘children’s book’

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Kika the Upside-Down Girl

by Jessica Tudos

Kika the Upside Down Girl

My Review

In a world of normal, Kika dares to see it differently, much to the exasperation of her parents. They throw up their arms in frustration, urging Kika to be like the other kids.

The reason for this, Kika is an upside-down girl.  Whether reading a book hanging upside-down from a tree, or walking to school on her hands, Kika loves to be upside-down.

Sad that her parents are unhappy, Kika is filled with glee when she discovers a place where she can be herself. A place of flips and handstands, somersaults and swinging.

Now her parents throw up their hands in excitement and Kika’s upside down world is right side up.

The glossy, colorful pages are filled with wonderful illustrations of Kika’s escapades and the story has an important message.

Kids will be encouraged by Kika’s adventure, dare to dream and find their own place in the world.

An exhilarating story for children and parents. I’d encourage you to read this with your child and watch their eyes light up as they see themselves as Kika.

5 Stars



Kika always seems to accomplish things differently than others and tends to get into trouble for it. She reminds us that choosing to be different is more than okay, and finding others to join in her upside down adventures makes her heart feel huge – especially when it involves somersaults, vaults, flips and kips! Join Kika, a girl who loves living upside down in a right side up world, on her unique journey to a fliptastic world! Kika reminds us that choosing to be different is more than okay, and finding others to join in her upside down adventures feels fliptastic – especially when it involves somersaults, vaults, flips and kips in the Gymnastics Emporium!

Purchase Links:

Amazon    Chapters-Indigo    Barnes & Noble


About Author Jessica Tudos

Jessica Tudos

Olympic gymnast turned author, motivational speaker and experiential educator Jessica Tudos ( is on a mission to empower kids, youth and adults to develop the confidence and resiliency required to lead active, healthy and creative lives. In organizations around the world, Jessica empowers audiences through engaging stories, insights & reflections drawn from her upside down life, including her Olympic gymnastics adventures. Jessica is a sought after speaker, facilitator and professor in experiential education, physical literacy, leadership & elite sports.
Connect with Jessica:  Website  ~   Twitter  ~   Facebook


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Follow the tour for more fun posts!

June 1 –   Did YOU Hear About the Morgans? – review
June 1 –   Sarah Rehmatullah – review
June 1 –   Library of Clean Reads – review / giveaway
June 1 –   Crossroad Reviews – review
June 2 –   Working Mommy Journal – review / giveaway
June 2 –   Rockin’ Book Reviews – review / guest post / giveaway
June 2 –   Christy’s Cozy Corners – review / guest post / giveaway
June 3 –   fuonlyknew – review / giveaway
June 3 –   View From the Birdhouse – review / author interview / giveaway
June 3 –   A Simple Life, really?! – review 
June 4 –   Booknerd – review / guest post
June 4 –   Bluerose’s Heart – review / author interview / giveaway
June 4 –   Hello, my name is Alice – review / guest post
June 5 –   One Frugal Girl – review / giveaway
June 5 –   Just One More Chapter – review / author interview / giveaway
June 5 –   A Mama’s Corner of the World – review / giveaway
June 8 –   Create With Joy – review / giveaway
June 8 –   Blooming With Books – review / giveaway
June 8 –   Brooke Blogs – review / guest post / giveaway
June 9 –   Mrs Mommy Booknerd’s Book Reviews – review / author interview
June 9 –   The Autistic Gamer – review 
June 9 –   Deal Sharing Aunt – review / author interview / giveaway
June 10 – Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers – review
June 10 – Bound 4 Escape – review / giveaway
June 10 – Seaside Book Nook – review / giveaway
June 11 – Pinky’s Favorite Reads for Kids – review / guest post
June 11 – 3 Partners in Shopping Nana, Mommy , + Sissy, Too ! – review / giveaway
June 11 – Experiencing Parenthood – review
June 12 – Jessica Cassidy – review / author interview / giveaway
June 12 – Book Loving Hippo – review / giveaway
June 12 – A Bit Bookish – review / giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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iRead Book Tour Logo Medium

Have you ever lost your socks? Sure you have. We all have.

Wonder what happened to them? We all do!

Learn what happens when two boys find out where those socks went.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

The Monster That Ate my Socks


My Review

His mother has had enough and is threatening to ground him for the summer. What is Max to do? His dirty socks are there when he goes to bed and gone in the morning.

So, in order to avoid a grounding, he sets out bait, dirty socks, and waits to see what shows up that night. And in creeps a little green monster.

Max jumps on it but it squirms away and runs in his closet. His mother comes in, scolding him for still being awake and doesn’t believe his story about the sock eating monster.

The next day at school, Max tells his friend Ryan about the monster. They devise a plan to capture the little green guy and save Max’s summer. The trap works, but then the monster tells his story and they face two choices, help the monster or let him and his family go hungry.

Such a delightful story with vibrant and exciting illustrations, this story is meant to help children with their reading and has some lesson plans at the end of the book. Parents will have fun reading this with their kids, and the young ones will learn some valuable lessons.

I particularly liked the plan the boys come up with for the monster and his family. It was a funny one and I could see kids eyes lighting up and hear their giggles when they read it.

I hear Max and the monsters are in another pickle in the second book and look forward to seeing how they solve that one too.

5 Stars


Book Synopsis

A young boy, who is about to be grounded for going through so many socks, discovers that a monster has been eating them.

Max is a young boy who is constantly getting in trouble for his socks disappearing. He doesn’t know where they go, but he does know that if he doesn’t do something quickly his mom will ground him for summer. Max soon discovers that a little green monster is sneaking into his room at night and eating his sweaty socks. His mother, of course, doesn’t believe him, so Max calls on his best friend to come for a sleepover to catch the monster.
They devise a trap and capture the monster only to learn that the creature can speak. It hasn’t meant to cause any harm, it’s just trying to feed its family. The monster shows them his home and his three little children and begs the boys not to turn them over to the adults. Adults, he says, want to destroy monsters.

The boys are left in a pickle. Allow the monsters to be and get grounded, or turn the monsters in knowing what will happen to them? Neither idea seems good, so they come up with a new plan!

Author’s Bio

AJ Cosmo

A.J. Cosmo’s stories are crafted to help parents teach their children simple everyday lessons in an easy to understand manner. By artfully marrying beautiful illustrations and language, children are challenged to explore his magical worlds. Written for the transitional reader, A.J.’s stories allow your child to develop and master a new level of reading.
Connect with A.J. Cosmos

Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter

Where to buy the book:



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Follow the tour for more fun posts!

Feb 9 –  One Frugal Girl – review / giveaway
Feb 9 –  Rockin’ Book Reviews – review / author interview / giveaway
Feb 10 – Library of Clean Reads – review / giveaway
Feb 10 – Bookroom Reviews – review / author interview / giveaway
Feb 10 – Hello, my name is Alice – review / author interview
Feb 11 – Book Dilettante – review 
Feb 11 – Back Porchervations – review
Feb 12 – Nighttime Reading Center – review / author interview / giveaway
Feb 12 – Book Loving Hippo – review / guest post / giveaway
Feb 13 – Working Mommy Journal – review / giveaway
Feb 16 – Life as Leels – review / author interview / giveaway
Feb 16 – Genuine Jenn – review / giveaway
Feb 17 – Reading Authors – review / giveaway
Feb 17 – Bound 4 Escape – review
Feb 18 – Hezzi-D’s Books and Cooks – review
Feb 18 – Deal Sharing Aunt – review
Feb 19 – Walking with Nora – review / giveaway
Feb 19 – Girl With Camera – review / giveaway
Feb 20 – View From the Birdhouse – review / giveaway
Feb 20 – Being Tilly’s Mummy – review / giveaway
Feb 23 – Just One More Chapter – review
Feb 23 – Kincavel Korner – review
Feb 24 – Pinky’s Favorite Reads – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Feb 25 – fuonlyknew – review / giveaway
Feb 26 – Did YOU Hear About the Morgans? – review 
Feb 27 – DeDa Studios – review / author interview / giveaway
March 2 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – review / giveaway
March 3 – Life with Katie – review / giveaway
March 4 – 3 Partners in Shopping – review / giveaway
March 6 – I’d Rather Be At the Beach – review / giveaway


Other books in the series.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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iRead Book Tour Logo Medium

Pants! No Chance! by Susan Lanyi is a fun picture book illustrated by Alexandre Rouillard.

Before we get to my review, I have a Guest Post by the author. She shares a freakish encounter with a masked bandit.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


A Guest Post by Author Susan Lanyi

Sometime around my twentieth birthday my father left me home alone for the weekend, something any teenager would consider a gift of mega proportions. Saturday had been a full day of shopping.  Happily, my friends and I stumbled through the front door of my house. The three of us were ready for some much needed relaxation. Instead, what we got was a large dose of excitement.

As we entered the house I noticed that a standing lamp lay flat on the couch. Perplexed, I moved towards the kitchen. There was garbage scattered all over the floor.  Warning lights began to go off in my head. Something was terribly wrong.  Then I saw it, a carpet of brown fur making elegant brush strokes on our shiny yellow kitchen floor.  I admired my cat’s tail for a moment. Then I snapped out of it. In a flash, it occurred to me that we did we not own a cat. Even the more distressing however was when I concluded that this was no cat at all. No, this was one big fat raccoon.  The front door seemed painfully far.  “GET OUT!” my lips moved but nothing escaped my mouth.  Luckily my legs did remember how to work.

Two men arrived with a big cage.  Unsure if the beast would go quietly, I wished them luck.  After about ten minutes they materialized with my fluffy friend.   They explained that he would be set free.   Overwhelmed with relief I thanked the animal rescue guys and watched them place the creature in the back of their truck.  We said our goodbyes and they drove away.

My friend and I made plans for the evening.  Two male friends decided to join us.  I regurgitated all the elements of my coon story.   When the evening came to an end my post trauma had me feeling nervous about going back into the house alone. The guys were quick to offer their protection services.

My friends went ahead of me. “Hey the lamp is lying on the couch.”  One of them said, “Oh, stop being such a joker.”  I responded. The other guy backed him up, “No it’s true.”

Was this a horror movie entitled “the night of the living dead rodents”? I was in total disbelief. “How can this be?”  I cried out.  The guys moved further into the house.  “Awwww he’s so cute” one of them muttered.  On my kitchen counter between the toaster and the blender lay a baby raccoon.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I tried animal rescue but it was fruitless.  No one was coming to get this raccoon at 2:00A.M.  Luckily, the two guys managed to prod the little fur ball out the window with a broom.

In a flash, I grabbed a few items and asked my friend if I could crash at her house.    There was no way I was going to risk running into another masked eyed animal on my way to the toilet that night.

It was not easy to return home the next day but I did take some comfort upon my fathers return.  If there were any more animals lurking in the shadows, it would be his and his problem alone.   Still, I guess the raccoons liked me more than him because they never showed their furry little faces again.


Pants No Chance

My Review

Each morning, no matter what outfit her mother suggests she wear, Lulupop stubbornly insists on wearing a dress. It’s always a dress, even when it causes problems or she misses out on some fun stuff.

The pictures are delightful and fill the pages. You’ll see the consequences of Lulupop’s insistence upon wearing a dress in colorful, fun ways.

When her mother finally throws in the towel, Lulupop surprises her and comes up with her own solution. Kids are funny like that.

I see where parents can learn from this. Lulupop is showing her personality. Be patient. Let your child express themselves. My son used to always wear a stocking cap and matching cloth gloves. I have so many pictures of him with toese items on. It makes me smile now, but I remember the frustration when trying to get him to take them off.

Lulupop finally learned yet still kind of had her own way.

A delightful picture book to read aloud with your child. Sure to make you giggle.

5 Stars


Book Synopsis:

Lulupop rarely puts up a fuss, except when it comes to wearing pants. Dresses, dresses, dresses, is all she will ever wear! With time, a little drama, and no lack of imagination, Lulupop realizes that wearing dresses is not always the best choice.


Author’s Bio:

pants no chance Susan Lanyi
Susan Lanyi lives in Montreal with her husband, three children and puppy. She is a writer and has previously been published in The Globe and Mail. When Susan is not busy writing or doing “mom stuff” she is shopping for dresses with her daughter….Too bad her daughter only wants to wear pants!


Connect with Susan:  Website  ~  Twitter  


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To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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I love sharing children’s books with ya’ll. Who doesn’t remember when they were young, the rush of that new book, opening it up to start the adventure, and getting lost in it. The library was my favorite place to go on the weekend. I’d carefully choose my books and when I got home, I’d rush to my room and spread them all out, close my eyes, select one, and start reading.

Karmack would have been one I brought home.

Karmack by J.C. Whyte

Title: Karmack | Author: J.C. Whyte | Publication Date: June 6, 2013 | Publisher: Muse it Up Publishing | Pages: 140 | Recommended Age: 7+


A strange little creature enters the lives of three tough guys at Higgins Elementary. And from that point on, pranks come back like boomerangs, smacking the bullies right in their fifth grade butts!

Sully, the leader of the gang, is the only one who can see this creature, which he names Karmack. Sully learns that the creature’s job is to balance all the bad pranks the bullies have pulled over the years. Karmack warns that if this fails, “dreadful, awful doom” awaits them all.

Sully soon realizes that he must save not only himself but his friends, who have no idea why they keep getting boomeranged by Karmack!

“Karmack” won First Place in the 2014 Purple Dragonfly Writing contest, a national contest for children’s book authors, in the category of chapter books (e-Books).

Purple Dragonfly Book Awards - logo

Purchase the Book

Amazon (US) * Amazon (UK) * Muse It Up Publishing

Barnes and Noble * Omnilit * Bookstrand


The Buzz About the Book

“Karmack is a well-written, middle grade book tackling the difficult topic of bullying from the perspective of the bully. The character development is absolutely brilliant as the reader witnesses the transformation of Sully from an aggressive, angry bully to a positive role model and respected leader among his peers. While the concept of karma is not for everyone, I found myself agreeing with the main message of how our actions have consequences, intended or otherwise. I would recommend this book to middle grade classrooms as a great book to generate discussion around bullying.” ~ Renee @ Mother Daughter Book Reviews

“A wonderful story about growing up and treating others with respect, Karmack is well paced, funny, and manages to teach important lessons without coming off preachy.” ~ Jess W., Amazon

“A fun read with important lessons for us all about Karma, and why bullies have more to balance than most people. Great for ages 9 up, child centered, non-preachy, action packed, great classroom read aloud.” ~ Carolyn W., Amazon

“What an AMAZINGLY FUN story! EVERYONE needs to read it! Full of FUN, FANTASY, and FANTASTIC REVENGE on a bully! Fun for ALL ages!” ~ Shauna W., Amazon

“Karmack is a captivating pre-teen fantasy and author J.C. Whyte has created a strong cast of characters that are well developed and quite likable. As the story progresses, the suspense builds to a delightful outcome that is sure to keep readers anticipating Whyte’s next round of literary treasures. We look forward to seeing more from this author.” ~ Literary Classics Book Review, Amazon


About The Author: J.C. Whyte

J.C. White Author of KarmackWhen J.C. Whyte was eleven, her 6th grade teacher gave a class assignment to write a poem about a sport. Realizing her classmates would probably choose popular American sports like baseball or football, J.C. decided to write about something different: golf. And to her complete surprise, the teacher found it comical; she was thereby encouraged to keep writing.

Then over summer break, students were told to choose 26 books from a reading list and write a book report on each. J.C. was horrified! She wanted to enjoy her summer, not spend it reading! You see, J.C. was a very slow reader and didn’t much enjoy the experience. Plus, kids back then didn’t have all the fun books to choose from today. But that same teacher who had assigned the sports poem told J.C.’s mother she could write 26 stories instead of reading them. That was absolute genius! Although she didn’t actually write 26 stories (perhaps six?), J.C. submitted one which made her teacher laugh out loud in class. And she got an “A” on her summer reading assignment. J.C. has never forgotten that wise teacher who let her play to her strengths.

So from the age of eleven, J.C. knew she wanted to be a writer. Yet by the time she reached college, she understood that writing stories seldom paid the bills. So she got her degrees in Journalism and Communications Management. Then for many years she channeled her creative energies in the field of Public Relations.

Marriage, kids, and several more degrees and occupations later (including stints as a travel agent and paralegal), J.C. entered law school – mostly for the challenge of writing creative arguments for the court. But while in law school, she became a columnist for the student newsletter, writing humorous pieces on the strange and quirky life of a law student. She was absolutely thrilled when one of these articles was chosen for publication in The National Jurist, a magazine distributed to law students throughout the US.

But after graduating and passing the Bar, J.C. realized within a few years that creative writing was still what made her heart sing. So now, as a grandma, she’s returned to writing. And with publication of her middle grade novel Karmack, she’s come full circle, back to where her writing journey began.

Website | Goodreads


* Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card

Prize: One winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card or PayPal cash prize

Contest ends: September 18, 11:59 pm, 2014

Open: Internationally

How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. One winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If a winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, J.C. Whyte and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.


MDBR Book Promotion Services



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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This book sounds so hilarious I just had to be a part of the blast!

Makes me wish my son was a youngster so we could read it together and I’d hear his precious little laugh.

I may still read it with him. Even if he rolls his eyes, we’ll still get a good laugh and maybe talk about those golden times!

Billy and the Monster Who Loved to Fart by David Chuka

About the Book

Title: Billy and The Monster Who Loved to Fart | Author: David Chuka | Publication Date: January 31, 2013 | Publisher: Pen-n-a-Pad Publishing | Pages: 34 | Recommended Ages: 3 to 8

Summary: In the first book in this epic tale, we discover that Billy loves Monster and Monster loves Billy. They play together. They have a bath together.They even go to school together. There’s just one thing that threatens to spoil their friendship.

Monster loves to Fart!…and everyone blames Billy for it!

Will Monster make Billy the uncoolest kid at school? Will Monster cause an irreparable hole in the Ozone layer? Will Monster and Billy both learn how to behave properly in a social environment?

Get your copy today and enjoy this funny book for kids (and also adults), that’s not just big on laughs but also teaches a valuable lesson for social situations.


* Get Your Copy for ~ FREE ~ *

* You can download an electronic copy of “Billy and the Monster Who Loved to Fart”for FREE on the following platforms! *

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords | Kobo | Scribd


The Buzz About the Book

“One of the aspects that makes the little children’s books by David Chuka so endearing is that he enters territory and vocabulary that in other circumstances would be either verboten or at least judged inappropriate. But instead of writing a story of questionable taste, Chuka creates some hilarious situations and then makes a point of allowing learning from them…Chuka’s drawings match the joy of his story and once again he has written a brave little book that will greatly appeal to kids – and to their parents! Very high quality work from David Chuka.” ~ 5 Star Review, Grady Harp, Top 100 Reviewer, Amazon

“Yes dear readers kids now have a new friend called the Fart Monster. A buddy that lets them off the hook big time. In this imaginative story by David Chuka your child’s imagination will leap to new bounds in giving kids cover for what comes so naturally. The great thing about this is you don’t have to hold your nose to enjoy a fun story that is sure to have you and child laughing out loud.” ~ 5 Star Review, StevieV, Amazon

“I laughed all the way through this story. I know that boys think farting is funny and I’m sure my grands will love this picture book. Of course us adults have to use some animation, so we can join in the fun. The pictures rock with this simple story, and there are some problem solving discussed and shared with another character. However, the overall problem is, ‘Billy is getting blamed for something you didn’t do’. In the end the problem is solved and the relationship is forever. Job well done. I’m still laughing. ” ~ 5 Star Review, Amazon Customer, Amazon

“This is a not too serious book for kids who love to LAUGH OUT LOUD. I bought it for my nephew and he laughed and laughed and I had to ask him twice to get my IPAD back. But anyway, The book is funny with lots of illustrations that kids love. The illustrations are really good and captivating for a young audience. Not only that the book also gives a moral story at the end of the book. It teaches kids discipline and manners, which is something very valuable in today’s society. Overall good book.” ~ 5 Star Review, Jomy K., Amazon

“THIS BOOK IS HILARIOUS! My 8 year old son stated. He highly recommends it, and also poses the age old question: “Why does Monster keep farting?” ” ~ 5 Star Review, Bkustom, Amazon


About the Author: David Chuka

David ChukaDavid Chuka lives in London with his lovely wife and two adorable children. His family are usually the first people to hear his funny and quirky tales. He was inspired to write his first book, ‘If You See a Doctor‘ after he struggled to find a book for his daughter who was a beginner reader.

He’s gone on to write more books including the popular ‘Billy and Monster‘ series, a funny set of books about a little boy and his Monster who get into all sorts of funny situations and learn about moderation, friendship, self control, bravery etc. Young children can relate to Billy and you’ll love sharing his adventures with your children, grandchildren and loved ones.

As a father himself, he has parents at heart when he writes. He recognizes that bedtime has to be one of the best parts of the day for parents and grandparents as it gives them the opportunity to bond with their little ones. He believes you’ll enjoy sharing his stories with your loved ones at bedtime.

In David Chuka’s books, you can stay rest assured that quality and captivating images will always complement the story to ensure your loved ones are spell-bound as you read to them. Beginner readers will also enjoy discovering new words as they read his books.

He would like to keep you updated on what he’s working on and any giveaways he currenty has on offer. Please subscribe to his newsletter at and you’ll get a FREE Coloring and Activity book for your loved ones.

Make sure to watch the video trailers for his most popular books on this Amazon Page and you’ll get a little taste of why his books have garnered more than 300 glowing reviews.

He has so many stories to tell and can’t wait to share them with you and your loved ones.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Google+ | Pinterest | Amazon Author Page


* $25 Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card

Prize: One winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice)

Contest ends: August 9, 11:59 pm, 2014

Open: Internationally

How to enter: Click on the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.

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Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, David Chuka and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com.

MDBR Book Promotion Services


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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