Posts Tagged ‘children’s book’

I am so excited that LAWRENCE IN THE FALL by Matthew Farina & Doug Salati (Illustrator) is out today that I wanted to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Author Matthew Farina & Doug Salati (Illustrator), be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for 3 finished copies of the book, US Only, courtesy of Disney-Hyperion and Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


Author: Matthew Farina,  Doug Salati (Illustrator)
Pub. Date: April 9, 2019
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 48
Find it: GoodreadsAmazonB&NiBooksKoboTBD



When Lawrence Fox’s teacher announces that students will be presenting their collections at show-and-tell, Lawrence realizes he doesn’t have anything to share.

Luckily, Papa knows just what to do to help! Together, they venture into the woods. Lawrence is scared at first, but as he grows comfortable in the forest, he starts to recognize its magic, and how beautiful and unique each tree and leaf is, allowing him to gather a splendid, one-of-a-kind collection of his own!




About the authors

Matthew Farina is a painter and writer based in New York City. His reviews and essays have appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, Hyperallergic, ArtCritical, and elsewhere. Matthew received a BFA from the University of Pennsylvania and an MFA from the School of Visual Arts. This is his first book. Find Matthew online at

Website | Goodreads

About Doug:
Doug Salati is an illustrator living in New York City. He received his MFA from the Illustration as Visual Essay program at the School of Visual Arts and was a 2015 Sendak Fellow. He is also the illustrator of In a Small Kingdom by Tomie dePaola. See more of Doug’s work online at

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Slime Spewing Vampire Velociraptors

Moto Maddie BMX Portal #2

by Kat de Falla


Pub. Date: May 10, 2017
Publisher:  Ravenswood Publishing
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 118
Find it: GoodreadsAmazonB&NiBooksTBD

My Review

The boys are back in action. They thought it was all over when they closed the portal, stopping the mutant zombie rat invasion. But another strange events opens it again and out come some slime spewing vampire velociraptors, armed with huge fangs and a raging hunger.

After the previous invasion, most adults scoffed at the boys claims of zombie rats. But they can’t ignore the velociraptors rampaging through their streets leaving trails of glowing slime.

 Pea’s father is bitten while trying to capture the creatures and the infection is taking hold. Max, the talking cat, and now the O’Neil’s family pet, along with the boys and some believing adults must race against time to save Pea’s dad and stop another otherworldly invasion.

More fun and creative antics await you in this second installment in the Moto Maddie BMX series. Some of my favorite parts have to do with Pea’s two step-brothers They’re big bullies and love to torment Pea, taunting him, beating him up, and doing all this away from their parent’s prying eyes. Made me kind of wish the dinos would chomp them and reminded me, in a round about way, of Cinderella. LOL

Just like in the first book, there’s plenty of action and creative solution solving to keep you laughing and cheering on the characters. I hope the author keeps this series rolling.




When Pea opened a portal and the alien cat, Max Gigan, jumped through from another dimension, he certainly didn’t expect the talking tomcat to stay on as a family pet. He soon learns it can come in handy to have a fur ball from an alternate universe around when his friend re-opens the portal letting in vampire velociraptors who want to slime and eat the whole city!

Pea’s dad is one of the first infected. But his dear old dad isn’t the only one. The dinosaurs escape the museum where the portal opened, and rampage through Milwaukee. As Pea’s dad gets sicker, the BMX gang joins together with the feline army to corner the raptors and use them to develop an antidote. But Pea’s meddling step-monster brothers threaten to ruin everything! A city wide alert goes out for the misidentified “turkeys” while Pea and his gang try to stay ahead of the hunt.

Can the kids capture the dinos and get them home before they control everyone with their vampire powers? Will Pea’s dad remain infected forever? Join Pea and his gang in their battle against the SLIME SPEWING VAMPIRE VELOCIRAPTORS.


Flying Mutant Zombie Rats

Moto Maddie BMX Portal #1

by Kat de Falla


Pub. Date: December 2, 2018
Publisher: Kat de Falla
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 132
Find it: GoodreadsAmazonB&NiBooksTBD

My Review

 I confess, the cool cover and title were the first things to catch my attention. Once I read the blurb, I was in for the fun.

Pea O’Neil is stoked. Summer vacation is starting today and the super cool new BMX track is open and calling his name. He’s been practicing his back flip and can’t wait to show off with his friends. He’s nailing it until…. something knocks him flying. He’s accidentally opened a portal to another dimension and nasty mutant zombie rats come pouring out, eyes glowing red, teeth gnashing, and they have wings.

It’s a race against time to stop the horde of rats, especially after his cranky neighbor gets bitten and starts to act strange.

This brought back so many memories for me. That last day of school, the last bell rings, and the mad dash to freedom. I lived on a dead end street and there were tons of kids in my neighborhood. Pea and his pals remind me many of the kids from back then. The camaraderie and competition between them brings on the excitement as they battle the otherworldly rats. I couldn’t help but laugh at some of the weapons they come up with.

Brave boys battling mutant zombie rats in order to save the world. And a smart aleck talking cat. What’s not to love?




Summer vacation is almost here! And Pea O’Neil is stoked to try out the new local BMX track which is finally open. He and his gang of friends can ride all summer long!

But when Pea tries a back flip, he unwittingly opens a portal to another dimension and hordes of flying mutant zombie rats are unleashed upon the city. With the help of an otherworldly talking cat sent to help prevent the demise of humankind, Pea and his friends must hunt down the hungry mutants and send them back before the portal closes.

But when the zombie rats attack a neighbor man, the boys have to enlist the help of a graveyard looney and the city’s stray cats. With time running out, Pea and his gang track the monsters to the city’s sewer system. But in the city sewer of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it’s eat…or get eaten.


Author Kat de Falla


Kat was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she learned to roller skate, ride a banana seat bike, and love Shakespeare. She holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is happily employed as a retail pharmacist. She is married to her soul mate, composer Lee de Falla and raising four kids together ala the Brady Bunch. The Seer’s Lover was Kat’s first book and she is working feverishly on four different series at the moment!

Register for her newsletter to learn about her upcoming projects and find out about deals and giveaways at

Kat is so much an extravert that she has come full circle and enjoys her alone time as much as her social adventures. Connect with Kat (who does indeed love cats!)

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Follow the tour.

Week One:

1/28/2019- Kelly P’s BlogExcerpt

1/29/2019- Lone Tree ReviewsReview

1/30/2019- Savings in SecondsReview

1/31/2019- Character Madness and MusingsSpotlight

2/1/2019- Dazzled by BooksExcerpt


Week Two:

2/4/2019- FUONLYKNEWReview

2/5/2019- BookHounds YAInterview

2/6/2019- Adventures Thru WonderlandReview

2/7/2019- Owl Always Be ReadingExcerpt

2/8/2019- The Pages In-BetweenReview


Week Three:

2/11/2019- Wonder StruckReview

2/12/2019- Novel NoviceExcerpt

2/13/2019- Book-KeepingReview

2/14/2019- Twirling Book PrincessExcerpt

2/15/2019- Always MeReview


Week Four:

2/18/2019- Two Chicks on BooksExcerpt

2/19/2019- Good Choice ReadingSpotlight

2/20/2019- ParajunkeeExcerpt

2/21/2019- Jaime’s WorldExcerpt

2/22/2019- CoffeeCocktailsandBooks BlogReview



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gennifer banner

Author: Gennifer Choldenko, Églantine Ceulemans (Illustrations)
Pub. Date: January 29, 2019
Publisher: Wendy Lamb Books
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
Pages: 224
Find it: GoodreadsAmazonAudibleB&N iBooks / TBD

gennifer cover

A funny, fast-paced, and heartfelt story from the Newbery Honor-winning author of the Al Capone series.

Fifth grade is not for amateurs, according to Liam. Luckily, he knows that being more than one-third nerd is not cool. Liam lives in the Bay area near San Francisco with his mom and two younger sisters. Dakota is fascinated by science and has a big personality but struggles to make friends; Izzy, a child with Down syndrome, makes friends easily and notices things that go past everyone else. Dad lives across town, but he’s over a lot. And then there’s Cupcake, their lovable German shepherd, who guards their basement apartment.

Recently, Cupcake has a problem–she’s peeing in the house. The kids need to make enough money to take her to the vet before their landlord upstairs finds out. And Mom and Dad have said if Cupcake doesn’t stop, they will find her a new home. But the kids will never let Cupcake go. Can they save her?

About Gennifer:

Choldenko is best known for her Tales from Alcatraz series, which has sold more than 2 million copies. Book #1: Al Capone Does My Shirts was a Newbery Honor Book and the recipient of twenty other awards. Book #4: Al Capone Throws Me a Curve is due out in 2018. BookPage said of her most recent novel, Chasing Secrets: “Choldenko’s ability to research obscure yet intriguing topics is uncanny, and as she did with the popular Al Capone trilogy she turns a tough topic into a high interest read … a compelling work of historical fiction.” Gennifer lives with her loyal husband and naughty dog in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Tour Schedule:
Week One:
1/21/2018- Savings in Seconds– Review
1/21/2018- Novel Novice– Excerpt

1/22/2018- Twirling Book Princess– Review
1/22/2018- FUONLYKNEW– Spotlight

1/23/2018- Miss Magee’s Reads – Review
1/23/2018- Little Red Reads– Excerpt

1/24/2018- Character Madness and Musings– Excerpt
1/24/2018- Here’s to Happy Endings– Review

1/25/2018- Dazzled by Books– Excerpt
1/25/2018- Rhythmicbooktrovert– Review

Week Two:
1/28/2019- BookHounds YA– Review
1/28/2019- Ogitchida Kwe’s Book Blog– Excerpt

1/29/2019- Feed Your Fiction Addiction– Review
1/29/2019- Wonder Struck– Review

1/30/2019- Nerdophiles– Review
1/30/2019- Texan Holly Reads– Review

1/31/2019- Such A Novel Idea– Review
1/31/2019- For the Love of KidLit– Interview

2/1/2019- Owl Always Be Reading– Excerpt
2/1/2019- Two Points of Interest– Review


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing another fun children’s book by Henry Herz.


Good Egg And Bad Apple

Written by Henry Herz

Illustrations by Luke Graber


Genre: Children’s Book


My Review

Henry Herz uses fruit and vegetables sharing space in the refrigerator to show that bullying isn’t the best way to go and that, with a little bit of imagination and creative thinking, you can show someone the right path.


An apple a day isn’t always a good thing. Especially when Bad Apple has a sidekick like Second Banana. They’ve got everyone in the fridge either running or hiding. Good Egg will have to come out of his shell to chill things out.


It’s one foodie antic after another. The veggies get steamed up and the romaine wilts in fear. And Second Banana slips on his own peel.


I may not be a youngster but I can tell when they will love a story. Good Egg and Bad Apple has a  bunch of adorable illustrations and veggie puns that make this lesson in bullying fun.

My reading experience included giggles and snorts.  And now I wonder what I’d see if I snuck a peek in my fridge. Would everything be getting along or would there be a mess to clean up.




Not all the foods in the refrigerator get along like peas in a pod. The vegetables are steamed, and Bad Apple and Second Banana are the problem. Good Egg suggests his friends try different responses to these two bullies. They try hiding, then standing their ground. At first, Good Egg’s tactics don’t bear fruit. Only by using his noodle does Good Egg avoid getting scrambled and save his friends’ bacon. In this story told on two levels, young readers will be entertained by the hijinks of the anthropomorphic food characters and will appreciate the allegory about not letting one bad apple spoil the bunch. Adult readers are served plenty of food for thought with hilarious gastronomical idioms and puns. An author’s note explaining all the wordplay adds English language educational opportunities.

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Curse Of The Zombie Zoo

by Erik Masterson


Genre:  Children’s Book / Horror


My Review

I confess, the cover and title got me to grab this without even reading the blurb to see what it was about.

It’s a rather wondering story with a group of kids trying to find some adventure. One thing leads to another and they stumble upon a long abandoned zoo. Imagine their shock when they discover the animals are still there, along with their caretakers, but they are undead. Okay, this had me perking up since the beginning of the book was a bit slow. Things picked up quickly and I became very curious where the author would take the story from here on out.

While tagged as horror, it was more of an adventure and mystery as someone is keeping the zoo’s inhabitants trapped. I liked the characters and the story brought back memories of when I was young and also looking for an adventure. Never stumbled on a zombie zoo though.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes. Though it was a bit slow at the start. Would I read this author again? Yes. I would be willing to try another story.




Abby Pruitt and her brothers, Philip and Sam, discover an abandoned zoo in the woods. A zoo where the dead find no rest and myth and magic mingle with the real world.

The Pruitt children are drawn to the forgotten zoo of Forest Heights that is host to the undead animals and people that died there so long ago. An ancient curse holds them all to this place.

They make friends among the undead at the zoo, and they discover that old grudges and mysteries linger long after death. Disarray and upheaval quickly follow the children to the abandoned zoo and things go horribly wrong before the curse is broken.

From summer vacation to the snow days of Christmas Philip, Sam, and Abby do their best to help their undead friends at the zoo…even if it means letting them go forever.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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Peet Banner

Peet, the Creature with Big Feet

by Leo Aquino

Peet cover


Peet is a big footed creature who is always on the run. He’s constantly hiding because he’s scared of what the other animals may think of him and his big feet. He can barely sleep at night because his struggle with insecurities never rests.

One night he was so tired from running that he managed to fall asleep. The next morning Peet wakes up and spots an unusual sight. He sees Squirrel and other animals heading west together. Peet decides to hide and wait for the animals to head over the hill where they could not see him.

Though when Peet feels secure with the animals gone, he spots a forest fire heading his way from the horizon. With no hesitation, Peet quickly runs towards the water to save himself. But when he has a moment to reflect, he realizes that he’s done something awful. He’s left all the animals behind who know nothing about the forest fire heading their way. Peet had to make a choice: Stay put and be safe? Or, head back and save the others?

Peet takes a deep breath and makes the right call. With the power of his large feet, he makes it back to the group of animals before the fire is able to. He tells the animals that a forest fire is heading their way and there no time to waste. The animals panic, but Squirrel comes up with a great idea. He suggests that Peet use his big feet to smash a large rock blocking their only exit. Peet steps up and gives the rock a great kick and breaks it with one swift hit.

Peet heroically leads the group of animals straight to safety over the water. Seeing rain clouds heading directly over the forest fire makes the group feel a sense of relief.

Squirrel reassures Peet that he shouldn’t be ashamed of his feet and it’s ok to be different. All the animals in the forest are unique too. Peet never has to hide again because from now on they are all friends.



Leo is running a KICKSTARTER Campaign for PEET, THE CREATURE WITH BIG FEET from now until October 15th. Check out the video at the LINK and help make this amazing book come to life!

Peet author

Leo Aquino grew up in the Bay Area. As a boy, he loved drawing his favorite cartoons, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dragon Ball Z. He hoped that someday he could grow up and draw for a living. Now, he is lucky to have been working as a professional artist for eleven years. From Disney Interactive to Jam City, Leo has had the opportunity to illustrate iconic characters such as Snoopy and Charlie Brown, Belle & the Beast, and the whole cast of Monsters Inc. to name a few.

Most recently, Leo was inspired by his many nieces and nephews to write and illustrate his first children’s book, “Peet, the Creature with Big Feet.” Leo hopes that his art and stories can inspire the next generation to shake off their fears and follow their dreams.

When Leo is not illustrating, he loves longboarding and making pizza in the Napolitano style. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his girlfriend and their cat, Charlie.


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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m taking you on quest.

Sleep, Merel, Sleep

by Silke Stein



Genre: Children’s Book

My Review

Merel is miserable. Ever since her parents brought her sick baby brother home, she’s invisible to them. They’re so busy caring for him, they have no time for their little girl. Throwing a tantrum causes her sleep to leave. Now she can’t rest until she gets it back.

While picking up her things after her fit, Merel discovers a tiny violin. Thus begins her adventure to find her sleep and maybe find her place in the family again.

Merel was such a brave little girl. She set off on her own and faced many strange beings and some unusual situations in her quest. Every now and then I came across a nugget of knowledge, something that connected Merel’s problems on her quest with things she must deal with at home. The author cleverly wove them into the story and, after coming across one, I was on my own quest to discover more.

This was a story of adventure, hope, accepting and growing up. I found each chapter filled with fun and excitement.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes, indeed. I was charmed. Would I recommend it? With all my little girl at heart.




Who wants to be awake forever?

Life has changed for eight-year-old Merel. Since the birth of her sick baby brother, her parents seem to have forgotten she exists. But when she finds a tiny silver violin in her bedroom rug, things take a turn for the worse.

Merel learns that her sleep has abandoned her and that she must embark on a perilous journey to recover it or stay awake forever. Together with her devoted toy sheep Roger, tired Merel sets out in search of Lullaby Grove. Before long, she finds herself haunted by a scary stranger.

Follow Merel into a surreal world. Meet a sleepy king with an obsession for feathers and a transparent old man on a night train going nowhere. Discover why the moonfish cry, why you should never walk across the Great Yawns ― and if poor Merel can escape her pursuer, win back her sleep, and realize what matters most in her life.

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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m taking you deep down in the ocean. It’s a fishy tale, indeed.

How The Squid Got Two Long Arms

by Henry Herz

Art by Luke Graber



Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book

My Review

  Squid have ten arms. Ever wonder why two of them are longer than the others? Henry Herz has a tale to tell.


A  squid with only a flashy silver scarf to keep him warm in the cold ocean snatches a sweater from a sleeping octopus.


He then comes across a  fiddler crab minding his own business and swoops in and takes his mitten.


Then he spies a sea dweller with a hat. Oh, he really needs that hat. What happens next changes the little thief forever and will stretch your imagination. And a sneaky little fish may be the next story you want to “sea.”

This was an adorable tale about bad actions having consequences. The naughty little squid was quite the thief. The more he took, the more he wanted and the sea sure was bountiful.

The fabulous pictures help tell the story. They’re so colorful and bold that the creatures look like they could swim right out of the pages. I was showing them to my son and he suggested something fun. We turned out all the lights so it was very dark. Then we read the book using a flashlight. It really felt like we were in the dark ocean. I have the print copy and it’s large, like a magazine, with lovely textured pages. The author includes some interesting facts and photos about squid at the end of the book. As much a learning tool as pure enjoyment, this story drew me back more than once.




Author Henry Herz tells a clever story about a selfish squid who pays the price for stretching the patience of his fellow sea creatures thin. The tale trails a shivering squid swimming through the cold waters of winter who spots a cozy looking sweater. Although it belongs to an octopus, the squid makes off with the sweater. Still not cozy, the squid keeps swimming and helping himself to more clothes to keep himself warm, until the true owners of the clothes come after him with dire consequences! This charming new twist on a pourquoi tale is complete with colorful comic book style illustrations and scientific information about real life squids that will interest readers of all ages!

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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing a collection of illustrated poems by a talented brother and sister writing team.

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20 Degrees From Normal

Creative Poems For All Ages

by Anissa and Antonio Ferris

20 Degrees from Normal: Creative Poems for All Ages by [Ferris, Anissa, Ferris, Antonio]


Genre: Poetry / Illustrated Chidlren’s Book

My Review

 Anissa and Antonio Ferris, sister and brother teen writers, show a lot of imagination in their poems dealing with situations kids face in their every day lives. Younger readers and teens will surely relate to some of the messages presented in them. I sure did with Fly Invader and Inverse Nurse. My son’s favorites were Pet Rex and Pet Spider.

The vibrant and fun illustrations by Fanny Liem connect you with each poem. They pop right off the pages.

Sweet and funny, this rhyming book, whether read together or alone, will become a family favorite.




By teens for teens. Who better understands teens than teens themselves? In this funny poem collection siblings, Anissa and Antonio Ferris, explore a plethora of subjects.
You will be amused be the rant of an unappreciated wheel.  You’ll relate to the alarm clock failing to work. You’ll acknowledge the wisdom of the lighthouse.  You’ll laugh at the battle with the fly.  You’ll ponder the joys of friendship.  You’ll be amused by what happens to those who are unprepared. You’ll marvel at what a best gift is. You’ll laugh at the havoc a pet rex would create. You’ll be amused by the shampoo phenomenon.  You’ll nod your head as you read the teenagers’ and the parents’ point of view. And many more! Whether you’re a high school freshman or senior, scroll up and grab your copy now to finally enjoy a book by authors who get you!

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John William and the Bandits of Basswood by Elizabeth Parkinson Bellows

John William Drake was born an explorer; just like many, many Drakes before him. His adventure really began with the discovery of an old book hidden in the ceiling of the Drake home, followed by the mysterious disappearance of his father. He lived everyday in misery until his twelfth birthday. A new friend gave him an invitation he could not turn down… follow me and change your destiny.
He never imagined being captured by bandits and taken to a ship riddled with river rats was part of his fate. Not just any bandits – the Bandits of Basswood; known to be a ruthless and wild crew of thieves. Trying to escape would be a ridiculous idea. No one has ever escaped and lived to tell about it. Uncovering traces of his missing father gave him hope and upped the stakes. John William was determined to get off the ship alive and search for the missing pieces of the puzzle. The chase out of Basswood was on. He took a chance to change his destiny and ended up on a wild ride to solve the most important mystery of his life.


Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Praise for the Book

“The imaginative world created by the author is especially fun. Some animals can talk (with attitude!), magic is in the air and emu-like creatures provide fast transportation. Yes, I realize this series is for children- and they can certainly read it. Just as soon as I’m finished.”

“A simple walk into the world of furry and fairy alike. Enjoyed the character building, as the young boy finds himself in a world with furry pirates, and a feisty fairy princess.”

“Love this book! Great kids book!”


Walking the Plank

“Stand up!” A bandit marched down the steps into the cabin. “You two are coming with me.” He dragged both of them up to the top.

“Just stay quiet. Let me handle this,” Ferdinand whispered.

John William nodded. He was too frightened to speak. The deck crawled with river pirates and bandits wearing sour, drunken scowls on their faces.

“Toss them overboard! We have no use for them now!” The bandits cheered as they pushed John William and Ferdinand onto a thick plank of wood sticking out over the side of the boat.

“Wait!” One of the river pirates stepped forward with his chest out. “That boy is the princess’s friend. He could be worth something, Victor,” he bellowed with an extra deep voice. He certainly looked tough enough – with a chiseled face, broad frame, and big muscles. Even his slicked back, pony-tailed hair looked strong to John William. He began to feel a glimmer of hope.

“Nonsense!” The stout, vicious looking badger pressed a blade into John William’s back. “Move, boy!” He let out a malicious laugh and glared at Ferdinand. “I love to cook hoppers. They make a tasty stew.” He moved the blade over to Ferdinand’s plump belly and rubbed the nub at the end of his wrist where a hand used to be along his whiskers. “Be careful. You don’t want to fall into this blade; it would make a terrible mess.”

John William inched forward, watching the rushing water beneath him. “This is the princess’s betrothed! They are to be married when they are old enough,” Ferdinand blurted. He squeezed his eyes shut as if he expected to be boiled in a fat river pirate’s stew at any moment.



Author Elizabeth Bellows

Um, let’s see… when I was eight, I had a pet turkey. I used to take it with me on my very short lived paper route. Needless to say, I was terrible at delivering the paper. No one wanted a “Dollar Saver” with turkey poop splattered across the front page. Apparently that’s where the best coupons are.
Books… well, “Treasure Island” is a fantastic pirate tale. I love just about anything by Roald Dahl. I would also like to thank C.S Lewis for sending me on an unrelenting childhood quest for portals to amazing worlds (even in the most unpleasant locations, e.g… the older brother’s closet, etc…)
I love to write… these days sneaking away just to use the bathroom is hard enough. Finding a quiet moment alone with my laptop is impossible. I’ve developed a talent for making airplane noises out the side of my mouth for my son while squeezing in a paragraph or two.
I write fantasy stories for children. Yep – I am a HUGE fantasy geek. I can’t help myself! It’s too darn awesome to escape to another realm with sorcerers and wizards. The underlying theme in my stories is empowerment, self love, and living purposefully.
When football is on I turn into a different person. I may even use a curse word or two… or three. I enjoy running; which is a good thing because I need to do it in order to fit into my jeans.
I love to cook and really, really love to eat. I have a theory that avocados actually contain super powers and have the amazing ability to make any snack epic. I also love garlic… which, according to my loved ones, also has an unfortunate super power … the pungent breath-inator… or something of that nature.
Few things make me smile more than chocolate, cheese, and a good bottle of vino… AND, if the Chargers would make it to the Super Bowl again – just once:)

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Ends 7/2/18

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