I’m always excited and sad when I reach the end of a series. This is the fifth and final book in the Aoleon The Martian Girl Saga.
Thanks so much for stopping by as I say farewell to these lovable characters and their fantastic adventures.
Book Title: Aoléon The Martian Girl: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Saga – Part 5: The Great Pyramid of Cydonia, written and illustrated by Brent LeVasseur
Category: Middle-Grade, 130 pages
Genre: Science-fiction and Fantasy
Publisher: Aoléon Press
Release date: February 1, 2015
Available for review in: PDF
Will send books: Internationally
Tour dates: May
Content Rating: G

This is it. The fifth and final book in the Aoleon The Martian Girl Saga. I’m excited and sad at the same time.
This author built a fantastic, vibrant world with characters that charmed you and adventures that were literally out of this world.
As with the other books, the illustrations are almost 3D and so visually brilliant you feel you could step into them. You’ll wish you could.
All of the characters come together in a grand finale to stop the evil plot to invade Earth and to save martians and humans alike.
In this end to the series, all questions are answered, secrets you didn’t even know were secrets are revealed, and there are many surprises and all the action and adventure you can handle.
I’m going to miss Aoleon and Gilbert and the entire cast of unique characters and creatures.
I like to imagine the author dreamed about this world he created and it’s wonderful characters. I hope he dreams up some thrilling worlds in the future.
5 Stars
Read part 5 to find out!
Click on the covers for my reviews of the first four books.
Until the next time…..
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