Yes, as the title says, there’s a madman across the water. But there’s something else, something in the woods. Something evil. It comes in the fog. It takes the children. They never return.
The thing in the woods has been around as long as the town folk can remember. But it’s never been this bad. Usually it’s a few people or children go missing. But this time is different. It’s leaving the woods, attacking people in their homes, at the hospital, and even at the police station. There’s nowhere you can hide. Running away doesn’t work.
It’s simple.
It wants you and it will have you.
I love horror. Been reading it since I was young. Give me a good scary story and I’m not available for hours.
This is a good one. A creeping fog. An ancient evil, a monster, in the woods. What more could I ask for?
Well, it takes a lot to creep me out. And this author did a great job of it.
I wanted a mystery behind the monster. I got that. It started over a hundred years ago.
I wanted things to escalate quickly. They did. People are taken at an alarming rate. That thing is insatiable.
I wanted no characters off limits. Got that too. Guess I should warn you here. The author doesn’t shy away from killing off her characters. So don’t get to attached.
I wanted a flawed hero. Got more than one of those. There’s the two brothers, their ancestors, their kids, some of the town folk. Many of them stepped up to play the part. A lot of them didn’t make it to the end of the story.
And, last but not least, I wanted a truly horrific monster. Boy, did I get that. The thing in the woods is terrifying. It goes wherever it wants. Playfully kills you, like tearing apart a rag doll. And if it lets you live, you’ll wish you were dead.
The authors description of how the thing looked was chillingly detailed. Take another look at the cover art. See that thing on the right? By the trees? That’s what’s in the woods. But by the time the author is finished describing it, you’ll see it up close, in all it’s hideous glory.
If you’re a horror fan. If you like it in your face. You’ll love this one.
5 Stars
A creepy, suspenseful saga of family, horror, and mystery, this is one story sure to leave you frightened of the woods at night, fog, and all things tall and slender.